本文整理汇总了C#中BoundingSphereD类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BoundingSphereD类的具体用法?C# BoundingSphereD怎么用?C# BoundingSphereD使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: UpdateBeforeSimulation
public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation()
if (m_updateCounter % 100 == 0 && MySession.Static.LocalCharacter != null)
BoundingSphereD playerSphere = new BoundingSphereD(MySession.Static.LocalCharacter.PositionComp.GetPosition(), 500f);
MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllTopMostEntitiesInSphere(ref playerSphere, m_detectedGrids);
for (int i = 0; i < m_detectedGrids.Count; i++)
MyCubeGrid grid = m_detectedGrids[i] as MyCubeGrid;
if (grid != null)
foreach (var block in grid.CubeBlocks)
if (block.FatBlock is MyFunctionalBlock)
(block.FatBlock as MyFunctionalBlock).UpdateSoundEmitters();
foreach (var key in m_emitterLibraryToRemove)
if (m_emitterLibrary.ContainsKey(key))
foreach (var emitter in m_emitterLibrary.Values)
示例2: Intersects
public static bool Intersects(this MyPlanet planet, BoundingSphereD sphere)
Vector3D centre = sphere.Center;
Vector3D closestPoint = planet.GetClosestSurfacePointGlobal(ref centre);
double minDistance = sphere.Radius; minDistance *= minDistance;
return Vector3D.DistanceSquared(centre, closestPoint) <= minDistance;
示例3: FindNearbyStuff
private void FindNearbyStuff()
var bs = new BoundingSphereD(Ship.GetPosition(), ConquestMod.MaxEngagementRange);
var ents = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref bs);
var closeBy = ents;
//entitiesFiltered.Where(z => (z.GetPosition() - drone.GetPosition()).Length() < MaxEngagementRange).ToList();
//var closeAsteroids = asteroids.Where(z => (z.GetPosition() - drone.GetPosition()).Length() < MaxEngagementRange).ToList();
foreach (var closeItem in closeBy)
if (closeItem is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid)
if (closeItem is IMyVoxelBase)
AddNearbyAsteroid((IMyVoxelBase) closeItem);
//This catches duplicate key entries being put in KnownEntities.
示例4: FindClosestTreeInRadius
public static bool FindClosestTreeInRadius(Vector3D fromPosition, float radius, out ItemInfo result)
result = default(ItemInfo);
BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(fromPosition, (double)radius);
var entities = MyEntities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
double closestDistanceSq = double.MaxValue;
foreach (MyEntity entity in entities)
MyTrees trees = entity as MyTrees;
if (trees == null) continue;
trees.GetPhysicalItemsInRadius(fromPosition, radius, m_tmpEnvItemList);
foreach (var tree in m_tmpEnvItemList)
double distanceSq = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(fromPosition, tree.Transform.Position);
if (distanceSq < closestDistanceSq)
result.ItemsEntityId = entity.EntityId;
result.ItemId = tree.LocalId;
result.Target = tree.Transform.Position;
closestDistanceSq = distanceSq;
return closestDistanceSq != double.MaxValue;
示例5: FindNearbyStuff
private void FindNearbyStuff()
var bs = new BoundingSphereD(Ship.GetPosition(), ConquestMod.MaxEngagementRange);
var ents = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref bs);
var closeBy = ents;//entitiesFiltered.Where(z => (z.GetPosition() - drone.GetPosition()).Length() < MaxEngagementRange).ToList();
//var closeAsteroids = asteroids.Where(z => (z.GetPosition() - drone.GetPosition()).Length() < MaxEngagementRange).ToList();
foreach (var closeItem in closeBy)
if (closeItem is IMyCubeGrid && !closeItem.Transparent && closeItem.Physics.Mass > 2000)
if (closeItem is IMyVoxelBase)
ConquestDroneManager.GetInstance().AddDiscoveredAsteroid(closeItem as IMyVoxelBase);
//This catches duplicate key entries being put in KnownEntities.
示例6: UpdateLcds
public static void UpdateLcds()
if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds)
var players = new List<IMyPlayer>();
MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(players, p => p != null);
var updatelist = new HashSet<IMyTextPanel>();
foreach (var player in players)
// Establish a visual range of the LCD.
