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C++ TMap::Contains方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TMap::Contains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TMap::Contains方法的具体用法?C++ TMap::Contains怎么用?C++ TMap::Contains使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TMap的用法示例。


示例1: IsLevelLocked

 * Returns true if the specified level is locked for edit, false otherwise.
 * @param	Level		The level to query.
 * @return				true if the level is locked, false otherwise.
bool FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(ULevel* Level)
//We should not check file status on disk if we are not running the editor
	// Don't permit spawning in read only levels if they are locked
	if ( GIsEditor && !GIsEditorLoadingPackage )
		if ( GEngine && GEngine->bLockReadOnlyLevels )
			if (!LevelReadOnlyCache.Contains(Level))
				LevelReadOnlyCache.Add(Level, FLevelReadOnlyData());
			FLevelReadOnlyData &LevelData = LevelReadOnlyCache[Level];
			//Make sure we test if the level file on disk is readonly only once a frame,
			//when the frame time get updated.
			if (LevelData.LastUpdateTime < Level->OwningWorld->GetRealTimeSeconds())
				LevelData.LastUpdateTime = Level->OwningWorld->GetRealTimeSeconds();
				//If we dont find package we dont consider it as readonly
				LevelData.IsReadOnly = false;
				const UPackage* pPackage = Cast<UPackage>(Level->GetOutermost());
				if (pPackage)
					FString PackageFileName;
					if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(pPackage->GetName(), NULL, &PackageFileName))
						LevelData.IsReadOnly = IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*PackageFileName);

			if (LevelData.IsReadOnly)
				return true;
#endif //#if WITH_EDITOR

	// PIE levels, the persistent level, and transient move levels are usually never locked.
	if ( Level->RootPackageHasAnyFlags(PKG_PlayInEditor) || Level->IsPersistentLevel() || Level->GetName() == TEXT("TransLevelMoveBuffer") )
		return false;

	ULevelStreaming* StreamingLevel = FindStreamingLevel( Level );
	if ( StreamingLevel != NULL )
		return StreamingLevel->bLocked;
		return Level->bLocked;

示例2: Visit

		virtual bool Visit(const TCHAR* FilenameOrDirectory, bool bIsDirectory) override
			auto Filename = FString(FilenameOrDirectory);
			if (!Filename.EndsWith(".cpp.includes"))
				return true;

			TSet<FString> IncludePaths;
			FString FileContents;
			TArray<FString> OutStrings;
			FFileHelper::LoadANSITextFileToStrings(*Filename, &IFileManager::Get(), OutStrings);
			for (auto& IncludePath : OutStrings)

			for (const auto& IncludePath : IncludePaths)
				if (!IncludeHeaderCount.Contains(IncludePath))
					IncludeHeaderCount.Add(IncludePath, 1);
			return true;

示例3: GetTrackKeyForTime

void UFaceFXMatineeControl::GetTrackKeyForTime(float InTime, TArray<TPair<int32, const FFaceFXTrackKey*>>& OutResult, TArray<FFaceFXSkelMeshComponentId>* OutNoTracks) const
	//build a list of all keys for all skelmesh component ids
	TMap<int32, TArray<const FFaceFXTrackKey*>> SkelMeshTracks;
	TMap<int32, FFaceFXSkelMeshComponentId> SkelMeshIds;
	for(const FFaceFXTrackKey& Key : Keys)
		if(OutNoTracks && !SkelMeshIds.Contains(Key.SkelMeshComponentId.Index))
			SkelMeshIds.Add(Key.SkelMeshComponentId.Index, Key.SkelMeshComponentId);

	//then generate the pair results for each skelmesh component
	for(auto It = SkelMeshTracks.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		const TArray<const FFaceFXTrackKey*>& SkelMeshKeys = It.Value();

		const int32 IndexMax = SkelMeshKeys.Num()-1;
		int32 Index = INDEX_NONE;
		for(; Index < IndexMax && SkelMeshKeys[Index+1]->Time <= InTime; ++Index);

		if(Index != INDEX_NONE)
			OutResult.Add(TPairInitializer<int32, const FFaceFXTrackKey*>(Index, SkelMeshKeys[Index]));
		else if(OutNoTracks)

