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C# UIPanel.AddUIComponent方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UIPanel.AddUIComponent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# UIPanel.AddUIComponent方法的具体用法?C# UIPanel.AddUIComponent怎么用?C# UIPanel.AddUIComponent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UIPanel的用法示例。


示例1: MakeCheckbox

        public static UICheckBox MakeCheckbox(UIPanel panel, string name, string text, Vector2 position, bool value,
            CheckboxSetValue setValue)
            var label = panel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
            label.name = name;
            label.text = text;
            label.relativePosition = position;
            label.textScale = 0.8f;
            label.textColor = Color.black;

            var checkbox = panel.AddUIComponent<UICheckBox>();
            checkbox.AlignTo(label, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft);
            checkbox.relativePosition = new Vector3(checkbox.relativePosition.x + 274.0f, checkbox.relativePosition.y - 2.0f);
            checkbox.size = new Vector2(16.0f, 16.0f);
            checkbox.isVisible = true;
            checkbox.canFocus = true;
            checkbox.isInteractive = true;

            if (setValue != null)
                checkbox.eventCheckChanged += (component, newValue) => setValue(newValue);

            var uncheckSprite = checkbox.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            uncheckSprite.size = new Vector2(16.0f, 16.0f);
            uncheckSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            uncheckSprite.spriteName = "check-unchecked";
            uncheckSprite.isVisible = true;

            var checkSprite = checkbox.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            checkSprite.size = new Vector2(16.0f, 16.0f);
            checkSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            checkSprite.spriteName = "check-checked";

            checkbox.isChecked = value;
            checkbox.checkedBoxObject = checkSprite;
            return checkbox;

示例2: MakeButton

        public static UIButton MakeButton(UIPanel panel, string name, string text, Vector2 position, ButtonClicked clicked)
            var button = panel.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
            button.name = name;
            button.text = text;
            button.relativePosition = position;
            button.size = new Vector2(200.0f, 24.0f);
            button.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
            button.disabledBgSprite = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
            button.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
            button.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
            button.pressedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuPressed";
            button.textScale = 0.8f;

            button.eventClick += (component, param) => clicked();

            return button;

示例3: Awake

        public override void Awake()
            size = new Vector2(5, 5);
            anchor = UIAnchorStyle.Top;

            helpBg = AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
            helpBg.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";

            helpBg.color = new Color32(0, 0, 120, 200);
            helpBg.area = new Vector4(10, 65, 230, 70);

            usageText =  helpBg.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
            usageText.relativePosition = new Vector2(5, 5);
            usageText.textScale = 0.6f;
            usageText.text =
                "Left Click to see all Trafic\n" +
                "Right Click to see traffic for one direction\n" +
                "Shift + Right Click for the other direction\n" +
                "Hover over other roads to see how much is \n" +
                "going through that location.\n";

            reportBreakDown = AddUIComponent<BreakdownPanel>();
            reportBreakDown.title.text = "Selected";
            reportBreakDown.title.tooltip = "A breakdown of all traffic going through the selected road segement";
            reportBreakDown.isVisible = false;
            reportBreakDown.relativePosition = new Vector2(10, 150);
            reportBreakDown.eventHighlightType += (String s) =>
                if (eventHighlightType != null)

            highlightBreakDown = AddUIComponent<BreakdownPanel>();
            highlightBreakDown.title.text = "...highlighted";
            highlightBreakDown.isVisible = false;
            highlightBreakDown.relativePosition = new Vector2(220, 150);


示例4: Start

        //public void ButtonEnabler(UITextureSprite sPrite) {
        //if (sPrite == FavCimsCBMenuSprite) {
        //FavCimsCBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsCBETexture;
        //FavCimsBBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsBBDTexture;
        //FavCimsSBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsSBDTexture;
        //} else if (sPrite == FavCimsBBMenuSprite) {
        //FavCimsCBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsCBDTexture;
        //FavCimsBBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsBBETexture;
        //FavCimsSBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsSBDTexture;
        //} else if (sPrite == FavCimsSBMenuSprite) {
        //FavCimsCBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsCBDTexture;
        //FavCimsBBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsBBDTexture;
        //FavCimsSBMenuSprite.texture = FavCimsSBETexture;
        public override void Start()
            var uiView = UIView.GetAView();

            this.name = "FavCimsPanel";
            this.width = 1200;
            this.height = 700;
            this.opacity = 0.95f;
            this.eventVisibilityChanged += (component, value) => change_visibility_event ();

