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C++ ArrayView::getRawPtr方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中teuchos::ArrayView::getRawPtr方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ArrayView::getRawPtr方法的具体用法?C++ ArrayView::getRawPtr怎么用?C++ ArrayView::getRawPtr使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在teuchos::ArrayView的用法示例。


示例1: mapToPhysicalFrame

// Map a reference point to the physical space of an entity.
void MoabEntityLocalMap::mapToPhysicalFrame( 
    const Entity& entity,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& reference_point,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& physical_point ) const
    cacheEntity( entity );

	d_moab_evaluator->eval( reference_point.getRawPtr(),
				physical_point.getRawPtr() )

示例2: source_mv

  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::scalar_t>& new_data,
  size_t lda,
    const Tpetra::Map<MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::local_ordinal_t,
                      MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::node_t> > source_map)
  using Teuchos::rcpFromPtr;
  using Teuchos::as;

  const size_t num_vecs  = getGlobalNumVectors();
  // TODO: check that the following const_cast is safe
  double* data_ptr = const_cast<double*>(new_data.getRawPtr());

  // Optimization for ROOTED
  // TODO: Element-wise copy rather than using importer
  if ( num_vecs == 1 && mv_->Comm().MyPID() == 0 && mv_->Comm().NumProc() == 1 ) {
	  const multivec_t source_mv(Copy, *mv_map_, data_ptr, as<int>(lda), as<int>(num_vecs));
	  const Epetra_Import importer(*mv_map_, *mv_map_); //trivial - map does not change
	  mv_->Import(source_mv, importer, Insert);
  else {
    const Epetra_BlockMap e_source_map
      = *Util::tpetra_map_to_epetra_map<local_ordinal_t,global_ordinal_t,global_size_t,node_t>(*source_map);
    const multivec_t source_mv(Copy, e_source_map, data_ptr, as<int>(lda), as<int>(num_vecs));
    const Epetra_Import importer(*mv_map_, e_source_map);
    mv_->Import(source_mv, importer, Insert);

示例3: mapToReferenceFrame

// Map a point to the reference space of an entity. Return the parameterized
// point.
bool MoabEntityLocalMap::mapToReferenceFrame( 
    const Entity& entity,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& physical_point,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& reference_point ) const
    cacheEntity( entity );

    int is_inside = -1;

    // Ignore the error code on this one because of the ridiculous
    // tolerancing/convergence scheme used in the implementation.
	physical_point.getRawPtr(), d_newton_tol, 
	d_inclusion_tol, reference_point.getRawPtr(), &is_inside );
    return (is_inside > 0);

示例4: redist_mv

void MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::get1dCopy(
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::scalar_t>& av,
  size_t lda,
    const Tpetra::Map<MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::local_ordinal_t,
                      MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::node_t> > distribution_map ) const
  using Teuchos::rcpFromPtr;
  using Teuchos::as;

  const size_t num_vecs = getGlobalNumVectors();
  const size_t requested_vector_length = distribution_map->getNodeNumElements();
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( lda < requested_vector_length,
		      "Given stride is not large enough for local vector length" );
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( as<size_t>(av.size()) < (num_vecs-1) * lda + requested_vector_length,
		      "MultiVector storage not large enough given leading dimension "
		      "and number of vectors" );

  // Optimization for ROOTED
  if ( num_vecs == 1 && mv_->Comm().MyPID() == 0 && mv_->Comm().NumProc() == 1 ) {
	  mv_->ExtractCopy(av.getRawPtr(), lda);
  else {
  Epetra_Map e_dist_map
    = *Util::tpetra_map_to_epetra_map<local_ordinal_t,

  multivec_t redist_mv(e_dist_map, as<int>(num_vecs));
  const Epetra_Import importer(e_dist_map, *mv_map_); // Note, target/source order is reversed in Tpetra
  redist_mv.Import(*mv_, importer, Insert);

  // Finally, do copy
  redist_mv.ExtractCopy(av.getRawPtr(), lda);


示例5: extract_reduct_obj_state_impl

void RTOpC::extract_reduct_obj_state_impl(
  const ReductTarget &reduct_obj,
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<primitive_value_type> &value_data,
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<index_type> &index_data,
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<char_type> &char_data
  ) const
      &op_, (*this)(reduct_obj),
      value_data.size(), value_data.getRawPtr(),
      index_data.size(), index_data.getRawPtr(),
      char_data.size(), char_data.getRawPtr()
    "RTOpC::extract_reduct_obj_state(...): Error, "
    "RTOp_extract_reduct_obj_state(...) returned != 0"

