本文整理汇总了C#中BoundingBox.Transform方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BoundingBox.Transform方法的具体用法?C# BoundingBox.Transform怎么用?C# BoundingBox.Transform使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类BoundingBox
示例1: M2RenderInstance
public M2RenderInstance(int uuid, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale, M2BatchRenderer renderer)
mScale = scale;
mPosition = position;
mRotation = rotation;
NumReferences = 1;
Uuid = uuid;
BoundingBox = renderer.BoundingBox;
mOrigBoundingBox = BoundingBox;
mInstanceMatrix = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.Y),
MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.X), MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.Z)) * Matrix.Scaling(scale) * Matrix.Translation(position);
BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Transform(ref mInstanceMatrix);
Matrix.Invert(ref mInstanceMatrix, out InverseMatrix);
示例2: WmoInstance
public WmoInstance(int uuid, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, WmoRootRender model)
Uuid = uuid;
BoundingBox = model.BoundingBox;
mInstanceMatrix = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.Y),
MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.X), MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(rotation.Z)) * Matrix.Translation(position);
BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Transform(ref mInstanceMatrix);
GroupBoxes = new BoundingBox[model.Groups.Count];
for(var i = 0; i < GroupBoxes.Length; ++i)
var group = model.Groups[i];
GroupBoxes[i] = group.BoundingBox.Transform(ref mInstanceMatrix);
mInstanceMatrix = Matrix.Transpose(mInstanceMatrix);
示例3: AddInstance
/// <summary>
/// Adds instance of the given model. Local matrix specified might be changed internally for renderer (must be used for removing instances).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subtypeId"></param>
/// <param name="localMatrix">Local transformation matrix. Changed to internal matrix.</param>
/// <param name="colorMaskHsv"></param>
public int AddInstance(
MyStringHash subtypeId,
ModelId modelId,
int localId,
ref Matrix localMatrix,
BoundingBox localAabb,
MyInstanceFlagsEnum instanceFlags,
float maxViewDistance,
Vector4 colorMaskHsv = default(Vector4))
MyModelInstanceData builderInstanceData;
if (!m_instanceParts.TryGetValue(modelId, out builderInstanceData))
builderInstanceData = new MyModelInstanceData(subtypeId, instanceFlags, maxViewDistance, localAabb);
m_instanceParts.Add(modelId, builderInstanceData);
MySectorInstanceData newInstance = new MySectorInstanceData()
LocalId = localId,
InstanceData = new MyInstanceData()
ColorMaskHSV = new VRageMath.PackedVector.HalfVector4(colorMaskHsv),
LocalMatrix = localMatrix
int sectorInstanceId = builderInstanceData.AddInstanceData(ref newInstance);
// Matrix has been changed due to packing.
localMatrix = builderInstanceData.InstanceData[sectorInstanceId].InstanceData.LocalMatrix;
Debug.Assert(builderInstanceData.InstanceData[sectorInstanceId].InstanceData.LocalMatrix == localMatrix, "Bad matrix");
m_AABB = m_AABB.Include(localAabb.Transform(localMatrix));
m_invalidateAABB = true;
return sectorInstanceId;
示例4: MirrorGizmoSpace
case Common.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.MySymmetryAxisEnum.MinusHalfZ:
targetSpace.m_localMatrixAdd = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver2) * sourceSpace.m_localMatrixAdd;
targetSpace.m_localMatrixAdd = sourceSpace.m_localMatrixAdd;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceSpace.m_blockDefinition.MirroringBlock))
targetSpace.m_blockDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock), sourceSpace.m_blockDefinition.MirroringBlock));
targetSpace.m_blockDefinition = sourceSpace.m_blockDefinition;
// Correct mirroring of objects with center offset
