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C++ ArrayView::begin方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中teuchos::ArrayView::begin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ArrayView::begin方法的具体用法?C++ ArrayView::begin怎么用?C++ ArrayView::begin使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在teuchos::ArrayView的用法示例。


示例1: createResponseTable

Teuchos::Array<bool> createResponseTable(
    int count,
    const std::string selectionType,
    int index,
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> &list)
  Teuchos::Array<bool> result;

  if (count > 0) {
    if (selectionType == "All") {
      result.resize(count, true);
    } else if (selectionType == "Last") {
      result = createResponseTableFromIndex(count - 1, count);
    } else if (selectionType == "AllButLast") {
      result.resize(count - 1, true);
    } else if (selectionType == "Index") {
      result = createResponseTableFromIndex(index, count);
    } else if (selectionType == "List") {
      result.resize(count, false);
      for (Teuchos::ArrayView<const int>::const_iterator it = list.begin(), it_end = list.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
        result.at(*it) = true;
    } else {

  return result;

示例2: rcp

    // special constructor for generating a given subblock of a strided map
    static RCP<StridedMap> Build(const RCP<const StridedMap>& map, LocalOrdinal stridedBlockId) {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockId < 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "Xpetra::StridedMapFactory::Build: constructor expects stridedBlockId > -1.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(map->getStridedBlockId() != -1, Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "Xpetra::StridedMapFactory::Build: constructor expects a full map (stridedBlockId == -1).");

      std::vector<size_t> stridingInfo = map->getStridingData();

      Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> dofGids = map->getNodeElementList();
      // std::sort(dofGids.begin(),dofGids.end()); // TODO: do we need this?

      // determine nStridedOffset
      size_t nStridedOffset = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < map->getStridedBlockId(); j++)
        nStridedOffset += stridingInfo[j];

      size_t numMyBlockDofs = (stridingInfo[stridedBlockId] * map->getNodeNumElements()) / map->getFixedBlockSize();
      std::vector<GlobalOrdinal> subBlockDofGids(numMyBlockDofs);

      // TODO fill vector with dofs
      LocalOrdinal ind = 0;
      for (typename Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal >::iterator it = dofGids.begin(); it!=dofGids.end(); ++it)
        if (map->GID2StridingBlockId(*it) == Teuchos::as<size_t>(stridedBlockId))
          subBlockDofGids[ind++] = *it;

      const Teuchos::ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal> subBlockDofGids_view(&subBlockDofGids[0],subBlockDofGids.size());

      return rcp(new StridedMap(map->lib(), Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<global_size_t>::invalid(), subBlockDofGids_view, map->getIndexBase(), stridingInfo, map->getComm(), stridedBlockId, map->getNode()));

示例3: Container

 /// \brief Constructor.
 /// \brief matrix [in] The original input matrix.  This Container
 ///   will construct a local diagonal block from the rows given by
 ///   <tt>localRows</tt>.
 /// \param localRows [in] The set of (local) rows assigned to this
 ///   container.  <tt>localRows[i] == j</tt>, where i (from 0 to
 ///   <tt>getNumRows() - 1</tt>) indicates the Container's row, and
 ///   j indicates the local row in the calling process.  Subclasses
 ///   must always pass along these indices to the base class.
 Container (const Teuchos::RCP<const row_matrix_type>& matrix,
            const Teuchos::ArrayView<const local_ordinal_type>& localRows) :
   inputMatrix_ (matrix),
   localRows_ (localRows.begin (), localRows.end ())
     matrix.is_null (), std::invalid_argument, "Ifpack2::Container: "
     "The constructor's input matrix must be non-null.");

示例4: missed

DTKInterpolationAdapter::update_variable_values(std::string var_name, Teuchos::ArrayView<GlobalOrdinal> missed_points)
  MPI_Comm old_comm = Moose::swapLibMeshComm(*comm->getRawMpiComm());

  System * sys = find_sys(var_name);
  unsigned int var_num = sys->variable_number(var_name);

  bool is_nodal = sys->variable_type(var_num).family == LAGRANGE;

  Teuchos::RCP<FieldContainerType> values = values_to_fill[var_name]->field();