示例4: LoadSettings

void FSourceControlSettings::LoadSettings()
	// make sure we load the global ini first
	const FString& GlobalIniFile = SourceControlHelpers::GetGlobalSettingsIni();
	GConfig->GetBool(*SourceControlSettingsConstants::SettingsSection, TEXT("UseGlobalSettings"), bUseGlobalSettings, GlobalIniFile);

	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	FCommandLine::Parse( FCommandLine::Get(), Tokens, Switches );
	TMap<FString, FString> SwitchPairs;
	for (int32 SwitchIdx = Switches.Num() - 1; SwitchIdx >= 0; --SwitchIdx)
		FString& Switch = Switches[SwitchIdx];
		TArray<FString> SplitSwitch;
		if (2 == Switch.ParseIntoArray(SplitSwitch, TEXT("="), true))
			SwitchPairs.Add(SplitSwitch[0], SplitSwitch[1].TrimQuotes());

	if( SwitchPairs.Contains( TEXT("SCCProvider") ) )
		Provider = SwitchPairs[TEXT("SCCProvider")];
		const FString& IniFile = SourceControlHelpers::GetSettingsIni();
		GConfig->GetString(*SourceControlSettingsConstants::SettingsSection, TEXT("Provider"), Provider, IniFile);

示例5: CreateCookerFileOrderString

FString FChunkManifestGenerator::CreateCookerFileOrderString(const TMap<FName, FAssetData*>& InAssetData, const TArray<FName>& InMaps)
	FString FileOrderString;
	TArray<FAssetData*> TopLevelNodes;

	for (auto Asset : InAssetData)
		auto PackageName = Asset.Value->PackageName;
		TArray<FName> Referencers;
		AssetRegistry.GetReferencers(PackageName, Referencers);

		bool bIsTopLevel = true;
		bool bIsMap = InMaps.Contains(PackageName);

		if (!bIsMap && Referencers.Num() > 0)
			for (auto ReferencerName : Referencers)
				if (InAssetData.Contains(ReferencerName))
					bIsTopLevel = false;

		if (bIsTopLevel)
			if (bIsMap)
				TopLevelNodes.Insert(Asset.Value, 0);
				TopLevelNodes.Insert(Asset.Value, TopLevelNodes.Num());

	TArray<FName> FileOrder;
	TArray<FName> EncounteredNames;
	for (auto Asset : TopLevelNodes)
		AddAssetToFileOrderRecursive(Asset, FileOrder, EncounteredNames, InAssetData, InMaps);

	int32 CurrentIndex = 0;
	for (auto PackageName : FileOrder)
		auto Asset = InAssetData[PackageName];
		bool bIsMap = InMaps.Contains(Asset->PackageName);
		auto Filename = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(Asset->PackageName.ToString(), bIsMap ? FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension() : FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension());

		auto Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\" %i\n"), *Filename, CurrentIndex++);

	return FileOrderString;

