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C++ Element::getChildren方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中xml::Element::getChildren方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Element::getChildren方法的具体用法?C++ Element::getChildren怎么用?C++ Element::getChildren使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在xml::Element的用法示例。


示例1: parseXMLRoot

* Function: CodeParser::parseScript()
* Purpose : Parse the XML root element
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on November 18, 2008
Revisions and bug fixes:
CompUnits CodeParser::parseXMLRoot(const XML::Element* pTreeRoot)
	// Create a list to store parsed functions
	CompUnits functionList;

	// If the root tag is not the compilation units, throw an exception
	if (pTreeRoot->getName() != "CompilationUnits")
		// TODO: implement error list parsing
		std::cout << "XML tree: " << pTreeRoot->toString(true, 0) << std::endl;
		throw XML::ParseError("Expected compilation units: \"" + pTreeRoot->getName() + "\"", pTreeRoot->getTextPos());

	// If the verbose output flag is set
	if (ConfigManager::s_verboseVar.getBoolValue() == true)
		// Log the number of compilation units
		std::cout << "Number of compilation units: " << pTreeRoot->getNumChildren() << std::endl;

	// For each compilation unit
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pTreeRoot->getNumChildren(); ++i)
		// Get a pointer to this element
		XML::Element* pUnitElement = pTreeRoot->getChildElement(i);

		// If this is a function list
		if (pUnitElement->getName() == "FunctionList")
			// Get the list of functions
			const std::vector<XML::Node*>& functions = pUnitElement->getChildren();

			// For each function
			for (std::vector<XML::Node*>::const_iterator itr = functions.begin(); itr != functions.end(); ++itr)
				// If this is not an XML element, throw an exception
				if ((*itr)->getType() != XML::Node::ELEMENT)
					throw XML::ParseError("Unexpected XML node type in function list");

				// Get a pointer to this element
				XML::Element* pFuncElement = (XML::Element*)*itr;

				// If this ia a function declaration
				if (pFuncElement->getName() == "Function")
					// Parse the function
					IIRNode* pNewNode = parseFunction(pFuncElement);

					// Add the function to the list

				// If this is a symbol table
				else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "Symboltable")
					// Ignore for now

				// Otherwise
					// This is an invalid element, throw an exception
					throw XML::ParseError("Invalid element in function list: \"" + pFuncElement->getName() + "\"", pFuncElement->getTextPos());

		// If this is a script
		else if (pUnitElement->getName() == "Script")
			// Parse the script
			IIRNode* pNewNode = parseScript(pUnitElement);

			// Add the function to the list

		// Otherwise
			// This is an invalid element, throw an exception
			throw XML::ParseError("Invalid element in compilation unit list: \"" + pUnitElement->getName() + "\"", pUnitElement->getTextPos());

	// If the verbose output flag is set
	if (ConfigManager::s_verboseVar.getBoolValue() == true)
		// Output parsed IIR
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Constructed IIR:" << std::endl;
		for (CompUnits::iterator itr = functionList.begin(); itr != functionList.end(); ++itr)