示例6: checkPointInclusion

// Determine if a reference point is in the parameterized space of an entity.
bool MoabEntityLocalMap::checkPointInclusion( 
    const Entity& entity,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& reference_point ) const
    cacheEntity( entity );

    int is_inside = d_moab_evaluator->inside( reference_point.getRawPtr(),
					      d_inclusion_tol );
    return (is_inside > 0);

示例7: load_reduct_obj_state_impl

void RTOpC::load_reduct_obj_state_impl(
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const primitive_value_type> &value_data,
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const index_type> &index_data,
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const char_type> &char_data,
  const Teuchos::Ptr<ReductTarget> &reduct_obj
  ) const
      value_data.size(), value_data.getRawPtr(),
      index_data.size(), index_data.getRawPtr(),
      char_data.size(), char_data.getRawPtr(),
    "RTOpC::load_reduct_obj_state(...): Error, "
    "RTOp_load_reduct_obj_state(...) returned != 0"

示例8: centroid

// Return the centroid of the entity.
void MoabEntityLocalMap::centroid( 
    const Entity& entity, const Teuchos::ArrayView<double>& centroid ) const
    // Node case.
    if ( 0 == entity.topologicalDimension() )
	moab::EntityHandle handle = MoabHelpers::extractEntity(entity);
	d_moab_mesh->get_moab()->get_coords( &handle, 1, centroid.getRawPtr() );
    // Element case.
	cacheEntity( entity );
	Teuchos::Array<double> param_center;
	parametricCenter( entity, param_center );

	    d_moab_evaluator->eval( param_center.getRawPtr(), 
				    centroid.getRawPtr() )

示例9: view_type

    Kokkos::View<const T*,D>
    getKokkosViewDeepCopy(const Teuchos::ArrayView<const T>& a) {
      typedef Kokkos::Threads HostDevice;
#elif defined(KOKKOS_HAVE_OPENMP)
      typedef Kokkos::OpenMP HostDevice;
      typedef Kokkos::Serial HostDevice;
      typedef Kokkos::View<T*,D>  view_type;
      typedef Kokkos::View<const T*,typename view_type::array_layout,HostDevice,Kokkos::MemoryUnmanaged> unmanaged_host_view_type;
      if (a.size() == 0)
        return view_type();
      view_type v("", a.size());
      unmanaged_host_view_type hv(a.getRawPtr(), a.size());
      return v;

示例10: view_type

 Kokkos::View<const T*,D>
 getKokkosViewDeepCopy(const Teuchos::ArrayView<const T>& a)
   typedef typename Kokkos::Impl::if_c<
     Impl::VerifyExecutionCanAccessMemorySpace< D, Kokkos::HostSpace>::value,
     typename D::execution_space, Kokkos::HostSpace>::type
   typedef Kokkos::View<T*, D>  view_type;
   typedef Kokkos::View<const T*, typename view_type::array_layout, HostDevice,
                        Kokkos::MemoryUnmanaged> unmanaged_host_view_type;
   if (a.size () == 0) {
     return view_type ();
   view_type v ("", a.size ());
   unmanaged_host_view_type hv (a.getRawPtr (), a.size ());
   Kokkos::deep_copy (v, hv);
   return v;

示例11: gidsHost

  Map<LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Kokkos::Compat::KokkosDeviceWrapperNode<DeviceType> >::
  Map (const global_size_t globalNumIndices,
       const Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>& myGlobalIndices,
       const GlobalOrdinal indexBase,
       const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& comm,
       const Teuchos::RCP<node_type> &node) :
    comm_ (comm),
    node_ (node),
    directory_ (new Directory<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, node_type> ())
    typedef GlobalOrdinal GO;
    typedef Kokkos::View<const GlobalOrdinal*, device_type,
                         Kokkos::MemoryUnmanaged> host_view_type;
    typedef Kokkos::View<GlobalOrdinal*, device_type> device_view_type;

    // Copy the input GID list from host (we assume that
    // Teuchos::ArrayView should only view host memory) to device.
    // FIXME (mfh 06 Feb, 24 Mar 2014) We could use the CUDA API
    // function here that can look at a pointer and tell whether it
    // lives on host or device, to tell whether the Teuchos::ArrayView
    // is viewing host or device memory.  Regardless, we don't own the
    // data and we will need a deep copy anyway, so we might as well
    // copy it.
    host_view_type gidsHost (myGlobalIndices.getRawPtr (), myGlobalIndices.size ());
    device_view_type gidsDevice ("GIDs", myGlobalIndices.size ());
    Kokkos::deep_copy (gidsDevice, gidsHost);

    const global_size_t GSTI = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<global_size_t>::invalid ();
    const GO globalNumInds = (globalNumIndices == GSTI) ?
      getInvalidGlobalIndex () : Teuchos::as<GO> (globalNumIndices);

    // Start with a host Map implementation, since this will make this
    // class' public (host) methods work.  If users want device
    // methods, they will call getDeviceView(), which will initialize
    // the device Map implementation.
    // NOTE (mfh 06 Feb 2014) If we're using UVM, we don't really need
    // the host and device Maps to be separate.
    mapHost_ = host_impl_type (globalNumInds, gidsDevice, indexBase, *comm);

    // Create the Directory on demand in getRemoteIndexList().

