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C++ global_iterator::hasInitializer方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中module::global_iterator::hasInitializer方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ global_iterator::hasInitializer方法的具体用法?C++ global_iterator::hasInitializer怎么用?C++ global_iterator::hasInitializer使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在module::global_iterator的用法示例。


示例1: State

static PointerType *buildTlsTemplate(Module &M, std::vector<VarInfo> *TlsVars) {
  std::vector<Type*> FieldBssTypes;
  std::vector<Type*> FieldInitTypes;
  std::vector<Constant*> FieldInitValues;
  PassState State(&M);

  for (Module::global_iterator GV = M.global_begin();
       GV != M.global_end();
       ++GV) {
    if (GV->isThreadLocal()) {
      if (!GV->hasInitializer()) {
        // Since this is a whole-program transformation, "extern" TLS
        // variables are not allowed at this point.
        report_fatal_error(std::string("TLS variable without an initializer: ")
                           + GV->getName());
      if (!GV->getInitializer()->isNullValue()) {
        addVarToTlsTemplate(&State, &FieldInitTypes,
                            &FieldInitValues, GV);
        VarInfo Info;
        Info.TlsVar = GV;
        Info.IsBss = false;
        Info.TemplateIndex = FieldInitTypes.size() - 1;
  // Handle zero-initialized TLS variables in a second pass, because
  // these should follow non-zero-initialized TLS variables.
  for (Module::global_iterator GV = M.global_begin();
       GV != M.global_end();
       ++GV) {
    if (GV->isThreadLocal() && GV->getInitializer()->isNullValue()) {
      addVarToTlsTemplate(&State, &FieldBssTypes, NULL, GV);
      VarInfo Info;
      Info.TlsVar = GV;
      Info.IsBss = true;
      Info.TemplateIndex = FieldBssTypes.size() - 1;
  // Add final alignment padding so that
  //   (struct tls_struct *) __nacl_read_tp() - 1
  // gives the correct, aligned start of the TLS variables given the
  // x86-style layout we are using.  This requires some more bytes to
  // be memset() to zero at runtime.  This wastage doesn't seem
  // important gives that we're not trying to optimize packing by
  // reordering to put similarly-aligned variables together.
  padToAlignment(&State, &FieldBssTypes, NULL, State.Alignment);

  // We create the TLS template structs as "packed" because we insert
  // alignment padding ourselves, and LLVM's implicit insertion of
  // padding would interfere with ours.  tls_bss_template can start at
  // a non-aligned address immediately following the last field in
  // tls_init_template.
  StructType *InitTemplateType =
      StructType::create(M.getContext(), "tls_init_template");
  InitTemplateType->setBody(FieldInitTypes, /*isPacked=*/true);
  StructType *BssTemplateType =
      StructType::create(M.getContext(), "tls_bss_template");
  BssTemplateType->setBody(FieldBssTypes, /*isPacked=*/true);

  StructType *TemplateType = StructType::create(M.getContext(), "tls_struct");
  SmallVector<Type*, 2> TemplateTopFields;
  TemplateType->setBody(TemplateTopFields, /*isPacked=*/true);
  PointerType *TemplatePtrType = PointerType::get(TemplateType, 0);

  // We define the following symbols, which are the same as those
  // defined by NaCl's original customized binutils linker scripts:
  //   __tls_template_start
  //   __tls_template_tdata_end
  //   __tls_template_end
  // We also define __tls_template_alignment, which was not defined by
  // the original linker scripts.

  const char *StartSymbol = "__tls_template_start";
  Constant *TemplateData = ConstantStruct::get(InitTemplateType,
  GlobalVariable *TemplateDataVar =
      new GlobalVariable(M, InitTemplateType, /*isConstant=*/true,
                         GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, TemplateData);
  setGlobalVariableValue(M, StartSymbol, TemplateDataVar);

  Constant *TdataEnd = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
      ConstantInt::get(M.getContext(), APInt(32, 1)));
  setGlobalVariableValue(M, "__tls_template_tdata_end", TdataEnd);

  Constant *TotalEnd = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
      ConstantExpr::getBitCast(TemplateDataVar, TemplatePtrType),
      ConstantInt::get(M.getContext(), APInt(32, 1)));
  setGlobalVariableValue(M, "__tls_template_end", TotalEnd);

  const char *AlignmentSymbol = "__tls_template_alignment";
  Type *i32 = Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
  GlobalVariable *AlignmentVar = new GlobalVariable(
      M, i32, /*isConstant=*/true,
