本文整理汇总了C#中Matrix4F.Transform方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix4F.Transform方法的具体用法?C# Matrix4F.Transform怎么用?C# Matrix4F.Transform使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Matrix4F
示例1: InsertPoint
public IControlPoint InsertPoint(uint index, float x, float y, float z)
IControlPoint cpt = CreateControlPoint();
int numSteps = GetAttribute<int>(Schema.curveType.stepsAttribute);
int interpolationType = GetAttribute<int>(Schema.curveType.interpolationTypeAttribute);
if (interpolationType != 0 && numSteps > 0)
index = index / (uint)numSteps;
Path<DomNode> path = new Path<DomNode>(DomNode.GetPath());
Matrix4F toworld = TransformUtils.CalcPathTransform(path, path.Count - 1);
Matrix4F worldToLocal = new Matrix4F();
Vec3F pos = new Vec3F(x, y, z);
worldToLocal.Transform(ref pos);
cpt.Translation = pos;
ControlPoints.Insert((int)index + 1, cpt);
return cpt;
示例2: ControllerToCamera
/// <summary>
/// Synchronizes the camera to the controller's current state</summary>
/// <param name="camera">Camera</param>
protected override void ControllerToCamera(Camera camera)
Vec3F lookAt = Camera.LookAt;
Vec3F up = Camera.Up;
if (camera.ViewType == ViewTypes.Perspective)
QuatF rotation = m_rotation * m_currentRotation;
rotation = rotation.Inverse;
Matrix4F transform = new Matrix4F(rotation);
lookAt = new Vec3F(0, 0, -1);
up = new Vec3F(0, 1, 0);
transform.Transform(ref lookAt);
transform.Transform(ref up);
float eyeOffset = m_distanceFromLookAt;
float lookAtOffset = 0;
if (m_distanceFromLookAt < m_dollyThreshold) // do we need to start dollying?
eyeOffset = m_distanceFromLookAt;
lookAtOffset = m_distanceFromLookAt - m_dollyThreshold;
m_lookAtPoint - (eyeOffset * lookAt), // eye
m_lookAtPoint - (lookAtOffset * lookAt), // lookAt
up); // up
示例3: DispatchTraverseList
/// <summary>
/// Dispatches untyped items. Replaces DispatchNotTyped(). To get the same behavior as
/// the old DispatchNotTyped(), set the TypeFilter property to null prior to calling.</summary>
/// <param name="traverseList">The traverse list</param>
/// <param name="camera">The camera</param>
protected void DispatchTraverseList(ICollection<TraverseNode> traverseList, Camera camera)
// Prepare for geometric picking -- create the ray in world space and reset geometric hit-list.
// First create the ray in viewing coordinates and transform to world coordinates.
float nx = (m_x / (float)m_width) - 0.5f;//normalized x
float ny = 0.5f - (m_y / (float)m_height);//normalized y
Ray3F rayWorld = camera.CreateRay(nx, ny);
Matrix4F worldToView = camera.ViewMatrix;
Matrix4F viewToWorld = new Matrix4F();
// for geometric picking. will be cleared for each HitRecord.
List<uint> userData = new List<uint>(1);
// Dispatch traverse list
int index = 0;
foreach (TraverseNode node in traverseList)
// First test for filtering.
IRenderObject renderObject = node.RenderObject;
if (FilterByType(renderObject))
IIntersectable intersectable = renderObject.GetIntersectable();
IGeometricPick geometricPick = intersectable as IGeometricPick;
if (geometricPick != null)
// Picking by geometry.
Matrix4F objToWorld = new Matrix4F(node.Transform);
Matrix4F worldToObj = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F viewToObj = Matrix4F.Multiply(viewToWorld, worldToObj);
if (m_frustumPick)
//The pick frustum is in view space. Transform to world space then object space.
Frustum frustumObj = new Frustum(m_viewFrust0);
//Multi-pick. Get everything in the pick frustum (m_viewFrust0).