  // Create a vector containing true or false for each point saying whether it was missed or not
  // We're only going to update values for points that were not missed
  std::vector<bool> missed(values->size(), false);

  for (Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>::const_iterator i=missed_points.begin();
      i != missed_points.end();
    missed[*i] = true;

  unsigned int i=0;
  // Loop over the values (one for each node) and assign the value of this variable at each node
  for (FieldContainerType::iterator it=values->begin(); it != values->end(); ++it)
    // If this point "missed" then skip it
    if (missed[i])

    const DofObject * dof_object = NULL;

    if (is_nodal)
      dof_object = mesh.node_ptr(vertices[i]);
      dof_object = mesh.elem(elements[i]);

    if (dof_object->processor_id() == mesh.processor_id())
      // The 0 is for the component... this only works for LAGRANGE!
      dof_id_type dof = dof_object->dof_number(sys->number(), var_num, 0);
      sys->solution->set(dof, *it);



  // Swap back

示例5: printStringArray

  //! Print the given array of strings, in YAML format, to \c out.
  static void
  printStringArray (std::ostream& out,
                    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const std::string>& array)
    typedef Teuchos::ArrayView<std::string>::const_iterator iter_type;

    out << "[";
    for (iter_type iter = array.begin(); iter != array.end(); ++iter) {
      out << "\"" << *iter << "\"";
      if (iter + 1 != array.end()) {
        out << ", ";
    out << "]";

示例6: nonConstDims

Teuchos::Array< SIZE_TYPE >
computeStrides(const Teuchos::ArrayView< DIM_TYPE > & dimensions,
               const Layout layout)
  // In the MDArray<T>(const MDArrayView<T> &) constructor, I try to
  // pass the MDArrayView dimensions to computeStrides(), but they
  // come in as ArrayView<const T> (for reasons I can't determine) and
  // cause all sorts of const-correctness problems.  So I copy them
  // into a new Array<T> and pass its reference to the main
  // computeStrides() function.  Fortunately, the array of dimensions
  // is small.
  Teuchos::Array< DIM_TYPE > nonConstDims(0);
  return computeStrides< SIZE_TYPE, DIM_TYPE >(nonConstDims, layout);

示例7: addNodesToPart

void addNodesToPart(
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId> &nodeIds,
    stk::mesh::Part &samplePart,
    stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
  const stk::mesh::PartVector samplePartVec(1, &samplePart);
  const stk::mesh::Selector locallyOwned = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData).locally_owned_part();

  BulkModification mod(bulkData);
  typedef Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId>::const_iterator Iter;
  for (Iter it = nodeIds.begin(), it_end = nodeIds.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    stk::mesh::Entity node = bulkData.get_entity(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, *it);
    if (bulkData.is_valid(node) && locallyOwned(bulkData.bucket(node))) {
      bulkData.change_entity_parts(node, samplePartVec);

示例8: addNodesToPart

void addNodesToPart(
    const Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId> &nodeIds,
    stk::mesh::Part &samplePart,
    stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank nodeEntityRank(0);
  const stk::mesh::PartVector samplePartVec(1, &samplePart);
  const stk::mesh::Selector locallyOwned = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData).locally_owned_part();

  BulkModification mod(bulkData);
  typedef Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId>::const_iterator Iter;
  for (Iter it = nodeIds.begin(), it_end = nodeIds.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    const Teuchos::Ptr<stk::mesh::Entity> node(bulkData.get_entity(nodeEntityRank, *it));
    if (Teuchos::nonnull(node) && locallyOwned(*node)) {
      bulkData.change_entity_parts(*node, samplePartVec);

示例9: m

          else {
            throw(Exceptions::RuntimeError("CoarsenUncoupled: bad aggregation ordering option"));

          /*------------------------------------------------------ */
          /* consider further only if the node is in READY mode    */
          /*------------------------------------------------------ */

          if ( aggStat[iNode] == READY )
              // neighOfINode is the neighbor node list of node 'iNode'.
              Teuchos::ArrayView<const LO> neighOfINode = graph.getNeighborVertices(iNode);
              typename Teuchos::ArrayView<const LO>::size_type length = neighOfINode.size();

              supernode = new MueLu_SuperNode;
              try {
                supernode->list = Teuchos::arcp<int>(length+1);
              } catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
                TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::LocalAggregationAlgorithm::CoarsenUncoupled(): Error: couldn't allocate memory for supernode! length=" + Teuchos::toString(length));

              supernode->maxLength = length;
              supernode->length = 1;
              supernode->list[0] = iNode;

              int selectFlag = 1;
                /*--------------------------------------------------- */
                /* count the no. of neighbors having been aggregated  */
                /*--------------------------------------------------- */

                int count = 0;
                for (typename Teuchos::ArrayView<const LO>::const_iterator it = neighOfINode.begin(); it != neighOfINode.end(); ++it)
                    int index = *it;
                    if ( index < nRows )
                        if ( aggStat[index] == READY ||
                             aggStat[index] == NOTSEL )
                          supernode->list[supernode->length++] = index;
                        else count++;


