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C# Bundle.GetString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Bundle.GetString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Bundle.GetString方法的具体用法?C# Bundle.GetString怎么用?C# Bundle.GetString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Bundle的用法示例。


示例1: Handle

        public override void Handle(Bundle bundle)
            //��Ӧ API ֪ͨ���ݵ� title �ֶΡ�
            //��Ӧ Portal ����֪ͨ�����ϵġ�֪ͨ���⡱�ֶΡ�
            var title = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraNotificationTitle);

            //��Ӧ API ֪ͨ���ݵ� alert �ֶΡ�
            //��Ӧ Portal ����֪ͨ�����ϵġ�֪ͨ���ݡ��ֶΡ�
            var ctx = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraAlert);

            //SDK 1.2.9 ���ϰ汾֧�֡�
            //������������������ĸ����ֶΡ����Ǹ� JSON �ַ�����
            //��Ӧ API ֪ͨ���ݵ� extras �ֶΡ�
            //��Ӧ Portal ������Ϣ�����ϵġ���ѡ���á���ĸ����ֶΡ�
            var extra = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraExtra);

            //SDK 1.3.5 ���ϰ汾֧�֡�
            //֪ͨ����Notification ID�������������Notification
            var id = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraNotificationId);

            //SDK 1.6.1 ���ϰ汾֧�֡�
            //Ψһ��ʶ֪ͨ��Ϣ�� ID, �������ϱ�ͳ�Ƶȡ�
            var msgID = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraMsgId);

示例2: OnCreate

      protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
         base.OnCreate (bundle);

         // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
         SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

         // Get our button from the layout resource,
         // and attach an event to it
			editText = FindViewById<EditText> (Resource.Id.editText1);
			button = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.unlockButton);
			masterCodeText = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.masterCodeText);
			serviceCodeText = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.serviceCodeText);

         button.Click += delegate
				string masterCode;
				string serviceCode;
				ulong userCode;
				if (ulong.TryParse(editText.Text, out userCode))
					ThreeDSUnlockLib.Unlocker.GetUnlockKey(userCode, out masterCode, out serviceCode);
					masterCodeText.Text = masterCode;
					serviceCodeText.Text = serviceCode;

			if (bundle != null)
				editText.Text = bundle.GetString ("editText");
				masterCodeText.Text = bundle.GetString ("masterCodeText");
				serviceCodeText.Text = bundle.GetString ("serviceCodeText");

示例3: SendNotification

		private void SendNotification (Bundle data) {
			Intent intent;
			string type = data.GetString("type");

			intent = new Intent (this, typeof(MainActivity));
			if(type.Equals(PUSH_INVITE)) {
				ViewController.getInstance().pushEventId = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetString("eventId"));
			} else if(type.Equals(PUSH_EVENT_UPDATE)) {
				ViewController.getInstance().pushEventId = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetString("eventId"));
			} else if(type.Equals(PUSH_DELETE)) {
				//nothing else need to be done
				//MainActivity will refresh the events on start

			intent.AddFlags (ActivityFlags.ClearTop);
			var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity (this, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot);

			var notificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(this)
				.SetSmallIcon (Resource.Drawable.pushnotification_icon)
				.SetContentTitle (data.GetString("title"))
				.SetContentText (data.GetString ("message"))
				.SetVibrate(new long[] {600, 600})
				.SetAutoCancel (true)
				.SetContentIntent (pendingIntent);

			var notificationManager = (NotificationManager)GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);
			notificationManager.Notify (notificationId, notificationBuilder.Build());

示例4: OnRestoreInstanceState

		protected override void OnRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)
			this.topicName = savedInstanceState.GetString("topicName");
			this.topicArn = savedInstanceState.GetString("topicArn");

			this.createTopic.Enabled = topicName == null;
			this.subscribe.Enabled = topicName != null;
			this.deleteTopic.Enabled = topicName != null;

示例5: OnMessageReceived

		public override void OnMessageReceived (string from, Bundle data) {
			var message = data.GetString ("message");
			var type = data.GetString("type");
			Log.Info ("MyGcmListenerService", "From:    " + from);
			Log.Info ("MyGcmListenerService", "Message: " + message);
			Log.Info ("MyGcmListenerService", "Type:    " + type);

