本文整理汇总了C#中EndianBinaryReader.ReadSingle方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# EndianBinaryReader.ReadSingle方法的具体用法?C# EndianBinaryReader.ReadSingle怎么用?C# EndianBinaryReader.ReadSingle使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类EndianBinaryReader
示例1: read
public void read(EndianBinaryReader r) {
Time = r.ReadSingle();
Measure = r.ReadInt16();
Beat = r.ReadInt16();
PhraseIteration = r.ReadInt32();
Mask = r.ReadInt32();
示例2: txt1
public txt1(EndianBinaryReader er)
: base(er)
long baseoffset = er.BaseStream.Position - 0x4C;
NrCharacters = er.ReadUInt16();
NrCharacters2 = er.ReadUInt16();
MaterialId = er.ReadUInt16();
FontId = er.ReadUInt16();
PositionType = er.ReadByte();
TextAlignment = er.ReadByte();
TextFlags = er.ReadByte();
Padding = er.ReadByte();
StringOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
TopColor = er.ReadColor8();
BottomColor = er.ReadColor8();
FontSize = er.ReadVector2();
CharSpace = er.ReadSingle();
LineSpace = er.ReadSingle();
er.BaseStream.Position = baseoffset + StringOffset;
Text = er.ReadStringNT(Encoding.Unicode);
er.BaseStream.Position = baseoffset + SectionSize;
示例3: VertexStreamCtr
public VertexStreamCtr(EndianBinaryReader er)
: base(er)
BufferObject = er.ReadUInt32();
LocationFlag = er.ReadUInt32();
VertexStreamLength = er.ReadUInt32();
VertexStreamOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
LocationAddress = er.ReadUInt32();
MemoryArea = er.ReadUInt32();
FormatType = (DataType)er.ReadUInt32();
NrComponents = er.ReadUInt32();
Scale = er.ReadSingle();
Offset = er.ReadUInt32();
示例4: hfzReadHeader
private HfzHeader hfzReadHeader(EndianBinaryReader reader)
HfzHeader fh = new HfzHeader();
string heading = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(4));
if (heading.Equals("HF2"))
throw new Exception("Invalid file format heading HF2 not found");
ushort fileVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
fh.FileVersionNo = fileVersion;
UInt32 nx = reader.ReadUInt32();
fh.nx = nx;
UInt32 ny = reader.ReadUInt32();
fh.ny = ny;
ushort tileSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
fh.TileSize = tileSize;
float Precis = reader.ReadSingle();
fh.Precis = Precis;
float HorizScale = reader.ReadSingle();
fh.HorizScale = HorizScale;
UInt32 ExtHeaderLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
fh.ExtHeaderLength = ExtHeaderLength;
if (ExtHeaderLength > 0)
fh = decodeExtHeaderBuf(fh, reader);
return fh;
示例5: readWmfHeader
private WmfHeader readWmfHeader(EndianBinaryReader reader)
ushort dataOffset = reader.ReadUInt16();
uint width = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint height = reader.ReadUInt32();
byte dataSize = reader.ReadByte();
bool floatingPointFlag = reader.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false;
float verticalScale = reader.ReadSingle();
float verticalOffset = reader.ReadSingle();
float horizontalScale = reader.ReadSingle();
ushort tileSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool wrapFlag = reader.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false;
byte reserved = reader.ReadByte();
if (reserved != 0)
throw new Exception("Reserved should be 0 for a WMF");
ushort auxDataType = reader.ReadUInt16();
byte auxDataSize = reader.ReadByte();
byte[] auxReserved = reader.ReadBytes(dataOffset - 45);
return new WmfHeader(dataOffset, width, height, dataSize, floatingPointFlag, verticalScale,
verticalOffset, horizontalScale, tileSize, wrapFlag, auxDataType, auxDataSize, auxReserved);
示例6: Read
public void Read(Stream inStream, MesgDefinition defnMesg)
inStream.Position = 1;
EndianBinaryReader mesgReader = new EndianBinaryReader(inStream, defnMesg.IsBigEndian);
LocalNum = defnMesg.LocalMesgNum;
foreach (FieldDefinition fieldDef in defnMesg.GetFields())
// It's possible the field type found in the field definition may
// not agree with the type defined in the profile. The profile
// type will be preferred for decode.
