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C# FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Windows.FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint方法的具体用法?C# FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint怎么用?C# FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Windows.FrameworkElement的用法示例。


示例1: StartDragDrop

        public void StartDragDrop(ItemsControl source, FrameworkElement sourceItemContainer, object draggedData, Point initialMousePosition)
            _topWindow = Window.GetWindow(source);
            Debug.Assert(_topWindow != null);
            _source = source;
            _sourceItemContainer = sourceItemContainer;
            _initialMousePosition = initialMousePosition;

            _initialMouseOffset = _initialMousePosition - _sourceItemContainer.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), _topWindow);

            var data = new DataObject(Format.Name, draggedData);

            // Adding events to the window to make sure dragged adorner comes up when mouse is not over a drop target.
            bool previousAllowDrop = _topWindow.AllowDrop;
            _topWindow.AllowDrop = true;
            _topWindow.DragEnter += TopWindow_DragEnter;
            _topWindow.DragOver += TopWindow_DragOver;
            _topWindow.DragLeave += TopWindow_DragLeave;

            DragDrop.DoDragDrop(_source, data, DragDropEffects.Move);

            // Without this call, there would be a bug in the following scenario: Click on a data item, and drag
            // the mouse very fast outside of the window. When doing this really fast, for some reason I don't get
            // the Window leave event, and the dragged adorner is left behind.
            // With this call, the dragged adorner will disappear when we release the mouse outside of the window,
            // which is when the DoDragDrop synchronous method returns.

            _topWindow.AllowDrop = previousAllowDrop;
            _topWindow.DragEnter -= TopWindow_DragEnter;
            _topWindow.DragOver -= TopWindow_DragOver;
            _topWindow.DragLeave -= TopWindow_DragLeave;

示例2: RotateThumb_DragStarted

        private void RotateThumb_DragStarted(object sender, DragStartedEventArgs e)
            adornedElement = this.AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Thumb hitThumb = sender as Thumb;

            if (adornedElement == null || hitThumb == null) return;
            parentElement = adornedElement.Parent as FrameworkElement;

            if (parentElement != null)
                this.centerPoint = adornedElement.TranslatePoint(
                                      new Point(adornedElement.Width * 0.5,
                                      adornedElement.Height * 0.5),

                Point startPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(parentElement);
                this.startVector = Point.Subtract(startPoint, this.centerPoint);

                this.rotateTransform = adornedElement.RenderTransform as RotateTransform;
                if (this.rotateTransform == null)
                    adornedElement.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(
                            0, adornedElement.Width * 0.5, adornedElement.Height * 0.5);

                    this.initialAngle = 0;
                    this.initialAngle = this.rotateTransform.Angle;

示例3: QueryContinueDrag

 /// <summary>
 /// ドラッグ中処理
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner"></param>
 public void QueryContinueDrag(FrameworkElement owner)
     if (Ghost != null) {
         var p = CursorInfo.GetNowPosition(owner);
         var loc = owner.PointFromScreen(owner.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)));
         Point renderedLocation = owner.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), Window.GetWindow(owner));
         Ghost.LeftOffset = p.X - loc.X - renderedLocation.X;
         Ghost.TopOffset = p.Y - loc.Y - renderedLocation.Y;

示例4: FixedPosition

        /// <summary>
        /// 定位
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        private void FixedPosition(FrameworkElement control, TipOrientation orientation, ContentControl Commain)
            int angleLength = 5;
            double tipWidht = tipCallout.Width;
            double tipHeight = tipCallout.Height;

            Point screenPoint = control.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), Commain);

            switch (orientation)
                case TipOrientation.up:
                    if (screenPoint.Y > tipHeight + angleLength &&
                        Commain.ActualWidth - screenPoint.X - tipWidht > 0)
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.up];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y - tipHeight - angleLength, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.upRight;
                case TipOrientation.upRight:
                    if (Commain.ActualWidth - screenPoint.X - control.ActualWidth / 2 > tipWidht &&
                        screenPoint.Y > tipHeight + angleLength
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.upRight];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2, screenPoint.Y - tipHeight - angleLength, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.right;
                case TipOrientation.right:
                    if (Commain.ActualWidth - screenPoint.X - control.ActualWidth > tipWidht + angleLength &&
                        Commain.ActualHeight - screenPoint.Y - tipHeight > 0)
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.right];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth + angleLength, screenPoint.Y, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.downRight;
                case TipOrientation.downRight:
                    if (Commain.ActualWidth - screenPoint.X - control.ActualWidth / 2 > tipWidht &&
                        Commain.ActualHeight - screenPoint.Y - control.ActualHeight > tipHeight + angleLength
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.downRight];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2, screenPoint.Y + control.ActualHeight + angleLength, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.down;
                case TipOrientation.down:
                    if (Commain.ActualHeight - screenPoint.Y - control.ActualHeight > tipHeight + angleLength &&
                        Commain.ActualWidth - screenPoint.X - tipWidht > 0
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.down];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y + control.ActualHeight + angleLength, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.downLeft;
                case TipOrientation.downLeft:
                    if (screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2 > tipWidht &&
                        Commain.ActualHeight - screenPoint.Y - control.ActualHeight > tipHeight + angleLength
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.downLeft];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2 - tipWidht, screenPoint.Y + control.ActualHeight + angleLength, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.left;
                case TipOrientation.left:
                    if (screenPoint.X > tipWidht + angleLength &&
                        Commain.ActualHeight - screenPoint.Y - tipHeight > 0)
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.left];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X - tipWidht - angleLength, screenPoint.Y, 0, 0);
                        goto case TipOrientation.upLeft;
                case TipOrientation.upLeft:
                    if (screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2 > tipWidht && screenPoint.Y > tipHeight + angleLength)
                        this.tipCallout.AnchorPoint = tipPosition[TipOrientation.upLeft];
                        this.Margin = new Thickness(screenPoint.X + control.ActualWidth / 2 - tipWidht, screenPoint.Y - tipHeight - angleLength, 0, 0);