// if (blockMirrorOption == Common.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.MySymmetryAxisEnum.None)
if (cubeBlockDefinition.SymmetryX == MySymmetryAxisEnum.None && cubeBlockDefinition.SymmetryY == MySymmetryAxisEnum.None && cubeBlockDefinition.SymmetryZ == MySymmetryAxisEnum.None)
Vector3 min = sourceSpace.m_min * cubeGrid.GridSize - new Vector3(cubeGrid.GridSize / 2);
Vector3 max = sourceSpace.m_max * cubeGrid.GridSize + new Vector3(cubeGrid.GridSize / 2);
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(min, max);
//Mirroring algorithm
// 1. Find vector from closest source box side to mirror (vector A)
// 2. Find vector from source box pos to opposite side (vector B)
// 3. Correct mirrored position is source box pos + A - B
if (box.Size.X > 1 * cubeGrid.GridSize || box.Size.Y > 1 * cubeGrid.GridSize || box.Size.Z > 1 * cubeGrid.GridSize)
//align to mirror
BoundingBox worldAABB = box.Transform((Matrix)cubeGrid.WorldMatrix);
//VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAABB(worldAABB, Vector3.One, 1, 1, false);
Vector3 sourceCenterFloatLocal = sourceSpace.m_localMatrixAdd.Translation * cubeGrid.GridSize;
Vector3 sourceCenterWorld = Vector3.Transform(sourceCenterFloatLocal, cubeGrid.WorldMatrix);
//VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(sourceCenterWorld, 0.5f, Vector3.One, 1, false, false);
Vector3I localToMirror = mirrorPosition - new Vector3I(sourceSpace.m_localMatrixAdd.Translation);
Vector3 floatLocalToMirror = localToMirror * cubeGrid.GridSize;
if (isOdd)
floatLocalToMirror.X -= cubeGrid.GridSize / 2;
floatLocalToMirror.Y -= cubeGrid.GridSize / 2;
floatLocalToMirror.Z += cubeGrid.GridSize / 2;
Vector3 fullFloatLocalToMirror = floatLocalToMirror;
Vector3 alignedFloatLocalToMirror = Vector3.Clamp(sourceCenterFloatLocal + floatLocalToMirror, box.Min, box.Max) - sourceCenterFloatLocal;
Vector3 alignedFloatLocalToBoxEnd = Vector3.Clamp(sourceCenterFloatLocal + floatLocalToMirror * 100, box.Min, box.Max) - sourceCenterFloatLocal;
Vector3 oppositeFromMirror = Vector3.Clamp(sourceCenterFloatLocal - floatLocalToMirror * 100, box.Min, box.Max) - sourceCenterFloatLocal;
if (mirrorPlane == MySymmetrySettingModeEnum.XPlane || mirrorPlane == MySymmetrySettingModeEnum.XPlaneOdd)
oppositeFromMirror.Y = 0;
oppositeFromMirror.Z = 0;
alignedFloatLocalToMirror.Y = 0;
alignedFloatLocalToMirror.Z = 0;
fullFloatLocalToMirror.Y = 0;
fullFloatLocalToMirror.Z = 0;
alignedFloatLocalToBoxEnd.Y = 0;
alignedFloatLocalToBoxEnd.Z = 0;
示例5: AddMountForShape
private HkdBreakableShape AddMountForShape(HkdBreakableShape shape, Matrix transform, ref BoundingBox blockBB)
Vector4 min;
Vector4 max;
shape.GetShape().GetLocalAABB(0.01f, out min, out max);//.Transform(CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);
var bb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(min), new Vector3(max));
bb = bb.Transform(transform);
bb.Min /= CubeGrid.GridSize; //normalize for mount point
bb.Max /= CubeGrid.GridSize;
bb.Inflate(0.04f);//add tolerance (fracture shapes are smaller than block)
bb.Min += blockBB.HalfExtents;
bb.Max += blockBB.HalfExtents;
if (blockBB.Contains(bb) == ContainmentType.Intersects)
foreach (var directionEnum in Base6Directions.EnumDirections)
int dirEnum = (int)directionEnum;
Vector3 direction = Base6Directions.Directions[dirEnum];
Vector3 absDir = Vector3.Abs(direction);
var mp = new MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint();
mp.Start = bb.Min;
mp.End = bb.Max;
var start = mp.Start * absDir / (blockBB.HalfExtents * 2) - absDir * 0.04f;
var end = mp.End * absDir / (blockBB.HalfExtents * 2) + absDir * 0.04f;
bool add = false;
bool one = false;
if (start.Max() < 1 && end.Max() > 1 && direction.Max() > 0)
add = true;
one = true;
else if (start.Min() < 0 && end.Max() > 0 && direction.Min() < 0)
add = true;
if (!add)
