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C++ Vec::cross方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Vec::cross方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Vec::cross方法的具体用法?C++ Vec::cross怎么用?C++ Vec::cross使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Vec的用法示例。


示例1: main

int main() {
    double y_vals[] = {-1.5, 2, -2.5};
    double z_vals[] = {3, -2, 1};
    Vec<double> zeroes(3);                             // Vec size 3 (entries initialize to zero)
    Vec<double> x = Vec<double>::constantVec(3, 2.5);  // Vec size 3 with all entries set to 2.5
    Vec<double> y = Vec<double>(y_vals, 3);
    Vec<double> z(3);
    z.setEntries(z_vals, 3);
    Vec<int> ix(x);

    cout << "zeroes = " << zeroes << endl;
    cout << "x = " << x << endl;
    cout << "y = " << y << endl;
    cout << "z = " << z << endl;
    cout << "ix = " << ix << endl;
    cout << "z[0] = " << z[0] << ", z[1] = " << z[1] << ", z[2] = " << z[2] << endl;
    cout << "3.5 * x = " << (3.5 * x) << endl;
    cout << "x / 3.5 = " << (x / 3.5) << endl;
    cout << "x + y = " << (x + y) << endl;
    cout << "x - y = " << (x - y) << endl;
    cout << "x.concatenate(y) = " << x.concatenate(y) << endl;
    cout << "x.dot(y) = " << x.dot(y) << endl;
    cout << "x.cross(y) = " << x.cross(y) << endl;
    cout << "x.norm() = " << x.norm() << endl;
    cout << "x.unit_vector() = " << x.unit_vector() << endl;
    cout << "ix.norm() = " << ix.norm() << endl;
    cout << "ix.norm<double>() = " << ix.norm<double>() << endl;
    cout << "ix.unit_vector<double>() = " << ix.unit_vector<double>() << endl;
    cout << "scalar_triple_product(x, y, z) = " 
         << Vec<double>::scalar_triple_product(x, y, z) << endl;
    cout << "vector_triple_product(x, y, z) = " 
         << Vec<double>::vector_triple_product(x, y, z) << endl;

示例2: trimesh

static int trimesh(lua_State *ls)
    if (!lua_istable(ls, -1)) {
        luaL_error(ls, "trimesh: expected table");

    std::vector<Vec> vertices;
    lua_getfield(ls, -1, "vertices");
    while (lua_next(ls, -2) != 0) {
        double x, y, z;
        get_xyz(ls, x, y, z);
        vertices.push_back(Vec{x, y, z});
        lua_pop(ls, 1);
    lua_pop(ls, 1);

    std::vector<TriangleMesh::Face> faces;
    lua_getfield(ls, -1, "faces");
    while (lua_next(ls, -2) != 0) {
        size_t i, j, k;
        lua_getfield(ls, -1, "i");
        i = static_cast<size_t>(luaL_checknumber(ls, -1));
        lua_pop(ls, 1);

        lua_getfield(ls, -1, "j");
        j = static_cast<size_t>(luaL_checknumber(ls, -1));
        lua_pop(ls, 1);

        lua_getfield(ls, -1, "k");
        k = static_cast<size_t>(luaL_checknumber(ls, -1));
        lua_pop(ls, 1);

        Vec ab = vertices[j] - vertices[i];
        Vec ac = vertices[k] - vertices[i];
        Vec norm = ab.cross(ac);

        faces.push_back(TriangleMesh::Face{i, j, k, norm});
        lua_pop(ls, 1);
    lua_pop(ls, 1);

    lua_getfield(ls, -1, "material");
    Material *mat = reinterpret_cast<Material *>(lua_touserdata(ls, -1));
    lua_pop(ls, 1);

    TriangleMesh *tm = new TriangleMesh;
    tm->faces = std::move(faces);
    tm->vertices = std::move(vertices);

    lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, tm);

    return 1;

示例3: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int nworkers = omp_get_num_procs();

    int w = 480, h = 360, samps = argc==2 ? atoi(argv[1])/4 : 1; // # samples
    Vec cx = Vec(w*.5135/h), cy = (cx.cross(cam.d)).normalize()*.5135;    
    std::vector<Vec> c(w*h);

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
    for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
        for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
            const int i = (h - y - 1)*w + x;

            for ( int sy = 0; sy < 2; ++sy ) {
                for ( int sx = 0; sx < 2; ++sx ) {
                    Vec r;
                    for ( int s = 0; s<samps; s++ ) {
                        double r1 = 2*rng(), dx = r1<1 ? sqrt(r1)-1 : 1-sqrt(2-r1);
                        double r2 = 2*rng(), dy = r2<1 ? sqrt(r2)-1 : 1-sqrt(2-r2);
                        Vec d = cx*(((sx+.5 + dx)/2 + x)/w - .5) +
                            cy*(((sy+.5 + dy)/2 + y)/h - .5) + cam.d;
                        r = r + receivedRadiance(Ray(cam.o, d.normalize()), 1, true)*(1./samps);
                    c[i] = c[i] + Vec(clamp(r.x), clamp(r.y), clamp(r.z))*.25;
#pragma omp critical
        fprintf(stderr,"\rRendering (%d spp) %6.2f%%",samps*4,100.*y/(h-1));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // Write resulting image to a PPM file
    FILE *f = fopen("image.ppm", "w");
    fprintf(f, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", w, h, 255);
    for ( int i = 0; i<w*h; i++ )
        fprintf(f, "%d %d %d ", toInt(c[i].x), toInt(c[i].y), toInt(c[i].z));
    return 0;

