本文整理汇总了C#中Matrix4F.RotY方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix4F.RotY方法的具体用法?C# Matrix4F.RotY怎么用?C# Matrix4F.RotY使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Matrix4F
示例1: MouseMove
/// <summary>
/// Handles mouse-move events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">Control that raised original event</param>
/// <param name="e">Event args</param>
/// <returns>true, if controller handled the event</returns>
public override bool MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (m_dragging &&
InputScheme.ActiveControlScheme.IsControllingCamera(Control.ModifierKeys, e))
float dx = (float)(e.X - m_lastMousePoint.X) / 150.0f;
float dy = (float)(e.Y - m_lastMousePoint.Y) / 150.0f;
if (InputScheme.ActiveControlScheme.IsElevating(Control.ModifierKeys, e))
// move camera up/down
Vec3F p = Camera.Eye;
p.Y += (dy < 0) ? m_scale : -m_scale;
else if (InputScheme.ActiveControlScheme.IsTurning(Control.ModifierKeys, e))
// pitch and yaw camera
Matrix4F mat = Matrix4F.RotAxisRH(Camera.Right, -dy); // pitch along camera right
Matrix4F yaw = new Matrix4F();
mat.Mul(yaw, mat);
Vec3F lookAt = Camera.LookAt;
Vec3F up = Camera.Up;
mat.Transform(ref lookAt);
mat.Transform(ref up);
Vec3F position = Camera.Eye;
float d = Camera.DistanceFromLookAt;
Camera.Set(position, position + lookAt * d, up);
m_lastMousePoint = e.Location;
return true;
return base.MouseMove(sender, e);
示例2: Render
public override void Render(ViewControl vc)
Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix();
if (normWorld == null) return;
Util3D.RenderFlag = BasicRendererFlags.WireFrame | BasicRendererFlags.DisableDepthTest;
Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis ) ? Color.LightSalmon : Color.Red;
Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis ) ? Color.LightGreen : Color.Green;
Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis ) ? Color.LightBlue : Color.Blue;
float s;
Util.CalcAxisLengths(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, out s);
Vec3F axScale = new Vec3F(s, s, s);
Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F xform = scale*normWorld;
Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, Zcolor);
Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F();
xform = scale * rot * normWorld;
Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, xcolor);
xform = scale * rot * normWorld;
示例3: OnNodeSet
/// <summary>
/// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set.
/// This method is called each time the adapter is connected to its underlying node.
/// Typically overridden by creators of DOM adapters.</summary>
protected override void OnNodeSet()
// get trans, scale, and rot.
foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.scaleChild))
m_scale = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute);
foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.translateChild))
m_translation = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute);
const float PiOver180 = (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f);
foreach (DomNode node in DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.rotateChild))
double[] arr = (double[])node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.Attribute);
float angle = (float)arr[3] * PiOver180;
string sid = node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.sidAttribute) as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sid))
if (sid == "rotateX")
m_rotation.X = angle;
else if (sid == "rotateY")
m_rotation.Y = angle;
else if (sid == "rotateZ")
m_rotation.Z = angle;
Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F();
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (m_rotation.X != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (m_rotation.Y != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (m_rotation.Z != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
M.Mul(M, temp);
Transform = M;
m_boundingBox = new Cached<Box>(CalculateBoundingBox);
Visible = true;
示例4: CalcTransform
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components
/// </summary>
/// <param name="translation">Translation</param>
/// <param name="rotation">Rotation</param>
/// <param name="scale">Scale</param>
/// <param name="scalePivot">Translation to origin of scaling</param>
/// <param name="scalePivotTranslate">Translation after scaling</param>
/// <param name="rotatePivot">Translation to origin of rotation</param>
/// <param name="rotatePivotTranslate">Translation after rotation</param>
/// <returns>transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components</returns>
public static Matrix4F CalcTransform(
Vec3F translation,
Vec3F rotation,
Vec3F scale,
Vec3F pivot)
Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F();
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (rotation.X != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (rotation.Y != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
if (rotation.Z != 0)
M.Mul(M, temp);
temp.Set(pivot + translation);
M.Mul(M, temp);
return M;
示例5: CreateTorus
public static void CreateTorus(float innerRadius,
float outerRadius,
uint rings,
uint sides,
List<Vec3F> pos,
List<Vec3F> nor,
List<Vec2F> tex,
List<uint> indices)
uint ringStride = rings + 1;
uint sideStride = sides + 1;
// radiusC: distance to center of the ring
float radiusC = (innerRadius + outerRadius) * 0.5f;
//radiusR: the radius of the ring
float radiusR = (outerRadius - radiusC);
for (uint i = 0; i <= rings; i++)
float u = (float)i / rings;
float outerAngle = i * MathHelper.TwoPi / rings;
// xform from ring space to torus space.
Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F();
trans.Translation = new Vec3F(radiusC, 0, 0);
Matrix4F roty = new Matrix4F();
Matrix4F transform = trans * roty;
// create vertices for each ring.
for (uint j = 0; j <= sides; j++)
float v = (float)j / sides;
float innerAngle = j * MathHelper.TwoPi / sides + MathHelper.Pi;
float dx = (float)Math.Cos(innerAngle);
float dy = (float)Math.Sin(innerAngle);
// normal, position ,and texture coordinates
Vec3F n = new Vec3F(dx, dy, 0);
Vec3F p = n * radiusR;
if (tex != null)
Vec2F t = new Vec2F(u, v);
transform.Transform(ref p);
transform.TransformVector(n, out n);
// And create indices for two triangles.
uint nextI = (i + 1) % ringStride;
uint nextJ = (j + 1) % sideStride;
indices.Add(nextI * sideStride + j);
indices.Add(i * sideStride + nextJ);
indices.Add(i * sideStride + j);
indices.Add(nextI * sideStride + j);
indices.Add(nextI * sideStride + nextJ);
indices.Add(i * sideStride + nextJ);