Vec3F eyeObj;
worldToObj.Transform(camera.Eye, out eyeObj);
if (geometricPick.IntersectFrustum(frustumObj, eyeObj, node.RenderState, userData))
// Prepare a multi-pick HitRecord, as if OpenGL had calculated this.
HitRecord hit = new HitRecord(
{ //Single pick. We care about distance from camera eye.
//Make a copy of the ray in world-space and tranform it to object space.
Ray3F rayObj = rayWorld; //remember, Ray3F is a value type, not a reference type.
// Do the intersection test in object space.
Vec3F intersectionPt, surfaceNormal;
Vec3F nearestVert;
bool intersected;
intersected = geometricPick.IntersectRay(
rayObj, camera, node.RenderState, objToWorld, this,
out intersectionPt, out nearestVert, out surfaceNormal, userData);
if (intersected)
// Transform to world space and then to screen space.
objToWorld.Transform(intersectionPt, out intersectionPt);
objToWorld.Transform(nearestVert, out nearestVert);
// Prepare a single-pick HitRecord, as if OpenGL had calculated this.
HitRecord hit = new HitRecord(
// This is the one difference from OpenGL pick. We have the world pt already.
hit.WorldIntersection = intersectionPt;
hit.NearestVert = nearestVert;
// Another difference is that it's possible to get the surface normal.
if (surfaceNormal != Vec3F.ZeroVector)
objToWorld.TransformNormal(surfaceNormal, out surfaceNormal);
hit.Normal = surfaceNormal;
示例4: Transform
/// <summary>
/// Transforms the ray by the given matrix. The Direction member will be normalized. There are
/// no particular restrictions on M. Any transformation done to a point in world space or
/// object space can be done on this ray, including any combination of rotations, translations,
/// uniform scales, non-uniform scales, etc.</summary>
/// <param name="M">Transformation matrix</param>
public void Transform(Matrix4F M)
M.Transform(Origin, out Origin);
M.TransformVector(Direction, out Direction);
示例5: TransformToViewport
/// <summary>
/// Transforms the given world or local point into viewport (Windows) coordinates</summary>
/// <param name="localPoint">World or local point to be transformed</param>
/// <param name="localToScreen">Tranformation matrix composed of object-to-world times
/// world-to-view times view-to-projection</param>
/// <param name="viewportWidth">The viewport width, for example Control.Width or
/// IRenderAction.ViewportWidth</param>
/// <param name="viewportHeight">The viewport height, for example Control.Height or
/// IRenderAction.ViewportHeight</param>
/// <returns>The viewport or Window coordinate in the range [0,Width] and [0,Height]
/// where the origin is the upper left corner of the viewport. The coordinate could be
/// outside of this range if localPoint is not visible.</returns>
/// <example>
/// To calculate localToScreen using an object's local-to-world and a Camera:
/// localToScreen = Matrix4F.Multiply(localToWorld, camera.ViewMatrix);
/// localToScreen.Mul(localToScreen, camera.ProjectionMatrix);
/// </example>
public static Vec2F TransformToViewport(
Vec3F localPoint,
Matrix4F localToScreen,
float viewportWidth,
float viewportHeight)
// transform to clip space and do perspective divide. Result is in range of [-1, 1]
Vec4F xScreen = new Vec4F(localPoint);
localToScreen.Transform(xScreen, out xScreen);
xScreen = Vec4F.Mul(xScreen, 1.0f / xScreen.W);
// get viewport coordinates. Convert [-1, 1] to [0, view size]
Vec2F xViewport = new Vec2F(
(xScreen.X + 1) * 0.5f * viewportWidth,
(1 - (xScreen.Y + 1) * 0.5f) * viewportHeight);
return xViewport;
示例6: AddChild
/// <summary>
/// Adjusts child transform, making it relative to new parent node's transform.
