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C++ PropertyAccessor::getName方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中PropertyAccessor::getName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ PropertyAccessor::getName方法的具体用法?C++ PropertyAccessor::getName怎么用?C++ PropertyAccessor::getName使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PropertyAccessor的用法示例。


示例1: bindPropertyImpl

void ClassDefinition::bindPropertyImpl(
	const char * name,
	const ObjectHandle & pBase,
	PropertyAccessor & o_PropertyAccessor ) const
	if (!*name)
		// empty name causes noop

	// find property operator
	auto propOperator = name;
	while (true)
		if( !*propOperator ||
			*propOperator == INDEX_OPEN ||
			*propOperator == DOT_OPERATOR )

		propOperator += 1;

	auto propName = name;
	auto propLength = propOperator - propName;

	auto baseProp = findProperty( propName, propLength );
	if (baseProp == nullptr)
		// error: property `propName` is not found
		o_PropertyAccessor.setBaseProperty( nullptr );

	o_PropertyAccessor.setObject( pBase );
	o_PropertyAccessor.setBaseProperty( baseProp );

	assert( strncmp( propName, o_PropertyAccessor.getName(), propLength ) == 0 );

	if (!*propOperator)
		// no operator, so that's it

	Variant propVal = o_PropertyAccessor.getValue();
	if (*propOperator == INDEX_OPEN)
		auto wholeIndex = propOperator;

		// read "multidimensional" indices without recursive bind (optimization)
		while (true)
			Collection collection;
			if (!propVal.tryCast( collection ))
				// error: index operator is applicable to collections only
				o_PropertyAccessor.setBaseProperty( nullptr );

			// determine key type (heterogeneous keys are not supported yet)
			const auto begin = collection.begin();
			const auto end = collection.end();
			if (begin == end)
				// error: can't index empty collection
				o_PropertyAccessor.setBaseProperty( nullptr );

			// read key
			Variant key( begin.key().type() );
				propOperator += 1; // skip INDEX_OPEN

				FixedMemoryStream dataStream( propOperator );
				TextStream stream( dataStream );

				stream >> key >> match( INDEX_CLOSE );

				if (stream.fail())
					// error: either key can't be read, or it isn't followed by INDEX_CLOSE
					o_PropertyAccessor.setBaseProperty( nullptr );

				// skip key and closing bracket
				propOperator += stream.seek( 0, std::ios_base::cur );

			auto it = collection.find( key );

			// If (it == end), still return a valid property accessor to end,
			// rather than an invalid property accessor.
			if (!*propOperator || (it == end))
