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C# Vessel.GetObtVelocity方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Vessel.GetObtVelocity方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vessel.GetObtVelocity方法的具体用法?C# Vessel.GetObtVelocity怎么用?C# Vessel.GetObtVelocity使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Vessel的用法示例。


示例1: GetVelocity

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the velocity of the reference frame in world-space.
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector3d GetVelocity(ReferenceFrame referenceFrame, Vessel vessel)
     switch (referenceFrame) {
     case ReferenceFrame.Orbital:
     case ReferenceFrame.Maneuver:
         return Vector3d.zero;
     // Relative to the surface velocity vector
     case ReferenceFrame.Surface:
         return ((Vector3d)vessel.GetObtVelocity ()) - ((Vector3d)vessel.GetSrfVelocity ());
     // Relative to the target's velocity vector, or relative to the orbit if there is no target
     case ReferenceFrame.Target:
         throw new NotImplementedException ();
     // Relative to the negative surface normal of the target docking port, or relative to the target if the target is not a docking port
     case ReferenceFrame.Docking:
         throw new NotImplementedException ();
         throw new ArgumentException ("No such reference frame");

示例2: getVesselUpdate

        private KMPVesselUpdate getVesselUpdate(Vessel vessel, bool forceFullUpdate = false)
            if (vessel == null || vessel.mainBody == null)
                return null;

            if (vessel.id == Guid.Empty) vessel.id = Guid.NewGuid();

            //Create a KMPVesselUpdate from the vessel data
            KMPVesselUpdate update;
            //KMPClientMain.DebugLog("Vid: " + vessel.id);
            //KMPClientMain.DebugLog("foreFullUpdate: " + forceFullUpdate);
            //KMPClientMain.DebugLog("ParCountsContains: " + serverVessels_PartCounts.ContainsKey(vessel.id));
            //KMPClientMain.DebugLog("TimeDelta: " + ((UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastFullProtovesselUpdate) < FULL_PROTOVESSEL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT));
            //KMPClientMain.DebugLog("Throttle: " + (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.ctrlState.mainThrottle == 0f));

            //Check for new/forced update
            if (!forceFullUpdate //not a forced update
                && (serverVessels_PartCounts.ContainsKey(vessel.id) ?
                    (vessel.id != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.id || (UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastFullProtovesselUpdate) < FULL_PROTOVESSEL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT) //not active vessel, or full protovessel timeout hasn't passed
                    : false)) //have a serverVessels_PartCounts entry
                if ((serverVessels_PartCounts.ContainsKey(vessel.id) ? serverVessels_PartCounts[vessel.id] == vessel.Parts.Count : false) //Part count is the same
                    && (sentVessels_Situations.ContainsKey(vessel.id) ? (sentVessels_Situations[vessel.id] == vessel.situation) : false)) //Situation hasn't changed
                    if (!newFlags.ContainsKey(vessel.id))	//Not an un-updated flag
                        update = new KMPVesselUpdate(vessel,false);
                    else if ((UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - newFlags[vessel.id]) < 65f) //Is a flag, but plaque timeout hasn't expired
                        update = new KMPVesselUpdate(vessel,false);
                    else //Is a flag, plaque timeout has expired so grab full update
                        update = new KMPVesselUpdate(vessel);

                    //Vessel has changed
                    KMPClientMain.DebugLog("Full update: " + vessel.id);
                    update = new KMPVesselUpdate(vessel);
                    serverVessels_PartCounts[vessel.id] = vessel.Parts.Count;
                //New vessel or forced protovessel update
                update = new KMPVesselUpdate(vessel);
                if (vessel.id == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.id)
                    KMPClientMain.DebugLog("First or forced proto update for active vessel: " + vessel.id);
                    lastFullProtovesselUpdate = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                if (!vessel.packed) serverVessels_PartCounts[vessel.id] = vessel.Parts.Count;

            //Track vessel situation
            sentVessels_Situations[vessel.id] = vessel.situation;

