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C# Results.TryFindString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Results.TryFindString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Results.TryFindString方法的具体用法?C# Results.TryFindString怎么用?C# Results.TryFindString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Results的用法示例。


示例1: DecodeTelemetryEvent

        public bool DecodeTelemetryEvent(Results results, out string eventName, out KeyValuePair<string, object>[] properties)
            properties = null;

            // NOTE: the message event is an MI Extension from clrdbg, though we could use in it the future for other debuggers
            eventName = results.TryFindString("event-name");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName) || !char.IsLetter(eventName[0]) || !eventName.Contains('/'))
                Debug.Fail("Bogus telemetry event. 'Event-name' property is missing or invalid.");
                return false;

            TupleValue tuple;
            if (!results.TryFind("properties", out tuple))
                Debug.Fail("Bogus message event, missing 'properties' property");
                return false;

            List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> propertyList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>(tuple.Content.Count);
            foreach (NamedResultValue pair in tuple.Content)
                ConstValue resultValue = pair.Value as ConstValue;
                if (resultValue == null)

                string content = resultValue.Content;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))

                object value = content;
                int numericValue;
                if (content.Length >= 3 && content.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && int.TryParse(content.Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out numericValue))
                    value = numericValue;
                else if (int.TryParse(content, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out numericValue))
                    value = numericValue;

                if (value != null)
                    propertyList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(pair.Name, value));

            properties = propertyList.ToArray();

            // If we are processing a clrdbg ProcessCreate event, save the event properties so we can use them to send other events
            if (eventName == "VS/Diagnostics/Debugger/clrdbg/ProcessCreate")
                _clrdbgProcessCreateProperties = properties;

            return true;

示例2: IsAsyncBreakSignal

 public virtual bool IsAsyncBreakSignal(Results results)
     return (results.TryFindString("reason") == "signal-received" && results.TryFindString("signal-name") == "SIGINT");

示例3: DecodeOutputEvent

        private OutputMessage DecodeOutputEvent(Results results)
            // NOTE: the message event is an MI Extension from clrdbg, though we could use in it the future for other debuggers
            string text = results.TryFindString("text");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                Debug.Fail("Bogus message event. Missing 'text' property.");
                return null;

            string sendTo = results.TryFindString("send-to");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendTo))
                Debug.Fail("Bogus message event, missing 'send-to' property");
                return null;

            enum_MESSAGETYPE messageType;
            switch (sendTo)
                case "message-box":
                    messageType = enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_MESSAGEBOX;

                case "output-window":
                    messageType = enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING;

                    Debug.Fail("Bogus message event. Unexpected 'send-to' property. Ignoring.");
                    return null;

            OutputMessage.Severity severity = OutputMessage.Severity.Warning;
            switch (results.TryFindString("severity"))
                case "error":
                    severity = OutputMessage.Severity.Error;

                case "warning":
                    severity = OutputMessage.Severity.Warning;

            switch (results.TryFindString("source"))
                case "target-exception":
                    messageType |= enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_REASON_EXCEPTION;
                case "jmc-prompt":
                    messageType |= (enum_MESSAGETYPE)enum_MESSAGETYPE90.MT_REASON_JMC_PROMPT;
                case "step-filter":
                    messageType |= (enum_MESSAGETYPE)enum_MESSAGETYPE90.MT_REASON_STEP_FILTER;
                case "fatal-error":
                    messageType |= (enum_MESSAGETYPE)enum_MESSAGETYPE120.MT_FATAL_ERROR;

            uint errorCode = results.TryFindUint("error-code") ?? 0;
            return new OutputMessage(text, messageType, severity, errorCode);

示例4: IsAsyncBreakSignal

        public virtual bool IsAsyncBreakSignal(Results results)
            bool isAsyncBreak = false;
            if (results.TryFindString("reason") == "signal-received")
                if (results.TryFindString("signal-name") == "SIGINT")
                    isAsyncBreak = true;

            return isAsyncBreak;

示例5: OnStopped

        private async void OnStopped(Results results)
            string reason = results.TryFindString("reason");

            if (reason.StartsWith("exited") || reason.StartsWith("disconnected"))
                if (this.ProcessState != ProcessState.Exited)
                    this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Exited;
                    if (ProcessExitEvent != null)
                        ProcessExitEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));

            //if this is an exception reported from LLDB, it will not currently contain a frame object in the MI
            //if we don't have a frame, check if this is an exception and retrieve the frame
            if (!results.Contains("frame") &&
                (string.Compare(reason, "exception-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                string.Compare(reason, "signal-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                //get the info for the current frame
                Results frameResult = await MICommandFactory.StackInfoFrame();

