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C++ Node::getNumChildren方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tr::Node::getNumChildren方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Node::getNumChildren方法的具体用法?C++ Node::getNumChildren怎么用?C++ Node::getNumChildren使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tr::Node的用法示例。


示例1: removeGlRegDep

static void removeGlRegDep(TR::Node * parent, TR_GlobalRegisterNumber registerNum, TR::Block *containingBlock, TR::Optimization *opt)
   if (parent->getNumChildren() == 0)

   TR_ASSERT(parent->getNumChildren() > 0, "expected TR::GlRegDeps %p", parent);
   TR::Node * predGlRegDeps = parent->getLastChild();

   if (predGlRegDeps->getOpCodeValue() != TR::GlRegDeps) // could be already removed

   TR_ASSERT(predGlRegDeps->getOpCodeValue() == TR::GlRegDeps, "expected TR::GlRegDeps");

   for (int32_t i = predGlRegDeps->getNumChildren() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      if (predGlRegDeps->getChild(i)->getGlobalRegisterNumber() == registerNum)
         dumpOptDetails(opt->comp(), "%sRemove GlRegDep : %p\n", opt->optDetailString(), predGlRegDeps->getChild(i));
         TR::Node *removedChild = predGlRegDeps->removeChild(i);
         if (removedChild->getReferenceCount() <= 1)
            // The only remaining parent is the RegStore.  Another pass of
            // deadTrees may be able to eliminate that.
            opt->requestOpt(OMR::deadTreesElimination, true, containingBlock);

   if (predGlRegDeps->getNumChildren() == 0)

示例2: if

   if (!cg()->supportsPassThroughCopyToNewVirtualRegister())
      return 0;

   TR::TreeTop *tt;
   for (tt = comp()->getStartTree(); tt != NULL; tt = tt->getNextTreeTop())
      TR::Node *node = tt->getNode();
      switch (node->getOpCodeValue())
         case TR::BBStart:
            if (!node->getBlock()->isExtensionOfPreviousBlock())
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "clearing remembered node choices at start of extended block at block_%d\n", node->getBlock()->getNumber());
            if (node->getNumChildren() > 0)
               processRegDeps(node->getFirstChild(), tt);
         case TR::BBEnd:
            if (node->getNumChildren() > 0)
               processRegDeps(node->getFirstChild(), tt);
            if (node->getOpCode().isSwitch())
               TR::Node *defaultDest = node->getSecondChild();
               if (defaultDest->getNumChildren() > 0)
                  processRegDeps(defaultDest->getFirstChild(), tt);
            else if (node->getOpCode().isBranch())
               int nChildren = node->getNumChildren();
               // only the last child may be GlRegDeps
               for (int i = 0; i < nChildren - 1; i++)
                  TR_ASSERT(node->getChild(i)->getOpCodeValue() != TR::GlRegDeps, "GlRegDeps for branch is not the last child\n");
               if (nChildren > 0)
                  TR::Node *lastChild = node->getChild(nChildren - 1);
                  if (lastChild->getOpCodeValue() == TR::GlRegDeps)
                     processRegDeps(lastChild, tt);
   return 1; // a bit arbitrary...


TR::TreeTop *searchForToStringCall(TR::ValuePropagation *vp,TR::TreeTop *tt, TR::TreeTop *exitTree,
                                                      TR::Node *newBuffer, vcount_t visitCount,
                                                      TR::TreeTop **toStringTree, bool useStringBuffer)

   for (;tt != exitTree; tt = tt->getNextRealTreeTop())
      TR::Node *node = tt->getNode();

      if (node->getNumChildren() == 1 &&
          node->getFirstChild()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::acall)
         if (checkMethodSignature(vp,node->getFirstChild()->getSymbolReference(),
                                  (useStringBuffer ?
                                   "java/lang/StringBuffer.toString()Ljava/lang/String;" :
            TR::Node *call = node->getFirstChild();
            if (call->getFirstChild() == newBuffer)
               *toStringTree = tt;
            return tt;
   return tt;

