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C++ QDomNode::toAttr方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中QDomNode::toAttr方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ QDomNode::toAttr方法的具体用法?C++ QDomNode::toAttr怎么用?C++ QDomNode::toAttr使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在QDomNode的用法示例。


示例1: if

  operator <<= (Miro::SensorGroupIDL& group, const QDomNode& node)
    if (!node.isNull()) {

      // set sensor defaults
      Miro::SensorPositionIDL sensor;
      sensor.masked = false;
      QDomNamedNodeMap map = node.attributes();
      QDomNode n;
      n = map.namedItem("height");
      if (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr();
	if (!attr.isNull()) 
	  sensor.height = attr.value().toInt();
      n = map.namedItem("distance");
      if (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr();
	if (!attr.isNull()) 
	  sensor.distance =attr.value().toInt();
      n = map.namedItem("alpha");
      if (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr();
	if (!attr.isNull()) 
	  sensor.alpha = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble());
      n = map.namedItem("beta");
      if (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr();
	if (!attr.isNull()) 
	  sensor.beta = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble());
      n = map.namedItem("gamma");
      if (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr();
	if (!attr.isNull()) 
	  sensor.gamma = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble());
      QDomNode n1 = node.firstChild();
      while(!n1.isNull() ) {
	if (n1.nodeName() == "description") {
	  group.description <<= n1;
	else if (n1.nodeName() == "sensor") {
	  group.sensor.length(group.sensor.length() + 1);
	  group.sensor[group.sensor.length() - 1] = sensor;
	  group.sensor[group.sensor.length() - 1] <<= n1;
	n1 = n1.nextSibling();

示例2: parseNode

void XMLParser::parseNode(IEntity *entity,QDomNode *node)
        QString namesp;
        QString name;
        IEntity *auxent = NULL;
        QDomElement child = node->toElement();
            qDebug() << child.tagName();
                throw new XMLParserException("Unable to parse node\n");
            auxent = new IEntity(namesp,name);
            QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = node->attributes();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<=attributes.length(); i++)
                QDomNode n = attributes.item(i);
                    qDebug() << n.toAttr().name()<< "=" << n.toAttr().value();
                    QString attnamesp;
                    QString attname;
                    //TODO: add attribute with namespace
            qDebug() << node->toText().data();
        } else
        if (node->hasChildNodes())
        node = &(node->nextSibling());

示例3: modify

void SvgImage::modify(const QString &tag, const QString &id, const QString &attribute,
                      const QString &value)
    bool modified = false;

    QDomNodeList nodeList = m_svgDocument.elementsByTagName( tag );
    for ( int i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); ++i )
        QDomNode node = nodeList.at( i );
        QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = node.attributes();
        if ( checkIDAttribute( attributes, id ) )
            QDomNode attrElement = attributes.namedItem( attribute );
            if ( attrElement.isAttr() )
                QDomAttr attr = attrElement.toAttr();
                attr.setValue( value );
                modified = true;

    if ( modified )
        m_updateNeeded = true;

示例4: QDomAttr

QDomAttr QDomNodeProto:: toAttr() const
  QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    return item->toAttr();
  return QDomAttr();

示例5: mustBeDrawed

/** Returns wether the Report Section must be drawed or not depending on the DrawIf attribute and the current record values */
bool MReportSection::mustBeDrawed( QDomNode * record ) {
  QString value;
  QDomNamedNodeMap fields = record->attributes();
  QString drawIfField = getDrawIf();

  if ( !drawIfField.isEmpty() ) {
    QDomNode n = fields.namedItem( drawIfField );

    if ( n.isNull() )
      return false;

    value = n.toAttr().value();

    if ( value.isEmpty() )
      return false;

    bool b = true;

    float f = value.toFloat( &b );

    if ( f == 0 && b )
      return false;

  return true;

