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C++ Node::chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tr::Node::chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Node::chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg方法的具体用法?C++ Node::chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg怎么用?C++ Node::chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tr::Node的用法示例。


示例1: checklist

 * A runtime guard block may have monitor stores and privarg stores along with the guard
 * it self. This method will rearrange these stores and split the block, managing any
 * uncommoning necessary for eventual block order.
 * The provided block will become the privarg block, containing any privarg stores and additonal
 * temps for uncommoning. It must be evaluated first. The returned block will contain monitor
 * stores and the guard. If no split is required, the provided block will be returned.
 * @param comp Compilation object
 * @param block Block to manipulate
 * @param cfg Current CFG
 * @return The block containing the guard.
static TR::Block* splitRuntimeGuardBlock(TR::Compilation *comp, TR::Block* block, TR::CFG *cfg)
   TR::NodeChecklist checklist(comp);
   TR::TreeTop *start = block->getFirstRealTreeTop();
   TR::TreeTop *guard = block->getLastRealTreeTop();
   TR::TreeTop *firstPrivArg = NULL;
   TR::TreeTop *firstMonitor = NULL;

   // Manage the unexpected case that monitors and priv args are reversed
   bool privThenMonitor = false;

   TR_ASSERT(isMergeableGuard(guard->getNode()), "last node must be guard %p", guard->getNode());

   // Search for privarg and monitor stores
   // Only commoned nodes under the guard are required to be anchored, due to the guard being
   // evaluted before the monitor stores later on
   bool anchoredTemps = false;
   for (TR::TreeTop *tt = start; tt && tt->getNode()->getOpCodeValue() != TR::BBEnd; tt = tt->getNextTreeTop())
      TR::Node * node = tt->getNode();

      if (node->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() && node->getSymbol()->holdsMonitoredObject())
         firstMonitor = firstMonitor == NULL ? tt : firstMonitor;
      else if (node->chkIsPrivatizedInlinerArg())
         if (firstPrivArg == NULL)
            firstPrivArg = tt;
            privThenMonitor = (firstMonitor == NULL);
      else if (isMergeableGuard(node))
         anchoredTemps |= anchorCommonNodes(comp, node, start, checklist);
         TR_ASSERT(0, "Node other than monitor or privarg store %p before runtime guard", node);

   // If there are monitors then privargs, they must be swapped around, such that all privargs are
   // evaluated first
   if (firstPrivArg && firstMonitor && !privThenMonitor)
      TR::TreeTop *monitorEnd = firstPrivArg->getPrevTreeTop();

   // If there were temps created or privargs in the block, perform a split
   TR::TreeTop *split = NULL;
   if (firstPrivArg)
      split = firstMonitor ? firstMonitor : guard;
   else if (anchoredTemps)
      split = start;

   if (split)
      return block->split(split, cfg, true /* fixupCommoning */, false /* copyExceptionSuccessors */);
   return block;