示例4: sphereMapping

/** Texture mapping for spheres
 ** @param pt intersection point
 ** @param n normal at pt
 ** @param p pigment of the object
 ** @return the color of pt at texture coordinate
Vec sphereMapping(Vec pt, Vec n, Pigment p){
  Vec vn = scene.up; // unit-length vector from the center to the north pole
  Vec tmp[3] = {Vec(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vec(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)};
  Vec ve; // unit-length vector from the center to a point on the equator
  for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
    if (tmp[i].dot(vn) == 0) { ve = tmp[i]; break; }
  Vec vp = n; // unit-length vector from the center to intersection point
  int s, t;
  float u, v, theta, phi;
  phi = acos(vn.dot(vp) * -1);
  v = phi / PI;
  theta = (acos(vp.dot(ve) / sin(phi))) / (2*PI);
  if ((vn.cross(ve)).dot(vp) > 0) u = theta;
  else u = 1 - theta;
  // find the color of pt at texture cooridnates
  s = (int)p.image.width * u;
  t = (int)p.image.height * v;
  if ((s < p.image.width && s >= 0) && (t < p.image.height && t >= 0))
    return p.image.textures[s][t];
  else return background;

示例5: testCross

template<class Vec> void testCross()
	Vec vec;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.getDimension(); i++)
		vec[i] = numbers[i];
	Vec vec2;
	for (unsigned int i = vec.getDimension(); i < vec2.getDimension(); i++)
		vec2[i] = numbers[i];

	auto temp = vec.cross(vec2);
	ASSERT_EQ(temp.getDimension(), vec.getDimension());
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temp.getDimension(); i++)
		unsigned int i1 = i + 1;
		unsigned int i2 = i + 2;
		if (i2 >= temp.getDimension())
			i2 -= temp.getDimension();
		if (i1 >= temp.getDimension())
			i1 -= temp.getDimension();
		ASSERT(dbgl::isSimilar(temp[i], vec[i1] * vec2[i2] - vec[i2] * vec2[i1]));

示例6: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    clock_t start = clock(); // MILO
    int width = 256, height = 256;
    std::string sceneName = "cornell";
    std::string rendererName = "simple";
    int nSamples = 25; // # samples

    option long_options[] =
        {"help",    no_argument,        0, 'h'},
        {"viewport",required_argument,  0, 'v'},
        {"input",   required_argument,  0, 'i'},
        {"samples", required_argument,  0, 's'},
        {"renderer",required_argument,  0, 'r'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    int opt;
    int option_index = 0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hv:i:s:r:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1)
        switch (opt)
        case 'h':
                fprintf(stdout, "smallpt --renderer simple --viewport 256 --input cornell --samples 100\n\n");
        case 'v':{width = height = atoi(optarg); break;}
        case 'i':{sceneName = optarg; break;}
        case 's':{nSamples = atoi(optarg)/4; break;}
        case 'r':{rendererName = optarg; break;}
        default: exit(0);
    if (optind < argc) {
        printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
        while (optind < argc)
            printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
        printf ("\n");

    IRenderer* renderer = NULL;
        if (rendererName == "forward")
            renderer = new ForwardRenderer();
        else if (rendererName == "diffuse")
            renderer = new DiffuseOnlyRenderer();
            renderer = new SimpleRenderer();

    Ray cam(Vec(50,52,295.6), Vec(0,-0.042612,-1).norm()); // cam pos, dir
    Vec cx = Vec(width*.5135/height);
    Vec cy=(cx.cross(cam.dir)).norm()*.5135;
    Vec* colorBuf = new Vec[width*height];
    Vec r;

    IScene* scene = new SimpleScene();
    if (!IScene::createBuiltInScene(scene, sceneName))
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid scene name: %s\n", sceneName.c_str());

    char imageName[100];
    sprintf(imageName, "%s_%s_%dX%dX%d.ppm", 
        sceneName.c_str(), rendererName.c_str(), 
        width, height, nSamples*4);
    fprintf(stdout, "Rendering to %s\n", imageName);

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) private(r)       // OpenMP
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        // Loop over image rows
        fprintf(stderr,"\rRendering (%d spp) %5.2f%%",nSamples*4,100.*y/(height - 1));
        RandomLCG Xi(y*y*y); // MILO
        for (unsigned short x = 0; x < width; x++)
            // Loop cols
            int loc = (height - y - 1) * width + x;
            for (int sy = 0; sy < 2; sy++) 
                // 2x2 subpixel rows
                for (int sx = 0; sx < 2; sx++, r = Vec())
                    // 2x2 subpixel cols
                    for (int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
                        double dx = tentFilterRandom(Xi);
                        double dy = tentFilterRandom(Xi);
#if 1
                        Vec d = cx*( ( (sx+.5 + dx)/2 + x)/width - .5) +
                            cy*( ( (sy+.5 + dy)/2 + y)/height - .5) + cam.dir;
                        Vec d = cx*(x/(double)width - .5 ) + cy*(y/(double)height - .5) + cam.dir;

示例7: initFromVW

void ONB:: initFromVW(const Vec& v, const Vec& w){
  W = normalize(w);
  U = normalize(v.cross(W));
  V = W.cross(U);

示例8: initFromUW

void ONB:: initFromUW(const Vec& u, const Vec& w){
  U = normalize(u);
  V = normalize(w.cross(U));
  W = U.cross(V);

示例9: createLocalCoord

inline void createLocalCoord(const Vec &n, Vec &u, Vec &v, Vec &w) {
    w = n;
    u = ((std::abs(w.x)>.1 ? Vec(0, 1) : Vec(1)).cross(w)).normalize();
    v = w.cross(u);