                /*--------------------------------------------------- */
                /* if there are too many neighbors aggregated or the  */
                /* number of nodes in the new aggregate is too few,   */
                /* don't do this one                                  */
                /*--------------------------------------------------- */

                if ( count > GetMaxNeighAlreadySelected() ) selectFlag = 0;

              // Note: the supernode length is actually 1 more than the
              //       number of nodes in the candidate aggregate. The
              //       root is counted twice. I'm not sure if this is
              //       a bug or a feature ... so I'll leave it and change
              //       < to <= in the if just below.

              if (selectFlag != 1 ||
                  supernode->length <= GetMinNodesPerAggregate())
                  aggStat[iNode] = NOTSEL;
                  delete supernode;

示例10: fineSFM

void BlockedPFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::Build(Level& fineLevel, Level &coarseLevel) const {
  typedef Xpetra::Matrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> MatrixClass;
  typedef Xpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> CrsMatrixClass;
  typedef Xpetra::CrsMatrixWrap<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> CrsMatrixWrapClass;
  typedef Xpetra::BlockedCrsMatrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> BlockedCrsOMatrix;
  typedef Xpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapClass;
  typedef Xpetra::MapFactory<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapFactoryClass;
  typedef Xpetra::MapExtractor<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapExtractorClass;
  typedef Xpetra::MapExtractorFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> MapExtractorFactoryClass;

  //Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> fos = Teuchos::getFancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));
  //std::ostringstream buf; buf << coarseLevel.GetLevelID();

  // Level Get
  //RCP<Matrix> A     = fineLevel.  Get< RCP<Matrix> >("A", AFact_.get()); // IMPORTANT: use main factory manager for getting A
  RCP<Matrix> A     = Get< RCP<Matrix> >(fineLevel, "A");

  RCP<BlockedCrsOMatrix> bA = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<BlockedCrsOMatrix>(A);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(bA==Teuchos::null, Exceptions::BadCast, "MueLu::BlockedPFactory::Build: input matrix A is not of type BlockedCrsMatrix! error.");

  // plausibility check
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(bA->Rows() != FactManager_.size(), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::BlockedPFactory::Build: number of block rows of A does not match number of SubFactoryManagers. error.");
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(bA->Cols() != FactManager_.size(), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::BlockedPFactory::Build: number of block cols of A does not match number of SubFactoryManagers. error.");

  // build blocked prolongator
  std::vector<RCP<Matrix> > subBlockP;
  std::vector<RCP<const MapClass> >  subBlockPRangeMaps;
  std::vector<RCP<const MapClass    > > subBlockPDomainMaps;
  std::vector<GO> fullRangeMapVector;
  std::vector<GO> fullDomainMapVector;
  subBlockP.reserve(FactManager_.size());       // reserve size for block P operators
  subBlockPRangeMaps.reserve(FactManager_.size());       // reserve size for block P operators
  subBlockPDomainMaps.reserve(FactManager_.size());       // reserve size for block P operators

  // build and store the subblocks and the corresponding range and domain maps
  // since we put together the full range and domain map from the submaps we do not have
  // to use the maps from blocked A
  std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<const FactoryManagerBase> >::const_iterator it;
  for(it = FactManager_.begin(); it!=FactManager_.end(); ++it) {
    SetFactoryManager fineSFM  (rcpFromRef(fineLevel),   *it);
    SetFactoryManager coarseSFM(rcpFromRef(coarseLevel), *it);
    if(!restrictionMode_) {
      subBlockP.push_back(coarseLevel.Get<RCP<Matrix> >("P", (*it)->GetFactory("P").get())); // create and return block P operator
    else {
      subBlockP.push_back(coarseLevel.Get<RCP<Matrix> >("R", (*it)->GetFactory("R").get())); // create and return block R operator

    // check if prolongator/restrictor operators have strided maps
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(subBlockP.back()->IsView("stridedMaps")==false, Exceptions::BadCast, "MueLu::BlockedPFactory::Build: subBlock P operator has no strided map information. error.");