示例6: checkIDAttribute

bool checkIDAttribute( const QDomNamedNodeMap& map, const QString& value )
    QDomNode attrElement = map.namedItem( "id" );
    if ( attrElement.isAttr() )
        QDomAttr attr = attrElement.toAttr();
        return attr.value() == value;
    return false;

示例7: findDomNodeScan

 * @brief XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan find the nearest match to a position
 * @param node
 * @param nodeTarget
 * @param lineSearched
 * @param columnSearched
 * @param lastKnownNode: last known "good" position
 * @return
bool XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan(QDomNode node, QDomNode nodeTarget, const int lineSearched, const int columnSearched, FindNodeWithLocationInfo &info)
    int row = node.lineNumber();
    int col = node.columnNumber();
    if(!node.isDocument()) {
        if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) {
            info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ;
            return true ;

        if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) {
            info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ;
            return true ;
        if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched < col)) {
            info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ;
            return true ;
        if((lineSearched < row)) {
            info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ;
            return true ;
        if((lineSearched <= row)) {
            info.lastKnownNode = nodeTarget ;

        if(node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) {
            QDomElement element = node.toElement();
            QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = element.attributes();
            int numAttrs = attributes.length();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < numAttrs ; i++) {
                QDomNode node = attributes.item(i);
                QDomAttr attr = node.toAttr();
                if(findDomNodeScan(attr, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) {
                    return true;
            } // for

    int nodes = node.childNodes().count();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nodes ; i ++) {
        QDomNode childNode = node.childNodes().item(i) ;
        if(childNode.isText() || childNode.isCDATASection()) {
            if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, childNode, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) {
                return true ;
    return false ;

示例8: processNodeAttributes

void ItemDefinitionGroup::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement)
    // process attributes
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes();
    QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0);

    if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
        QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();

        if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Condition"))
            m_condition = domElement.value();

示例9: processNodeAttributes

void DebuggerTool::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &element)
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = element.attributes();

    for (int i = 0; i < namedNodeMap.size(); ++i) {
        QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(i);

        if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
            QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();
            m_anyAttribute.insert(domElement.name(), domElement.value());
//            vc_dbg << "Any AttributeNode: name: " << domElement.name() << " value: " << domElement.value();

示例10: processNodeAttributes

void OnError::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement)
    // process attributes
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes();
    QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0);

    if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
        QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();

        if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Condition"))
            m_condition = domElement.value();
        else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("ExecuteTargets"))
            m_executeTargets = domElement.value().split(QLatin1Char(';'));

示例11: processNodeAttributes

void Platform::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &element)
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = element.attributes();

    if (namedNodeMap.size() == 1) {
        QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0);

        if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
            QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();

            if (domElement.name() == QString("Name")) {
                m_name = domElement.value();
//                vc_dbg << "AttributeNode: name: " << domElement.name() << " value: " << domElement.value();

示例12: setXMLData

void ComplexBaseInputField::setXMLData( const QDomElement &element )
  if ( mName != element.tagName() ) {
    qDebug( "ComplexBaseInputField: Wrong dom element passed: expected %s, got %s", qPrintable( mName ), qPrintable( element.tagName() ) );

  // elements
  if ( mType->isArray() ) {
    InputField *field = childField( "item" );
    field->setXMLData( element );
  } else {
    QDomNode node = element.firstChild();
    while ( !node.isNull() ) {
      QDomElement child = node.toElement();
      if ( !child.isNull() ) {
        InputField *field = childField( child.tagName() );
        if ( !field ) {
          qDebug( "ComplexBaseInputField: Child field %s does not exists", qPrintable( child.tagName() ) );
        } else {
          field->setXMLData( child );

      node = node.nextSibling();

  // attributes
  QDomNamedNodeMap nodes = element.attributes();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.count(); ++i ) {
    QDomNode node = nodes.item( i );
    QDomAttr attr = node.toAttr();