            //Main Panel BG Texture
            Texture FavCimsMainBGTexture = ResourceLoader.loadTexture ((int)this.width, (int)this.height, "UIMainPanel.mainbg.png");
            FavCimsMainBGTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            FavCimsMainBGTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
            //FavCimsMainBGTexture.anisoLevel = 9; Set 1 Bad to 9 Very God
            FavCimsMainBGTexture.name = "FavCimsMainBGTexture";
            UITextureSprite FavCimsMainBGSprite;
            FavCimsMainBGSprite = this.AddUIComponent<UITextureSprite> ();
            FavCimsMainBGSprite.name = "FavCimsMainBGSprite";
            FavCimsMainBGSprite.texture = FavCimsMainBGTexture;
            FavCimsMainBGSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3 (0, 0);

            FavCimsMainBGSprite.eventMouseDown += delegate {
                if (Input.GetMouseButton (0)) {
                    if (this.GetComponentInChildren<WindowController> () != null) {
                        this.PanelMover = this.GetComponentInChildren<WindowController> ();
                        this.PanelMover.ComponentToMove = this;
                        this.PanelMover.Stop = false;
                        this.PanelMover.Start ();
                    } else {
                        this.PanelMover = this.AddUIComponent (typeof(WindowController)) as WindowController;
                        this.PanelMover.ComponentToMove = this;
                    this.opacity = 0.5f;

            FavCimsMainBGSprite.eventMouseUp += delegate {
                if (this.PanelMover != null) {
                    this.PanelMover.Stop = true;
                    this.PanelMover.ComponentToMove = null;
                    this.PanelMover = null;
                this.opacity = 1f;

            //Main Panel Title Texture
            Texture FavCimsTitleTexture;
            FavCimsTitleTexture = ResourceLoader.loadTexture ((int)this.width, 58, "UIMainPanel.favcimstitle.png");

            FavCimsTitleTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            FavCimsTitleTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
            FavCimsTitleTexture.mipMapBias = -0.5f;
            //FavCimsTitleTexture.anisoLevel = 9; // Set 1 Bad to 9 Very God

            FavCimsTitleTexture.name = "FavCimsTitleTexture";
            FavCimsTitleSprite = FavCimsMainBGSprite.AddUIComponent<UITextureSprite> ();
            FavCimsTitleSprite.name = "FavCimsTitleSprite";
            FavCimsTitleSprite.texture = FavCimsTitleTexture;
            float FavCimsTitleSpriteRelPosX = ((this.width / 2) - (float)FavCimsTitleTexture.width / 2);
            FavCimsTitleSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3 (FavCimsTitleSpriteRelPosX, 0);

            //Game Default Close Button

            UIButton FavCimsMenuCloseButton = this.AddUIComponent<UIButton> ();
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.name = "FavCimsMenuCloseButton";
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.width = 32;
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.height = 32;
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.normalBgSprite = "buttonclose";
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.hoveredBgSprite = "buttonclosehover";
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.pressedBgSprite = "buttonclosepressed";
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.opacity = 1;
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.useOutline = true;
            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.playAudioEvents = true;

            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.eventClick += (component, eventParam) => FavoritesCimsButton.FavCimsPanelToggle ();

            FavCimsMenuCloseButton.relativePosition = new Vector3 (this.width - (FavCimsMenuCloseButton.width * 1.5f), ((float)FavCimsTitleTexture.height / 2) - FavCimsMenuCloseButton.height / 2);

            //Main Panel Menu Background Texture

示例5: SetupScrollPanel

        private void SetupScrollPanel()
            //this probably needs to exist, otherwise the autoLayout of this UITransportPanel places the scrollbar weird
            _panelForScrollPanel = AddUIComponent<UIPanel> ();
            // needed so that the colorpicker finds the right parent

            _panelForScrollPanel.width = width - 6;
            //_captions reporting 450 height? fixed value of 20
            _panelForScrollPanel.height = height - _title.height - _buttons.height - 20 - autoLayoutPadding.bottom * 4 - autoLayoutPadding.top * 4;

