本文整理汇总了C#中Layer.renderTriangles方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Layer.renderTriangles方法的具体用法?C# Layer.renderTriangles怎么用?C# Layer.renderTriangles使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Layer
示例1: CreateColliderMesh
public Mesh CreateColliderMesh()
// We use the currentLayer ID to order them on the Z axis.
// Be aware that on the collider mesh it depends on the freezeColliderLayers
// variable, this way you can avoid having colliders on different z axis.
int currentLayerID = 0;
// UsedVertices is used to maintain a count of the vertices between
// layers so when you call renderTriangles, it nows where to start.
int usedVertices = 0;
TileSet tileset = null;
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3> ();
List<int> triangles = new List<int> ();
Mesh mesh = new Mesh ();
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument ();
xmldoc.Load (new StringReader (tilemap.text));
XmlNodeList nodelist = xmldoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;
// Works the almost the same way as the createMesh method (builds the
// tileset and layer objects, then builds the mesh with those
// but only checks on the collision names plus it doesn't build model
// uv since its not neccesary.
foreach (XmlNode outerNode in nodelist) {
switch (outerNode.Name) {
case "tileset":
if (outerNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText.IndexOf ("Collision") != -1) {
XmlNode imageNode = outerNode.SelectSingleNode ("image");
int firstGID = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["firstgid"].InnerText);
int width = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["tilewidth"].InnerText);
int height = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["tileheight"].InnerText);
int imageWidth = int.Parse (imageNode.Attributes ["width"].InnerText);
int imageheight = int.Parse (imageNode.Attributes ["height"].InnerText);
tileset = new TileSet (firstGID, width, height, imageWidth, imageheight);
// On the TMX editor, we set some attributes on our collider tiles so when parsing the
// tileset, we'll be adding them to our tileset object.
foreach (XmlNode innerNode in outerNode.ChildNodes) {
if (innerNode.Name == "tile") {
int tileID = 0;
if (int.TryParse (innerNode.Attributes ["id"].InnerText, out tileID)) {
XmlNode propertyNodes = innerNode.SelectSingleNode ("properties");
foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in propertyNodes) {
if (propertyNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText == "col") {
tileset.AddCollision (tileID, propertyNode.Attributes ["value"].InnerText);
case "layer":
if (outerNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText.IndexOf ("collision_") != -1) {
XmlNode dataNode = outerNode.SelectSingleNode ("data");
int layerWidth = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["width"].InnerText);
int layerHeight = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["height"].InnerText);
string csvData = dataNode.InnerText;
Layer currentLayer = new Layer (tileset, csvData, currentLayerID, layerWidth, layerHeight);
vertices.AddRange (currentLayer.renderColVertices ());
triangles.AddRange (currentLayer.renderTriangles (usedVertices, usedVertices + currentLayer.vertexCount));
usedVertices += currentLayer.vertexCount;
// In case we freeze the layers on collider they wont move on the z axis.
if (!freezeLayersOnCollider)
case "objectgroup":
if (outerNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText.IndexOf ("CollisionObjects") != -1) {
foreach (XmlNode objectNode in outerNode.ChildNodes) {
int colliderWidth = 0;
int colliderHeight = 0;
if (objectNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem ("width") != null) {
colliderWidth = int.Parse (objectNode.Attributes ["width"].InnerText);
colliderHeight = int.Parse (objectNode.Attributes ["height"].InnerText);
int colliderX = int.Parse (objectNode.Attributes ["x"].InnerText);
int colliderY = int.Parse (objectNode.Attributes ["y"].InnerText);
colliderX += (colliderWidth / 2 + 16);
colliderY = - (colliderY + colliderHeight / 2);
GameObject newCollider = null;
if (objectNode.HasChildNodes) {
// Can be polyline, ellipse or polygon, as boxes have no child.
string objectType = objectNode.FirstChild.Name;
Debug.Log ("Has children: " + objectType);
switch (objectType) {
case "ellipse":
newCollider = CreateEllipseCollider (colliderX, colliderY, colliderWidth, colliderHeight);
case "polyline":
XmlNode polylineData = objectNode.FirstChild;
newCollider = CreatePolylineCollider (polylineData, colliderX, colliderY);
case "polygon":
示例2: CreateMesh
public Mesh CreateMesh()
// We use the currentLayer ID to order them on the Z axis.
int currentLayerID = 0;
// UsedVertices is used to maintain a count of the vertices between
//layers so when you call renderTriangles, it nows where to start.
int usedVertices = 0;
TileSet tileset = null;
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3> ();
List<Vector2> uv = new List<Vector2> ();
List<int> triangles = new List<int> ();
Mesh mesh = new Mesh ();
// What we're doing here is simple: Load the xml file from the attributes
// And start parsing. Once it finds a tileset element it creates the tileset object
// (it will be the first thing it encounters)
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument ();
xmldoc.Load (new StringReader (tilemap.text));
XmlNodeList nodelist = xmldoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode outerNode in nodelist) {
switch (outerNode.Name) {
case "tileset":
// Basically we just grab the data from the xml and build a Tileset object
// To avoid problems with the collision tileset since we only store one tileset
// we ignore anything with Collision inside.
if (outerNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText.IndexOf ("Collision") == -1) {
XmlNode imageNode = outerNode.SelectSingleNode ("image");
int firstGID = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["firstgid"].InnerText);
int width = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["tilewidth"].InnerText);
int height = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["tileheight"].InnerText);
int imageWidth = int.Parse (imageNode.Attributes ["width"].InnerText);
int imageheight = int.Parse (imageNode.Attributes ["height"].InnerText);
int tileBorder = 0;
if (outerNode.Attributes ["spacing"] != null)
tileBorder = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["spacing"].InnerText);
tileset = new TileSet (firstGID, width, height, imageWidth, imageheight, tileBorder);
case "layer":
// First we build the layer object and then just call the renderVertices
// renderUV and renderTriangles to build our textured mesh.
// Finally we store the vertexcount and +1 to the currentLayerID.
// like in the tileset, we avoid using the "collision_" layers since
// they only contain collision info
if (outerNode.Attributes ["name"].InnerText.IndexOf ("collision_") == -1) {
XmlNode dataNode = outerNode.SelectSingleNode ("data");
int layerWidth = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["width"].InnerText);
int layerHeight = int.Parse (outerNode.Attributes ["height"].InnerText);
string csvData = dataNode.InnerText;
Layer currentLayer = new Layer (tileset, csvData, currentLayerID, layerWidth, layerHeight);
vertices.AddRange (currentLayer.renderVertices ());
uv.AddRange (currentLayer.renderUv ());
triangles.AddRange (currentLayer.renderTriangles (usedVertices, usedVertices+currentLayer.vertexCount));
usedVertices += currentLayer.vertexCount;
currentLayerID += 1;
mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray ();
mesh.uv = uv.ToArray ();
mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray ();
return mesh;