示例6: FindExistingChunk

	bool FDataScannerImpl::FindExistingChunk(const TMap<uint64, TSet<FGuid>>& ChunkLookup, TMap<FGuid, FSHAHash>& ChunkShaHashes, uint64 ChunkHash, const FRollingHash<WindowSize>& RollingHash, FGuid& OutMatchedChunk)
		FStatsScopedTimer FindTimer(StatFindMatchTime);
		bool bFoundChunkMatch = false;
		if (ChunkLookup.Contains(ChunkHash))
			FSHAHash ChunkSha;
			for (FGuid& PotentialMatch : ChunkLookup.FindRef(ChunkHash))
				// Use sha if we have it
				if (ChunkShaHashes.Contains(PotentialMatch))
					if(ChunkSha == ChunkShaHashes[PotentialMatch])
						bFoundChunkMatch = true;
						OutMatchedChunk = PotentialMatch;
					// Otherwise compare data
					TArray<uint8> SerialBuffer;
					FStatsScopedTimer DataMatchTimer(StatDataMatchTime);
					FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatChunkDataChecks, 1);
					bool ChunkFound = false;
					if (DataMatcher->CompareData(PotentialMatch, ChunkHash, SerialBuffer, ChunkFound))
						FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatChunkDataMatches, 1);
						ChunkShaHashes.Add(PotentialMatch, ChunkSha);
						bFoundChunkMatch = true;
						OutMatchedChunk = PotentialMatch;
					else if(!ChunkFound)
						FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatMissingChunks, 1);
				FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatHashCollisions, 1);
		return bFoundChunkMatch;

示例7: HasResourcesAvailable

/******************** HasResourcesAvailable *************************/
bool APOTLStructure::HasResourcesAvailable(TMap<FString, int32>& Request, bool IncludeAllocations, int32 Sequence)
	bool RequestMet = true;
	TMap<FString, int32> ResourceAvailable = FreeResources; //~~ Copy resources ~~//
	//~~ Append all allocated resources  with lower sequence to available resources ~~//

	if (IncludeAllocations) 
		for (auto& AllocatedResource : AllocatedResources)
			FST_ResourceAllocation& Allocation = AllocatedResource.Value;
			if (Allocation.Sequence < Sequence && Allocation.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryProduction && Allocation.To == this && Allocation.Quantity > 0) //~~ If allocation has a lower sequence than the check and is allocated to this structure ~~//
				if (ResourceAvailable.Contains(Allocation.ResourceKey))		ResourceAvailable[Allocation.ResourceKey] = ResourceAvailable[Allocation.ResourceKey] + Allocation.Quantity;
				else														ResourceAvailable.Add(Allocation.ResourceKey, Allocation.Quantity);


	for (auto& ResourceRequest : Request)
		if (ResourceAvailable.Contains(ResourceRequest.Key))
			int32 Remaining = ResourceRequest.Value;
			if (Remaining > ResourceAvailable[ResourceRequest.Key]) //~~ If request is larger than the resource pool ~~//
				RequestMet = false;
			RequestMet = false;
	return RequestMet;

示例8: ExpandFrontierTowardsTarget

void ADEPRECATED_VolumeAdaptiveBuilder::ExpandFrontierTowardsTarget(UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent* current, UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent* neighbor, DoNNavigation::PriorityQueue<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*> &frontier, TMap<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*, FVector> &entryPointMap, bool &goalFound, UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent* start, UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent* goal, FVector origin, FVector destination, TMap<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*, int>& VolumeVsCostMap, bool DrawDebug, TMap<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*, TArray<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*>> &PathVolumeSolutionMap)
	if (DrawDebug)
		DisplayDebugVolume(current, FColor::Red);
		DisplayDebugVolume(neighbor, FColor::Blue);
	float SegmentDist = 0;
	FVector nextEntryPoint;

	TArray<UDoNNavigationVolumeComponent*> PathSolutionSoFar = PathVolumeSolutionMap.FindOrAdd(current);
	nextEntryPoint = NavEntryPointsForTraversal(*entryPointMap.Find(current), current, neighbor, SegmentDist, DrawDebug);

	entryPointMap.Add(neighbor, nextEntryPoint);

	if (nextEntryPoint == *entryPointMap.Find(current)) // i.e. no traversal solution exists
		if (DrawDebug)
			DisplayDebugVolume(current, FColor::Red);
			DisplayDebugVolume(neighbor, FColor::Blue);

		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Skipping neighbor due to lack of traversal solution"));