// if there are no players closer than this, don't bother updating it.
var sphere = new BoundingSphereD(player.GetPosition(), 75);
var list = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
foreach (var block in list)
// TODO: projected ship check?
var textPanel = block as IMyTextPanel;
if (textPanel != null
&& textPanel.IsFunctional
&& textPanel.IsWorking
&& EconomyConsts.LCDTags.Any(tag => textPanel.CustomName.IndexOf(tag, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0))
foreach (var textPanel in updatelist)
示例7: MySphereDensityFunction
public MySphereDensityFunction(Vector3D center, double radius, double additionalFalloff)
m_center = center;
m_sphereMax = new BoundingSphereD(center, radius + additionalFalloff);
m_innerRadius = radius;
m_halfFalloff = additionalFalloff / 2.0;
m_middleRadius = radius + m_halfFalloff;
m_outerRadius = radius + additionalFalloff;
示例8: CollectObjects
public static void CollectObjects(ulong steamId, Vector3D destination, double range)
var sphere = new BoundingSphereD(destination, range);
var floatingList = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
//floatingList = floatingList.Where(e => (e is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyFloatingObject) || (e is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCharacter)).ToList();
floatingList = floatingList.Where(e => (e is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyFloatingObject) || (e is Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyReplicableEntity)).ToList();
for (var i = 0; i < floatingList.Count; i++)
var item = floatingList[i];
// Check for null physics and IsPhantom, to prevent picking up primitives.
if (item.Physics != null && !item.Physics.IsPhantom)
if (item is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCharacter)
var character = item.GetObjectBuilder() as MyObjectBuilder_Character;
if (!character.Health.HasValue || character.Health.Value > 0) // ignore living players
// TODO: not working currently. It causes body duplicates?
//_workQueue.Enqueue(delegate() { item.SetPosition(destination); });
else if (item is IMyFloatingObject || item is Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyReplicableEntity)
// Need to queue the objects, and relocate them over a number of frames, otherwise if they
// are all moved simultaneously to the same point in space, they will become stuck.
//item.SyncObject.UpdatePosition(); // causes Null exception.
if (item.Physics != null)
if (MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MultiplayerActive)
item.SetPosition(destination); // Doesn't sync to the server.
ConnectionHelper.SendMessageToAllPlayers(new MessageSyncEntityPosition() {EntityId = item.EntityId, Position = destination});
else if (item.Physics != null)
item.SetPosition(destination); // Doesn't sync to the server.
if (_instance._workQueue.Count > 0)
示例9: Init
public void Init(BoundingSphereD explosion, float explosionDamage)
m_explosion = explosion;
m_explosionDamage = explosionDamage;
示例10: HandleCommand
// admin scan x y z radius
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
if (words.Count() != 8 && words.Count() != 0)
return false;
if (words.Count() != 8)
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
return true;
// Test Input
float test = 0;
for(int r = 0; r < 8; r++)
if(!float.TryParse(words[r], out test))
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The value at position {0} - '{1}' is invalid. Please try the command again.", r + 1, words[r]));
return true;
Vector3D startPosition = new Vector3D(float.Parse(words[0]), float.Parse(words[1]), float.Parse(words[2]));
Vector3D targetPosition = new Vector3D(float.Parse(words[3]), float.Parse(words[4]), float.Parse(words[5]));
float distance = float.Parse(words[6]);
float radius = float.Parse(words[7]);
Vector3D targetMovement = targetPosition - startPosition;
Vector3D finalPosition = targetMovement * distance;
finalPosition += startPosition;
List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> gridsToMove = new List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>();
BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(finalPosition, radius);
List<IMyEntity> entities = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
int count = 0;
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Scanning {0} meters around {1}", radius, General.Vector3DToString(finalPosition)));
Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found ship {0} at {1}", entity.DisplayName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition())));
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total ships found: {0}", count));
return true;
示例11: GetAllBroadcastersInSphere
public static void GetAllBroadcastersInSphere(BoundingSphereD sphere, List<MyDataBroadcaster> result)
m_aabbTree.OverlapAllBoundingSphere<MyDataBroadcaster>(ref sphere, result, false);
for(int i = result.Count -1; i >= 0; i--)
var x = result[i];
var dst = (sphere.Radius + ((MyRadioBroadcaster)x).BroadcastRadius);
if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center, x.BroadcastPosition) > dst)
示例12: HandleCommand
public override bool HandleCommand( ulong userId, string[] words )
Essentials.Log.Info( "Asteroid cleanup" );
HashSet<IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>( );
Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) =>
MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities( entities );
foreach ( IMyEntity entity in entities )
if ( entity == null )
if ( entity is IMyVoxelMap )
asteroidPositions.Add( entity.PositionComp.GetPosition( ), (IMyVoxelMap)entity );
entityPositions.Add( entity.PositionComp.GetPosition( ) );
} );
//TODO: Use a thread pool to speed this up?