示例4: comp

// Simplify a sub-tree.
// Returns the replaced root of the sub-tree, which may be null if the sub-tree
// has been removed.
TR::Node *
OMR::Simplifier::simplify(TR::Node * node, TR::Block * block)
   // Set the visit count for this node to prevent recursion into it
   vcount_t visitCount = comp()->getVisitCount();

   if (node->nodeRequiresConditionCodes())
      // On Java, nodes that require condition codes must not be simplified.
      dftSimplifier(node, block, (TR::Simplifier *) this);
      return node;

   // Simplify this node.
   // Note that the processing routine for the node is responsible for
   // simplifying its children.
   TR::Node * newNode = simplifierOpts[node->getOpCodeValue()](node, block, (TR::Simplifier *) this);
   if ((node != newNode) ||
       (newNode &&
        ((newNode->getOpCodeValue() != node->getOpCodeValue()) ||
         (newNode->getNumChildren() != node->getNumChildren()))))
        requestOpt(OMR::localCSE, true, block);

   return newNode;

示例5: if

bool TR::ILValidator::treesAreValid(TR::TreeTop *start, TR::TreeTop *stop)
   checkSoundness(start, stop);

   for (PostorderNodeOccurrenceIterator iter(start, _comp, "VALIDATOR"); iter != stop; ++iter)

      // General node validation

      // Additional specific kinds of validation

      TR::Node *node = iter.currentNode();
      if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::BBEnd)
         // Determine whether this is the end of an extended block
         bool isEndOfExtendedBlock = false;
         TR::TreeTop *nextTree = iter.currentTree()->getNextTreeTop();
         if (nextTree)
            validityRule(iter, nextTree->getNode()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::BBStart, "Expected BBStart after BBEnd");
            isEndOfExtendedBlock = ! nextTree->getNode()->getBlock()->isExtensionOfPreviousBlock();
            isEndOfExtendedBlock = true;

         if (isEndOfExtendedBlock)

      auto opcode = node->getOpCode();
      if (opcode.expectedChildCount() != ILChildProp::UnspecifiedChildCount)
         // Validate child expectations

         const auto expChildCount = opcode.expectedChildCount();
         const auto actChildCount = node->getNumChildren();

         // validate child count
         if (!opcode.canHaveGlRegDeps())
            // in the common case, no GlRegDeps child is expect nor present
            validityRule(iter, actChildCount == expChildCount,
                         "Child count %d does not match expected value of %d", actChildCount, expChildCount);
         else if (actChildCount == (expChildCount + 1))
            // adjust expected child number to account for a possible extra GlRegDeps
            // child and make sure the last child is actually a GlRegDeps
            validityRule(iter, node->getChild(actChildCount - 1)->getOpCodeValue() == TR::GlRegDeps,
                         "Child count %d does not match expected value of %d (%d without GlRegDeps) and last child is not a GlRegDeps",
                         actChildCount, expChildCount + 1, expChildCount);
            // if expected and actual child counts don't match, then the child
            // count is just wrong, even with an expected GlRegDeps
            validityRule(iter, actChildCount == expChildCount,
                         "Child count %d matches neither expected values of %d (without GlRegDeps) nor %d (with GlRegDeps)",
                         actChildCount, expChildCount, expChildCount + 1);

         // validate child types
         for (auto i = 0; i < actChildCount; ++i)
            auto childOpcode = node->getChild(i)->getOpCode();
            if (childOpcode.getOpCodeValue() != TR::GlRegDeps)
               const auto expChildType = opcode.expectedChildType(i);
               const auto actChildType = childOpcode.getDataType().getDataType();
               const auto expChildTypeName = expChildType == ILChildProp::UnspecifiedChildType ? "UnspecifiedChildType" : TR::DataType::getName(expChildType);
               const auto actChildTypeName = TR::DataType::getName(actChildType);
               validityRule(iter, expChildType == ILChildProp::UnspecifiedChildType || actChildType == expChildType,
                            "Child %d has unexpected type %s (expected %s)" , i, actChildTypeName, expChildTypeName);
               // make sure the node is allowed to have a GlRegDeps child
               // and make sure that it is the last child
               validityRule(iter, opcode.canHaveGlRegDeps() && (i == actChildCount - 1), "Unexpected GlRegDeps child %d", i);

   return _isValidSoFar;

