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C++ PropertyAccessor类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中PropertyAccessor的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ PropertyAccessor类的具体用法?C++ PropertyAccessor怎么用?C++ PropertyAccessor使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: assert

ObjectHandle SetReflectedPropertyCommand::execute(
	const ObjectHandle & arguments ) const
	ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument * commandArgs =
		arguments.getBase< ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument >();
	auto objManager = definitionManager_.getObjectManager();
	assert( objManager != nullptr );
	ObjectHandle object = objManager->getObject( commandArgs->getContextId() );
	if (!object.isValid())
		return CommandErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
	PropertyAccessor property = object.getDefinition( definitionManager_ )->bindProperty( 
		commandArgs->getPropertyPath(), object );
	if (property.isValid() == false)
		//Can't set
		return CommandErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
	const Variant & data = commandArgs->getPropertyValue();
	bool br = property.setValue( data );
	if (!br)
		return CommandErrorCode::INVALID_VALUE;

	// Do not return the object
	// CommandInstance will hold a reference to the return value
	// and the CommandInstance is stored in the undo/redo history forever
	// This is due to a circular reference in CommandManagerImpl::pushFrame
	return nullptr;

示例2: addProperty

bool BaseGenericObject::addProperty(const char* name, const Variant& value, MetaData metadata, bool enableNotification)
	const IClassDefinition& definition = *this->getDefinition();
	ObjectHandle provider = this->getDerivedType();

	auto definitionModifier = definition.getDetails().getDefinitionModifier();
	if (definitionModifier == nullptr)
		return false;

	Collection testCollection;
	bool isCollection = value.tryCast<Collection>(testCollection);

	if (!definitionModifier->addProperty(name, value.type()->typeId(), std::move(metadata), isCollection))
		return false;

	PropertyAccessor accessor = definition.bindProperty(name, provider);
	if (enableNotification)
		return accessor.setValue(value);
		return accessor.setValueWithoutNotification(value);


Variant c_XMLReader::t___get(Variant name) {
  const xmlChar *retchar = NULL;
	int retint = 0;

  PropertyAccessor *propertyMap = xmlreader_properties_map.get(name);
  if (m_ptr) {
    if (propertyMap->getter_char) {
      retchar = propertyMap->getter_char(m_ptr);
    } else if (propertyMap->getter_int) {
      retint = propertyMap->getter_int(m_ptr);

  switch (propertyMap->return_type) {
    case KindOfString:
      if (retchar) {
        return String((char*)retchar, CopyString);
      } else {
        return String("");
    case KindOfBoolean:
      return (retint ? true : false);

    case KindOfInt64:
      return retint;

      return null;
  return null;

示例4: getValue

	Variant getValue( const PropertyAccessor & pa )
		// This createKey is added as a work-around for objects that were
		// not registered with the IObjectManager properly on creation.
		// Objects need a key to be shared with other plugins.
		// E.g. getValue() will be sharing your object with plg_command_manager.
		// Better to register your object with IObjectManager::registerObject()
		// or IObjectManager::registerUnmanagedObject() when you create the
		// ObjectHandle.
		// @see IObjectManager
		Key key;
		if (!createKey( pa, key ))
			return pa.getValue();

		// TODO: assert access is only on the main thread
		auto range = commands_.equal_range( key );
		for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
			auto instance = it->second;
		commands_.erase( range.first, range.second );

		return pa.getValue();

示例5: setValue

	void setValue( const PropertyAccessor & pa, const Variant & data )
		Key key;
		if (!createKey( pa, key ))
			pa.setValue( data );

		std::unique_ptr< ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument > args( new ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument );
		args->setContextId( key.first );
		args->setPath( key.second.c_str() );
		args->setValue( data );
		// Access is only on the main thread
		assert( std::this_thread::get_id() == commandManager_.ownerThreadId() );

		const auto commandId = getClassIdentifier< SetReflectedPropertyCommand >();
		const auto pArgsDefinition =
			pa.getDefinitionManager()->getDefinition< ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument >();
		ObjectHandle commandArgs( std::move( args ), pArgsDefinition );
		auto command = commandManager_.queueCommand( commandId, commandArgs );

		// Queuing may cause it to execute straight away
		// Based on the thread affinity of SetReflectedPropertyCommand
		if (!command->isComplete())
			commands_.emplace( std::pair< Key, CommandInstancePtr >( key, command ) );

示例6: TEST_F

TEST_F( TestCommandFixture, creatMacro )
	auto & controller = getReflectionController();

	auto objHandle = klass_->createManagedObject();

	PropertyAccessor counter = klass_->bindProperty("counter", objHandle );

	const int TEST_VALUE = 57;
		int value = TEST_VALUE;
		controller.setValue( counter, value );

		// TODO: wait on controller
		controller.getValue( counter );

		auto & commandSystemProvider = getCommandSystemProvider();
		auto & history = commandSystemProvider.getHistory();
		commandSystemProvider.createMacro( history );
		CHECK(commandSystemProvider.getMacros().empty() == false );