            //Set privacy lock
            if (serverVessels_IsPrivate.ContainsKey(vessel.id)) update.isPrivate = serverVessels_IsPrivate[vessel.id];

            if (vessel.vesselName.Length <= MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH)
                update.name = vessel.vesselName;
                update.name = vessel.vesselName.Substring(0, MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH);

            update.player = playerName;
            update.id = vessel.id;
            update.tick = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            update.crewCount = vessel.GetCrewCount();

            if (serverVessels_RemoteID.ContainsKey(vessel.id)) update.kmpID = serverVessels_RemoteID[vessel.id];
                KMPClientMain.DebugLog("Generating new remote ID for vessel: " + vessel.id);
                Guid server_id = Guid.NewGuid();
                serverVessels_RemoteID[vessel.id] = server_id;
                update.kmpID = server_id;
                if (vessel.vesselType == VesselType.Flag)
                    newFlags[vessel.id] = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            Vector3 pos = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(vessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            Vector3 dir = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.up);
            Vector3 vel = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.GetObtVelocity());
            Vector3d o_vel = vessel.obt_velocity;
            Vector3d s_vel = vessel.srf_velocity;
            Quaternion rot = vessel.transform.rotation;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                update.pos[i] = pos[i];
                update.dir[i] = dir[i];
                update.vel[i] = vel[i];
                update.o_vel[i] = o_vel[i];
                update.s_vel[i] = s_vel[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

示例3: restoreVesselState

 private IEnumerator<WaitForFixedUpdate> restoreVesselState(Vessel vessel, Vector3 newWorldPos, Vector3 newOrbitVel)
     yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
     if (newWorldPos != Vector3.zero)
             vessel.transform.position = newWorldPos;
         if (newOrbitVel != Vector3.zero)
             Log.Debug("updating velocity");
             vessel.ChangeWorldVelocity((-1 * vessel.GetObtVelocity()) + newOrbitVel);

示例4: getVesselUpdate


            //Set privacy lock
            if (serverVessels_IsPrivate.ContainsKey(vessel.id)) update.isPrivate = serverVessels_IsPrivate[vessel.id];
            else update.isPrivate = false;

            if (vessel.vesselName.Length <= MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH)
                update.name = vessel.vesselName;
                update.name = vessel.vesselName.Substring(0, MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH);

            update.player = playerName;
            update.id = vessel.id;
            update.tick = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();

            if (serverVessels_RemoteID.ContainsKey(vessel.id)) update.kmpID = serverVessels_RemoteID[vessel.id];
                Log.Debug("Generating new remote ID for vessel: " + vessel.id);
                Guid server_id = Guid.NewGuid();
                serverVessels_RemoteID[vessel.id] = server_id;
                update.kmpID = server_id;
                if (vessel.vesselType == VesselType.Flag)
                    newFlags[vessel.id] = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (idOnlyUpdate) return update;

            update.crewCount = vessel.GetCrewCount();

            Vector3 pos = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(vessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            Vector3 dir = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.up);
            Vector3 vel = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.GetObtVelocity());
            Vector3d o_vel = vessel.obt_velocity;
            Vector3d s_vel = vessel.srf_velocity;
            Vector3 forw = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.forward);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                update.pos[i] = pos[i];
                update.dir[i] = dir[i];
                update.vel[i] = vel[i];
                update.o_vel[i] = o_vel[i];
                update.s_vel[i] = s_vel[i];
                update.rot[i] = forw[i];

            update.w_pos[0] = vessel.orbit.LAN;
            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED)
                update.w_pos[1] = vessel.latitude;
                update.w_pos[2] = vessel.longitude;

            //Determine situation
            if ((vessel.loaded && vessel.GetTotalMass() <= 0.0) || (vessel.vesselType == VesselType.Debris && vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.SUB_ORBITAL))
                update.situation = Situation.DESTROYED;
                switch (vessel.situation)

                    case Vessel.Situations.LANDED:
                        update.situation = Situation.LANDED;

示例5: getVesselUpdate

        private KLFVesselUpdate getVesselUpdate(Vessel vessel)
            if (vessel == null || vessel.mainBody == null)
                return null;

            //Create a KLFVesselUpdate from the vessel data
            KLFVesselUpdate update = new KLFVesselUpdate();

            if (vessel.vesselName.Length <= MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH)
                update.name = vessel.vesselName;
                update.name = vessel.vesselName.Substring(0, MAX_VESSEL_NAME_LENGTH);

            update.player = playerName;
            update.id = vessel.id;

            Vector3 pos = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(vessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            Vector3 dir = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.up);
            Vector3 vel = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.GetObtVelocity());

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                update.pos[i] = pos[i];
                update.dir[i] = dir[i];
                update.vel[i] = vel[i];

