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C# Results.Contains方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Results.Contains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Results.Contains方法的具体用法?C# Results.Contains怎么用?C# Results.Contains使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Results的用法示例。


示例1: EvalBindResult

        private static BindResult EvalBindResult(Results bindResult, AD7PendingBreakpoint pbreak)
            string errormsg = "Unknown error";
            if (bindResult.ResultClass == ResultClass.error)
                if (bindResult.Contains("msg"))
                    errormsg = bindResult.FindString("msg");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errormsg))
                    errormsg = "Unknown error";
                return new BindResult(errormsg);
            else if (bindResult.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)
                return new BindResult(errormsg);
            TupleValue bkpt = null;
            ValueListValue list = null;
            if (bindResult.Contains("bkpt"))
                ResultValue b = bindResult.Find("bkpt");
                if (b is TupleValue)
                    bkpt = b as TupleValue;
                else if (b is ValueListValue)
                    // "<MULTIPLE>" sometimes includes a list of bound breakpoints
                    list = b as ValueListValue;
                    bkpt = list.Content[0] as TupleValue;
                // If the source file is not found, "done" is the result without a binding
                // (the error is sent via an "&" string and hence lost)
                return new BindResult(errormsg);
            Debug.Assert(bkpt.FindString("type") == "breakpoint");

            string number = bkpt.FindString("number");
            string addr = bkpt.TryFindString("addr");

            PendingBreakpoint bp = new PendingBreakpoint(pbreak, number, StringToBreakpointState(addr));
            if (list == null)   // single breakpoint
                BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(bkpt);

                if (bbp == null)
                    return new BindResult(bp, MICoreResources.Status_BreakpointPending);
                return new BindResult(bp, bbp);
            else   // <MULTIPLE> with list of addresses
                BindResult res = new BindResult(bp);
                for (int i = 1; i < list.Content.Length; ++i)
                    BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(list.Content[i] as TupleValue);
                return res;

示例2: OnStopped

        private async void OnStopped(Results results)
            string reason = results.TryFindString("reason");

            if (reason.StartsWith("exited") || reason.StartsWith("disconnected"))
                if (this.ProcessState != ProcessState.Exited)
                    this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Exited;
                    if (ProcessExitEvent != null)
                        ProcessExitEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));

            //if this is an exception reported from LLDB, it will not currently contain a frame object in the MI
            //if we don't have a frame, check if this is an exception and retrieve the frame
            if (!results.Contains("frame") &&
                (string.Compare(reason, "exception-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                string.Compare(reason, "signal-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                //get the info for the current frame
                Results frameResult = await MICommandFactory.StackInfoFrame();

                //add the frame to the stopping results
                results = results.Add("frame", frameResult.Find("frame"));

            bool fIsAsyncBreak = MICommandFactory.IsAsyncBreakSignal(results);
            if (await DoInternalBreakActions(fIsAsyncBreak))

            this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Stopped;

            if (!results.Contains("frame"))
                if (ModuleLoadEvent != null)
                    ModuleLoadEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));
            else if (BreakModeEvent != null)
                BreakRequest request = _requestingRealAsyncBreak;
                _requestingRealAsyncBreak = BreakRequest.None;
                BreakModeEvent(this, new StoppingEventArgs(results, request));

示例3: EvalBindWatchResult

        private static BindResult EvalBindWatchResult(Results bindResult, AD7PendingBreakpoint pbreak, string address, uint size)
            string errormsg = "Unknown error";
            if (bindResult.ResultClass == ResultClass.error)
                if (bindResult.Contains("msg"))
                    errormsg = bindResult.FindString("msg");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errormsg))
                    errormsg = "Unknown error";
                return new BindResult(errormsg);
            else if (bindResult.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)
                return new BindResult(errormsg);
            TupleValue bkpt = null;
            if (bindResult.Contains("wpt"))
                ResultValue b = bindResult.Find("wpt");
                if (b is TupleValue)
                    bkpt = b as TupleValue;
                return new BindResult(errormsg);

            string number = bkpt.FindString("number");

            PendingBreakpoint bp = new PendingBreakpoint(pbreak, number, MIBreakpointState.Single);
            BoundBreakpoint bbp = new BoundBreakpoint(bp, MICore.Debugger.ParseAddr(address), size);
            return new BindResult(bp, bbp);

示例4: OnStopped

        private async void OnStopped(Results results)
            string reason = results.TryFindString("reason");

            if (reason.StartsWith("exited"))
                string threadGroupId = results.TryFindString("id");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(threadGroupId))
                    lock (_debuggeePids)

                if (IsLocalGdbAttach())

                this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Exited;
                if (ProcessExitEvent != null)
                    ProcessExitEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));

            //if this is an exception reported from LLDB, it will not currently contain a frame object in the MI
            //if we don't have a frame, check if this is an excpetion and retrieve the frame
            if (!results.Contains("frame") &&
                string.Compare(reason, "exception-received", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0
                //get the info for the current frame
                Results frameResult = await MICommandFactory.StackInfoFrame();

                //add the frame to the stopping results
                results.Add("frame", frameResult.Find("frame"));

            bool fIsAsyncBreak = MICommandFactory.IsAsyncBreakSignal(results);
            if (await DoInternalBreakActions(fIsAsyncBreak))

            this.ProcessState = ProcessState.Stopped;

            if (!results.Contains("frame"))
                if (ModuleLoadEvent != null)
                    ModuleLoadEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));
            else if (BreakModeEvent != null)
                if (fIsAsyncBreak) { _requestingRealAsyncBreak = false; }
                BreakModeEvent(this, new ResultEventArgs(results));