mp.Start -= mp.Start * absDir - absDir * 0.04f;
mp.End -= mp.End * absDir + absDir * 0.04f;
if (one)
mp.Start += absDir * blockBB.HalfExtents * 2;
mp.End += absDir * blockBB.HalfExtents * 2;
mp.Start -= blockBB.HalfExtents - Vector3.One / 2;
mp.End -= blockBB.HalfExtents - Vector3.One / 2;
mp.Normal = new Vector3I(direction);
return shape;
示例6: CreateMountPoints
private void CreateMountPoints()
MountPoints = new List<MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint>();
var blockBB = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid();
for (int i = 0; i < OriginalBlocks.Count; i++)
var b = OriginalBlocks[i];
Matrix m;
Orientations[i].GetMatrix(out m);
var size = new Vector3(MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(b).Size);
var bb = new BoundingBox(-size / 2, size / 2);
blockBB = blockBB.Include(bb.Transform(m));
var he = blockBB.HalfExtents;
blockBB.Min += he;
blockBB.Max += he;
foreach (var child in m_children)
var shape = child.Shape;
shape = AddMountForShape(shape, child.GetTransform(), ref blockBB);
if (m_children.Count == 0)
AddMountForShape(Shape, Matrix.Identity, ref blockBB);
MountPoints = MyCubeBuilder.AutogenerateMountpoints(new HkShape[] { Shape.GetShape() }, CubeGrid.GridSize);
示例7: AddInstance
/// <summary>
/// Adds instance of the given model and returns its internal id which can be used for removing the instance. Local matrix specified will be changed to internal packed matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <param name="localMatrix">Local transformation matrix. Changed to internal matrix.</param>
/// <param name="colorMaskHsv"></param>
public uint AddInstance(ModelId model, ref Matrix localMatrix, BoundingBox localAabb, Vector4 colorMaskHsv = default(Vector4))
MyModelInstanceData builderInstanceData;
if (!m_instanceParts.TryGetValue(model, out builderInstanceData))
builderInstanceData = new MyModelInstanceData(m_instanceFlags, m_maxViewDistance);
builderInstanceData.Model = model;
m_instanceParts.Add(model, builderInstanceData);
uint instanceId = m_idCounter++;
var instanceData = new MyCubeInstanceData()
ColorMaskHSV = colorMaskHsv,
EnableSkinning = false,
LocalMatrix = localMatrix
builderInstanceData.InstanceData.Add(instanceId, instanceData);
// Matrix has been changed due to packing.
localMatrix = builderInstanceData.InstanceData[instanceId].LocalMatrix;
m_AABB = m_AABB.Include(localAabb.Transform(localMatrix));
return instanceId;
示例8: FindConnectionsToWorld
private void FindConnectionsToWorld(HashSet<MySlimBlock> blocks)
if (m_grid.Physics != null && m_grid.Physics.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() > 0) //jn: TODO nicer
int counter = 0;
var q = Quaternion.Identity;
foreach (var b in blocks)
var geometryBox = b.FatBlock.GetGeometryLocalBox();
Vector3 halfExtents = geometryBox.Size / 2;
Vector3D pos;
b.ComputeScaledCenter(out pos);
pos += geometryBox.Center;
pos = Vector3D.Transform(pos, m_grid.WorldMatrix);
Matrix blockMatrix;
b.Orientation.GetMatrix(out blockMatrix);
q = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(blockMatrix * m_grid.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation());
Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsBox(ref halfExtents, ref pos, ref q, m_penetrations, Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.CollideWithStaticLayer);
bool isStatic = false;
foreach (var p in m_penetrations)
if (p == null)
var e = p.UserObject as Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysicsBody;
if (e != null && e.Entity != null && e.Entity is MyVoxelMap)
isStatic = true;
if (isStatic && !BlocksConnectedToWorld.Contains(b.Position))
isStatic = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_shapeInfosList2.Count; i++)
var child = m_shapeInfosList2[i];
if (child.Shape.GetChildrenCount() > 0)
Vector4 min;
Vector4 max;