    // append strided row map (= range map) to list of range maps.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Map> rangeMap = subBlockP.back()->getRowMap("stridedMaps"); /* getRangeMap(); //*/

    // use plain range map to determine the DOF ids
    Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > nodeRangeMap = subBlockP.back()->getRangeMap()->getNodeElementList(); //subBlockPRangeMaps.back()->getNodeElementList();
    fullRangeMapVector.insert(fullRangeMapVector.end(), nodeRangeMap.begin(), nodeRangeMap.end());
    sort(fullRangeMapVector.begin(), fullRangeMapVector.end());

    // append strided col map (= domain map) to list of range maps.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Map> domainMap = subBlockP.back()->getColMap("stridedMaps"); /* getDomainMap(); //*/

    // use plain domain map to determine the DOF ids
    Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > nodeDomainMap = subBlockP.back()->getDomainMap()->getNodeElementList(); //subBlockPDomainMaps.back()->getNodeElementList();
    fullDomainMapVector.insert(fullDomainMapVector.end(), nodeDomainMap.begin(), nodeDomainMap.end());
    sort(fullDomainMapVector.begin(), fullDomainMapVector.end());


  // extract map index base from maps of blocked A
  GO rangeIndexBase  = 0;
  GO domainIndexBase = 0;
  if(!restrictionMode_) { // prolongation mode: just use index base of range and domain map of bA
    rangeIndexBase = bA->getRangeMap()->getIndexBase();
    domainIndexBase= bA->getDomainMap()->getIndexBase();
  } else { // restriction mode: switch range and domain map for blocked restriction operator
    rangeIndexBase = bA->getDomainMap()->getIndexBase();
    domainIndexBase= bA->getRangeMap()->getIndexBase();

  // build full range map.
  // If original range map has striding information, then transfer it to the new range map
  RCP<const MapExtractorClass> rangeAMapExtractor = bA->getRangeMapExtractor();
  Teuchos::ArrayView<GO> fullRangeMapGIDs(&fullRangeMapVector[0],fullRangeMapVector.size());
  Teuchos::RCP<const StridedMap> stridedRgFullMap = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const StridedMap>(rangeAMapExtractor->getFullMap());
  Teuchos::RCP<const Map > fullRangeMap = Teuchos::null;
  if(stridedRgFullMap != Teuchos::null) {
    std::vector<size_t> stridedData = stridedRgFullMap->getStridingData();
    fullRangeMap =

示例11: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Communicators
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);
  const Albany_MPI_Comm nativeComm = Albany_MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  const RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > teuchosComm = Albany::createTeuchosCommFromMpiComm(nativeComm);

  // Standard output
  const RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  // Parse command-line argument for input file
  const std::string firstArg = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "";
  if (firstArg.empty() || firstArg == "--help") {
    *out << "AlbanyRBGen input-file-path\n";
    return 0;
  const std::string inputFileName = argv[1];

  // Parse XML input file
  const RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> topLevelParams = Teuchos::createParameterList("Albany Parameters");
  Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast(inputFileName, topLevelParams.ptr(), *teuchosComm);

  const bool sublistMustExist = true;

  // Setup discretization factory
  const RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> discParams = Teuchos::sublist(topLevelParams, "Discretization", sublistMustExist);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(discParams->get<std::string>("Method") != "Ioss");
  const std::string outputParamLabel = "Exodus Output File Name";
  const std::string sampledOutputParamLabel = "Reference Exodus Output File Name";
  const RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterEntry> reducedOutputParamEntry = getEntryCopy(*discParams, outputParamLabel);
  const RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterEntry> sampledOutputParamEntry = getEntryCopy(*discParams, sampledOutputParamLabel);
  discParams->remove(outputParamLabel, /*throwIfNotExists =*/ false);
  discParams->remove(sampledOutputParamLabel, /*throwIfNotExists =*/ false);
  const RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> discParamsCopy = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList(*discParams));

  const RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> problemParams = Teuchos::sublist(topLevelParams, "Problem", sublistMustExist);
  const RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> problemParamsCopy = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList(*problemParams));

  // Create original (full) discretization
  const RCP<Albany::AbstractDiscretization> disc = Albany::discretizationNew(topLevelParams, teuchosComm);

  // Determine mesh sample
  const RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> samplingParams = Teuchos::sublist(topLevelParams, "Mesh Sampling", sublistMustExist);
  const int firstVectorRank = samplingParams->get("First Vector Rank", 0);
  const Teuchos::Ptr<const int> basisSizeMax = Teuchos::ptr(samplingParams->getPtr<int>("Basis Size Max"));
  const int sampleSize = samplingParams->get("Sample Size", 0);