Field field = GetField(fieldDef.Num);
if (field == null)
// We normally won't have fields attached to our skeleton message,
// as we add values we need to add the fields too based on the mesg,field
// combo in the profile. Must derive from the profile so the scale etc
// is correct
field = new Field(Profile.GetMesg(this.Num).GetField(fieldDef.Num));
if (field.Num == Fit.FieldNumInvalid)
// If there was no info in the profile the FieldNum will get set to invalid
// so preserve the unknown fields info while we know it
field.Num = fieldDef.Num;
field.Type = fieldDef.Type;
object value;
// strings may be an array and are of variable length
if ((field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask) == Fit.String)
List<byte> utf8Bytes = new List<byte>();
byte b = new byte();
for (int i=0; i<fieldDef.Size; i++)
b = mesgReader.ReadByte();
if (b == 0x00)
if (utf8Bytes.Count != 0)
int numElements = (int)fieldDef.Size / Fit.BaseType[field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask].size;
for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++)
switch (field.Type & Fit.BaseTypeNumMask)
case Fit.Enum:
case Fit.Byte:
case Fit.UInt8:
case Fit.UInt8z:
value = mesgReader.ReadByte();
case Fit.SInt8:
value = mesgReader.ReadSByte();
case Fit.SInt16:
value = mesgReader.ReadInt16();
case Fit.UInt16:
case Fit.UInt16z:
value = mesgReader.ReadUInt16();
case Fit.SInt32:
value = mesgReader.ReadInt32();
case Fit.UInt32:
case Fit.UInt32z:
value = mesgReader.ReadUInt32();
case Fit.Float32:
value = mesgReader.ReadSingle();
case Fit.Float64:
value = mesgReader.ReadDouble();
示例7: read
public void read(EndianBinaryReader r)
Time = r.ReadSingle();
DnaId = r.ReadInt32();
示例8: ReadVertexBlock
private void ReadVertexBlock(EndianBinaryReader reader, CModel currentModel)
currentModel.VertexBaseIndex = _models._vertexPositions.Count;
currentModel.VertexCount = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < currentModel.VertexCount; i++)
Vector3 vertex = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
示例9: ReadTextureMapBlock
private void ReadTextureMapBlock(EndianBinaryReader reader, CModel currentModel)
currentModel.TextureMapCount = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < currentModel.TextureMapCount; i++)
float tU = reader.ReadSingle();
float tV = reader.ReadSingle();
_models._vertexTextureMap.Add(new Vector2(tU, tV));
示例10: Read
public void Read(EndianBinaryReader reader, string type, List<EntityTemplate> templates)
ChunkType = type;
if (ChunkType == "RTBL")
DisplayName = ChunkType;
Fields = new List<ElementProperty>();
string searchID = ChunkType.Remove(ChunkType.Length - 1);
EntityTemplate template = templates.Find(x => x.ChunkID.Contains(searchID));
Geometry = template.Geometry;
ActualColor = template.Color;
DisplayColor = ActualColor;
foreach (ElementProperty prop in template.Properties)
switch (prop.Type)
case FieldType.Byte:
prop.Data = reader.ReadByte();
case FieldType.Short:
prop.Data = reader.ReadInt16();
case FieldType.Integer:
prop.Data = reader.ReadInt32();
case FieldType.Float:
prop.Data = reader.ReadSingle();
case FieldType.Vector2:
prop.Data = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
case FieldType.Vector3:
prop.Data = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
if (prop.Name == "Position")
Position = (Vector3)prop.Data;
case FieldType.String:
string test = reader.ReadString((uint)prop.Length).Trim('\0');
prop.Data = test;
DisplayName = (string)prop.Data;
case FieldType.ListByte:
List<byte> byteList = new List<byte>();
int readerOffsetStorage = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;
if (ChunkType == "RTBL")
int roomListOffset = (int)template.Properties.Find(x => x.Name == "Room List Offset").Data;
readerOffsetStorage = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;
reader.BaseStream.Position = roomListOffset;
prop.Length = Convert.ToInt32(template.Properties.Find(x => x.Name == "Room Count").Data);
for (int i = 0; i < prop.Length; i++)
prop.Data = byteList;
if (ChunkType == "RTBL")
reader.BaseStream.Position = readerOffsetStorage;
case FieldType.ListShort:
List<short> shortList = new List<short>();
