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C# IMyCubeBlock类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中IMyCubeBlock的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IMyCubeBlock类的具体用法?C# IMyCubeBlock怎么用?C# IMyCubeBlock使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ToBlock

        public Vector3 ToBlock(IMyCubeBlock block)
            if (direction_block.HasValue && CubeBlock == block)
                return direction_block.Value;

            Vector3 result = Vector3.PositiveInfinity;
            if (block.CubeGrid == CubeGrid && direction_local.HasValue)
                MatrixD Transform = Matrix.Invert(block.LocalMatrix).GetOrientation();
                result = Vector3.Transform(direction_local.Value, Transform);
                MatrixD Transform = block.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv.GetOrientation();
                result = Vector3.Transform(ToWorld(), Transform);

            if (CubeBlock == null)
                CubeBlock = block;
                direction_block = result;
            return result;

示例2: ShipController

		public ShipController(IMyCubeBlock block)
			: base(block)
			myLogger = new Logger("ShipController", () => CubeBlock.CubeGrid.DisplayName);
			myController = CubeBlock as Ingame.IMyShipController;
			Registrar.Add(CubeBlock, this);

示例3: LastSeenTarget

 public LastSeenTarget(LastSeen seen, IMyCubeBlock block = null)
     m_lastSeen = seen;
     m_block = block;
     m_lastPostion = m_lastSeen.LastKnownPosition;
     m_lastPositionUpdate = m_lastSeen.LastSeenAt;

示例4: MotorTurret

 public MotorTurret(IMyCubeBlock block, StatorChangeHandler handler)
     this.FaceBlock = block;
     this.myLogger = new Logger("MotorTurret", block);
     this.OnStatorChange = handler;

示例5: LaserAntenna

		public LaserAntenna(IMyCubeBlock block)
			: base(block)
			myLaserAntenna = CubeBlock as Ingame.IMyLaserAntenna;
			myLogger = new Logger("LaserAntenna", () => CubeBlock.CubeGrid.DisplayName);
			Registrar.Add(block, this);

示例6: ShipAutopilot

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Autopilot for the given ship controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The ship controller to use</param>
        public ShipAutopilot(IMyCubeBlock block)
            this.m_block = new ShipControllerBlock(block);
            this.m_logger = new Logger(GetType().Name, block);
            this.m_interpreter = new Interpreter(m_block);

            this.m_block.CubeBlock.OnClosing += CubeBlock_OnClosing;

            ((MyCubeBlock)block).ResourceSink.SetRequiredInputFuncByType(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Electricity"), PowerRequired);

            if (Saver.Instance.LoadOldVersion(69))
                int start = block.DisplayNameText.IndexOf('[') + 1, end = block.DisplayNameText.IndexOf(']');
                if (start > 0 && end > start)
                    m_block.AutopilotTerminal.AutopilotCommands = new StringBuilder(block.DisplayNameText.Substring(start, end - start).Trim());
                    int lengthBefore = start - 1;
                    string nameBefore = lengthBefore > 0 ? m_block.Terminal.DisplayNameText.Substring(0, lengthBefore) : string.Empty;
                    int lengthAfter  = m_block.Terminal.DisplayNameText.Length - end;
                    string nameAfter = lengthAfter > 0 ? m_block.Terminal.DisplayNameText.Substring(end, lengthAfter) : string.Empty;
                    m_block.Terminal.SetCustomName((nameBefore + nameAfter).Trim());

            m_logger.debugLog("Created autopilot for: " + block.DisplayNameText);

            Registrar.Add(block, this);

示例7: IsHacker

 public static bool IsHacker(IMyCubeBlock block)
     if (!(block is IMyLandingGear))
         return false;
     string descr = block.GetCubeBlockDefinition().DescriptionString;
     return descr != null && descr.ToLower().Contains("hacker");

示例8: ManualMessage

        public ManualMessage(IMyCubeBlock block)
            m_logger = new Logger(GetType().Name, block);
            m_block = block;

