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C++ iterator::getMusicDriverId方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中musicdevices::iterator::getMusicDriverId方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ iterator::getMusicDriverId方法的具体用法?C++ iterator::getMusicDriverId怎么用?C++ iterator::getMusicDriverId使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在musicdevices::iterator的用法示例。


示例1: getDeviceHandle

MidiDriver::DeviceHandle MidiDriver::getDeviceHandle(const Common::String &identifier) {
	const MusicPlugin::List p = MusicMan.getPlugins();

	if (p.begin() == p.end())
		error("MidiDriver::getDeviceHandle: Music plugins must be loaded prior to calling this method");

	for (MusicPlugin::List::const_iterator m = p.begin(); m != p.end(); m++) {
		MusicDevices i = (**m)->getDevices();
		for (MusicDevices::iterator d = i.begin(); d != i.end(); d++) {
			// The music driver id isn't unique, but it will match
			// driver's first device. This is useful when selecting
			// the driver from the command line.
			if (identifier.equals(d->getMusicDriverId()) || identifier.equals(d->getCompleteId()) || identifier.equals(d->getCompleteName())) {
				return d->getHandle();

	return 0;

示例2: getDeviceString

Common::String MidiDriver::getDeviceString(DeviceHandle handle, DeviceStringType type) {
	if (handle) {
		const MusicPlugin::List p = MusicMan.getPlugins();
		for (MusicPlugin::List::const_iterator m = p.begin(); m != p.end(); m++) {
			MusicDevices i = (**m)->getDevices();
			for (MusicDevices::iterator d = i.begin(); d != i.end(); d++) {
				if (handle == d->getHandle()) {
					if (type == kDriverName)
						return d->getMusicDriverName();
					else if (type == kDriverId)
						return d->getMusicDriverId();
					else if (type == kDeviceId)
						return d->getCompleteId();
						return Common::String("auto");

	return Common::String("auto");