                //add the frame to the stopping results
                results = results.Add("frame", frameResult.Find("frame"));

            bool fIsAsyncBreak = MICommandFactory.IsAsyncBreakSignal(results);
            if (await DoInternalBreakActions(fIsAsyncBreak))

            this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Stopped;

            if (!results.Contains("frame"))
                if (ModuleLoadEvent != null)
                    ModuleLoadEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));
            else if (BreakModeEvent != null)
                BreakRequest request = _requestingRealAsyncBreak;
                _requestingRealAsyncBreak = BreakRequest.None;
                BreakModeEvent(this, new StoppingEventArgs(results, request));

示例6: HandleThreadGroupExited

        private void HandleThreadGroupExited(Results results)
            string threadGroupId = results.TryFindString("id");
            bool isThreadGroupEmpty = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(threadGroupId))
                lock (_debuggeePids)
                    if (_debuggeePids.Remove(threadGroupId))
                        isThreadGroupEmpty = _debuggeePids.Count == 0;

            if (isThreadGroupEmpty)

                if (!IsUnixDebuggerRunning())
                    // Processing the fake "stopped" event sent above will normally cause the debugger to close, but if
                    // the debugger process is already gone (e.g. because the terminal window was closed), we won't get
                    // a response, so queue a fake "exit" event for processing as well.

示例7: OnStopped

        private async void OnStopped(Results results)
            string reason = results.TryFindString("reason");

            if (reason.StartsWith("exited"))
                string threadGroupId = results.TryFindString("id");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(threadGroupId))
                    lock (_debuggeePids)

                if (IsLocalGdbAttach())

                this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Exited;
                if (ProcessExitEvent != null)
                    ProcessExitEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));

            //if this is an exception reported from LLDB, it will not currently contain a frame object in the MI
            //if we don't have a frame, check if this is an excpetion and retrieve the frame
            if (!results.Contains("frame") &&
                string.Compare(reason, "exception-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0
                //get the info for the current frame
                Results frameResult = await MICommandFactory.StackInfoFrame();

                //add the frame to the stopping results
                results.Add("frame", frameResult.Find("frame"));

            bool fIsAsyncBreak = MICommandFactory.IsAsyncBreakSignal(results);
            if (await DoInternalBreakActions(fIsAsyncBreak))

            this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Stopped;

            if (!results.Contains("frame"))
                if (ModuleLoadEvent != null)
                    ModuleLoadEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));
            else if (BreakModeEvent != null)
                if (fIsAsyncBreak) { _requestingRealAsyncBreak = false; }
                BreakModeEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));

示例8: Stopped

        public async Task<bool> Stopped(Results results, int tid)
            string reason = results.TryFindString("reason");
            ThreadProgress s = StateFromTid(tid);

            if (reason == "fork")
                s = new ThreadProgress();
                s.State = State.AtFork;
                s.Newpid = results.FindInt("newpid");
                _threadStates[tid] = s;
                await _process.Step(tid, VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.enum_STEPKIND.STEP_OUT, VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.enum_STEPUNIT.STEP_LINE);
                return true;
            else if (reason == "vfork")
                s = new ThreadProgress();
                s.State = State.AtVfork;
                s.Newpid = results.FindInt("newpid");
                _threadStates[tid] = s;
                await _process.MICommandFactory.SetOption("schedule-multiple", "on");
                await _process.MICommandFactory.Catch("exec", onlyOnce: true);
                var thread = await _process.ThreadCache.GetThread(tid);
                await _process.Continue(thread);
                return true;

            if (s == null)
                return false;   // no activity being tracked on this thread

            switch (s.State)
                case State.AtFork:
                    await ProcessChild(s);
                case State.AtVfork:
                    await _process.MICommandFactory.SetOption("schedule-multiple", "off");
                    if ("exec" == results.TryFindString("reason"))
                        // The process doesn't handle the SIGSTOP correctly (just ignores it) when the process is at the start of program 
                        // (after exec). Let it run some code so that it will correctly respond to the SIGSTOP.
                        s.Exe = results.TryFindString("new-exec");
                        await RunChildToMain(s);
                        // sometimes gdb misses the breakpoint at exec and execution will proceed to a breakpoint in the child
                        _process.Logger.WriteLine("Missed catching the exec after vfork. Spawning the child's debugger.");
                        s.State = State.AtExec;
                        goto missedExec;
                case State.AtSignal:    // both child and parent are stopped
                    s.State = State.Complete;
                    return await DetachAndContinue(s);
                case State.AtExec:
                    if (tid == s.Newtid)    // stopped in the child
                        await ProcessChild(s);
                    else // sometime the parent will get a spurious signal before the child hits main
                        await ContinueTheChild(s);
                case State.Complete:
                    if (reason == "signal-received" && results.TryFindString("signal-name") == "SIGSTOP")
                        // SIGSTOP was propagated to the parent
                        await _process.MICommandFactory.Signal("SIGCONT");
                        return true;
                    return false;
                    return false;
            return true;