            //Determine situation
            if (vessel.loaded && vessel.GetTotalMass() <= 0.0)
                update.situation = Situation.DESTROYED;
                switch (vessel.situation)

                    case Vessel.Situations.LANDED:
                        update.situation = Situation.LANDED;

                    case Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED:
                        update.situation = Situation.SPLASHED;

                    case Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH:
                        update.situation = Situation.PRELAUNCH;

                    case Vessel.Situations.SUB_ORBITAL:
                        if (vessel.orbit.timeToAp < vessel.orbit.period / 2.0)
                            update.situation = Situation.ASCENDING;
                            update.situation = Situation.DESCENDING;

                    case Vessel.Situations.ORBITING:
                        update.situation = Situation.ORBITING;

                    case Vessel.Situations.ESCAPING:
                        if (vessel.orbit.timeToPe > 0.0)
                            update.situation = Situation.ENCOUNTERING;
                            update.situation = Situation.ESCAPING;

                    case Vessel.Situations.DOCKED:
                        update.situation = Situation.DOCKED;

                    case Vessel.Situations.FLYING:
                        update.situation = Situation.FLYING;

                        update.situation = Situation.UNKNOWN;


            if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
                update.state = State.ACTIVE;

                //Set vessel details since it's the active vessel
                update.detail = getVesselDetail(vessel);
            else if (vessel.isCommandable)
                update.state = State.INACTIVE;
                update.state = State.DEAD;

            update.timeScale = (float)Planetarium.TimeScale;
            update.bodyName = vessel.mainBody.bodyName;

            return update;

示例6: can_store

 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a vessel can be stored in the hangar right now.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vsl">A vessel to check</param>
 bool can_store(Vessel vsl)
     if(vsl == null || vsl == vessel || !vsl.enabled || vsl.isEVA) return false;
     //if hangar is not ready, return
     if(hangar_state == HangarState.Inactive)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Activate the hangar first", 3);
         return false;
     //check self state first
     case ClearToSaveStatus.NOT_WHILE_ABOUT_TO_CRASH:
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Cannot accept the vessel while about to crush", 3);
         return false;
     //always check relative velocity and acceleration
     Vector3 rv = vessel.GetObtVelocity()-vsl.GetObtVelocity();
     if(rv.magnitude > 1f)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Cannot accept a vessel with a relative speed higher than 1m/s", 3);
         return false;
     Vector3 ra = vessel.acceleration - vsl.acceleration;
     if(ra.magnitude > 0.1)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Cannot accept an accelerating vessel", 3);
         return false;
     return true;

示例7: hangar_is_ready

 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a vessel can be stored in the hangar right now.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vsl">A vessel to check</param>
 bool hangar_is_ready(Vessel vsl)
     if(vsl == null || vsl == vessel || !vsl.enabled || vsl.isEVA) return false;
     //if hangar is not ready, return
     if(hangar_state == HangarState.Inactive)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Activate the hangar first");
         return false;
     //always check relative velocity and acceleration
     Vector3 rv = vessel.GetObtVelocity()-vsl.GetObtVelocity();
     if(rv.sqrMagnitude > HangarConfig.Globals.MaxSqrRelVelocity)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Cannot accept a moving vessel");
         return false;
     Vector3 ra = vessel.acceleration - vsl.acceleration;
     if(ra.sqrMagnitude > HangarConfig.Globals.MaxSqrRelAcceleration)
         ScreenMessager.showMessage("Cannot accept an accelerating vessel");
         return false;
     return true;

示例8: GetForwardNotNormalized

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the forward vector for the given reference frame in world coordinates.
 /// The resulting vector is not normalized.
 /// </summary>
 static Vector3d GetForwardNotNormalized(ReferenceFrame referenceFrame, Vessel vessel)
     switch (referenceFrame) {
     // Relative to the orbital velocity vector
     //case ReferenceFrame.Orbital:
     //    return vessel.GetObtVelocity ();
     // Relative to the surface velocity vector
     //case ReferenceFrame.Surface:
     //    return vessel.GetSrfVelocity ();
     // Relative to the surface / navball
     case ReferenceFrame.Orbital:
     case ReferenceFrame.Surface:
             var up = GetUp (referenceFrame, vessel);
             var exclude = vessel.mainBody.position + ((Vector3d)vessel.mainBody.transform.up) * vessel.mainBody.Radius - ((Vector3d)vessel.CoM);
             return Vector3d.Exclude (up, exclude);
     // Relative to the direction of the burn for a maneuver node, or relative to the orbit if there is no node
     case ReferenceFrame.Maneuver:
             if (vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0)
                 return vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes [0].GetBurnVector (vessel.orbit);
                 return GetForward (ReferenceFrame.Orbital, vessel);
     // Relative to the target's velocity vector, or relative to the orbit if there is no target
     case ReferenceFrame.Target:
             var target = FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget;
             if (target != null)
                 return ((Vector3d)vessel.GetObtVelocity ()) - ((Vector3d)target.GetObtVelocity ());
                 return GetForward (ReferenceFrame.Orbital, vessel);
     // Relative to the direction to the target, or relative to the orbit if there is no target
     //case ReferenceFrame.Target:
     //    {
     //        var target = FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget;
     //        if (target != null)
     //            // TODO: use the center of control instead of v.CoM?
     //            return target.GetTransform ().position - vessel.CoM;
     //        else
     //            return GetForward (ReferenceFrame.Orbital, vessel);
     //    }
     // Relative to the negative surface normal of the target docking port, or relative to the target if the target is not a docking port
     case ReferenceFrame.Docking:
         throw new NotImplementedException ();
         throw new ArgumentException ("No such reference frame");

