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C++ Topology::indexSetsSize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sp::Topology::indexSetsSize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Topology::indexSetsSize方法的具体用法?C++ Topology::indexSetsSize怎么用?C++ Topology::indexSetsSize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sp::Topology的用法示例。


示例1: computeLevelsForInputAndOutput

void Simulation::computeLevelsForInputAndOutput(SP::Interaction inter, bool init)
  DEBUG_PRINT("Simulation::computeLevelsForInputAndOutput(SP::Interaction inter, bool init)\n");
 /** \warning. We test only for the first Dynamical of the interaction.
   * we assume that the osi(s) are consistent for one interaction
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet0 = model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->indexSet(0);
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds = indexSet0->properties(indexSet0->descriptor(inter)).source;
  // Note FP :  we should probably connect osi and graph before, in simulation->initialize?
  DSOSIConstIterator it = _osiMap.find(ds);
  SP::OneStepIntegrator osi = it->second;
  if (!osi)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("Simulation::computeLevelsForInputAndOutput osi does not exists");
  indexSet0->properties(indexSet0->descriptor(inter)).osi = osi;
  std11::shared_ptr<SetupLevels> setupLevels;
  setupLevels.reset(new SetupLevels(shared_from_this(), inter, ds));
  if (!init) // We are not computing the levels at the initialization
    SP::Topology topo = model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
    unsigned int indxSize = topo->indexSetsSize();
    assert (_numberOfIndexSets >0);
    if ((indxSize == LEVELMAX) || (indxSize < _numberOfIndexSets ))
      // Init if the size has changed
      for (unsigned int i = indxSize; i < topo->indexSetsSize(); i++) // ++i ???

示例2: initOSNS

void EventDriven::initOSNS()
  // for all Interactions in indexSet[i-1], compute y[i-1] and
  // update the indexSet[i]
  // Note that interactions set may be empty.
  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
  SP::Topology topo = _nsds->topology();

  // === update all index sets ===

  if (!_allNSProblems->empty()) // ie if at least a non smooth problem has been built.
    OSI::TYPES  osiType = (*_allOSI->begin())->getType();
    if (osiType == OSI::LSODAROSI || osiType == OSI::HEM5OSI) //EventDriven associated with LsodarOSI OSI
    else if (osiType == OSI::NEWMARKALPHAOSI) // EventDriven associated with NewMarkAlpha
      if (_allNSProblems->size() != 3)
        (" EventDriven::initialize, \n an EventDriven simulation associated with NewMarkAlphaOSI must have three non smooth problems.\n Here, there are "
         + _allNSProblems->size());
      // Initialize OSNSP at position level
      RuntimeException::selfThrow(" EventDriven::initialize, OSI not yet implemented.");

    if (!((*_allNSProblems)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_IMPACT])) /* ie if the impact problem does not
                                                        *  exist */
      ("EventDriven::initialize, an EventDriven simulation must have an 'impact' non smooth problem.");
    if (!((*_allNSProblems)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_SMOOTH_ACC])) /* ie if the acceleration-level problem
                                                            * does not exist */
      ("EventDriven::initialize, an EventDriven simulation must have an 'acceleration' non smooth problem.");
    // Initialize OSNSP for impact problem and at the acceleration level
    // WARNING: only for Lagrangian systems - To be reviewed for other ones.

    // Detect NonSmoothEvent at the beginning of the simulation
    if( topo->indexSetsSize() > 1)
      SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet1 = _nsds->topology()->indexSet(1);
      if (indexSet1->size() != 0) // There is one non-smooth event to be added
        _eventsManager->scheduleNonSmoothEvent(*this, _eventsManager->startingTime(), false);

示例3: updateIndexSet

void EventDriven::updateIndexSet(unsigned int i)
  SP::Topology topo = _nsds->topology();

  assert(i < topo->indexSetsSize() &&
         "EventDriven::updateIndexSet(i), indexSets[i] does not exist.");
  // IndexSets[0] must not be updated in simulation, since it belongs to Topology.
  assert(i > 0  &&
         "EventDriven::updateIndexSet(i=0), indexSets[0] cannot be updated.");

  // For all Interactions in indexSet[i-1], compute y[i-1] and
  // update the indexSet[i].
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet1 = topo->indexSet(1);
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet2 = topo->indexSet(2);

  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update indexSets start : indexSet0 size : %ld\n", indexSet0->size());
  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update IndexSets start : indexSet1 size : %ld\n", indexSet1->size());
  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update IndexSets start : indexSet2 size : %ld\n", indexSet2->size());

