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C++ Transport::readByte方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Transport::readByte方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Transport::readByte方法的具体用法?C++ Transport::readByte怎么用?C++ Transport::readByte使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Transport的用法示例。


示例1: host

void Codec20::readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport& transport, HeaderParams& params) const{
    // Just consume the header's byte
	// Do not evaluate new topology right now
	int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();
    params.topologyId.setId(newTopologyId); //update topologyId reference
    uint32_t clusterSize = transport.readVInt();
    TRACE("Coded20::readNewToplogyAndhash(): clusterSize=%d",clusterSize);
    std::vector<InetSocketAddress> addresses(clusterSize);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) {
       std::string host(transport.readString());
       int16_t port = transport.readUnsignedShort();
       addresses[i] = InetSocketAddress(host, port);

    uint8_t hashFunctionVersion = transport.readByte();
    uint32_t numSegments = transport.readVInt();

    std::vector<std::vector<InetSocketAddress>> segmentOwners(numSegments);

    if (hashFunctionVersion > 0) {
       TRACE("Codec20::readNewTopologyAndHash: numSegments=%d", numSegments);
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
          uint8_t numOwners = transport.readByte();
          for (uint8_t j = 0; j < numOwners; j++) {
             uint32_t memberIndex = transport.readVInt();
             segmentOwners[i][j] = addresses[memberIndex];

    TransportFactory &tf = transport.getTransportFactory();
    bool noTopologyInfo=false;
    int currentTopology = 0;
      currentTopology = tf.getTopologyId(params.cacheName);
    catch (std::exception &e)
    int topologyAge = tf.getTopologyAge();
    if (noTopologyInfo || (params.topologyAge == topologyAge && currentTopology != newTopologyId)) {
       params.topologyId = newTopologyId;
       if (hashFunctionVersion == 0) {
             TRACE("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0).");
       } else {
             TRACE("Updating client hash function with %u number of segments", numSegments);
          numSegments, hashFunctionVersion, params.cacheName, params.topologyId.getId());
    } else {
       TRACE("Outdated topology received (topology id = %d, topology age = %d), so ignoring it: s",
             newTopologyId, topologyAge/*, Arrays.toString(addresses)*/);

示例2: readNewTopologyAndHash

void Codec12::readNewTopologyIfPresent(
    Transport& transport, const HeaderParams& params) const
    uint8_t topologyChangeByte = transport.readByte();
    if (topologyChangeByte == 1)
        readNewTopologyAndHash(transport, params.topologyId);

示例3: InvalidResponseException

uint8_t Codec12::readHeader(
    Transport& transport, const HeaderParams& params) const
    uint8_t magic = transport.readByte();
    if (magic != HotRodConstants::RESPONSE_MAGIC) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Invalid magic number. Expected " <<
            HotRodConstants::RESPONSE_MAGIC << " and received " << magic;
        throw InvalidResponseException(message.str());

    uint64_t receivedMessageId = transport.readVLong();
    // TODO: java comment, to be checked
    // If received id is 0, it could be that a failure was noted before the
    // message id was detected, so don't consider it to a message id error
    if (receivedMessageId != params.messageId && receivedMessageId != 0) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Invalid message id. Expected " <<
            params.messageId << " and received " << receivedMessageId;
        throw InvalidResponseException(message.str());

    uint8_t receivedOpCode = transport.readByte();

    // Read both the status and new topology (if present),
    // before deciding how to react to error situations.
    uint8_t status = transport.readByte();
    readNewTopologyIfPresent(transport, params);

    // Now that all headers values have been read, check the error responses.
    // This avoids situations where an exceptional return ends up with
    // the socket containing data from previous request responses.
    if (receivedOpCode != params.opRespCode) {
    	if (receivedOpCode == HotRodConstants::ERROR_RESPONSE) {
    		checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(transport, params, status);
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Invalid response operation. Expected " << std::hex <<
            (int) params.opRespCode << " and received " << std::hex << (int) receivedOpCode;
        throw InvalidResponseException(message.str());

    return status;

示例4: params

std::set<hrbytes> BulkGetKeysOperation::executeOperation(Transport& transport)
    hr_scoped_ptr<HeaderParams> params(&(RetryOnFailureOperation<std::set<hrbytes> >::writeHeader(transport, BULK_GET_KEYS_REQUEST)));
    RetryOnFailureOperation<std::set<hrbytes> >::readHeaderAndValidate(transport, *params);
    std::set<hrbytes> result;
    while (transport.readByte()==1) {
    return result;

示例5: readNewTopologyAndHash

void Codec20::readNewTopologyIfPresent(
    Transport& transport, HeaderParams& params) const
    uint8_t topologyChangeByte = transport.readByte();
    if (topologyChangeByte == 1)
    	TRACE("Topology has changes");
        readNewTopologyAndHash(transport, params);
    	TRACE("No topology changes");

示例6: TRACE

std::set<hrbytes> BulkGetKeysOperation::executeOperation(Transport& transport)
    TRACE("Execute BulkGetKeys(flags=%u,scope=%d)", flags, scope);
    hr_scoped_ptr<HeaderParams> params(&(RetryOnFailureOperation<std::set<hrbytes> >::writeHeader(transport, BULK_GET_KEYS_REQUEST)));
    RetryOnFailureOperation<std::set<hrbytes> >::readHeaderAndValidate(transport, *params);
    std::set<hrbytes> result;
    while (transport.readByte()==1) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        for (std::set<hrbytes>::iterator it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); ++it) {
            TRACEBYTES("return key = ", *it);
        if (result.size() == 0) {
            TRACE("No data in bulk");
    return result;