示例6: if

TR::Node *
      TR::Compilation *comp,
      TR::Node *node,
      TR::TreeTop *tt,
      bool useElementType,
      bool &didTransformArrayCopyNode,
      TR::SymbolReference *sourceRef,
      TR::SymbolReference *targetRef,
      bool castToIntegral)
   TR::CodeGenerator *cg = comp->cg();

   didTransformArrayCopyNode = false;

   if ((comp->getOptLevel() == noOpt) ||
       !comp->getOption(TR_ScalarizeSSOps) ||
       node->getOpCodeValue() != TR::arraycopy ||
       node->getNumChildren() != 3 ||
       comp->requiresSpineChecks() ||
       !node->getChild(2)->getOpCode().isLoadConst() ||
      return node;

   int64_t byteLen = node->getChild(2)->get64bitIntegralValue();
   if (byteLen == 0)
      if (tt)
         // Anchor the first two children
         if (!node->getFirstChild()->safeToDoRecursiveDecrement())
            TR::TreeTop::create(comp, tt->getPrevTreeTop(),
                               TR::Node::create(TR::treetop, 1, node->getFirstChild()));
         if (!node->getSecondChild()->safeToDoRecursiveDecrement())
            TR::TreeTop::create(comp, tt->getPrevTreeTop(),
                               TR::Node::create(TR::treetop, 1, node->getSecondChild()));
         didTransformArrayCopyNode = true;
      return node;
   else if (byteLen < 0)
      return node;
   else if (byteLen > TR_MAX_OTYPE_SIZE)
      return node;
   TR::DataType dataType = TR::Aggregate;

   // Get the element datatype from the (hidden) 4th child
   TR::DataType elementType = node->getArrayCopyElementType();
   int32_t elementSize = TR::Symbol::convertTypeToSize(elementType);

   if (byteLen == elementSize)
      dataType = elementType;
   else if (!useElementType)
      switch (byteLen)
         case 1: dataType = TR::Int8; break;
         case 2: dataType = TR::Int16; break;
         case 4: dataType = TR::Int32; break;
         case 8: dataType = TR::Int64; break;
      return node;

   // load/store double on 64-bit PPC requires offset to be word aligned
   // abort if this requirement is not met.
   // TODO: also need to check if the first two children are aload nodes
   bool cannot_use_load_store_long = false;
   if (TR::Compiler->target.cpu.isPower())
      if (dataType == TR::Int64 && TR::Compiler->target.is64Bit())
         TR::Node * firstChild = node->getFirstChild();
         if (firstChild->getNumChildren() == 2)
            TR::Node *offsetChild = firstChild->getSecondChild();
            TR_ASSERT(offsetChild->getOpCodeValue() != TR::iconst, "iconst shouldn't be used for 64-bit array indexing");
            if (offsetChild->getOpCodeValue() == TR::lconst)
               if ((offsetChild->getLongInt() & 0x3) != 0)
                  cannot_use_load_store_long = true;
         TR::Node *secondChild = node->getSecondChild();
         if (secondChild->getNumChildren() == 2)
            TR::Node *offsetChild = secondChild->getSecondChild();
            TR_ASSERT(offsetChild->getOpCodeValue() != TR::iconst, "iconst shouldn't be used for 64-bit array indexing");
            if (offsetChild->getOpCodeValue() == TR::lconst)

示例7: tailSplitBlock

// This function splits a single succeesor block following an guard and is used to
// do the following transform
//    block - cold1         block - cold1
//      \     /        =>     |       |
//     nextBlock           nextBlock nextBlock' (called tailSplitBlock below)
//         |                  \      /
//        ...                   ...
void TR_VirtualGuardHeadMerger::tailSplitBlock(TR::Block * block, TR::Block * cold1)
   TR::CFG *cfg = comp()->getFlowGraph();
   TR_BlockCloner cloner(cfg);
   TR::Block *tailSplitBlock = cloner.cloneBlocks(block->getNextBlock(), block->getNextBlock());
   if (cold1->isCold())