  *out << "Sampling " << sampleSize << " nodes";
  if (Teuchos::nonnull(basisSizeMax)) {
    *out << " based on no more than " << *basisSizeMax << " basis vectors";
  if (firstVectorRank != 0) {
    *out << " starting from vector rank " << firstVectorRank;
  *out << "\n";

  const RCP<Albany::STKDiscretization> stkDisc =
    Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<Albany::STKDiscretization>(disc, /*throw_on_fail =*/ true);
  const RCP<MOR::AtomicBasisSource> rawBasisSource = Teuchos::rcp(new Albany::StkNodalBasisSource(stkDisc));
  const RCP<MOR::AtomicBasisSource> basisSource = Teuchos::rcp(
      Teuchos::nonnull(basisSizeMax) ?
      new MOR::WindowedAtomicBasisSource(rawBasisSource, firstVectorRank, *basisSizeMax) :
      new MOR::WindowedAtomicBasisSource(rawBasisSource, firstVectorRank)

  MOR::CollocationMetricCriterionFactory criterionFactory(samplingParams);
  const Teuchos::RCP<const MOR::CollocationMetricCriterion> criterion =
  const Teuchos::RCP<MOR::GreedyAtomicBasisSample> sampler(new MOR::GreedyAtomicBasisSample(*basisSource, criterion));

  Teuchos::Array<stk::mesh::EntityId> sampleNodeIds;
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> sampleAtoms = sampler->sample();
  for (Teuchos::ArrayView<const int>::const_iterator it = sampleAtoms.begin(), it_end = sampleAtoms.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    sampleNodeIds.push_back(*it + 1);

  *out << "Sample = " << sampleNodeIds << "\n";

  // Choose first sample node as sensor
  const Teuchos::ArrayView<const stk::mesh::EntityId> sensorNodeIds = sampleNodeIds.view(0, 1);

  const Teuchos::Array<std::string> additionalNodeSets =
    Teuchos::tuple(std::string("sample_nodes"), std::string("sensors"));

  // Create sampled discretization
  if (Teuchos::nonnull(sampledOutputParamEntry)) {
    const RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> discParamsLocalCopy = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList(*discParamsCopy));
    discParamsLocalCopy->setEntry("Exodus Output File Name", *sampledOutputParamEntry);
    discParamsLocalCopy->set("Additional Node Sets", additionalNodeSets);
    topLevelParams->set("Discretization", *discParamsLocalCopy);
    topLevelParams->set("Problem", *problemParamsCopy);

    const bool performReduction = false;
    const RCP<Albany::AbstractDiscretization> sampledDisc =
      sampledDiscretizationNew(topLevelParams, teuchosComm, sampleNodeIds, sensorNodeIds, performReduction);

    if (Teuchos::nonnull(basisSizeMax)) {
      transferSolutionHistory(*stkDisc, *sampledDisc, *basisSizeMax + firstVectorRank);

示例12: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackhole;
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv,&blackhole);

  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
  using TpetraExamples::FDStencil;
  using TpetraExamples::ScaleKernel;

  // Get the default communicator and node
  auto &platform = Tpetra::DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform();
  auto comm = platform.getComm();
  auto node = platform.getNode();
  const int myImageID = comm->getRank();
  const int numImages = comm->getSize();

  // Get example parameters from command-line processor
  bool verbose = (myImageID==0);
  int numGlobal_user = 100*comm->getSize();
  int numTimeTrials = 3;
  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor cmdp(false,true);
  cmdp.setOption("verbose","quiet",&verbose,"Print messages and results.");
  cmdp.setOption("global-size",&numGlobal_user,"Global test size.");
  cmdp.setOption("num-time-trials",&numTimeTrials,"Number of trials in timing loops.");
  if (cmdp.parse(argc,argv) != Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL) {
    return -1;

  // Say hello, print some communicator info
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "\n" << Tpetra::version() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Comm info: " << *comm;
    std::cout << "Node type: " << Teuchos::typeName(*node) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

  // Create a simple map for domain and range
  Tpetra::global_size_t numGlobalRows = numGlobal_user;
  auto map = Tpetra::createUniformContigMapWithNode<int,int>(numGlobalRows, comm, node);
  // const size_t numLocalRows = map->getNodeNumElements();
  auto x = Tpetra::createVector<double>(map),
       y = Tpetra::createVector<double>(map);