示例5: OnDragStart

        internal void OnDragStart(FrameworkElement child, Point origin, Point position)
            if (child == null)

            Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                child.Opacity = DragOpacity;
                child.SetValue(ZIndexProperty, DragZ);
                // Dragging point within the moving element
                dragStart = new Point(origin.X * DragScale, origin.Y * DragScale);
                // Apply transform without moving the element
                Point translatePosition = child.TranslatePoint(new Point(-child.Margin.Left, -child.Margin.Top), this);
                child.RenderTransform = CreateTransform(translatePosition.X, translatePosition.Y, DragScale, DragScale);
                // Capture further mouse events
                // Record the initial position of the element
                dragSourcePage = GetPageIndex(position);
                dragSourceCell = GetCellIndex(position);
                dragging = child;

示例6: ComputeCardCenterPos

 /// <summary>
 /// Compute card position on global canvas such that the card center is aligned to the center of <paramref name="element"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="card">Card to be aligned.</param>
 /// <param name="element">FrameworkElement to be aligned to.</param>
 /// <returns>Position of card relative to global canvas.</returns>
 protected Point ComputeCardCenterPos(CardView card, FrameworkElement element)
     double width = element.ActualWidth;
     double height = element.ActualHeight;
     if (width == 0) width = element.Width;
     if (height == 0) height = element.Height;
     Point dest = element.TranslatePoint(new Point(element.Width / 2, element.Height / 2),
     dest.Offset(-card.Width / 2, -card.Height / 2);
     return dest;

示例7: ToTouchEventArgs

 /// <summary>
 /// Converts <see cref="ManipulationCompletedEventArgs" /> to <see cref="OxyMouseEventArgs" /> for a touch completed event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="ManipulationCompletedEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The <see cref="FrameworkElement"/> that is event source</param>
 /// <param name="relativeTo">The <see cref="UIElement" /> that the event is relative to.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The <see cref="Vector" /> offset that event is relative to.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="OxyMouseEventArgs" /> containing the converted event arguments.</returns>
 public static OxyTouchEventArgs ToTouchEventArgs(this ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e, FrameworkElement source, FrameworkElement relativeTo, Vector offset)
     return new OxyTouchEventArgs
         Position = (source.TranslatePoint(e.ManipulationOrigin, relativeTo) + offset).ToScreenPoint(),

示例8: GetTreeViewItemClicked

 private TreeViewItem GetTreeViewItemClicked(FrameworkElement sender, TreeView treeView)
     Point p = sender.TranslatePoint(new Point(1, 1), treeView);
     DependencyObject obj = treeView.InputHitTest(p) as DependencyObject;
     while (obj != null && !(obj is TreeViewItem)) {
         obj = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(obj);
     return obj as TreeViewItem;

示例9: ElementIsInContainer

 private bool ElementIsInContainer(FrameworkElement element, FrameworkElement container)
     var relativePosition = element.TranslatePoint(new Point(), container);
     return (relativePosition.X == 0) && (element.ActualWidth <= container.ActualWidth);

示例10: Center

 private void Center(FrameworkElement hex)
     if(hex == null)
     var centerPoint = center.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), root);
     var hexPoint = hex.TranslatePoint(new Point(hex.ActualWidth / 2.0, hex.ActualHeight / 2.0), root);
     var transform = list.RenderTransform as TranslateTransform; // = new TranslateTransform(centerPoint.X - hexPoint.X, centerPoint.Y - hexPoint.Y);
     if(transform == null)
         transform = new TranslateTransform();
         list.RenderTransform = transform;
     Duration duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3));
     var xAnimation = CreateDoubleAnimation(transform.X + centerPoint.X - hexPoint.X, duration);
     var yAnimation = CreateDoubleAnimation(transform.Y + centerPoint.Y - hexPoint.Y, duration);
     transform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, xAnimation);
     transform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.YProperty, yAnimation);