    InputField *field = childField( attr.name() );
    if ( !field ) {
      qDebug( "ComplexBaseInputField: Child field %s does not exists", qPrintable( attr.name() ) );
    } else {
      field->setData( attr.value() );

示例13: processNodeAttributes

void Project::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement)
    // process attributes
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes();

    for (int i = 0; i < namedNodeMap.size(); ++i) {
        QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(i);

        if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
            QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();

            if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("DefaultTargets"))
                m_defaultTargets = domElement.value().split(QLatin1Char(';'));
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("InitialTargets"))
                m_initialTargets = domElement.value().split(QLatin1Char(';'));
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("ToolsVersion"))
                m_toolsVersion = domElement.value();
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("xmlns"))
                m_xmlns = domElement.value();

示例14: processAttributes

void Item::processAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement)
    // process attributes
    QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes();

    for (int i = 0; i < namedNodeMap.size(); ++i) {
        QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(i);

        if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) {
            QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr();

            if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Condition"))
                m_condition = domElement.value();
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Include"))
                m_include = domElement.value();
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Exclude"))
                m_exclude = domElement.value();
            else if (domElement.name() == QLatin1String("Remove"))
                m_remove = domElement.value();

    m_name = nodeElement.nodeName();

示例15: loadConfigFile

void configManager::loadConfigFile()
	// read the XML file and create DOM tree
	QFile cfg_file( m_lmmsRcFile );
	QDomDocument dom_tree;

	if( cfg_file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
		QString errorString;
		int errorLine, errorCol;
		if( dom_tree.setContent( &cfg_file, false, &errorString, &errorLine, &errorCol ) )
			// get the head information from the DOM
			QDomElement root = dom_tree.documentElement();

			QDomNode node = root.firstChild();

			// create the settings-map out of the DOM
			while( !node.isNull() )
				if( node.isElement() &&
					node.toElement().hasAttributes () )
					stringPairVector attr;
					QDomNamedNodeMap node_attr =
					for( int i = 0; i < node_attr.count();
									++i )
		QDomNode n = node_attr.item( i );
		if( n.isAttr() )
			attr.push_back( qMakePair( n.toAttr().name(),
							n.toAttr().value() ) );
					m_settings[node.nodeName()] = attr;
				else if( node.nodeName() == "recentfiles" )
					QDomNode n = node.firstChild();
					while( !n.isNull() )
		if( n.isElement() && n.toElement().hasAttributes() )
			m_recentlyOpenedProjects <<
					n.toElement().attribute( "path" );
		n = n.nextSibling();
				node = node.nextSibling();

			if( value( "paths", "artwork" ) != "" )
				m_artworkDir = value( "paths", "artwork" );
				if( !QDir( m_artworkDir ).exists() )
					m_artworkDir = defaultArtworkDir();
				if( m_artworkDir.right( 1 ) !=
							QDir::separator() )
					m_artworkDir += QDir::separator();
			setWorkingDir( value( "paths", "workingdir" ) );
			setVSTDir( value( "paths", "vstdir" ) );
			setFLDir( value( "paths", "fldir" ) );
			setLADSPADir( value( "paths", "laddir" ) );
		#ifdef LMMS_HAVE_STK
			setSTKDir( value( "paths", "stkdir" ) );
			setDefaultSoundfont( value( "paths", "defaultsf2" ) );
			setBackgroundArtwork( value( "paths", "backgroundartwork" ) );
			QMessageBox::warning( NULL, MainWindow::tr( "Configuration file" ),
									MainWindow::tr( "Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3" ).
													arg( errorLine ).
													arg( errorCol ).
													arg( errorString ) );

	if( m_vstDir.isEmpty() || m_vstDir == QDir::separator() ||
			!QDir( m_vstDir ).exists() )
		m_vstDir = windowsConfigPath( CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES ) +
											QDir::separator() + "VstPlugins";
		m_vstDir = ensureTrailingSlash( QDir::home().absolutePath() );