/// Is recursive, looking for parents that also implement IRenderableNode.</summary>
/// <param name="parent">Parent node</param>
/// <param name="child">Child node</param>
public static void AddChild(ITransformable parent, ITransformable child)
Path<DomNode> path = new Path<DomNode>(parent.Cast<DomNode>().GetPath());
Matrix4F parentToWorld = TransformUtils.CalcPathTransform(path, path.Count - 1);
// We want 'child' to appear in the same place in the world after adding to 'parent'.
// local-point * original-local-to-world = world-point
// new-local-point * new-local-to-parent * parent-to-world = world-point
// ==> new-local-to-parent * parent-to-world = original-local-to-world
// (multiply both sides by inverse of parent-to-world; call it world-to-parent)
// ==> new-local-to-parent = original-local-to-world * world-to-parent
Matrix4F worldToParent = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F originalLocalToWorld = child.Transform;
Matrix4F newLocalToParent = Matrix4F.Multiply(originalLocalToWorld, worldToParent);
// The translation component of newLocalToParent consists of pivot translation
// as well as the child.Translation. So, start with the original child.Translation
// and transform it into our new space.
Vec3F newTranslation = child.Translation;
worldToParent.Transform(ref newTranslation);
// There's only one way of getting rotation info, so get it straight from matrix.
Vec3F newRotation = new Vec3F();
newLocalToParent.GetEulerAngles(out newRotation.X, out newRotation.Y, out newRotation.Z);
child.Rotation = newRotation;
// Likewise with scale.
Vec3F newScale = newLocalToParent.GetScale();
child.Scale = newScale;
// We can compose together all of the separate transformations now.
Matrix4F newTransform = CalcTransform(
// However, the composed matrix may not equal newLocalToParent due to rotating
// or scaling around a pivot. In the general case, it may be impossible to
// decompose newLocalToParent into all of these separate components. For example,
// a sheer transformation cannot be reproduced by a single rotation and scale.
// But for common cases, only the translation is out-of-sync now, so apply a fix.
Vec3F desiredTranslation = newLocalToParent.Translation;
Vec3F currentTranslation = newTransform.Translation;
Vec3F fixupTranslation = desiredTranslation - currentTranslation;
Matrix4F fixupTransform = new Matrix4F(fixupTranslation);
newTransform.Mul(newTransform, fixupTransform);
// Save the fix and the final transform. Storing the fix in RotatePivotTranslation
// is done elsewhere, as well.
child.Translation = newTranslation + fixupTranslation;
child.Transform = newTransform;
示例7: Unproject
/// <summary>
/// unproject vector from screen space to object space.
/// </summary>
public Vec3F Unproject(Vec3F scrPt, Matrix4F wvp)
float width = ClientSize.Width;
float height = ClientSize.Height;
Matrix4F invWVP = new Matrix4F();
Vec3F worldPt = new Vec3F();
worldPt.X = scrPt.X / width * 2.0f - 1f;
worldPt.Y = -(scrPt.Y / height * 2.0f - 1f);
worldPt.Z = scrPt.Z;
float w = worldPt.X * invWVP.M14 + worldPt.Y * invWVP.M24 + worldPt.Z * invWVP.M34 + invWVP.M44;
invWVP.Transform(ref worldPt);
worldPt = worldPt / w;
return worldPt;
示例8: Project
/// <summary>
/// project the v from 3d space to viewport space
/// using the given wvp matrix.
/// </summary>
public Point Project(Matrix4F wvp, Vec3F v)
float w = v.X * wvp.M14 + v.Y * wvp.M24 + v.Z * wvp.M34 + wvp.M44;
wvp.Transform(ref v);
v = v / w;
Point pt = new Point();
pt.X = (int)((v.X + 1) * 0.5f * Width);
pt.Y = (int)((1.0f - v.Y) * 0.5f * Height);
return pt;
示例9: Project
/// <summary>
/// Projects the specified x and y, in normalized window coordinates, onto the grid,
/// and snaps it to the nearest grid vertex if necessary.