示例9: writeVesselUpdateToFile

        private void writeVesselUpdateToFile(KSP.IO.FileStream out_stream, Vessel vessel)
            if (!vessel || !vessel.mainBody)

            //Create a KLFVesselUpdate from the vessel data
            KLFVesselUpdate update = new KLFVesselUpdate();

            update.vesselName = vessel.vesselName;
            update.ownerName = playerName;
            update.id = vessel.id;

            Vector3 pos = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(vessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            Vector3 dir = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.transform.up);
            Vector3 vel = vessel.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.GetObtVelocity());

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                update.localPosition[i] = pos[i];
                update.localDirection[i] = dir[i];
                update.localVelocity[i] = vel[i];

            update.situation = vessel.situation;

            if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
                update.state = Vessel.State.ACTIVE;
            else if (vessel.isCommandable)
                update.state = Vessel.State.INACTIVE;
                update.state = Vessel.State.DEAD;

            update.timeScale = Planetarium.TimeScale;
            update.bodyName = vessel.mainBody.bodyName;

            //Serialize the update
            byte[] update_bytes = KSP.IO.IOUtils.SerializeToBinary(update);

            //Write the length of the serialized to the stream
            writeIntToStream(out_stream, update_bytes.Length);

            //Write the serialized update to the stream
            out_stream.Write(update_bytes, 0, update_bytes.Length);

示例10: GetVesselUpdate

        private KLFVesselUpdate GetVesselUpdate(Vessel ves)
            if (ves == null || ves.mainBody == null)
                return null;
            //Create a KLFVesselUpdate from the vessel data
            KLFVesselUpdate update = new KLFVesselUpdate();
            if (ves.vesselName.Length <= MaxVesselNameLength)
                update.Name = ves.vesselName;
                update.Name = ves.vesselName.Substring(0, MaxVesselNameLength);

            update.Player = PlayerName;
            update.Id = ves.id;
            Vector3 pos = ves.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(ves.GetWorldPos3D());
            Vector3 dir = ves.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(ves.transform.up);
            Vector3 vel = ves.mainBody.transform.InverseTransformDirection(ves.GetObtVelocity());
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                update.Position[i] = pos[i];
                update.Direction[i] = dir[i];
                update.Velocity[i] = vel[i];

            //Determine situation
            if (ves.loaded && ves.GetTotalMass() <= 0.0)
                update.Situation = Situation.Destroyed;
                switch (ves.situation)
                case Vessel.Situations.LANDED:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Landed;
                case Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Splashed;
                case Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Prelaunch;
                case Vessel.Situations.SUB_ORBITAL:
                    if (ves.orbit.timeToAp < ves.orbit.period / 2.0)
                        update.Situation = Situation.Ascending;
                        update.Situation = Situation.Descending;
                case Vessel.Situations.ORBITING:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Orbiting;
                case Vessel.Situations.ESCAPING:
                    if (ves.orbit.timeToPe > 0.0)
                        update.Situation = Situation.Encountering;
                        update.Situation = Situation.Escaping;
                case Vessel.Situations.DOCKED:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Docked;
                case Vessel.Situations.FLYING:
                    update.Situation = Situation.Flying;
                    update.Situation = Situation.Unknown;

            if (ves == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
                update.State = State.Active;
                //Set vessel details since it's the active vessel
                update.Detail = GetVesselDetail(ves);
            else if (ves.isCommandable)
                update.State = State.Inactive;
                update.State = State.Dead;

            update.TimeScale = (float)Planetarium.TimeScale;
            update.BodyName = ves.mainBody.bodyName;
            return update;