	//int new_cost = *VolumeVsCostMap.Find(current) + graph.cost(current, next);
	int new_cost = *VolumeVsCostMap.Find(current) + SegmentDist;

	if (!VolumeVsCostMap.Contains(neighbor) || new_cost < *VolumeVsCostMap.Find(neighbor))
		PathVolumeSolutionMap.Add(neighbor, PathSolutionSoFar);
		VolumeVsCostMap.Add(neighbor, new_cost);

		float heuristic = FVector::Dist(nextEntryPoint, destination);
		int priority = new_cost + heuristic;

		if (DrawDebug)
			DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), nextEntryPoint, destination, FColor::Red, true, -1.f, 0, 10.f);
			FString priorityText = FString::Printf(TEXT("Priority: %d"), priority);
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("%s"), *priorityText);

		frontier.put(neighbor, priority);		

示例9: GetClassPathRootForModule

FName FNativeClassHierarchy::GetClassPathRootForModule(const FName& InModuleName, const TSet<FName>& InGameModules, const TMap<FName, FName>& InPluginModules)
	static const FName EngineRootNodeName = "Classes_Engine";
	static const FName GameRootNodeName = "Classes_Game";

	// Work out which root this class should go under (anything that isn't a game or plugin module goes under engine)
	FName RootNodeName = EngineRootNodeName;
		RootNodeName = GameRootNodeName;
	else if(InPluginModules.Contains(InModuleName))
		const FName PluginName = InPluginModules.FindRef(InModuleName);
		RootNodeName = FName(*(FString(TEXT("Classes_")) + PluginName.ToString()));

	return RootNodeName;

示例10: CanAttachComponentsTo

	// Determine whether or not scene components in the new object set can be attached to the given scene root component
	bool CanAttachComponentsTo(USceneComponent* InRootComponent)

		// For each component in the set, check against the given root component and break if we fail to validate
		bool bCanAttachToRoot = true;
		for (auto NewComponentIt = NewObjectMap.CreateConstIterator(); NewComponentIt && bCanAttachToRoot; ++NewComponentIt)
			// If this is a scene component, and it does not already have a parent within the set
			USceneComponent* SceneComponent = Cast<USceneComponent>(NewComponentIt->Value);
			if (SceneComponent != NULL && !ParentMap.Contains(SceneComponent->GetFName()))
				// Determine if we are allowed to attach the scene component to the given root component
				bCanAttachToRoot = InRootComponent->CanAttachAsChild(SceneComponent, NAME_None)
					&& SceneComponent->Mobility >= InRootComponent->Mobility
					&& ( !InRootComponent->IsEditorOnly() || SceneComponent->IsEditorOnly() );

		return bCanAttachToRoot;

示例11: AddAssetToFileOrderRecursive

void FChunkManifestGenerator::AddAssetToFileOrderRecursive(FAssetData* InAsset, TArray<FName>& OutFileOrder, TArray<FName>& OutEncounteredNames, const TMap<FName, FAssetData*>& InAssets, const TArray<FName>& InMapList)
	if (!OutEncounteredNames.Contains(InAsset->PackageName))

		TArray<FName> Dependencies;
		AssetRegistry.GetDependencies(InAsset->PackageName, Dependencies);

		for (auto DependencyName : Dependencies)
			if (InAssets.Contains(DependencyName) && !OutFileOrder.Contains(DependencyName))
				if (!InMapList.Contains(DependencyName))
					auto Dependency = InAssets[DependencyName];
					AddAssetToFileOrderRecursive(Dependency, OutFileOrder, OutEncounteredNames, InAssets, InMapList);