for (int i = 0; i < prop.Length; i++)
prop.Data = shortList;
case FieldType.ListRPPN:
List<Chunk> rppnList = new List<Chunk>();
prop.Data = rppnList;
case FieldType.Color:
Color color = Color.FromArgb((int)reader.ReadByte(), (int)reader.ReadByte(), (int)reader.ReadByte());
示例11: Load
public void Load(EndianBinaryReader reader)
int numVerts = reader.ReadInt32();
int vertsOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
int numFaces = reader.ReadInt32();
int facesOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
reader.BaseStream.Position = vertsOffset;
List<Vector3> vertsList = new List<Vector3>();
for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
vertsList.Add(new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
Vertexes = vertsList.ToArray();
reader.BaseStream.Position = facesOffset;
List<int> facesList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
Meshes = facesList.ToArray();
//Generate a buffer on the GPU and get the ID to it
GL.GenBuffers(1, out _glVbo);
//This "binds" the buffer. Once a buffer is bound, all actions are relative to it until another buffer is bound.
GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, _glVbo);
//This uploads data to the currently bound buffer from the CPU -> GPU. This only needs to be done with the data changes (ie: you edited a vertexes position on the cpu side)
GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(Vertexes.Length * Vector3.SizeInBytes), Vertexes,
//Now we're going to repeat the same process for the Element buffer, which is what OpenGL calls indicies. (Notice how it's basically identical?)
GL.GenBuffers(1, out _glEbo);
GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, _glEbo);
GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(Meshes.Length * 4), Meshes,
示例12: Bone
public Single[] WorldMatrix; //4x3
#endregion Fields
#region Constructors
public Bone(EndianBinaryReader er)
NameOffset = (UInt32)er.BaseStream.Position + er.ReadUInt32();
Flags = (BoneFlags)er.ReadUInt32();
JointID = er.ReadUInt32();
ParentID = er.ReadInt32();
if (ParentID == -1) ParentOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
else ParentOffset = (UInt32)(er.BaseStream.Position + er.ReadInt32());
ChildOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
if (ChildOffset != 0) ChildOffset += (UInt32)(er.BaseStream.Position - 4);
PreviousSiblingOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
if (PreviousSiblingOffset != 0) PreviousSiblingOffset += (UInt32)(er.BaseStream.Position - 4);
NextSiblingOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
if (NextSiblingOffset != 0) NextSiblingOffset += (UInt32)(er.BaseStream.Position - 4);
Scale = new Vector3(er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle());
Rotation = new Vector3(er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle());
Translation = new Vector3(er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle(), er.ReadSingle());
LocalMatrix = er.ReadSingles(4 * 3);
WorldMatrix = er.ReadSingles(4 * 3);
InverseBaseMatrix = er.ReadSingles(4 * 3);
BillboardMode = (BBMode)er.ReadUInt32();
Unknown6 = er.ReadUInt32();
Unknown7 = er.ReadUInt32();
long curpos = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = NameOffset;
Name = er.ReadStringNT(Encoding.ASCII);
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos;
示例13: VertexParamAttributeCtr
public VertexParamAttributeCtr(EndianBinaryReader er)
: base(er)
FormatType = (DataType)er.ReadUInt32();
NrComponents = er.ReadUInt32();
Scale = er.ReadSingle();
NrAttributes = er.ReadUInt32();
AttributeArrayOffset = (UInt32)er.BaseStream.Position + er.ReadUInt32();
long curpos = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = AttributeArrayOffset;
Attributes = er.ReadSingles((int)NrAttributes);
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos;
示例14: LoadMapEntityFromStream
private RawMapEntity LoadMapEntityFromStream(string chunkFourCC, EndianBinaryReader reader, MapEntityDataDescriptor template)
RawMapEntity obj = new RawMapEntity();
obj.Fields = new PropertyCollection();
obj.FourCC = chunkFourCC;
// We're going to examine the Template's properties and load based on the current template type.