   // physically put the block after cold1 since we want cold1 to fall through

   // remove cold1's goto
   TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), cold1->getExit()->getPrevRealTreeTop());

   // copy the exception edges
   for (auto e = block->getNextBlock()->getExceptionSuccessors().begin(); e != block->getNextBlock()->getExceptionSuccessors().end(); ++e)
      cfg->addExceptionEdge(tailSplitBlock, (*e)->getTo());

   cfg->addEdge(cold1, tailSplitBlock);
   // lastly fix up the exit of tailSplitBlock
   TR::Node *tailSplitEnd = tailSplitBlock->getExit()->getPrevRealTreeTop()->getNode();
   if (tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isGoto())
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().front()->getTo());
   else if (tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isBranch())
      TR::Block *gotoBlock = TR::Block::createEmptyBlock(tailSplitEnd, comp(), cold1->getFrequency());
      if (cold1->isCold())

      gotoBlock->append(TR::TreeTop::create(comp(), TR::Node::create(tailSplitEnd, TR::Goto, 0, block->getNextBlock()->getExit()->getNextTreeTop())));
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, gotoBlock);
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, tailSplitBlock->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode()->getBranchDestination()->getEnclosingBlock());
      cfg->addEdge(gotoBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getNextBlock());
   else if (
            !tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isReturn() &&
            !tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isJumpWithMultipleTargets() &&
             tailSplitEnd->getOpCodeValue() != TR::athrow &&
            !(tailSplitEnd->getNumChildren() >= 1 && tailSplitEnd->getFirstChild()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::athrow)
      tailSplitBlock->append(TR::TreeTop::create(comp(), TR::Node::create(tailSplitEnd, TR::Goto, 0, block->getNextBlock()->getExit()->getNextTreeTop())));
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getNextBlock());
      for (auto e = block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().begin(); e != block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().end(); ++e)
         cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, (*e)->getTo());
   cfg->removeEdge(cold1, block->getNextBlock());


示例8: if

TR_ExpressionsSimplification::findLoopInfo(TR_RegionStructure* region)
   ListIterator<TR::CFGEdge> exitEdges(&region->getExitEdges());

   if (region->getExitEdges().getSize() != 1)
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "Region with more than 1 exit edges can't be handled\n");
      return 0;

   TR_StructureSubGraphNode* exitNode = toStructureSubGraphNode(exitEdges.getFirst()->getFrom());

   if (!exitNode->getStructure()->asBlock())
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "The exit block can't be found\n");
      return 0;

   TR::Block *exitBlock = exitNode->getStructure()->asBlock()->getBlock();
   TR::Node *lastTreeInExitBlock = exitBlock->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode();

   if (trace())
      traceMsg(comp(), "The exit block is %d\n", exitBlock->getNumber());
      traceMsg(comp(), "The branch node is %p\n", lastTreeInExitBlock);

   if (!lastTreeInExitBlock->getOpCode().isBranch())
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "The branch node couldn't be found\n");
      return 0;

   if (lastTreeInExitBlock->getNumChildren() < 2)
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "The branch node has less than 2 children\n");
      return 0;

   TR::Node *firstChildOfLastTree = lastTreeInExitBlock->getFirstChild();
   TR::Node *secondChildOfLastTree = lastTreeInExitBlock->getSecondChild();

   if (!firstChildOfLastTree->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference())
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "The branch node's first child node %p - its opcode does not have a symbol reference\n", firstChildOfLastTree);
      return 0;

   TR::SymbolReference *firstChildSymRef = firstChildOfLastTree->getSymbolReference();

   if (trace())
      traceMsg(comp(), "Symbol Reference: %p Symbol: %p\n", firstChildSymRef, firstChildSymRef->getSymbol());