  InteractionsGraph::VIterator uibegin, uipend, uip;
  std11::tie(uibegin, uipend) = _indexSet0->vertices();
  // loop over all vertices of the indexSet[i-1]
  for (uip = uibegin; uip != uipend; ++uip)
    SP::Interaction inter = _indexSet0->bundle(*uip);
    if (i == 1) // IndexSet[1]
      // if indexSet[1]=>getYRef(0): output y
      // if indexSet[2]=>getYRef(1): output ydot
      double y = inter->getYRef(0); // output to define the IndexSets at this Interaction
      if (y < -_TOL_ED) // y[0] < 0
        cout << "y = " << y << " < -_TOL_ED =  "   << -_TOL_ED  <<endl;
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("EventDriven::updateIndexSet, output of level 0 must be positive!!! ");
      // 1 - If the Interaction is not yet in the set
      if (!indexSet1->is_vertex(inter)) // Interaction is not yet in the indexSet[i]
        if (fabs(y) <= _TOL_ED)
          // vertex and edges insertions
          indexSet1->copy_vertex(inter, *_indexSet0);
      else // if the Interaction was already in the set
        if (fabs(y) > _TOL_ED)
          indexSet1->remove_vertex(inter); // remove the Interaction from IndexSet[1]
          inter->lambda(1)->zero(); // reset the lambda[1] to zero
    else if (i == 2) // IndexSet[2]
      if (indexSet1->is_vertex(inter)) // Interaction is in the indexSet[1]
        double y = inter->getYRef(1); // output of level 1 at this Interaction
        if (!indexSet2->is_vertex(inter)) // Interaction is not yet in the indexSet[2]
          if (fabs(y) <= _TOL_ED)
            // vertex and edges insertions
            indexSet2->copy_vertex(inter, *_indexSet0);
        else // if the Interaction was already in the set
          if (fabs(y) > _TOL_ED)
            indexSet2->remove_vertex(inter); // remove the Interaction from IndexSet[1]
            inter->lambda(2)->zero(); // reset the lambda[i] to zero
      else // Interaction is not in the indexSet[1]
        if (indexSet2->is_vertex(inter)) // Interaction is in the indexSet[2]
          indexSet2->remove_vertex(inter); // remove the Interaction from IndexSet[2]
          inter->lambda(2)->zero(); // reset the lambda[i] to zero
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("EventDriven::updateIndexSet, IndexSet[i > 2] doesn't exist");

  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update indexSets end : indexSet0 size : %ld\n", indexSet0->size());
  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update IndexSets end : indexSet1 size : %ld\n", indexSet1->size());
  // DEBUG_PRINTF("update IndexSets end : indexSet2 size : %ld\n", indexSet2->size());

示例4: updateIndexSet

void TimeStepping::updateIndexSet(unsigned int i)
  // To update IndexSet i: add or remove Interactions from
  // this set, depending on y values.
  // boost::default_color_type is used to organize update in InteractionsGraph:
  // - white_color : undiscovered vertex (Interaction)
  // - gray_color : discovered vertex (Interaction) but searching descendants
  // - black_color : discovered vertex (Interaction) together with the descendants


  SP::Topology topo = _nsds->topology();

  assert(i < topo->indexSetsSize() &&
         "TimeStepping::updateIndexSet(i), indexSets[i] does not exist.");
  // IndexSets[0] must not be updated in simulation, since it belongs to Topology.
  assert(i > 0 &&
         "TimeStepping::updateIndexSet(i=0), indexSets[0] cannot be updated.");

  // For all Interactions in indexSet[i-1], compute y[i-1] and
  // update the indexSet[i].
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet0 = topo->indexSet(0);
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet1 = topo->indexSet(1);
  DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0= *nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->dynamicalSystems();

  DEBUG_PRINTF("TimeStepping::updateIndexSet(unsigned int i). update indexSets start : indexSet0 size : %ld\n", indexSet0->size());
  DEBUG_PRINTF("TimeStepping::updateIndexSet(unsigned int i). update IndexSets start : indexSet1 size : %ld\n", indexSet1->size());

  // Check indexSet1
  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui1, ui1end, v1next;
  std11::tie(ui1, ui1end) = indexSet1->vertices();

  //Remove interactions from the indexSet1
  for (v1next = ui1; ui1 != ui1end; ui1 = v1next)

    SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet1->bundle(*ui1);
    if (indexSet0->is_vertex(inter1))
      InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor inter1_descr0 = indexSet0->descriptor(inter1);

      assert((indexSet0->color(inter1_descr0) == boost::white_color));

      indexSet0->color(inter1_descr0) = boost::gray_color;
      if (Type::value(*(inter1->nonSmoothLaw())) != Type::EqualityConditionNSL)
	// We assume that the integrator of the ds1 drive the update of the index set
        //SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet1->properties(*ui1).osi;
	SP::DynamicalSystem ds1 = indexSet1->properties(*ui1).source;
	OneStepIntegrator& osi = *DSG0.properties(DSG0.descriptor(ds1)).osi;

        if (osi.removeInteractionFromIndexSet(inter1, i))
          // Interaction is not active
          // ui1 becomes invalid
          indexSet0->color(inter1_descr0) = boost::black_color;


          InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
          for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet1->out_edges(*ui1);
               oei != oeiend; ++oei)
            InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
            std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet1->edges(indexSet1->source(*oei), indexSet1->target(*oei));
            if (ed2 != ed1)
          /* \warning V.A. 25/05/2012 : Multiplier lambda are only set to zero if they are removed from the IndexSet*/
      // Interaction is not in indexSet0 anymore.
      // ui1 becomes invalid
      InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
      for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet1->out_edges(*ui1);
           oei != oeiend; ++oei)
        InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
        std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet1->edges(indexSet1->source(*oei), indexSet1->target(*oei));
        if (ed2 != ed1)