            // taken from http://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylinesModding/comments/2zrz0k/extended_public_transport_ui_provides_addtional/cpnet5q
            _scrollablePanel = _panelForScrollPanel.AddUIComponent<UIScrollablePanel> ();
            _scrollablePanel.width = _scrollablePanel.parent.width - 5f;
            _scrollablePanel.height = _scrollablePanel.parent.height;

            _scrollablePanel.autoLayout = true;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutPadding = new RectOffset (0, 0, 1, 1);
            _scrollablePanel.clipChildren = true;

            _scrollablePanel.pivot = UIPivotPoint.TopLeft;
            _scrollablePanel.AlignTo (_scrollablePanel.parent, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft);

            UIScrollbar scrollbar = _panelForScrollPanel.AddUIComponent<UIScrollbar> ();
            scrollbar.width = scrollbar.parent.width - _scrollablePanel.width;
            scrollbar.height = scrollbar.parent.height;
            scrollbar.orientation = UIOrientation.Vertical;
            scrollbar.pivot = UIPivotPoint.BottomLeft;
            scrollbar.AlignTo (scrollbar.parent, UIAlignAnchor.TopRight);
            scrollbar.minValue = 0;
            scrollbar.value = 0;
            scrollbar.incrementAmount = 50;

            UISlicedSprite tracSprite = scrollbar.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite> ();
            tracSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
            tracSprite.autoSize = true;
            tracSprite.size = tracSprite.parent.size;
            tracSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
            tracSprite.spriteName = "ScrollbarTrack";

            scrollbar.trackObject = tracSprite;

            UISlicedSprite thumbSprite = tracSprite.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite> ();
            thumbSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
            thumbSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
            thumbSprite.autoSize = true;
            thumbSprite.width = thumbSprite.parent.width;
            thumbSprite.spriteName = "ScrollbarThumb";

            scrollbar.thumbObject = thumbSprite;

            _scrollablePanel.verticalScrollbar = scrollbar;
            _scrollablePanel.eventMouseWheel += (component, param) =>
                var sign = Math.Sign(param.wheelDelta);
                _scrollablePanel.scrollPosition += new Vector2(0, sign*(-1) * 20);

示例6: SetupScrollPanel

        private void SetupScrollPanel()
            ModLogger.Debug("Setting up scroll panel");

            // Create the main panel hosting the scrollable panel
            _mainPanel = AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
            _mainPanel.width = width - UIConstants.MainWindowMainPanelWidthOffset;
            int[] offsettingItems = new int[] { UIConstants.TitlePanelHeight, UIConstants.CaptionPanelLabelOffset, UIConstants.CaptionPanelHeight, UIConstants.FilterPanelHeight, autoLayoutPadding.bottom * 4, autoLayoutPadding.top * 4 };
            _mainPanel.height = height - offsettingItems.Sum();

            // taken from http://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylinesModding/comments/2zrz0k/extended_public_transport_ui_provides_addtional/cpnet5q
            _scrollablePanel = _mainPanel.AddUIComponent<UIScrollablePanel>();
            _scrollablePanel.width = _scrollablePanel.parent.width - UIConstants.MainWindowScrollablePanelWidthOffset - 10;
            _scrollablePanel.height = _scrollablePanel.parent.height;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayout = true;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
            _scrollablePanel.autoLayoutPadding = UIConstants.AutoLayoutPadding;
            _scrollablePanel.clipChildren = true;
            _scrollablePanel.pivot = UIPivotPoint.TopLeft;
            _scrollablePanel.AlignTo(_scrollablePanel.parent, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft);
            _scrollablePanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 0);

            UIScrollbar scrollbar = _mainPanel.AddUIComponent<UIScrollbar>();
            scrollbar.width = scrollbar.parent.width - _scrollablePanel.width;
            scrollbar.height = scrollbar.parent.height;
            scrollbar.orientation = UIOrientation.Vertical;
            scrollbar.pivot = UIPivotPoint.BottomLeft;
            scrollbar.AlignTo(scrollbar.parent, UIAlignAnchor.TopRight);
            scrollbar.minValue = 0;
            scrollbar.value = 0;
            scrollbar.incrementAmount = UIConstants.ScrollbarIncrementCount;