   // Locate the induction variable that matches with the exit node symbol
   TR_InductionVariable *indVar = region->findMatchingIV(firstChildSymRef);
   if (!indVar) return 0;

   if (!indVar->getIncr()->asIntConst())
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "Increment is not a constant\n");
      return 0;

   int32_t increment = indVar->getIncr()->getLowInt();

   _visitCount = comp()->incVisitCount();
   bool indVarWrittenAndUsedUnexpectedly = false;
   if (firstChildOfLastTree->getReferenceCount() > 1)
      TR::TreeTop *cursorTreeTopInExitBlock = exitBlock->getEntry();
      TR::TreeTop *exitTreeTopInExitBlock = exitBlock->getExit();

      bool loadSeen = false;
      while (cursorTreeTopInExitBlock != exitTreeTopInExitBlock)
         TR::Node *cursorNode = cursorTreeTopInExitBlock->getNode();
         if (checkForLoad(cursorNode, firstChildOfLastTree))
            loadSeen = true;

         if (!cursorNode->getOpCode().isStore() &&
             (cursorNode->getNumChildren() > 0))
           cursorNode = cursorNode->getFirstChild();

         if (cursorNode->getOpCode().isStore() &&
             (cursorNode->getSymbolReference() == firstChildSymRef))
            indVarWrittenAndUsedUnexpectedly = true;
            if ((cursorNode->getFirstChild() == firstChildOfLastTree) ||
               indVarWrittenAndUsedUnexpectedly = false;

示例9: setSummationReductionCandidates

void TR_ExpressionsSimplification::setSummationReductionCandidates(TR::Node *node, TR::TreeTop *tt)
   // Must be a store node
   if (node->getOpCodeValue() != TR::istore
   /* || node->getOpCodeValue() != TR::astore */)
      if (trace())
         traceMsg(comp(), "Node %p: The opcode is not istore so not a summation reduction candidate\n",node);

   TR::Node *opNode = node->getFirstChild();

   if (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::iadd ||
       opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::isub)
      TR::Node *firstNode = opNode->getFirstChild();
      TR::Node *secondNode = opNode->getSecondChild();

      if (firstNode->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() &&
            node->getSymbolReference() == firstNode->getSymbolReference() &&
            opNode->getReferenceCount() == 1 && firstNode->getReferenceCount() == 1)
         // The second node must be loop invariant
         if (!_currentRegion->isExprInvariant(secondNode))
            if (trace())
               traceMsg(comp(), "The node %p is not loop invariant\n",secondNode);

               // This can be the arithmetic series case
               // only when the node is an induction variable
               if (secondNode->getNumChildren() == 1 && secondNode->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference())
                  TR_InductionVariable *indVar = _currentRegion->findMatchingIV(secondNode->getSymbolReference());
                  if (indVar)
                     //printf("Found Candidate of arithmetic series\n" );

      else if (secondNode->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() &&
            node->getSymbolReference() == secondNode->getSymbolReference() &&
            opNode->getReferenceCount() == 1 && secondNode->getReferenceCount() == 1 &&
   else if (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ixor ||
            opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ineg)
      if (opNode->getFirstChild()->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() &&
            node->getSymbolReference() == opNode->getFirstChild()->getSymbolReference() &&
            opNode->getReferenceCount() == 1 && opNode->getFirstChild()->getReferenceCount() == 1 &&
            (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ineg || _currentRegion->isExprInvariant(opNode->getSecondChild())))
      else if (opNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::ixor && opNode->getSecondChild()->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() &&
            node->getSymbolReference() == opNode->getSecondChild()->getSymbolReference() &&
            opNode->getReferenceCount() == 1 && opNode->getSecondChild()->getReferenceCount() == 1 &&

示例10: hasOldExpressionOnRhs

// Checks for syntactic equivalence and returns the side-table index
// of the syntactically equivalent node if it found one; else it returns
// -1 signifying that this is the first time any node similar syntactically
// to this node has been seen. Adds the node to the hash table if seen for the
// first time.
int TR_LocalAnalysisInfo::hasOldExpressionOnRhs(TR::Node *node, bool recalcContainsCall, bool storeLhsContainsCall)
   // Get the relevant portion of the subtree
   // for this node; this is different for a null check
   // as its null check reference is the only
   // sub-expression that matters
   TR::Node *relevantSubtree = NULL;
   if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::NULLCHK)
      relevantSubtree = node->getNullCheckReference();
      relevantSubtree = node;