  // Create a simple diagonal operator using lambda function
  auto fTwoOp = Tpetra::RTI::binaryOp<double>( [](double /*y*/, double x) { return 2.0 * x; } , map );
  // y = 3*fTwoOp*x + 2*y = 3*2*1 + 2*1 = 8
  fTwoOp->apply( *x, *y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 3.0, 2.0 );
  // check that y == eights
  double norm = y->norm1();
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "Tpetra::RTI::binaryOp" << std::endl
              << "norm(y) result == " << std::setprecision(2) << std::scientific << norm 
              << ", expected value is " << numGlobalRows * 8.0 << std::endl;

  // Create the same diagonal operator using a Kokkos kernel
  auto kTwoOp = Tpetra::RTI::kernelOp<double>( ScaleKernel<double>(2.0), map );
  // y = 0.5*kTwop*x + 0.75*y = 0.5*2*1 + 0.75*8 = 7
  kTwoOp->apply( *x, *y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 0.5, 0.75 );
  // check that y == sevens
  norm = y->norm1();
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "Tpetra::RTI::kernelOp" << std::endl
              << "norm(y) result == " << std::setprecision(2) << std::scientific << norm 
              << ", expected value is " << numGlobalRows * 7.0 << std::endl;

  // Create a finite-difference stencil using a Kokkos kernel and non-trivial maps
  decltype(map) colmap;
  if (numImages > 1) {
    Teuchos::Array<int>           colElements;
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> rowElements = map->getNodeElementList();
    // This isn't the most efficient Map/Import layout, but it makes for a very straight-forward kernel
    if (myImageID != 0) colElements.push_back( map->getMinGlobalIndex() - 1 );
    colElements.insert(colElements.end(), rowElements.begin(), rowElements.end());
    if (myImageID != numImages-1) colElements.push_back( map->getMaxGlobalIndex() + 1 );
    colmap = Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode<int,int>(colElements(), comm, node);
  else {
    colmap = map;
  auto importer = createImport(map,colmap);
  // Finite-difference kernel = tridiag(-1, 2, -1)
  FDStencil<double> kern(myImageID, numImages, map->getNodeNumElements(), -1.0, 2.0, -1.0);
  auto FDStencilOp = Tpetra::RTI::kernelOp<double>( kern, map, map, importer );
  // x = ones(), FD(x) = [1 zeros() 1]
  auto timeFDStencil = TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("FD RTI Stencil");

示例13: setParameter

 void MockModelEvaluator::setParameter(const int l, const Teuchos::ArrayView<const double>& p)
   std::copy(p.begin(), p.end(), parameterValues_[l].begin());

示例14: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackhole;
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv,&blackhole);

  // Get the default communicator and node
  auto &platform = Tpetra::DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform();
  auto comm = platform.getComm();
  auto node = platform.getNode();
  const int myImageID = comm->getRank();
  const int numImages = comm->getSize();
  const bool verbose = (myImageID==0);

  // Say hello, print some communicator info
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "\n" << Tpetra::version() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Comm info: " << *comm;
    std::cout << "Node type: " << Teuchos::typeName(*node) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

  // Create a simple map for domain and range
  Tpetra::global_size_t numGlobalRows = 1000*numImages;
  auto map = Tpetra::createUniformContigMapWithNode<int,int>(numGlobalRows, comm, node);
  auto x = Tpetra::createVector<double>(map),
       y = Tpetra::createVector<double>(map);

  // Create a simple diagonal operator using lambda function
  auto fTwoOp = Tpetra::RTI::binaryOp<double>( [](double /*y*/, double x) { return 2.0 * x; } , map );
  // y = 3*fTwoOp*x + 2*y = 3*2*1 + 2*1 = 8
  fTwoOp->apply( *x, *y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 3.0, 2.0 );
  // check that y == eights
  double norm = y->norm1();
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "Tpetra::RTI::binaryOp" << std::endl
              << "norm(y) result == " << std::setprecision(2) << std::scientific << norm 
              << ", expected value is " << numGlobalRows * 8.0 << std::endl;