示例12: if

/******************** GetResourceAlteration *************************/
TArray<FST_ResourceAlteration> APOTLStructure::GetResourceAlteration()
	TArray<FST_ResourceAlteration> List;
	TMap<FString, FST_ResourceAlteration> TMapList; //~~ Make complete list of resource from FreeResources and allocations ~~//
	for (auto& FreeResource : FreeResources)
		FST_ResourceAlteration ResourceAlteration;
		ResourceAlteration.Id = FreeResource.Key;
		ResourceAlteration.Storage = FreeResource.Value;
		//ResourceAlteration.Alteration = GetAllocationTotal(FreeResource.Key);
		TMapList.Add(FreeResource.Key, ResourceAlteration);
	for (auto& AllocatedResource : AllocatedResources)
		//~~ Add alteration if allocation key isn't in free resources ~~//
		if (AllocatedResource.Value.From == this || AllocatedResource.Value.To == this) //~~~ If either outgoing or incomming, then create an alteration struct  ~~//
			if (!TMapList.Contains(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey))
				FST_ResourceAlteration ResourceAlteration;
				ResourceAlteration.Id = AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey;
				TMapList.Add(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey, ResourceAlteration);
		//~~ Outgoing resources from root ~~//
		if (AllocatedResource.Value.From == this) 
			if (AllocatedResource.Value.Type == EAllocationType::Decay)
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Decay -= AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Storage += AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
			else if (AllocatedResource.Value.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryBilling)
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Alteration -= AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Storage += AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
		//~~ Incomming resources to root ~~//
		if (AllocatedResource.Value.To == this) 
			if (AllocatedResource.Value.Type == EAllocationType::ProductionDecay)
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Alteration += AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Decay -= AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
				TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Alteration += AllocatedResource.Value.Quantity;
	if (TMapList.Contains(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey))
		if (AllocatedResource.Value.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryBilling)
			TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Storage = TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Storage + TMapList[AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey].Alteration;
		FST_ResourceAlteration ResourceAlteration;
		ResourceAlteration.Id = AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey;
		ResourceAlteration.Alteration = GetAllocationTotal(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey);
		TMapList.Add(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey, ResourceAlteration);
	for (auto& TMapItem : TMapList)
	//~~ Sort the list by sort sequence ~~//
	List.Sort([](const FString& One, const FString& Two) {
		return One > Two;
	List.Sort([](const FString& A, const FString& B) {
		return A.Len() < B.Len();


	List.Sort([](const FST_ResourceAlteration& A, const FST_ResourceAlteration& B) {
		return A.Id.Len() < B.Id.Len();
		//return A.Id.Len() < B.Id.Len();

	return List;

示例13: CopyComponents

void FComponentEditorUtils::CopyComponents(const TArray<UActorComponent*>& ComponentsToCopy)
	FStringOutputDevice Archive;
	const FExportObjectInnerContext Context;

	// Clear the mark state for saving.
	UnMarkAllObjects(EObjectMark(OBJECTMARK_TagExp | OBJECTMARK_TagImp));

	// Duplicate the selected component templates into temporary objects that we can modify
	TMap<FName, FName> ParentMap;
	TMap<FName, UActorComponent*> ObjectMap;
	for (UActorComponent* Component : ComponentsToCopy)
		// Duplicate the component into a temporary object
		UObject* DuplicatedComponent = StaticDuplicateObject(Component, GetTransientPackage(), Component->GetFName(), RF_AllFlags & ~RF_ArchetypeObject);
		if (DuplicatedComponent)
			// If the duplicated component is a scene component, wipe its attach parent (to prevent log warnings for referencing a private object in an external package)
			if (auto DuplicatedCompAsSceneComp = Cast<USceneComponent>(DuplicatedComponent))
				DuplicatedCompAsSceneComp->AttachParent = nullptr;

			// Find the closest parent component of the current component within the list of components to copy
			USceneComponent* ClosestSelectedParent = FindClosestParentInList(Component, ComponentsToCopy);
			if (ClosestSelectedParent)
				// If the parent is included in the list, record it into the node->parent map
				ParentMap.Add(Component->GetFName(), ClosestSelectedParent->GetFName());