            UISlicedSprite trackSprite = scrollbar.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
            trackSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
            trackSprite.autoSize = true;
            trackSprite.size = trackSprite.parent.size;
            trackSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
            trackSprite.spriteName = UIConstants.ScrollbarTrackSprite;

            scrollbar.trackObject = trackSprite;

            UISlicedSprite thumbSprite = trackSprite.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
            thumbSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
            thumbSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
            thumbSprite.autoSize = true;
            thumbSprite.width = thumbSprite.parent.width;
            thumbSprite.spriteName = UIConstants.ScrollbarThumbSprite;

            scrollbar.thumbObject = thumbSprite;

            _scrollablePanel.verticalScrollbar = scrollbar;
            _scrollablePanel.eventMouseWheel += (component, param) =>
                var sign = Math.Sign(param.wheelDelta);
                _scrollablePanel.scrollPosition += new Vector2(0, sign * (-1) * UIConstants.ScrollbarMouseWheelOffset);

            ModLogger.Debug("Scroll panel set up");

示例7: addCheckbox

        private UICheckBox addCheckbox(UIPanel panel, int yPos, int xPos, string text, string tooltip, bool hidden)
            var cb = panel.AddUIComponent<UICheckBox>();
            cb.relativePosition = new Vector3(xPos, yPos);
            cb.height = 0;
            cb.width = 80;

            var label = panel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
            label.relativePosition = new Vector3(xPos + 25, yPos + 3);
            cb.label = label;
            cb.label.tabIndex = cb.GetInstanceID();
            cb.text = text;

            UISprite uncheckSprite = cb.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            uncheckSprite.height = 20;
            uncheckSprite.width = 20;
            uncheckSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            uncheckSprite.spriteName = "check-unchecked";

            UISprite checkSprite = cb.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            checkSprite.height = 20;
            checkSprite.width = 20;
            checkSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            checkSprite.spriteName = "check-checked";

            cb.checkedBoxObject = checkSprite;
            cb.disabledColor = new Color(127.0f / 255.0f, 127.0f / 255.0f, 127.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);
            label.disabledColor = new Color(127.0f / 255.0f, 127.0f / 255.0f, 127.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);
            cb.tooltip = tooltip;
            label.tooltip = cb.tooltip;
            cb.isChecked = false;
            cb.label.isVisible = hidden;
            cb.isVisible = hidden;

            return cb;

示例8: MakeCheckbox

        private static UICheckBox MakeCheckbox(UIPanel panel, string name, string text, float y, bool value,
            CheckboxSetValue setValue)
            var label = panel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
            label.name = name;
            label.text = text;
            label.relativePosition = new Vector3(4.0f, y);
            label.textScale = 0.8f;

            var checkbox = panel.AddUIComponent<UICheckBox>();
            checkbox.AlignTo(label, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft);
            checkbox.relativePosition = new Vector3(checkbox.relativePosition.x + 332.0f, checkbox.relativePosition.y - 6.0f);
            checkbox.size = new Vector2(20.0f, 20.0f);
            checkbox.isVisible = true;
            checkbox.canFocus = true;
            checkbox.isInteractive = true;

            checkbox.eventCheckChanged += (component, newValue) =>

            var uncheckSprite = checkbox.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            uncheckSprite.size = new Vector2(20.0f, 20.0f);
            uncheckSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            uncheckSprite.spriteName = "check-unchecked";
            uncheckSprite.isVisible = true;

            var checkSprite = checkbox.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
            checkSprite.size = new Vector2(20.0f, 20.0f);
            checkSprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            checkSprite.spriteName = "check-checked";

            checkbox.isChecked = value;
            checkbox.checkedBoxObject = checkSprite;
            return checkbox;

示例9: AddThemesTab

        public static void AddThemesTab()
            if (container != null)

            UITabstrip tabstrip = ToolsModifierControl.policiesPanel.Find("Tabstrip") as UITabstrip;

            // Add a custom tab
            tab = tabstrip.AddTab("Themes");
            tab.stringUserData = "Themes";
            tab.textScale = 0.875f;

            // recalculate the width of the tabs
            for (int i = 0; i < tabstrip.tabCount; i++)
                tabstrip.tabs[i].width = tabstrip.width / ((float)tabstrip.tabCount - 1);