for (int i = 0; i < template.Fields.Count; i++)
var templateProperty = template.Fields[i];
string propertyName = templateProperty.FieldName;
PropertyType type = templateProperty.FieldType;
object value = null;
switch (type)
case PropertyType.FixedLengthString:
value = reader.ReadString(templateProperty.Length).Trim(new[] { '\0' });
case PropertyType.String:
value = reader.ReadStringUntil('\0');
case PropertyType.Byte:
value = reader.ReadByte();
case PropertyType.Short:
value = reader.ReadInt16();
case PropertyType.Int32BitField:
case PropertyType.Int32:
value = reader.ReadInt32();
case PropertyType.Float:
value = reader.ReadSingle();
case PropertyType.Vector3:
value = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
case PropertyType.Vector2:
value = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
case PropertyType.Enum:
byte enumIndexBytes = reader.ReadByte(); // ToDo: Resolve to actual Enum later.
value = enumIndexBytes;
case PropertyType.ObjectReference:
// When we first resolve them, we're going to keep the value as the reference byte,
// and then when they are post-processed they'll be turned into a proper type.
value = (int)reader.ReadByte();
case PropertyType.ObjectReferenceShort:
// When we first resolve them, we're going to keep the value as the reference byte,
// and then when they are post-processed they'll be turned into a proper type.
value = (int)reader.ReadUInt16();
case PropertyType.ObjectReferenceArray:
// When we first resolve them, we're going to keep the value as the reference byte,
// and then when they are post-processed they'll be turned into a proper type.
var refList = new BindingList<object>();
for (int refArray = 0; refArray < templateProperty.Length; refArray++)
value = refList;
case PropertyType.XYRotation:
Vector3 eulerAngles = new Vector3();
for (int f = 0; f < 2; f++)
eulerAngles[f] = (reader.ReadInt16() * (180 / 32786f));
Quaternion xAxis = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), eulerAngles.X * MathE.Deg2Rad);
Quaternion yAxis = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), eulerAngles.Y * MathE.Deg2Rad);
// Swizzling to the ZYX order seems to be the right one.
Quaternion finalRot = yAxis * xAxis;
value = finalRot;
case PropertyType.XYZRotation:
Vector3 eulerAngles = new Vector3();
for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++)
eulerAngles[f] = (reader.ReadInt16() * (180 / 32786f));
Quaternion xAxis = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), eulerAngles.X * MathE.Deg2Rad);
Quaternion yAxis = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), eulerAngles.Y * MathE.Deg2Rad);
示例15: readValueFromReader
private float readValueFromReader(EndianBinaryReader reader, WmfHeader header, uint xLocation, uint yLocation)
float value;
if (header.floatingPointFlag)
float readSingleValue = reader.ReadSingle();
debugLine("v: " + readSingleValue);
value = header.verticalScale * readSingleValue + header.verticalOffset;
debugLine("cv: " + value);
switch (header.waterLevelDataSize)
case 2:
ushort readShortValue = reader.ReadUInt16();
debugLine("v: " + readShortValue);
value = header.verticalScale * readShortValue + header.verticalOffset;
debugLine("cv: " + value);
default: throw new Exception("Invalid pixel data at x: " + xLocation + ", y: " + yLocation);
return value;