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C++ DynamicalSystem::initialize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sp::DynamicalSystem::initialize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DynamicalSystem::initialize方法的具体用法?C++ DynamicalSystem::initialize怎么用?C++ DynamicalSystem::initialize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sp::DynamicalSystem的用法示例。


示例1: initialize

void Simulation::initialize(SP::Model m, bool withOSI)
  // === Connection with the model ===
  assert(m && "Simulation::initialize(model) - model = NULL.");

  _T = m->finalT();

  _nsds =  m->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem();

  // === Events manager initialization ===
  _tinit = _eventsManager->startingTime();

  if (withOSI)

    if (numberOfOSI() == 0)
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("Simulation::initialize No OSI !");

    DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
    SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph DSG = _nsds->topology()->dSG(0);
    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = DSG->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      SP::OneStepIntegrator osi = DSG->properties(*dsi).osi;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = DSG->bundle(*dsi);
      if (!osi)
        // By default, if the user has not set the OSI, we assign the first OSI to all DS
        //std::cout << "By default, if the user has not set the OSI, we assign the first OSI to all DS"<<std::endl;

      osi = DSG->properties(*dsi).osi;
      ds->initialize(m->t0(), osi->getSizeMem());

    // === OneStepIntegrators initialization ===
    for (OSIIterator itosi = _allOSI->begin();
         itosi != _allOSI->end(); ++itosi)
      // for (DSIterator itds = (*itosi)->dynamicalSystems()->begin();
      //      itds != (*itosi)->dynamicalSystems()->end();
      //      ++itds)
      // {
      //   (*itds)->initialize(startingTime(),
      //                       (*itosi)->getSizeMem());
      //   addInOSIMap(*itds, *itosi);
      // }



  // This is the default
  _levelMinForInput = LEVELMAX;
  _levelMaxForInput = 0;
  _levelMinForOutput = LEVELMAX;
  _levelMaxForOutput = 0;


  // Loop over all DS in the graph, to reset NS part of each DS.
  // Note FP : this was formerly done in inter->initialize call with local levels values
  // but I think it's ok (better?) to do it with the simulation levels values.
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph DSG = _nsds->topology()->dSG(0);
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = DSG->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    //assert(_levelMinForInput <= _levelMaxForInput);
    for (unsigned int k = _levelMinForInput ; k < _levelMaxForInput + 1; k++)

  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet0 = _nsds->topology()->indexSet0();
  for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet0->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
    Interaction& inter = *indexSet0->bundle(*ui);
    inter.initialize(_tinit, indexSet0->properties(*ui));

  // Initialize OneStepNSProblem(s). Depends on the type of simulation.
  // Warning FP : must be done in any case, even if the interactions set
  // is empty.

  // Process events at time _tinit. Useful to save values in memories
  // for example.  Warning: can not be called during
  // eventsManager->initialize, because it needs the initialization of
  // OSI, OSNS ...