  // Create a finite-difference stencil using a Kokkos kernel and non-trivial maps
  decltype(map) colmap;
  if (numImages > 1) {
    Teuchos::Array<int>           colElements;
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> rowElements = map->getNodeElementList();
    // This isn't the most efficient Map/Import layout, but it makes for a very straight-forward kernel
    if (myImageID != 0) colElements.push_back( map->getMinGlobalIndex() - 1 );
    colElements.insert(colElements.end(), rowElements.begin(), rowElements.end());
    if (myImageID != numImages-1) colElements.push_back( map->getMaxGlobalIndex() + 1 );
    colmap = Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode<int,int>(colElements(), comm, node);
  else {
    colmap = map;
  auto importer = createImport(map,colmap);
  // Finite-difference kernel = tridiag(-1, 2, -1)
  FDStencil<double> kern(myImageID, numImages, map->getNodeNumElements(), -1.0, 2.0, -1.0);
  auto FDStencilOp = Tpetra::RTI::kernelOp<double>( kern, map, map, importer );
  // x = ones(), FD(x) = [1 zeros() 1]
  FDStencilOp->apply( *x, *y );
  norm = y->norm1();
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << std::endl
              << "TpetraExamples::FDStencil" << std::endl
              << "norm(y) result == " << std::setprecision(2) << std::scientific << norm 
              << ", expected value is " << 2.0 << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << std::endl;
  return 0;

示例15: if

void LinePartitioner<GraphType,Scalar>::local_automatic_line_search(int NumEqns, Teuchos::ArrayView <local_ordinal_type> blockIndices, local_ordinal_type last, local_ordinal_type next,  local_ordinal_type LineID, MT tol,  Teuchos::Array<local_ordinal_type> itemp, Teuchos::Array<MT> dtemp) const {
  typedef local_ordinal_type LO;
  const LO invalid  = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<LO>::invalid();
  const Scalar zero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::zero();
  const MT mzero    = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT>::zero();

  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const Scalar>  xvalsRCP, yvalsRCP, zvalsRCP;
  Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> xvals, yvals, zvals;
  xvalsRCP = coord_->getData(0); xvals = xvalsRCP();
  if(coord_->getNumVectors() > 1) { yvalsRCP = coord_->getData(1); yvals = yvalsRCP(); }
  if(coord_->getNumVectors() > 2) { zvalsRCP = coord_->getData(2); zvals = zvalsRCP(); }

  size_t N               = this->Graph_->getNodeNumRows();
  size_t allocated_space = this->Graph_->getNodeMaxNumRowEntries();
  Teuchos::ArrayView<LO> cols    = itemp();
  Teuchos::ArrayView<LO> indices = itemp.view(allocated_space,allocated_space);
  Teuchos::ArrayView<MT> dist= dtemp();

  while (blockIndices[next] == invalid) {
    // Get the next row
    size_t nz=0;
    LO neighbors_in_line=0;

    Scalar x0 = (!xvals.is_null()) ? xvals[next/NumEqns_] : zero;
    Scalar y0 = (!yvals.is_null()) ? yvals[next/NumEqns_] : zero;
    Scalar z0 = (!zvals.is_null()) ? zvals[next/NumEqns_] : zero;

    // Calculate neighbor distances & sort
    LO neighbor_len=0;
    for(size_t i=0; i<nz; i+=NumEqns) {
      MT mydist = mzero;
      if(cols[i] >=(LO)N) continue; // Check for off-proc entries
      LO nn = cols[i] / NumEqns;
      if(blockIndices[nn]==LineID) neighbors_in_line++;
      if(!xvals.is_null()) mydist += square<Scalar>(x0 - xvals[nn]);
      if(!yvals.is_null()) mydist += square<Scalar>(y0 - yvals[nn]);
      if(!zvals.is_null()) mydist += square<Scalar>(z0 - zvals[nn]);
      dist[neighbor_len] = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT>::squareroot(mydist);
    // If more than one of my neighbors is already in this line.  I
    // can't be because I'd create a cycle
    if(neighbors_in_line > 1) break;

    // Otherwise add me to the line
    for(LO k=0; k<NumEqns; k++)
      blockIndices[next + k] = LineID;

    // Try to find the next guy in the line (only check the closest two that aren't element 0 (diagonal))
    Teuchos::ArrayView<MT> dist_view = dist(0,neighbor_len);

    if(neighbor_len > 2 && indices[1] != last && blockIndices[indices[1]] == -1 && dist[1]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {
    else if(neighbor_len > 3 && indices[2] != last && blockIndices[indices[2]] == -1 && dist[2]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {
    else {
      // I have no further neighbors in this line