				SendNotification (data);

示例6: OnMessageReceived

 public override void OnMessageReceived(string from, Bundle data)
     MessaggioNotifica m = new MessaggioNotifica ();
     string messaggio = data.GetString ("messaggio");
     string titolo = data.GetString ("titolo");
     string commessa = data.GetString ("commessa");
     string tipo = data.GetString ("tipo");
     m.Titolo = titolo; m.Messaggio = messaggio; m.Commessa = commessa; m.Tipo = tipo;
     Log.Debug ("MyGcmListenerService", "Message: " + messaggio);
     SendNotification (m);

示例7: Server

        public Server(Bundle b)
            : this(b.GetInt("SERVER_ID"),

示例8: OnMessageReceived

        public override async void OnMessageReceived(string from, Bundle data)
            if (!ServiceFinder.IsRegistered<IPush>())
                await FHClient.Init();

            var push = ServiceFinder.Resolve<IPush>() as Push;
            var message = data.GetString("alert");
            var messageData = data.KeySet().ToDictionary(key => key, key => data.GetString(key));

            (push.Registration as GcmRegistration).OnPushNotification(message, messageData);

示例9: OnCreate

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            _noteEdit = (EditText)FindViewById(Resource.Id.noteEdit);

            string wikiNoteText = bundle == null ? null : bundle.GetString(WikiNote.Notes.BODY);
            string wikiNoteTitle = bundle == null ? null : bundle.GetString(WikiNote.Notes.TITLE);

            if (wikiNoteTitle == null)
                Bundle extras = Intent.Extras;
                wikiNoteText = extras == null ? null : extras.GetString(WikiNote.Notes.BODY);
                wikiNoteTitle = extras == null ? null : extras.GetString(WikiNote.Notes.TITLE);

            // If we have no title information, this is an invalid intent request
            if (TextUtils.IsEmpty(wikiNoteTitle))
                // no note title - bail

            _wikiNoteTitle = wikiNoteTitle;
            // set the title so we know which note we are editing
            Title = GetString(Resource.String.wiki_editing, wikiNoteTitle);

            // but if the body is null, just set it to empty - first edit of this note
            wikiNoteText = wikiNoteText == null ? "" : wikiNoteText;
            // set the note body to edit
            _noteEdit.Text = wikiNoteText;

            // set listeners for the confirm and cancel buttons
                .Click += delegate {
                    Intent i = new Intent();
                    i.PutExtra(ACTIVITY_RESULT, _noteEdit.Text);
                    SetResult(Result.Ok, i);

                .Click += delegate {

示例10: OnCreate

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);

            userName = bundle.GetString ("Username");
            password = bundle.GetString ("Password");

            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.SignupPage);

            informativeText = FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.InformativeText);
            actionButton = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.ActionButton);
            secondActionButton = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.ActionSecondButton);
            progress = FindViewById<ProgressBar> (Resource.Id.Spinner);
            actionButton.Click += CancelAction;

示例11: OnMessageReceived

        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets called when a message is received by the listener
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The user who send the message</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data of the message, includes the message text and message code</param>
        public override void OnMessageReceived(string from, Bundle data)
            var message = data.GetString("message");
			int ms_code = 0;
			int.TryParse((data.GetString ("message_code")), out ms_code);

			string username = data.GetString ("username_from");

            //Create a new message object to be stored
			MeetMeet_Native_Portable.Droid.Message m = new MeetMeet_Native_Portable.Droid.Message ();
			m.MsgText = message;
			m.Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
			m.incoming = true;
            //Check the message code to decide what to do with the message
            if(ms_code == 1)
                //This is for single messages, simply save the message and display a notification
				m.UserName = username;
				MessageRepository.SaveMessage (m);
                SendNotification(message, username);
            else if(ms_code == 2)
                //This is for group invites, bring up the invite screen
				Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(InviteRequestActivity));
				intent.PutExtra ("username_from", username);
				intent.SetFlags (ActivityFlags.NewTask);
            else if(ms_code == 3){
				//This is for group messages, save the message to the group conversation and add the sending user's name 
                //to the message text. Then display a notification
				m.UserName = "group";
                m.MsgText = username + ": " + m.MsgText;
				MessageRepository.SaveMessage (m);
                SendNotification(message, m.UserName);