   // containsCall checks whether the relevant node has some
   // sub-expression that cannot be commoned, e.g. call or a new
   bool nodeContainsCall;
   if (!recalcContainsCall && (relevantSubtree == node))
      // can use pre-calculated value of containsCall and storeLhsContainsCall, to avoid visitCount overflow
      nodeContainsCall = node->containsCall();
      storeLhsContainsCall = false;
      nodeContainsCall = containsCall(relevantSubtree, storeLhsContainsCall);

   if (nodeContainsCall)
      // If the node is not a store, a call-like sub-expression is inadmissable;
      // if the node is a store, a call-like sub-expression is allowed on the RHS
      // of the store as this does not inhibit privatization in any way as
      // the private temp store's RHS simply points at original RHS. But if a call-like
      // sub-expression is present in the LHS of the store, that is inadmissable
      if (!node->getOpCode().isStore() ||
         return 0;

   bool seenIndirectStore = false;
   bool seenIndirectBCDStore = false;
   bool seenWriteBarrier = false;
   int32_t storeNumChildren = node->getNumChildren();

   // If node is a null check, compare the
   // null check reference only to establish syntactic equivalence
   if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::NULLCHK)
   /////if (node->getOpCode().isNullCheck())
      int32_t k;
      for (k=0;k<_numNullChecks;k++)
         if (!(_nullCheckNodesAsArray[k] == NULL))
            if (areSyntacticallyEquivalent(_nullCheckNodesAsArray[k]->getNullCheckReference(), node->getNullCheckReference()))
               return _nullCheckNodesAsArray[k]->getLocalIndex();

      _nullCheckNodesAsArray[_numNullChecks++] = node;
      // If this node is a global store, then equivalence check is different.
      // We try to give a store to field (or static) o.f the same index as
      // a load of o.f. This is so that privatization happens for fields/statics.
      // So the store's opcode value is changed temporarily to be a load before
      // syntactic equivalence is checked; this enables matching stores/loads to
      // same global symbol.
      if (node->getOpCode().isStore() &&
         if (node->getOpCode().isWrtBar())
            seenWriteBarrier = true;
         seenIndirectBCDStore = node->getType().isBCD();
         if (node->getOpCode().isStoreIndirect())
            if (seenWriteBarrier)
               TR::Node::recreate(node, _compilation->il.opCodeForIndirectArrayLoad(node->getDataType()));

示例11: stackRegion


      if (visitCount == child->getVisitCount())
         treeTopCanBeEliminated = true;
         TR::ILOpCode &childOpCode = child->getOpCode();
         TR::ILOpCodes opCodeValue = childOpCode.getOpCodeValue();
         bool seenConditionalBranch = false;

         bool callWithNoSideEffects = child->getOpCode().isCall() &&
              child->getSymbolReference()->getSymbol()->isResolvedMethod() &&

         if (callWithNoSideEffects)
            treeTopCanBeEliminated = true;
         else if (!((childOpCode.isCall() && !callWithNoSideEffects) ||
               childOpCode.isStore() ||
               ((opCodeValue == TR::New ||
                 opCodeValue == TR::anewarray ||
                 opCodeValue == TR::newarray) &&
                 child->getReferenceCount() > 1) ||
                 opCodeValue == TR::multianewarray ||
                 opCodeValue == TR::MergeNew ||
               opCodeValue == TR::checkcast ||
               opCodeValue == TR::Prefetch ||
               opCodeValue == TR::iu2l ||
               ((childOpCode.isDiv() ||
                 childOpCode.isRem()) &&
                 child->getNumChildren() == 3)))
            // Perform the rather complex check to see whether its safe
            // to disconnect the child node from the treetop
            bool safeToReplaceNode = false;
            if (child->getReferenceCount() == 1)
               safeToReplaceNode = true;
               if (child->getOpCode().isPackedExponentiation())
                  // pdexp has a possible message side effect in truncating or no significant digits left cases
                  safeToReplaceNode = false;
               if (opCodeValue == TR::loadaddr)
                  treeTopCanBeEliminated = true;
            else if (!_cannotBeEliminated)
               safeToReplaceNode = isSafeToReplaceNode(

            if (safeToReplaceNode)