/// Normalized window coordinates are in the range [-0.5,0.5] with +x pointing to the
/// right and +y pointing up.</summary>
/// <param name="x">Window x in normalized window coords</param>
/// <param name="y">Window y in normalized window coords</param>
/// <param name="camera">Camera</param>
/// <returns>Projection of x and y onto the grid, in world space.</returns>
public Vec3F Project(float x, float y, Camera camera)
Ray3F ray = camera.CreateRay(x, y);
Matrix4F V = new Matrix4F(camera.ViewMatrix);
V.Mul(m_invAxisSystem, V);
if (camera.Frustum.IsOrtho)
V = new Matrix4F(m_V);
V.Translation = camera.ViewMatrix.Translation;
// origin
Vec3F delta = new Vec3F(0, Height, 0);
V.Transform(delta, out delta);
Vec3F o = delta;
// Up vec
Vec3F axis = V.YAxis;
Vec3F projPt = ray.IntersectPlane(axis, -Vec3F.Dot(o, axis));
// Transform back into world space
Matrix4F Inv = new Matrix4F();
Inv.Transform(projPt, out projPt);
if (Snap)
projPt = SnapPoint(projPt);
return projPt;
示例10: Transform
/// <summary>
/// Transforms this frustum by the given matrix</summary>
/// <param name="m">Transformation matrix. Can be a nearly-general transform and include non-uniform
/// scaling and shearing.</param>
public void Transform(Matrix4F m)
Matrix4F transposeOfInverse = new Matrix4F(m);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
m.Transform(m_planes[i], transposeOfInverse, out m_planes[i]);
示例11: OnDragging
public override void OnDragging(ViewControl vc, Point scrPt)
if (m_cancelDrag || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.None || NodeList.Count == 0)
bool hitAxis = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis
|| m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis
|| m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis;
Matrix4F view = vc.Camera.ViewMatrix;
Matrix4F proj = vc.Camera.ProjectionMatrix;
Matrix4F vp = view * proj;
// create ray in world space.
Ray3F rayW = vc.GetRay(scrPt, vp);
// create ray in view space.
Ray3F rayV = vc.GetRay(scrPt, proj);
Vec3F translate = m_translatorControl.OnDragging(rayV);
ISnapSettings snapSettings = (ISnapSettings)DesignView;
bool snapToGeom = Control.ModifierKeys == m_snapGeometryKey;
if (snapToGeom)
Vec3F manipPos = HitMatrix.Translation;
Vec3F manipMove;
if (hitAxis)
//Make rayw to point toward moving axis and starting
// from manipulator’s world position.
rayW.Direction = Vec3F.Normalize(translate);
rayW.Origin = manipPos;
manipMove = Vec3F.ZeroVector;
m_cancelDrag = true; //stop further snap-to's
manipMove = rayW.ProjectPoint(manipPos) - manipPos;
for (int i = 0; i < NodeList.Count; i++)
ITransformable node = NodeList[i];
Vec3F snapOffset = TransformUtils.CalcSnapFromOffset(node, snapSettings.SnapFrom);
Path<DomNode> path = new Path<DomNode>(Adapters.Cast<DomNode>(node).GetPath());
Matrix4F parentLocalToWorld = TransformUtils.CalcPathTransform(path, path.Count - 2);
Vec3F orgPosW;
parentLocalToWorld.Transform(m_originalValues[i], out orgPosW);
Matrix4F parentWorldToLocal = new Matrix4F();
rayW.MoveToIncludePoint(orgPosW + snapOffset + manipMove);
HitRecord[] hits = GameEngine.RayPick(view, proj, rayW, true);
bool cansnap = false;
HitRecord target = new HitRecord();
if (hits.Length > 0)
// find hit record.