            // The container for the policies was created by the game when we added the tab
            var pageIndex = tabstrip.tabPages.childCount - 1;
            container = (UIPanel)tabstrip.tabPages.components[pageIndex];

            container.autoLayout = true;
            container.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            container.autoLayoutPadding.top = 5;

            // Only make the container visible if our tab was selected when the panel was closed last time
            container.isVisible = tabstrip.selectedIndex == pageIndex;

            // Theme buttons
            themePolicyButtons = UIFastList.Create<UIThemePolicyItem>(container);
            themePolicyButtons.width = 364f;
            themePolicyButtons.rowHeight = 49f;
            themePolicyButtons.autoHideScrollbar = true;

            // The panel holding the controls
            controls = container.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();

            controls.width = container.width;
            controls.height = 100f;
            controls.autoLayout = true;
            controls.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            controls.autoLayoutPadding.top = 5;

            // Add a checkbox to toggle "Blacklist Mode"
            UICheckBox blacklistModeCheckBox = CreateCheckBox(controls);
            blacklistModeCheckBox.name = "Blacklist Mode Checkbox";
            blacklistModeCheckBox.text = "Allow buildings which are not in any theme";
            blacklistModeCheckBox.isChecked = false;

            blacklistModeCheckBox.eventCheckChanged += delegate(UIComponent component, bool isChecked)
                lock (component)
                    var districtId1 = ToolsModifierControl.policiesPanel.targetDistrict;

                    Singleton<BuildingThemesManager>.instance.ToggleBlacklistMode(districtId1, isChecked);


            // Add a checkbox to "Enable Theme Management for this district"
            UICheckBox enableThemeManagementCheckBox = CreateCheckBox(controls);
            enableThemeManagementCheckBox.name = "Theme Management Checkbox";
            enableThemeManagementCheckBox.text = "Enable Theme Management for this district";
            enableThemeManagementCheckBox.isChecked = false;

            enableThemeManagementCheckBox.eventCheckChanged += delegate(UIComponent component, bool isChecked)
                lock (component)
                    var districtId1 = ToolsModifierControl.policiesPanel.targetDistrict;

                    Singleton<BuildingThemesManager>.instance.ToggleThemeManagement(districtId1, isChecked);


            // Add a button to show the Building Theme Manager
            UIButton showThemeManager = GUI.UIUtils.CreateButton(controls);
            showThemeManager.width = controls.width;
            showThemeManager.text = "Theme Manager";

            showThemeManager.eventClick += (c, p) => GUI.UIThemeManager.instance.Toggle();


示例10: GenerateplDelete

        private void GenerateplDelete(UIPanel panel, int ply, int plx)
            //Show the road type option
            plDelete = panel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
            plDelete.relativePosition = new Vector3(1, ply);
            plDelete.isVisible = false;
            plDelete.tooltip = "Select the type of items to delete.";

            int cb = 0;
            int x = 15;
            int y = 1;

            //load the bulldoze road type options
            addLabel(plDelete, y, 5, "Select your delete options.", true);

            y += 20;
            foreach (string s in m_deletes)
                if (s == "Label Lines")
                    lLines = addLabel(plDelete, y, 10, "Lines", true);
                    y += 20;
                else if (s == "Label Properties")
                    lProperties = addLabel(plDelete, y, 10, "Properties", true);
                    y += 20;
                    string t = "These items will be deleted.";
                    if (s.StartsWith("B "))
                        deletes.Add(addCheckbox(plDelete, y, x + 210, s.Replace("B ", ""), t, true));
                        y += 25;
                        deletes.Add(addCheckbox(plDelete, y, x, s, t, true));
                        if (s == "Buildings" || s == "Trees" || s == "Props") { y += 25; }
                    deletes[cb].eventCheckChanged += DeleteTypes_eventCheckChanged;
                    cb += 1;

            plDelete.size = new Vector2(panel.width, y + 25);

示例11: MakeButton

        private static UIButton MakeButton(UIPanel panel, string name, string text, float y, ButtonClicked clicked)
            var button = panel.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
            button.name = name;
            button.text = text;
            button.relativePosition = new Vector3(200.0f, y - 6.0f);
            button.size = new Vector2(100.0f, 24.0f);
            button.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
            button.disabledBgSprite = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
            button.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
            button.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
            button.pressedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuPressed";
            button.eventClick += (component, param) =>

            return button;