示例12: if

void TR::DeadTreesElimination::prePerformOnBlocks()
   _cannotBeEliminated = false;
   _delayedRegStores = false;


   // Walk through all the blocks to remove trivial dead trees of the form
   // treetop
   //   => node
   // The problem with these trees is in the scenario where the earlier use
   // of 'node' is also dead.  However, our analysis won't find that because
   // the reference count is > 1.
   vcount_t visitCount = comp()->incOrResetVisitCount();
   for (TR::TreeTop *tt = comp()->getStartTree();
        tt != 0;
        tt = tt->getNextTreeTop())
      bool removed = false;

      TR::Node *node = tt->getNode();
      if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::treetop &&
          node->getFirstChild()->getVisitCount() == visitCount &&
          performTransformation(comp(), "%sRemove trivial dead tree: %p\n", optDetailString(), node))
         TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), tt);
         removed = true;
         if (node->getOpCode().isCheck() &&
             node->getFirstChild()->getOpCode().isCall() &&
             node->getFirstChild()->getReferenceCount() == 1 &&
             node->getFirstChild()->getSymbolReference()->getSymbol()->isResolvedMethod() &&
             node->getFirstChild()->getSymbolReference()->getSymbol()->castToResolvedMethodSymbol()->isSideEffectFree() &&
             performTransformation(comp(), "%sRemove dead check of side-effect free call: %p\n", optDetailString(), node))
            TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), tt);
            removed = true;

      if (removed
          && tt->getNextTreeTop()->getNode()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::Goto
          && tt->getPrevTreeTop()->getNode()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::BBStart
          && !tt->getPrevTreeTop()->getNode()->getBlock()->isExtensionOfPreviousBlock())
         requestOpt(OMR::redundantGotoElimination, tt->getEnclosingBlock());

      if (node->getVisitCount() >= visitCount)
      TR::TransformUtil::recursivelySetNodeVisitCount(tt->getNode(), visitCount);

   // If the last use of an iRegLoad has been removed, then remove the node from
   // the BBStart and remove the corresponding dependency node from each of the block's
   // predecessors.
   while (1)
      bool glRegDepRemoved = false;
      for (TR::Block * b = comp()->getStartBlock(); b; b = b->getNextBlock())
         TR::TreeTop * startTT = b->getEntry();
         TR::Node * startNode = startTT->getNode();
         if (startNode->getNumChildren() > 0 && !debug("disableEliminationOfGlRegDeps"))
            TR::Node * glRegDeps = startNode->getFirstChild();
            TR_ASSERT(glRegDeps->getOpCodeValue() == TR::GlRegDeps, "expected TR::GlRegDeps");
            for (int32_t i = glRegDeps->getNumChildren() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
               TR::Node * dep = glRegDeps->getChild(i);
               if (dep->getReferenceCount() == 1 &&
                   (!dep->getOpCode().isFloatingPoint() ||
                    cg()->getSupportsJavaFloatSemantics()) &&
                   performTransformation(comp(), "%sRemove GlRegDep : %p\n", optDetailString(), glRegDeps->getChild(i)))

                  glRegDepRemoved = true;
                  TR_GlobalRegisterNumber registerNum = dep->getGlobalRegisterNumber();
                  for (auto e = b->getPredecessors().begin(); e != b->getPredecessors().end(); ++e)
                     TR::Block * pred = toBlock((*e)->getFrom());
                     if (pred == comp()->getFlowGraph()->getStart())

