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C# Blob.ToObjectURL方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Blob.ToObjectURL方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Blob.ToObjectURL方法的具体用法?C# Blob.ToObjectURL怎么用?C# Blob.ToObjectURL使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Blob的用法示例。


示例1: Application

                                        // extension unloaded
                                        Native.body.style.borderTop = "0em solid red";
                                        Native.body.style.borderLeft = "0em solid red";

                                        forms.WithEach(f => f.Close());


                                new Action<dynamic>(
                                    data =>
                                        string xml = data.xml;
                                        if (xml != null)
                                            // tab injection was notified by extension, by app, by udp android?
                                            Native.body.style.borderLeft = "1em solid red";

                                            // 0:40394ms { xml = <string c="1">Visit me at</string> }
                                            Console.WriteLine(new { xml });

                                            // X:\jsc.internal.git\market\chrome\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\Application.cs



                                        string code = data.code;
                                        if (code != null)

                                            //Console.WriteLine("webview: onMessage " + new { data });

                                            // %c0:41906ms extension: onMessage { data = connected! }
                                            //e.postMessage("got code! " + new { code.Length });

                                            Native.body.style.borderTop = "1em solid red";

                                            // InternalInlineWorker

                                            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21408510/chrome-cant-load-web-worker
                                            // this wont work for file:// tabs

                                            // message: "Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at 'blob:null/f544915f-b855-480b-8db8-bd6c686829b9#worker' cannot be accessed from origin 'null'."
                                            var aFileParts = new[] { code };
                                            var oMyBlob = new Blob(aFileParts, new { type = "text/javascript" }); // the blob
                                            var url = oMyBlob.ToObjectURL();

                                            InternalInlineWorker.ScriptApplicationSourceForInlineWorker = url;

                                            Notify = x =>
                                                // Error in event handler for (unknown): Attempting to use a disconnected port object Stack trace: Error: Attempting to use a disconnected port object


                //chrome.runtime.Message +=
                //    delegate
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("chrome.runtime.Message");
                //    };

            // 0:168ms chrome.runtime.Connect
            // https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/tabs#method-sendMessage
            // chrome extension wont call here?
            //Native.window.onmessage +=
            //    e =>
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(
            //            "onmessage: " +
            //            new { e.data }
            //        );

            //        e.postMessage("ok");

            //    };

示例2: eval

        public static Action eval(this InternalScriptApplicationSource e)
            Console.WriteLine("eval total " + new { e.source.Length });

            var blob = new Blob(new[] { e.source });

            var src = blob.ToObjectURL();

            Console.WriteLine(new { src });
            //eval total { Length = 2375680 }
            // view-source:27603
            // view-source:27603
            //eval { index = 2, name =  ScriptCoreLib.Windows.Forms.dll.js, size = 595965 }
            // view-source:27603
            //eval { index = 0, name =  ScriptCoreLib.dll.js, size = 1338946 }
            // view-source:27603
            //eval { index = 1, name =  ScriptCoreLib.Drawing.dll.js, size = 54667 }
            // view-source:27603
            //eval { index = 3, name =  com.abstractatech.adminshell.Application+a.exe.js, size = 457444 }
            // view-source:27603
            //eval substring { Length = 1036734 }


            object old = (Native.self as dynamic).InternalScriptApplicationSource;

            (Native.self as dynamic).InternalScriptApplicationSource = src;

            var core = e.references.First(k => k.index == 0).size;

            //            eval { index = 2, name =  ScriptCoreLib.Windows.Forms.dll.js, size = 586774 }
            // view-source:27522
            //eval { index = 0, name =  ScriptCoreLib.dll.js, size = 1325900 }
            // view-source:27522
            //eval { index = 1, name =  ScriptCoreLib.Drawing.dll.js, size = 54215 }
            // view-source:27522
            //eval { index = 3, name =  com.abstractatech.adminshell.Application+a.exe.js, size = 384908 }
            // view-source:27522
            //eval { core = 586774, Length = 2351797 }

                k =>
                    Console.WriteLine("eval " + new { k.index, k.name, k.size })

            // eval { Length = 0 }

            var source = e.source.Substring(

            Console.WriteLine("eval substring " + new { source.Length });



            return delegate
                // hacky way to restore
                if (old != null)
                    (Native.self as dynamic).InternalScriptApplicationSource = old;
                    (Native.self as dynamic).InternalScriptApplicationSource = Native.document.location + "view-source";