			// Record the temporary object into the name->object map
			ObjectMap.Add(Component->GetFName(), CastChecked<UActorComponent>(DuplicatedComponent));

	// Export the component object(s) to text for copying
	for (auto ObjectIt = ObjectMap.CreateIterator(); ObjectIt; ++ObjectIt)
		// Get the component object to be copied
		UActorComponent* ComponentToCopy = ObjectIt->Value;

		// If this component object had a parent within the selected set
		if (ParentMap.Contains(ComponentToCopy->GetFName()))
			// Get the name of the parent component
			FName ParentName = ParentMap[ComponentToCopy->GetFName()];
			if (ObjectMap.Contains(ParentName))
				// Ensure that this component is a scene component
				USceneComponent* SceneComponent = Cast<USceneComponent>(ComponentToCopy);
				if (SceneComponent)
					// Set the attach parent to the matching parent object in the temporary set. This allows us to preserve hierarchy in the copied set.
					SceneComponent->AttachParent = Cast<USceneComponent>(ObjectMap[ParentName]);

		// Export the component object to the given string
		UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice(&Context, ComponentToCopy, NULL, Archive, TEXT("copy"), 0, PPF_ExportsNotFullyQualified | PPF_Copy | PPF_Delimited, false, ComponentToCopy->GetOuter());

	// Copy text to clipboard
	FString ExportedText = Archive;

示例14: FileAttributesMetaToMap

	bool FFileAttributesParserImpl::FileAttributesMetaToMap(const FString& AttributesList, TMap<FString, FFileAttributes>& FileAttributesMap)
		const TCHAR Quote = TEXT('\"');
		const TCHAR EOFile = TEXT('\0');
		const TCHAR EOLine = TEXT('\n');

		bool Successful = true;
		bool FoundFilename = false;

		const TCHAR* CharPtr = *AttributesList;
		while (*CharPtr != EOFile)
			// Parse filename
			while (*CharPtr != Quote && *CharPtr != EOFile){ ++CharPtr; }
			if (*CharPtr == EOFile)
				if (!FoundFilename)
					UE_LOG(LogFileAttributesParser, Error, TEXT("Did not find opening quote for filename!"));
					return false;
			const TCHAR* FilenameStart = ++CharPtr;
			while (*CharPtr != Quote && *CharPtr != EOFile && *CharPtr != EOLine){ ++CharPtr; }
			// Check we didn't run out of file
			if (*CharPtr == EOFile)
				UE_LOG(LogFileAttributesParser, Error, TEXT("Unexpected end of file before next quote! Pos:%d"), CharPtr - *AttributesList);
				return false;
			// Check we didn't run out of line
			if(*CharPtr == EOLine)
				UE_LOG(LogFileAttributesParser, Error, TEXT("Unexpected end of line before next quote! Pos:%d"), CharPtr - *AttributesList);
				return false;
			// Save positions
			const TCHAR* FilenameEnd = CharPtr++;
			const TCHAR* AttributesStart = CharPtr;
			// Parse keywords
			while (*CharPtr != Quote && *CharPtr != EOFile && *CharPtr != EOLine){ ++CharPtr; }
			// Check we hit the end of the line or file, another quote it wrong
			if (*CharPtr == Quote)
				UE_LOG(LogFileAttributesParser, Error, TEXT("Unexpected Quote before end of keywords! Pos:%d"), CharPtr - *AttributesList);
				return false;
			FoundFilename = true;
			// Save position
			const TCHAR* EndOfLine = CharPtr;
			// Grab info
			FString Filename = FString(FilenameEnd - FilenameStart, FilenameStart).Replace(TEXT("\\"), TEXT("/"));
			FFileAttributes& FileAttributes = FileAttributesMap.FindOrAdd(Filename);
			TArray<FString> AttributeParamsArray;
			FString AttributeParams(EndOfLine - AttributesStart, AttributesStart);
			for (const FString& AttributeParam : AttributeParamsArray)
				FString Key, Value;
				if(!AttributeParam.Split(TEXT(":"), &Key, &Value))
					Key = AttributeParam;
				if (AttributeSetters.Contains(Key))
					AttributeSetters[Key](FileAttributes, MoveTemp(Value));
					UE_LOG(LogFileAttributesParser, Error, TEXT("Unrecognised attribute %s for %s"), *AttributeParam, *Filename);
					Successful = false;

		return Successful;