            //Try to add it to the inbox, if the inbox has been created.
            //Otherwise, it will get added automatically when the user opens the inbox
			ViewInbox inbox = (ViewInbox)MainActivity.references.Get ("Inbox");
            if(inbox != null)
                inbox.newMessage (m);

示例12: OnCreateLoader

		public Loader OnCreateLoader (int loaderIndex, Bundle args)
			// Where the Contactables table excels is matching text queries,
			// not just data dumps from Contacts db.  One search term is used to query
			// display name, email address and phone number.  In this case, the query was extracted
			// from an incoming intent in the handleIntent() method, via the
			// intent.getStringExtra() method.

			String query = args.GetString (QUERY_KEY);
			var uri = Android.Net.Uri.WithAppendedPath (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.ContentFilterUri, query);

			// Easy way to limit the query to contacts with phone numbers.
			String selection = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.InterfaceConsts.HasPhoneNumber + " = " + 1;

			// Sort results such that rows for the same contact stay together.
			String sortBy = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.InterfaceConsts.LookupKey;

			return new CursorLoader (
				mContext,  // Context
				uri,       // URI representing the table/resource to be queried
				null,      // projection - the list of columns to return.  Null means "all"
				selection, // selection - Which rows to return (condition rows must match)
				null,      // selection args - can be provided separately and subbed into selection.
				sortBy);   // string specifying sort order


示例13: CreateFromBundle

        public static AppTask CreateFromBundle(Bundle b, AppTask failureReturn)
            if (b == null)
                return failureReturn;

            string taskType = b.GetString(AppTaskKey);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskType))
                return failureReturn;

                Type type = Type.GetType("keepass2android." + taskType);
                if (type == null)
                    return failureReturn;
                AppTask task = (AppTask)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                return task;
            catch (Exception e)
                Kp2aLog.Log("Cannot convert " + taskType + " in task: " + e);
                return failureReturn;

示例14: OnCreate

 protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
     // associate the views
     MainImage = FindViewById<ZoomImageView>(Resource.Id.MainImage);
     Zoom = FindViewById<ZoomControls>(Resource.Id.ZoomButtons);
     OpenButton = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.OpenButton);
     LeftButton = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.LeftButton);
     RightButton = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.RightButton);
     // wire the views
     Zoom.ZoomInClick += (src, args) => MainImage.ZoomIn();
     Zoom.ZoomOutClick += (src, args) => MainImage.ZoomOut();
     OpenButton.Click += (src, args) => OnOpenButtonClick(args);
     LeftButton.Click += (src, args) => OnLeftButtonClick(args);
     RightButton.Click += (src, args) => OnRightButtonClick(args);
     // get preferences
     var prefs = GetSharedPreferences("Global", FileCreationMode.Private);
     // check bundles and prefs
     if (Intent.Extras != null && Intent.Extras.ContainsKey("ComicsPath"))
         Controller = new ViewerController(this, Intent.Extras.GetString("ComicsPath"));
     else if (bundle != null && bundle.ContainsKey("ComicsPath"))
         Controller = new ViewerController(this, bundle.GetString("ComicsPath"));
         Controller = new ViewerController(this, prefs.GetString("ComicsPath", null));

示例15: OnCreateView

        public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
            if (savedInstanceState != null)
                _myShow = new TVShow();
                _myShow = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TVShow>(savedInstanceState.GetString("showSerialized"));

            // Use this to return your custom view for this Fragment
            // return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.YourFragment, container, false);
            var view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.show_description_fragment, container, false);

            var backgroundLinearLayout = view.FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.linLayout);


            //    "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w92" + _myShow.Seasons[position].PosterPath);

            var showTitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.showTitle);

            showTitle.Text = _myShow.Name + " with " + _myShow.Actors.Count + " in the cast and the Overview:"+ _myShow.Overview;

            return view;