DateTime profile = DateTime.Now;
Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, $"Found {asteroidPositions.Count} asteroids." );
foreach ( var asteroid in asteroidPositions )
bool found = false;
BoundingSphereD bound = new BoundingSphereD( asteroid.Key, 1000 );
foreach ( Vector3D checkPosition in entityPositions )
if ( bound.Contains( checkPosition ) == ContainmentType.Contains )
found = true;
if ( !found )
toRemove.Add( asteroid.Value );
Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, $"Found {toRemove.Count} asteroids to remove." );
int count = 0;
foreach ( IMyVoxelMap asteroid in toRemove )
if ( asteroid == null || asteroid.Closed )
Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) => asteroid.Close( ) );
Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, $"Removed {count} asteroids." );
Essentials.Log.Info( "Asteroid cleanup elapsed time: " + (DateTime.Now - profile) );
return true;
示例13: HideTrianglesAfterExplosion
// Blends-out triangles affected by explosion (radius + some safe delta). Triangles there have zero alpha are flaged to not-draw at all.
public static void HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, ref BoundingSphereD explosionSphere)
//MyMwcVector3Int renderCellCoord = voxelMap.GetVoxelRenderCellCoordinateFromMeters(ref explosionSphere.Center);
//m_decalsForVoxels.HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(voxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref renderCellCoord, ref explosionSphere);
foreach (uint id in voxelMap.Render.RenderObjectIDs)
VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.HideDecals(id, explosionSphere.Center, (float)explosionSphere.Radius);
示例14: Contains
public bool Contains(IMyEntity entity)
switch (Shape)
case ProtectionAreaShape.Cube:
var boundingBox = new BoundingBoxD(new Vector3D(Center.X - Size, Center.Y - Size, Center.Z - Size), new Vector3D(Center.X + Size, Center.Y + Size, Center.Z + Size));
return boundingBox.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB);
case ProtectionAreaShape.Sphere:
var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphereD(Center, Size);
return boundingSphere.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB);
return false;
示例15: HandleCommand
// /admin movefrom x y z x y z radius
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
if (words.Count() != 7 && words.Count() != 0)
return false;
if (words.Count() != 7)
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
return true;
// Test Input
float test = 0;
for(int r = 0; r < 7; r++)
if(!float.TryParse(words[r], out test))
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The value at position {0} - '{1}' is invalid. Please try the command again.", r + 1, words[r]));
return true;
Vector3D startPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[0]), float.Parse(words[1]), float.Parse(words[2]));
Vector3D movePosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[3]), float.Parse(words[4]), float.Parse(words[5]));
Vector3D difference = startPosition - movePosition;
float radius = float.Parse(words[6]);
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, $"Moving all grids in a radius of {radius} near {startPosition} to {movePosition}" );
BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(startPosition, radius);
List<IMyEntity> entitiesToMove = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
int moveCount = 0;
foreach ( IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove )
if ( !( entity is IMyCubeGrid ) )
Vector3D target = entity.GetPosition( ) + difference;
Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, $"Moving '{entity.DisplayName}' from {entity.GetPosition( )} to {target}" );
//position can be set directly on the server
Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) => entity.SetPosition( target ) );
Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, $"Moved {moveCount} grids" );
return true;