示例12: addTextBox

        private UITextField addTextBox(UIPanel panel, string name, string text, int y, int x, int width, int height, string tooltip, bool numeric, bool allowFloats)
            UITextField tf = panel.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();

            tf.relativePosition = new Vector3(x, y);
            tf.size = new Vector3(width, height);
            tf.name = name;
            tf.text = text;
            tf.width = width;
            tf.height = height;
            tf.tooltip = tooltip;
            tf.numericalOnly = numeric;
            tf.allowFloats = allowFloats;
            tf.textScale = 0.8f;
            tf.color = Color.black;
            tf.cursorBlinkTime = 0.45f;
            tf.cursorWidth = 1;
            tf.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            tf.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color(233, 201, 148, 255);
            tf.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
            tf.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
            tf.padding = new RectOffset(5, 0, 5, 0);
            tf.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Fill;
            tf.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
            tf.hoveredBgSprite = "TextFieldPanelHovered";
            tf.focusedBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
            tf.isInteractive = true;
            tf.enabled = true;
            tf.readOnly = false;
            tf.builtinKeyNavigation = true;

            return tf;

示例13: GenerateOptions

        private int GenerateOptions(UIPanel panel, int ply, int plx)
            ARUT.WriteLog("Entering GenerateOptions");
            plOptions = panel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
            plOptions.relativePosition = new Vector3(plx, ply);
            plOptions.isVisible = true;
            plOptions.tooltip = "Select the type of updates and options to perform.";

            int y = 1;
            lSelectable = addLabel(plOptions, y, plx, m_updatetool + m_unavailable, true);
            y += 25;
            lInformation = addLabel(plOptions, y, 1, m_defaultInfo, true);
            y += 25;

            int cb = 0;
            foreach (string s in m_options)
                bool enable = true;
                string t = String.Format("Select to display the {0} options", s);
                options.Add(addCheckbox(plOptions, y, plx, s, t, true));
                //Space out the options (We may add building, trees, and props)
                plx += 100;
                switch (s)
                    case "Update":
                        enable = ARUT.ShowUpdate;
                    case "Delete":
                        enable = ARUT.ShowDelete;
                    case "Districts":
                        enable = (ARUT.ShowDistricts == (mode != LoadMode.LoadMap && mode != LoadMode.NewMap));
                    case "Terrain":
                        enable = (ARUT.ShowTerrain == (mode == LoadMode.LoadMap || mode == LoadMode.NewMap));
                    case "Services":
                        enable = (ARUT.ShowServices == (mode != LoadMode.LoadMap && mode != LoadMode.NewMap));
                options[cb].enabled = enable;
                options[cb].eventCheckChanged += Options_eventCheckChanged;
                cb += 1;
            y += 25;

            //set the panal size (two rows, 50)
            plOptions.size = new Vector2(panel.width, y);

            return (int)plOptions.height + 20;

示例14: addSlider

        private UISlider addSlider(UIPanel panel, string name, int y, int x, int w, int h, float min, float max, float step, float defaultValue, string tooltip)
            UISlider sl = panel.AddUIComponent<UISlider>();

            sl.relativePosition = new Vector3(x, y);
            sl.name = name;
            sl.width = w;
            sl.height = h;
            sl.tooltip = tooltip;
            sl.minValue = min;
            sl.maxValue = max;
            sl.stepSize = step;
            sl.value = defaultValue;
            sl.isVisible = true;
            sl.color = Color.blue;
            if (mode == LoadMode.LoadMap || mode == LoadMode.NewMap)
                sl.backgroundSprite = "SubcategoriesPanel";
                sl.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";

            return sl;

示例15: addLabel

        private UILabel addLabel(UIPanel panel, int yPos, int xPos, string text, string t, bool hidden)
            UILabel lb = panel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
            lb.relativePosition = new Vector3(xPos, yPos);
            lb.height = 0;
            lb.width = 80;
            lb.text = text;
            lb.tooltip = t;
            lb.isVisible = hidden;

            return lb;