child.Shape.GetShape().GetLocalAABB(0.01f, out min, out max);//.Transform(CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);
BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(min), new Vector3(max));
bb = bb.Translate(b.Position * m_grid.GridSize);
var bbd = bb.Transform(m_grid.WorldMatrix);
halfExtents = bbd.HalfExtents;
pos = bbd.Center;
Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsBox(ref halfExtents, ref pos, ref q, m_penetrations, Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.CollideWithStaticLayer);
foreach (var p in m_penetrations)
if (p == null)
var e = p.UserObject as Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysicsBody;
if (e != null && e.Entity != null && e.Entity is MyVoxelMap)
isStatic = true;
if (isStatic)
示例9: Update
internal void Update(TransformComponent transformComponent, ref Matrix worldMatrix)
if (!Enabled || model == null)
// Check if scaling is negative
var up = Vector3.Cross(worldMatrix.Right, worldMatrix.Forward);
bool isScalingNegative = Vector3.Dot(worldMatrix.Up, up) < 0.0f;
// Make sure skeleton is up to date
if (skeleton != null)
// Update model view hierarchy node matrices
skeleton.NodeTransformations[0].LocalMatrix = worldMatrix;
skeleton.NodeTransformations[0].IsScalingNegative = isScalingNegative;
// Update the bounding sphere / bounding box in world space
BoundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Empty;
BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Empty;
bool modelHasBoundingBox = false;
for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < Model.Meshes.Count; meshIndex++)
var mesh = Model.Meshes[meshIndex];
var meshInfo = meshInfos[meshIndex];
meshInfo.BoundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Empty;
meshInfo.BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Empty;
if (mesh.Skinning != null && skeleton != null)
bool meshHasBoundingBox = false;
var bones = mesh.Skinning.Bones;
// For skinned meshes, bounding box is union of the bounding boxes of the unskinned mesh, transformed by each affecting bone.
for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < bones.Length; boneIndex++)
var nodeIndex = bones[boneIndex].NodeIndex;
Matrix.Multiply(ref bones[boneIndex].LinkToMeshMatrix, ref skeleton.NodeTransformations[nodeIndex].WorldMatrix, out meshInfos[meshIndex].BlendMatrices[boneIndex]);
BoundingBox skinnedBoundingBox;
BoundingBox.Transform(ref mesh.BoundingBox, ref meshInfos[meshIndex].BlendMatrices[boneIndex], out skinnedBoundingBox);
BoundingSphere skinnedBoundingSphere;
BoundingSphere.Transform(ref mesh.BoundingSphere, ref meshInfos[meshIndex].BlendMatrices[boneIndex], out skinnedBoundingSphere);
if (meshHasBoundingBox)
BoundingBox.Merge(ref meshInfo.BoundingBox, ref skinnedBoundingBox, out meshInfo.BoundingBox);
BoundingSphere.Merge(ref meshInfo.BoundingSphere, ref skinnedBoundingSphere, out meshInfo.BoundingSphere);
meshHasBoundingBox = true;
meshInfo.BoundingSphere = skinnedBoundingSphere;
meshInfo.BoundingBox = skinnedBoundingBox;
// If there is a skeleton, use the corresponding node's transform. Otherwise, fall back to the model transform.
var transform = skeleton != null ? skeleton.NodeTransformations[mesh.NodeIndex].WorldMatrix : worldMatrix;
BoundingBox.Transform(ref mesh.BoundingBox, ref transform, out meshInfo.BoundingBox);
BoundingSphere.Transform(ref mesh.BoundingSphere, ref transform, out meshInfo.BoundingSphere);
if (modelHasBoundingBox)
BoundingBox.Merge(ref BoundingBox, ref meshInfo.BoundingBox, out BoundingBox);
BoundingSphere.Merge(ref BoundingSphere, ref meshInfo.BoundingSphere, out BoundingSphere);
BoundingBox = meshInfo.BoundingBox;
BoundingSphere = meshInfo.BoundingSphere;
modelHasBoundingBox = true;
示例10: IntersectStorage
* Intersect the storage
* @param box WorldSpace bounding box to intersect with the storage.