            Registrar.Add(block, this);

示例9: Logger

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Logger that gets the context and states from block and supplied function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calling_class">the name of the class this Logger belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="block">The block to get context and states from</param>
        /// <param name="default_secondary">the secondary state used when one is not supplied to alwaysLog() or debugLog()</param>
        public Logger(string calling_class, IMyCubeBlock block, Func<string> default_secondary = null)
            this.m_classname = calling_class;

            if (block == null)
                f_context = () => "Null block";

            this.f_context = () => {
                IMyCubeGrid grid = block.CubeGrid;
                if (grid == null)
                    return "Null grid";
                return grid.DisplayName + " - " + grid.EntityId;

            if (default_secondary == null)
                this.f_state_primary = () => block.DefinitionDisplayNameText;
                this.f_state_secondary = () => block.getNameOnly() + " - " + block.EntityId;
                this.f_state_primary = () => block.getNameOnly() + " - " + block.EntityId;
                this.f_state_secondary = default_secondary;

示例10: Stator

			public Stator(IMyCubeBlock block)
				: base(block, AttachedGrid.AttachmentKind.Motor)
				this.myLogger = new Logger("Stator", block);
				this.myStator = block as IMyMotorStator;
				Registrar.Add(this.myStator, this);

示例11: GuidedMissile

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a missile with homing and target finding capabilities.
        /// </summary>
        public GuidedMissile(IMyEntity missile, IMyCubeBlock firedBy, TargetingOptions opt, Ammo ammo, LastSeen initialTarget = null, bool isSlave = false)
            : base(missile, firedBy)
            myLogger = new Logger("GuidedMissile", () => missile.getBestName(), () => m_stage.ToString());
            myAmmo = ammo;
            myDescr = ammo.Description;
            if (ammo.Description.HasAntenna)
                myAntenna = new MissileAntenna(missile);
            TryHard = true;

            missile.OnClose += missile_OnClose;

            if (myAmmo.IsCluster && !isSlave)
                myCluster = new Cluster(myAmmo.MagazineDefinition.Capacity - 1);
            accelerationPerUpdate = (myDescr.Acceleration + myAmmo.MissileDefinition.MissileAcceleration) / 60f;
            addSpeedPerUpdate = myDescr.Acceleration / 60f;

            Options = opt;
            Options.TargetingRange = ammo.Description.TargetRange;
            myTargetSeen = initialTarget;

            myLogger.debugLog("Options: " + Options, "GuidedMissile()");
            //myLogger.debugLog("AmmoDescription: \n" + MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML<Ammo.AmmoDescription>(myDescr), "GuidedMissile()");

示例12: ProgrammableBlock

		public ProgrammableBlock(IMyCubeBlock block)
			: base(block)
			myLogger = new Logger("Programmable block", () => CubeBlock.CubeGrid.DisplayName);
			myProgBlock = CubeBlock as Ingame.IMyProgrammableBlock;
			Registrar.Add(CubeBlock, this);

示例13: BlockInstructions

		protected BlockInstructions(IMyTerminalBlock block)
			m_logger = new Logger("BlockInstructions", block as IMyCubeBlock);
			m_block = block as IMyCubeBlock;

			block.CustomNameChanged += BlockChange;

示例14: FromBlock

 public static RelativeDirection3F FromBlock(IMyCubeBlock block, Vector3 blockDirection)
     RelativeDirection3F result = new RelativeDirection3F(block.CubeGrid);
     result.direction_block = blockDirection;
     result.CubeBlock = block;
     return result;

示例15: Solar

		/// <param name="block">Must be an IMyTerminalBlock</param>
		public Solar(IMyCubeBlock block)
			myBlock = block;
			myLogger = new Logger("Solar", block);
			(myBlock as IMyTerminalBlock).CustomNameChanged += Solar_CustomNameChanged;
			myBlock.OnClose += myBlock_OnClose;