                     TR::Node * parent = pred->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode();
                     if ( parent->getOpCode().isJumpWithMultipleTargets() && parent->getOpCode().hasBranchChildren())
                        for (int32_t j = parent->getCaseIndexUpperBound() - 1; j > 0; --j)
                           TR::Node * caseNode = parent->getChild(j);
                           TR_ASSERT(caseNode->getOpCode().isCase() || caseNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::branch,
                                  "having problems navigating a switch");
                           if (caseNode->getBranchDestination() == startTT &&
                               caseNode->getNumChildren() > 0 &&
                               0) // can't do this now that all glRegDeps are hung off the default branch
                              removeGlRegDep(caseNode, registerNum, pred, this);

示例13: if

OMR::CodeGenPhase::performSetupForInstructionSelectionPhase(TR::CodeGenerator * cg, TR::CodeGenPhase * phase)
   TR::Compilation *comp = cg->comp();

   if (TR::Compiler->target.cpu.isZ() && TR::Compiler->om.shouldGenerateReadBarriersForFieldLoads())
      // TODO (GuardedStorage): We need to come up with a better solution than anchoring aloadi's
      // to enforce certain evaluation order
      traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: in performSetupForInstructionSelectionPhase\n");

      auto mapAllocator = getTypedAllocator<std::pair<TR::TreeTop*, TR::TreeTop*> >(comp->allocator());

      std::map<TR::TreeTop*, TR::TreeTop*, std::less<TR::TreeTop*>, TR::typed_allocator<std::pair<TR::TreeTop* const, TR::TreeTop*>, TR::Allocator> >
         currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop(std::less<TR::TreeTop*> (), mapAllocator);

      TR_BitVector *unAnchorableAloadiNodes = comp->getBitVectorPool().get();

      for (TR::PreorderNodeIterator iter(comp->getStartTree(), comp); iter != NULL; ++iter)
         TR::Node *node = iter.currentNode();

         traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: Examining node = %p\n", node);

         // isNullCheck handles both TR::NULLCHK and TR::ResolveAndNULLCHK
         // both of which do not operate on their child but their
         // grandchild (or greatgrandchild).
         if (node->getOpCode().isNullCheck())
            // An aloadi cannot be anchored if there is a Null Check on
            // its child. There are two situations where this occurs.
            // The first is when doing an aloadi off some node that is
            // being NULLCHK'd (see Ex1). The second is when doing an
            // icalli in which case the aloadi loads the VFT of an
            // object that must be NULLCHK'd (see Ex2).
            // Ex1:
            //    n1n NULLCHK on n3n
            //    n2n    aloadi f    <-- First Child And Parent of Null Chk'd Node
            //    n3n       aload O
            // Ex2:
            //    n1n NULLCHK on n4n
            //    n2n    icall foo        <-- First Child
            //    n3n       aloadi <vft>  <-- Parent of Null Chk'd Node
            //    n4n          aload O
            //    n4n       ==> aload O

            TR::Node *nodeBeingNullChkd = node->getNullCheckReference();
            if (nodeBeingNullChkd)
               TR::Node *firstChild = node->getFirstChild();
               TR::Node *parentOfNullChkdNode = NULL;

               if (firstChild->getOpCode().isCall() &&
                  parentOfNullChkdNode = firstChild->getFirstChild();
                  parentOfNullChkdNode = firstChild;

               if (parentOfNullChkdNode &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aloadi &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getNumChildren() > 0 &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getFirstChild() == nodeBeingNullChkd)
                  traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: Cannot anchor  %p\n", firstChild);
            bool shouldAnchorNode = false;

            if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aloadi &&
               shouldAnchorNode = true;
            else if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aload &&
                     node->getSymbol()->isStatic() &&
               shouldAnchorNode = true;

            if (shouldAnchorNode)
               TR::TreeTop* anchorTreeTop = TR::TreeTop::create(comp, TR::Node::create(TR::treetop, 1, node));
               TR::TreeTop* appendTreeTop = iter.currentTree();

               if (currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop.count(appendTreeTop) > 0)
                  appendTreeTop = currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop[appendTreeTop];

