本文整理汇总了C#中Gradient类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Gradient类的具体用法?C# Gradient怎么用?C# Gradient使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Update
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (timer == 0) {
LastColor = SoupMaterial.color;
if (!NextColor.Equals(SoupMaterial.color)) {
timer += Time.deltaTime;
Color c = Color.Lerp(LastColor, NextColor, timer / duration);
SoupMaterial.color = c;
SoupLight.color = c;
SoupLight.intensity = Mathf.Max(1.5f * (duration - timer), 1);
var col = Smoke.colorOverLifetime;
col.enabled = true;
Gradient grad = new Gradient();
grad.SetKeys( new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(c, 0.0f), new GradientColorKey(Color.gray, 1.0f) }, new GradientAlphaKey[] { new GradientAlphaKey(1.0f, 0.0f), new GradientAlphaKey(0.0f, 1.0f) } );
col.color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient(grad);
if (timer >= duration) {
SoupMaterial.color = NextColor;
SoupLight.intensity = 1;
timer = 0;
示例2: Start
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//activated = true;
//cachedY = timeTransform.position.y;
minXValue = 0;
maxXValue = timeTransform.rect.width;
//currentTime = maxTime;
g = new Gradient();
// Populate the color keys at the relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%)
gck = new GradientColorKey[3];
gck[0].color = new Color32(9,183,62,1);
gck[0].time = 0.0f;
gck[1].color = new Color32(255,228,0,1);
gck[1].time = 0.5f;
gck[2].color = new Color32(219,101,63,1);
gck[2].time = 1.0f;
// Populate the alpha keys at relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%)
gak = new GradientAlphaKey[2];
gak[0].alpha = 1.0f;
gak[0].time = 0.0f;
gak[1].alpha = 1.0f;
gak[1].time = 1.0f;
g.SetKeys(gck, gak);
CurrentTime = maxTime;
示例3: LoadData
private void LoadData(object sender, EventArgs e)
Gradient gradient = new Gradient(9, 0.01, 2.0, 10, 1.5);
chart1.Series["Series1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
double length = 0.0;
int i = 0;
length = gradient.GetNext();
chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY(i, length);
} while (length > epsilon && i < maxIteration);
Console.WriteLine("\nIteration = " + (i - 1));
Console.WriteLine("Distance between atoms = " + gradient.GetPoint() + "\n");
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0;
示例4: GradientPresets
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of Gradient.
/// </summary>
static GradientPresets()
// Grayscale gradient color keys
var grayscaleColorKeys = new List<GradientColorKey>
new GradientColorKey(Color.black, 0),
new GradientColorKey(Color.white, 1)
// RGB gradient color keys
var rgbColorKeys = new List<GradientColorKey>
new GradientColorKey(Color.red, 0),
new GradientColorKey(Color.green, 0.5f),
new GradientColorKey(Color.blue, 1)
// RGBA gradient color keys
var rgbaColorKeys = new List<GradientColorKey>
new GradientColorKey(Color.red, 0),
new GradientColorKey(Color.green, 1 / 3f),
new GradientColorKey(Color.blue, 2 / 3f),
new GradientColorKey(Color.black, 1)
// RGBA gradient alpha keys
var rgbaAlphaKeys = new List<GradientAlphaKey> {new GradientAlphaKey(0, 2 / 3f), new GradientAlphaKey(1, 1)};
// Terrain gradient color keys
var terrainColorKeys = new List<GradientColorKey>
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0, 0, 0.5f), 0),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0.125f, 0.25f, 0.5f), 0.4f),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0.25f, 0.375f, 0.75f), 0.48f),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0, 0.75f, 0), 0.5f),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0), 0.625f),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0.625f, 0.375f, 0.25f), 0.75f),
new GradientColorKey(new Color(0.5f, 1, 1), 0.875f),
new GradientColorKey(Color.white, 1)
// Generic gradient alpha keys
var alphaKeys = new List<GradientAlphaKey> {new GradientAlphaKey(1, 0), new GradientAlphaKey(1, 1)};
_empty = new Gradient();
_rgb = new Gradient();
_rgb.SetKeys(rgbColorKeys.ToArray(), alphaKeys.ToArray());
_rgba = new Gradient();
_rgba.SetKeys(rgbaColorKeys.ToArray(), rgbaAlphaKeys.ToArray());
_grayscale = new Gradient();
_grayscale.SetKeys(grayscaleColorKeys.ToArray(), alphaKeys.ToArray());
_terrain = new Gradient();
_terrain.SetKeys(terrainColorKeys.ToArray(), alphaKeys.ToArray());
示例5: CreateVerticalGradient
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 1 pixel wide vertical gradient texture using the provided <see cref="GradientStop"/> array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="device"><see cref="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice"/> instance to use.</param>
/// <param name="gradientStops">Array of <see cref="GradientStop"/> instances to use when generating the gradient.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height of the generated texture in pixels.</param>
/// <returns>A texture 1 pixel wide and the height specified.</returns>
public static Texture2D CreateVerticalGradient(GraphicsDevice device, Gradient gradient, int height)
