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C++ Mat_::t方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中cv::Mat_::t方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Mat_::t方法的具体用法?C++ Mat_::t怎么用?C++ Mat_::t使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cv::Mat_的用法示例。


示例1: OMP

/** Orthogonal matching pursuit
* x: input signal, N * 1 
* D: dictionary, N * M 
* L: number of non_zero elements in output
* coeff: coefficent of each atoms in dictionary, M * 1
void OMP(const cv::Mat_<double>& x, const cv::Mat_<double>& D, int L, cv::Mat_<double>& coeff){
    int dim = x.rows;
    int atom_num = D.cols;
    coeff = Mat::zeros(atom_num, 1, CV_64FC1);
    Mat_<double> residual = x.clone();
    Mat_<double> selected_index(L, 1);
    Mat_<double> a;
    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++){
        cout << "here ok 1" << endl;
        Mat_<double> dot_p = D.t() * residual; 
        Point max_index;
        minMaxLoc(abs(dot_p), NULL, NULL, NULL, &max_index);
        int max_row = max_index.y;
        selected_index(i) = max_row;
        Mat_<double> temp(dim, i + 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++){
        Mat_<double> invert_temp;
        invert(temp, invert_temp, CV_SVD);
        a = invert_temp * x;
        residual = x - temp * a;

    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++){
        coeff(selected_index(i)) = a(i);

示例2: test_with_args

cv::Mat test_with_args(const cv::Mat_<float>& in, const int& var1 = 1,
const double& var2 = 10.0, const std::string& name=std::string("test_name")) {
    std::cerr << "in: " << in << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "sz: " << in.size() << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Returning transpose" << std::endl;
    return in.t();

示例3: assert

CrossValidator::CrossValidator( const cv::Mat_<float> &xs, const cv::Mat_<int> &labs, int numEVs)
    : _numEVs( numEVs), _txs(xs), _tlabels(labs)
    assert( _tlabels.total() == _txs.rows);

    // Ensure labs are given as a single row vector
    if ( labs.rows > labs.cols)
        _tlabels = labs.t();

    // Count the number of entries of each class
    const int* labArray = _tlabels.ptr<int>(0);
    for ( int i = 0; i < _tlabels.cols; ++i)
        const int lab = labArray[i];
        while ( lab >= (int)_cCounts.size())
    }   // end for

    // At the moment, CrossValidator can only deal with two class problems
    if ( _cCounts.size() != 2)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Currently CrossValidator can only deal with 2 class problems!" << std::endl;
    assert( _cCounts.size() == 2);

    if ( _numEVs <= 0)
        _numEVs = 0;
    if ( _numEVs > _txs.cols)
        _numEVs = _txs.cols;
}   // end ctor

示例4: GetPupilPosition

cv::Point3f GetPupilPosition(cv::Mat_<double> eyeLdmks3d){
	eyeLdmks3d = eyeLdmks3d.t();

	cv::Mat_<double> irisLdmks3d = eyeLdmks3d.rowRange(0,8);

	cv::Point3f p (mean(irisLdmks3d.col(0))[0], mean(irisLdmks3d.col(1))[0], mean(irisLdmks3d.col(2))[0]);
	return p;

示例5: Cv_mat_to_arma_mat

void Cv_mat_to_arma_mat(const cv::Mat_<T>& cv_mat_in, arma::Mat<T>& arma_mat_out)
    cv::Mat_<T> temp(cv_mat_in.t()); //todo any way to not create a temporary?
    //This compiles on both but is not as nice
    arma_mat_out = arma::Mat<T>(reinterpret_cast<T*>(temp.data),

示例6: AlignShapesWithScale

	// Basically Kabsch's algorithm but also allows the collection of points to be different in scale from each other
	cv::Matx22f AlignShapesWithScale(cv::Mat_<float>& src, cv::Mat_<float> dst)
		int n = src.rows;

		// First we mean normalise both src and dst
		float mean_src_x = cv::mean(src.col(0))[0];
		float mean_src_y = cv::mean(src.col(1))[0];

		float mean_dst_x = cv::mean(dst.col(0))[0];
		float mean_dst_y = cv::mean(dst.col(1))[0];

		cv::Mat_<float> src_mean_normed = src.clone();
		src_mean_normed.col(0) = src_mean_normed.col(0) - mean_src_x;
		src_mean_normed.col(1) = src_mean_normed.col(1) - mean_src_y;

		cv::Mat_<float> dst_mean_normed = dst.clone();
		dst_mean_normed.col(0) = dst_mean_normed.col(0) - mean_dst_x;
		dst_mean_normed.col(1) = dst_mean_normed.col(1) - mean_dst_y;

		// Find the scaling factor of each
		cv::Mat src_sq;
		cv::pow(src_mean_normed, 2, src_sq);

		cv::Mat dst_sq;
		cv::pow(dst_mean_normed, 2, dst_sq);

		float s_src = sqrt(cv::sum(src_sq)[0] / n);
		float s_dst = sqrt(cv::sum(dst_sq)[0] / n);

		src_mean_normed = src_mean_normed / s_src;
		dst_mean_normed = dst_mean_normed / s_dst;

		float s = s_dst / s_src;

		// Get the rotation
		cv::Matx22f R = AlignShapesKabsch2D(src_mean_normed, dst_mean_normed);

		cv::Matx22f	A;
		cv::Mat(s * R).copyTo(A);

		cv::Mat_<float> aligned = (cv::Mat(cv::Mat(A) * src.t())).t();
		cv::Mat_<float> offset = dst - aligned;

		float t_x = cv::mean(offset.col(0))[0];
		float t_y = cv::mean(offset.col(1))[0];

		return A;


示例7: svd

	// Point set and landmark manipulation functions
	// Using Kabsch's algorithm for aligning shapes
	//This assumes that align_from and align_to are already mean normalised
	cv::Matx22f AlignShapesKabsch2D(const cv::Mat_<float>& align_from, const cv::Mat_<float>& align_to)

		cv::SVD svd(align_from.t() * align_to);

		// make sure no reflection is there
		// corr ensures that we do only rotaitons and not reflections
		float d = cv::determinant(svd.vt.t() * svd.u.t());

		cv::Matx22f corr = cv::Matx22f::eye();
		if (d > 0)
			corr(1, 1) = 1;
			corr(1, 1) = -1;

		cv::Matx22f R;

		return R;