示例12: source_mv

  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::scalar_t>& new_data,
  size_t lda,
    const Tpetra::Map<MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::local_ordinal_t,
                      MultiVecAdapter<Epetra_MultiVector>::node_t> > source_map)
  using Teuchos::rcpFromPtr;
  using Teuchos::as;

  const size_t num_vecs  = getGlobalNumVectors();
  // TODO: check that the following const_cast is safe
  double* data_ptr = const_cast<double*>(new_data.getRawPtr());
  const Epetra_BlockMap e_source_map
    = *Util::tpetra_map_to_epetra_map<local_ordinal_t,global_ordinal_t,global_size_t,node_t>(*source_map);
  const multivec_t source_mv(Copy, e_source_map, data_ptr, as<int>(lda), as<int>(num_vecs));
  const Epetra_Import importer(*mv_map_, e_source_map);
  mv_->Import(source_mv, importer, Insert);


PyObject *
convertToDimData(const Teuchos::RCP< const Tpetra::Map< PYTRILINOS_LOCAL_ORD,
                                                        PYTRILINOS_GLOBAL_ORD > > & tm,
                 int   extraDim)
  // Initialization
  PyObject * dim_data    = NULL;
  PyObject * dim_dict    = NULL;
  PyObject * indices     = NULL;
  npy_intp   dims        = 1;
  int        currentDim  = 0;
  Teuchos::ArrayView< const PYTRILINOS_GLOBAL_ORD > nodeBlockIDs;

  // Get the Teuchos::Comm
  Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > comm = tm->getComm();

  // Get the number of dimensions.  The vector data constitutes one
  // dimension.  If the extraDim is greater than one, then that
  // constitutes a second possible dimension.
  Py_ssize_t ndim = 1;
  if (extraDim > 1) ndim += 1;

  // Allocate the dim_data return object, which is a tuple of length
  // ndim
  dim_data = PyTuple_New(ndim);
  if (!dim_data) goto fail;

  // If we have an extra dimension argument greater than one, then
  // define a dimension associated with the multiple vectors
  if (extraDim > 1)
    dim_dict = PyDict_New();
    if (!dim_dict) goto fail;
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyString_FromString("n")) == -1) goto fail;

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyInt_FromLong(extraDim)) == -1) goto fail;
    // This function steals a reference from dim_dict
    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(dim_data, currentDim, dim_dict);
    currentDim += 1;

  // Allocate the dimension data dictionary for the distributed points
  // and assign the common key values
  dim_dict = PyDict_New();
  if (!dim_dict) goto fail;
  if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                           PyInt_FromLong(tm->getGlobalNumElements())) == -1)
    goto fail;
  if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                           PyInt_FromLong(comm->getSize())) == -1) goto fail;
  if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                           PyInt_FromLong(comm->getRank())) == -1) goto fail;

  // Determine the type of the dimension data, either block "b" or
  // unstructured "u", set the "dist_type" key and other keys required
  // according to dist_type.
  if (tm->isContiguous())
    // isContiguous() == true corresponds to DistArray Protocol
    // dist_type == "b" (block)
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyString_FromString("b")) == -1) goto fail;
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyInt_FromLong(tm->getMinGlobalIndex())) == -1)
      goto fail;
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyInt_FromLong(tm->getMaxGlobalIndex()+1)) == -1)
      goto fail;
    // isContiguous() == false corresponds to DistArray Protocol
    // dist_type == "u" (unstructured)
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             PyString_FromString("u")) == -1) goto fail;
    dims    = tm->getNodeElementList().size();
    nodeBlockIDs = tm->getNodeElementList();
    indices = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1,
    if (!indices) goto fail;
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(dim_dict,
                             indices) == -1) goto fail;
    indices = NULL;


示例14: normInf

 void EpetraMultiVector::normInf(const Teuchos::ArrayView< Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::magnitudeType > &norms) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraMultiVector::normInf"); vec_->NormInf(norms.getRawPtr()); }

示例15: normWeighted

  void EpetraMultiVector::normWeighted(const MultiVector<double,int,int> &weights, const Teuchos::ArrayView<Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double>::magnitudeType> &norms) const {

    XPETRA_DYNAMIC_CAST(const EpetraMultiVector, weights, eWeights, "This Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector method only accept Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector as input arguments.");
    vec_->NormWeighted(*eWeights.getEpetra_MultiVector(), norms.getRawPtr());