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(device, 1, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
Color[] colors = gradient.GetColors(height);
return texture;
示例6: CreateHorizontalGradient
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 1 pixel high horizontal gradient texture using the provided <see cref="GradientStop"/> array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="device"><see cref="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice"/> instance to use.</param>
/// <param name="gradientStops">Array of <see cref="GradientStop"/> instances to use when generating the gradient.</param>
/// <param name="width">Width of the generated texture in pixels.</param>
/// <returns>A texture with the width specified and 1 pixel high.</returns>
public static Texture2D CreateHorizontalGradient(GraphicsDevice device, Gradient gradient, int width)
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(device, width, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
Color[] colors = gradient.GetColors(width);
return texture;
示例7: SceneFilter
public SceneFilter(float angle, Gradient gradient)
gradientFx = new GradientFilter();
gradientFx.Gradientf = gradient;
gradientFx.OriginAngleDegree = angle;
saturationFx = new SaturationModifyFilter();
saturationFx.SaturationFactor = -0.6f;
示例8: SaveGraient
void SaveGraient(Gradient gradient)
var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save gradient.", "Assets/", "", "asset");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
GradientObject obj = GradientObject.CreateInstance<GradientObject>();
obj.data = gradient;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(obj, LocalPath(path));
示例9: AddGradient_Click
private void AddGradient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Gradient newGradient = new Gradient();
newGradient.Name = CreateUniqueGradientName(Strings.NewGradient);
gradientList.DataSource = null;
gradientList.DataSource = gradients;
gradientList.SelectedIndex = gradients.Count - 1;
deleteGradient.Enabled = (gradients.Count > 0);
示例10: ExtendedTerrainArea
public ExtendedTerrainArea(float averageHeight, float flatness, float roughness,
Gradient coloring00, Gradient coloring10, Gradient coloring01, Gradient coloring11,
float deltaX, float deltaY)
: base(averageHeight, flatness, roughness, null)
this.coloring00 = coloring00;
this.coloring10 = coloring10;
this.coloring01 = coloring01;
this.coloring11 = coloring11;
this.deltaX = deltaX;
this.deltaY = deltaY;
示例11: GradientViewer
// This constructor takes a Gradient value from the
// design-time environment, which will be used to display
// the initial state.
public GradientViewer(Gradient gradient, IWindowsFormsEditorService editorService)
// This call is required by the designer.
// Cache the light shape value provided by the
// design-time environment.
this.gradient = gradient;
// Cache the reference to the editor service.
this.editorService = editorService;
示例12: InitImpulseGradient
private void InitImpulseGradient ()
impulseGradient = new Gradient ();
GradientColorKey[] gck = new GradientColorKey[impulseGradientColors.Length];
GradientAlphaKey[] gak = new GradientAlphaKey[impulseGradientColors.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < impulseGradientColors.Length; i++) {
gck [i].color = impulseGradientColors [i];
gak [i].alpha = 1.0f;
gck [i].time = gak [i].time = impulseGradientTimes [i];
impulseGradient.SetKeys (gck, gak);
示例13: WindParticle
private int id; // just for debugging / can be deleted after
public WindParticle(int _id, Vector3 _position, int _maxDistance, Quaternion _direction, float _speed, int _maxMountainHeight, float _temperature, float _saturation, Gradient _colorArea) {
id = _id;
position = _position;
source = _position;
maxDistance = _maxDistance;
direction = _direction;
speed = _speed;
maxMountainHeight = _maxMountainHeight;
temperature = _temperature;
saturation = getSFromFRel(_saturation,getPFromHeight((position.y-groundHeight)/scale),temperature); // saturation kommt als relative Luftfeuchte, daher die Umrechnung
colorArea = _colorArea;
visible = true;
示例14: Awake
// Use this for initialization
void Awake ()
//set RectTransform parameters
RectTransform rectTransform = this.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0,0);
rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1,1);
rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(1,1);
colorGradient = GetColorGradient (bottomColor, topColor); // create the color gradient
示例15: BlendGradient
public Gradient BlendGradient(Gradient terrain_gradient, Gradient object_gradient)
List<ColorHSV> targetPalette = new List<ColorHSV>();
List<ColorHSV> currentPalette = new List<ColorHSV>();
targetPalette = RandomE.TetradicPalette(0.25f, 0.75f);
ColorHSV groundColor = new ColorHSV(terrain_gradient.Evaluate(0));
ColorHSV newColor = new ColorHSV(object_gradient.Evaluate(1));
targetPalette.Add(ColorHSV.Lerp(groundColor, newColor, 0.5f));
var gradient = ColorE.Gradient(from: targetPalette[2].WithSV(0.8f, 0.8f),
to: targetPalette[3].WithSV(0.8f, 0.8f));
return object_gradient;