public ContainmentType IntersectStorage(ref BoundingBox box, bool lazy = true)
box.Translate(SizeInMetresHalf + StorageMin);
return Storage.Intersect(ref box, lazy);
示例11: IsInVoxels
public static bool IsInVoxels(MySlimBlock block,bool checkForPhysics = true)
if (block.CubeGrid.Physics == null && checkForPhysics)
return false;
if (MyPerGameSettings.Destruction && block.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == Common.ObjectBuilders.MyCubeSize.Large)
return block.CubeGrid.Physics.Shape.BlocksConnectedToWorld.Contains(block.Position);
var min = (Vector3)block.Min;
var max = (Vector3)block.Max;
min -= 0.5f;
max += 0.5f;
var gridSize = block.CubeGrid.GridSize;
min *= gridSize;
max *= gridSize;
BoundingBox localAabb = new BoundingBox(min, max);
var worldMat = block.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix;
var worldAabb = (BoundingBoxD)localAabb.Transform(worldMat);
List<MyEntity> entities = new List<MyEntity>(); // Fine for test
MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInBox(ref worldAabb, entities);
MyVoxelBase overlappedVoxelMap = null;
foreach (var entity in entities)
var voxelMap = entity as MyVoxelBase;
if (voxelMap != null)
if (voxelMap.DoOverlapSphereTest(localAabb.Size.AbsMax() / 2.0f, worldAabb.Center))
overlappedVoxelMap = voxelMap;
float penetrationRatio = 0.0f;
if (overlappedVoxelMap != null)
float unused;
var penetrationAmountNormalized = overlappedVoxelMap.GetVoxelContentInBoundingBox_Obsolete(worldAabb, out unused);
var penetrationVolume = penetrationAmountNormalized * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_VOLUME_IN_METERS;
penetrationRatio = penetrationVolume / (float)worldAabb.Volume;
return penetrationRatio > 0.125f;
示例12: AddInstance
/// <summary>
/// Adds instance of the given model. Local matrix specified might be changed internally for renderer (must be used for removing instances).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subtypeId"></param>
/// <param name="localMatrix">Local transformation matrix. Changed to internal matrix.</param>
/// <param name="colorMaskHsv"></param>
public int AddInstance(
MyStringHash subtypeId,
ModelId modelId,
int localId,
ref Matrix localMatrix,
BoundingBox localAabb,
MyInstanceFlagsEnum instanceFlags,
float maxViewDistance,
Vector4 colorMaskHsv = default(Vector4),
Vector2I uvOffset = default(Vector2I))
MyModelInstanceData builderInstanceData;
using (m_instancePartsLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
if (!m_instanceParts.TryGetValue(modelId, out builderInstanceData))
builderInstanceData = new MyModelInstanceData(subtypeId, instanceFlags, maxViewDistance, localAabb);
m_instanceParts.Add(modelId, builderInstanceData);
uvOffset = new Vector2I(MyUtils.GetRandomInt(2), MyUtils.GetRandomInt(2));
Color green = Color.Green;
Vector3 hsv = green.ColorToHSVDX11();
hsv.Y = MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f);
colorMaskHsv = new Vector4(hsv, 0);
MySectorInstanceData newInstance = new MySectorInstanceData()
LocalId = localId,
InstanceData = new MyInstanceData()
ColorMaskHSV = new VRageMath.PackedVector.HalfVector4(colorMaskHsv),
LocalMatrix = localMatrix,
UVOffset = new VRageMath.PackedVector.HalfVector2(uvOffset)
int sectorInstanceId = builderInstanceData.AddInstanceData(ref newInstance);
// Matrix has been changed due to packing.
localMatrix = builderInstanceData.InstanceData[sectorInstanceId].InstanceData.LocalMatrix;
Debug.Assert(builderInstanceData.InstanceData[sectorInstanceId].InstanceData.LocalMatrix == localMatrix, "Bad matrix");
m_AABB = m_AABB.Include(localAabb.Transform(localMatrix));
m_invalidateAABB = true;
return sectorInstanceId;
示例13: CreateMountPoints
private void CreateMountPoints()
Debug.Assert(m_tmpChildren.Count == 0);
MountPoints = new List<MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint>();
var blockDef = Block.BlockDefinition;
Matrix m;
Block.Orientation.GetMatrix(out m);
var size = new Vector3(blockDef.Size);
var bb = new BoundingBox(-size / 2, size / 2);
var blockBB = bb.Transform(m);
var he = blockBB.HalfExtents;
blockBB.Min += he;
blockBB.Max += he;
if (m_tmpChildren.Count > 0)
foreach (var child in m_tmpChildren)
var shape = child.Shape;
shape = AddMountForShape(shape, m, ref blockBB, Block.CubeGrid.GridSize, MountPoints);
AddMountForShape(Shape, m, ref blockBB, Block.CubeGrid.GridSize, MountPoints);
MountPoints = MyCubeBuilder.AutogenerateMountpoints(new HkShape[] { Shape.GetShape() }, Block.CubeGrid.GridSize);