foreach (var hit in hits)
if (m_snapFilter.CanSnapTo(node, GameEngine.GetAdapterFromId(hit.instanceId)))
target = hit;
cansnap = true;
if (cansnap)
Vec3F pos;
if (target.hasNearestVert && snapSettings.SnapVertex)
pos = target.nearestVertex;
pos = target.hitPt;
pos -= snapOffset;
parentWorldToLocal.Transform(ref pos);
Vec3F diff = pos - node.Transform.Translation;
node.Translation += diff;
bool rotateOnSnap = snapSettings.RotateOnSnap
&& target.hasNormal
&& (node.TransformationType & TransformationTypes.Rotation) != 0;
if (rotateOnSnap)
Vec3F localSurfaceNormal;
parentWorldToLocal.TransformNormal(target.normal, out localSurfaceNormal);
node.Rotation = TransformUtils.RotateToVector(
示例12: CreatePrototype
private DomNode CreatePrototype(IEnumerable<IGameObject> gobs)
DomNode[] originals = new DomNode[1];
List<IGameObject> copyList = new List<IGameObject>();
AABB bound = new AABB();
foreach (IGameObject gameObject in SelectedGobs)
IBoundable boundable = gameObject.As<IBoundable>();
Matrix4F world = TransformUtils.ComputeWorldTransform(gameObject);
originals[0] = gameObject.As<DomNode>();
DomNode[] copies = DomNode.Copy(originals);
IGameObject copy = copies[0].As<IGameObject>();
TransformUtils.SetTransform(copy, world);
DomNode gobchild = null;
if (copyList.Count > 1)
{// create group
IGame game = m_contextRegistry.GetActiveContext<IGame>();
IGameObjectGroup gobgroup = game.CreateGameObjectGroup();
gobgroup.Translation = bound.Center;
Matrix4F worldInv = new Matrix4F();
foreach (IGameObject gob in copyList)
Vec3F translate = gob.Translation;
worldInv.Transform(ref translate);
gob.Translation = translate;
gobchild = gobgroup.As<DomNode>();
gobchild = copyList[0].As<DomNode>();
gobchild.As<IGameObject>().Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, 0);
DomNode prototype = null;
if (gobchild != null)
prototype = new DomNode(Schema.prototypeType.Type, Schema.prototypeRootElement);
prototype.SetChild(Schema.prototypeType.gameObjectChild, gobchild);
return prototype;
示例13: Group
/// <summary>
/// Groups the specified GameObjects</summary>
/// <param name="gobs">GameObjects to be grouped</param>
/// <remarks>Creates a new GameObjectGroup and moves all
/// the GameObjects into it.</remarks>
public IGameObjectGroup Group(IEnumerable<IGameObject> gobs)
// extra check.
if (!CanGroup(gobs)) return null;
IGame game = null;
AABB groupBox = new AABB();
List<IGameObject> gameObjects = new List<IGameObject>();
foreach (IGameObject gameObject in gobs)
if (game == null)
game = gameObject.As<DomNode>().GetRoot().As<IGame>();
IBoundable boundable = gameObject.As<IBoundable>();
IGameObjectGroup group = game.CreateGameObjectGroup();
DomNode node = group.As<DomNode>();
ITransformable transformable = node.As<ITransformable>();
transformable.Translation = groupBox.Center;
Matrix4F invWorld = new Matrix4F();
foreach (IGameObject gameObject in gameObjects)
ITransformable xformable = gameObject.As<ITransformable>();
Matrix4F world = ComputeWorldTransform(xformable);
SetTransform(xformable, world);
Vec3F trans = world.Translation;
invWorld.Transform(ref trans);
xformable.Translation = trans;
return group;
示例14: Transform
/// <summary>
/// Transforms a sphere by the given matrix</summary>
/// <param name="m">Matrix</param>
/// <returns>Transformed sphere</returns>
public Sphere3F Transform(Matrix4F m)
m.Transform(Center, out Center);
// Calculate the scale
float l1 = m.XAxis.Length;
float l2 = m.YAxis.Length;
float l3 = m.ZAxis.Length;
float scale = l1;
if (scale < l2)
scale = l2;
if (scale < l3)
scale = l3;
Radius *= scale;
return this;