示例15: FixUpChunkBoneMaps

	void FixUpChunkBoneMaps( FSkelMeshChunk & Chunk, const TMap<FBoneIndexType, FBoneIndexType> &BonesToRepair ) override
		// now you have list of bones, remove them from vertex influences
			TMap<uint8, uint8> BoneMapRemapTable;
			// first go through bone map and see if this contains BonesToRemove
			int32 BoneMapSize = Chunk.BoneMap.Num();
			int32 AdjustIndex=0;

			for (int32 BoneMapIndex=0; BoneMapIndex < BoneMapSize; ++BoneMapIndex )
				// look for this bone to be removed or not?
				const FBoneIndexType* ParentBoneIndex = BonesToRepair.Find(Chunk.BoneMap[BoneMapIndex]);
				if ( ParentBoneIndex  )
					// this should not happen, I don't ever remove root
					check (*ParentBoneIndex!=INDEX_NONE);

					// if Parent already exists in the current BoneMap, we just have to fix up the mapping
					int32 ParentBoneMapIndex = Chunk.BoneMap.Find(*ParentBoneIndex);

					// if it exists
					if (ParentBoneMapIndex != INDEX_NONE)
						// if parent index is higher, we have to decrease it to match to new index
						if (ParentBoneMapIndex > BoneMapIndex)

						// remove current chunk count, will replace with parent
						// if parent doens't exists, we have to add one
						// this doesn't change bone map size 
						ParentBoneMapIndex = Chunk.BoneMap.Add(*ParentBoneIndex);

					// first fix up all indices of BoneMapRemapTable for the indices higher than BoneMapIndex, since BoneMapIndex is being removed
					for (auto Iter = BoneMapRemapTable.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
						uint8& Value = Iter.Value();

						check (Value != BoneMapIndex);
						if (Value > BoneMapIndex)

					int32 OldIndex = BoneMapIndex+AdjustIndex;
					int32 NewIndex = ParentBoneMapIndex;
					// you still have to add no matter what even if same since indices might change after added
						// add to remap table
						check (OldIndex < 256 && OldIndex >= 0);
						check (NewIndex < 256 && NewIndex >= 0);
						check (BoneMapRemapTable.Contains((uint8)OldIndex) == false);
						BoneMapRemapTable.Add((uint8)OldIndex, (uint8)NewIndex);

					// reduce index since the item is removed

					// this is to adjust the later indices. We need to refix their indices
				else if (AdjustIndex > 0)
					int32 OldIndex = BoneMapIndex+AdjustIndex;
					int32 NewIndex = BoneMapIndex;

					check (OldIndex < 256 && OldIndex >= 0);
					check (NewIndex < 256 && NewIndex >= 0);
					check (BoneMapRemapTable.Contains((uint8)OldIndex) == false);
					BoneMapRemapTable.Add((uint8)OldIndex, (uint8)NewIndex);

			if ( BoneMapRemapTable.Num() > 0 )
				// fix up rigid verts
				for (int32 VertIndex=0; VertIndex < Chunk.RigidVertices.Num(); ++VertIndex)
					FRigidSkinVertex & Vert = Chunk.RigidVertices[VertIndex];

					uint8 *RemappedBone = BoneMapRemapTable.Find(Vert.Bone);
					if (RemappedBone)
						Vert.Bone = *RemappedBone;

				// fix up soft verts
				for (int32 VertIndex=0; VertIndex < Chunk.SoftVertices.Num(); ++VertIndex)