示例7: assert

std::string RPURU::resolveContextObjectPropertyPath(const ObjectHandle& contextObject, const char* propertyPath,
                                                    IDefinitionManager& definitionManager)
	assert(contextObject != nullptr);
	const auto classDef = contextObject.getDefinition(definitionManager);
	assert(classDef != nullptr);
	std::string tmp = propertyPath;
	std::vector<std::string> paths;

	char* pch;
	pch = strtok(const_cast<char*>(tmp.c_str()), ".");
	if (pch != NULL)
		pch = strtok(NULL, ".");
		while (pch != NULL)
			pch = strtok(NULL, ".");
	PropertyAccessor pa;
	for (auto& path : paths)
		resolveProperty(contextObject, *classDef, path.c_str(), pa, definitionManager);
		if (pa.isValid())
	return pa.getFullPath();

示例8: invokeProperty

Variant BaseGenericObject::invokeProperty(const char* name, const ReflectedMethodParameters& parameters)
	const IClassDefinition& definition = *this->getDefinition();
	ObjectHandle provider = this->getDerivedType();
	PropertyAccessor accessor = definition.bindProperty(name, provider);
	if (!accessor.isValid())
		TF_ASSERT(false && "Property could not be found");
		return Variant();
	return accessor.invoke(parameters);

示例9: assert

void DialogTestModel::callBasicDialog(bool modal)
	assert(context_ != nullptr);
	auto uiFramework = context_->queryInterface<IUIFramework>();
	assert(uiFramework != nullptr);

	IDialog::ClosedCallback callback = [this](IDialog& dialog) {
		assert(definition_ != nullptr);
		PropertyAccessor accessor = definition_->bindProperty("basicDialogResult", this);

	const IDialog::Mode mode = modal ? IDialog::Mode::MODAL : IDialog::Mode::MODELESS;
	uiFramework->showDialog("plg_dialog_test/basic_dialog.qml", mode, callback);

示例10: readBowFileText

//! @brief read a text Bow file and fills a lexicon
//! @param fileIn the file to read
//! @param reader the file reader
//! @param lex the lexicon to fill
//! @param propertyAccessor
//! @param referenceProperties
void readBowFileText(ifstream& fileIn,
                     BoWBinaryReader& reader,
                     Lexicon& lex,
                     const PropertyAccessor& propertyAccessor,
                     set<LinguisticCode>& referenceProperties
    BoWText text;

    bool filterCategory = false;
    if ( referenceProperties.size() > 0 ) {
        filterCategory = true;

    BoWTokenIterator it(text);
    while (! it.isAtEnd()) {
        const BoWToken& token = *(it.getElement());
        if (filterCategory) {
            set<LinguisticCode>::const_iterator referencePropertyIt =
            if ( referencePropertyIt != referenceProperties.end() ) {
        else {

示例11: validateArguments

bool SetReflectedPropertyCommand::validateArguments(const ObjectHandle& arguments) const
	if ( !arguments.isValid() ) 
		return false;

	auto commandArgs = arguments.getBase< ReflectedPropertyCommandArgument >();
	if ( commandArgs == nullptr ) 
			return false;

	auto objManager = definitionManager_.getObjectManager();
	if ( objManager == nullptr ) 
		return false;

	const ObjectHandle & object = objManager->getObject( commandArgs->getContextId() );
	if (!object.isValid())
		return false;

	const IClassDefinition* defn = object.getDefinition( definitionManager_ );
	PropertyAccessor property = defn->bindProperty(commandArgs->getPropertyPath(), object );
	if (property.isValid() == false)
		return false;
	const MetaType * dataType = commandArgs->getPropertyValue().type();
	const MetaType * propertyValueType = property.getValue().type();

	if ( !dataType->canConvertTo(propertyValueType) ) 
		return false;

	return true;

示例12: createKey

	bool createKey( const PropertyAccessor & pa, Key & o_Key )
		const auto & obj = pa.getRootObject();
		if (obj == nullptr)
			return false;

		if (!obj.getId( o_Key.first ))
			auto om = pa.getDefinitionManager()->getObjectManager();
			assert( !om->getObject( obj.data() ).isValid() );
			if (!om->getUnmanagedObjectId( obj.data(), o_Key.first ))
				o_Key.first = om->registerUnmanagedObject( obj );

		o_Key.second = pa.getFullPath();
		return true;

示例13: resolveProperty

void RPURU::resolveProperty(const ObjectHandle& handle, const IClassDefinition& classDef, const char* propertyPath,
                            PropertyAccessor& o_Pa, IDefinitionManager& definitionManager)
	o_Pa = handle.getDefinition(definitionManager)->bindProperty(propertyPath, handle);
	if (o_Pa.isValid())
	const PropertyIteratorRange& props = classDef.allProperties();
	for (PropertyIterator pi = props.begin(); pi != props.end(); ++pi)
		std::string parentPath = pi->getName();
		const PropertyAccessor& prop = classDef.bindProperty(parentPath.c_str(), handle);
		if (prop.getProperty()->isMethod())
		const Variant& value = prop.getValue();
		if (value.typeIs<ObjectHandle>())
			ObjectHandle subHandle;
			bool isOk = value.tryCast(subHandle);
			if ((subHandle == nullptr) || (subHandle.getDefinition(definitionManager) == nullptr))
			parentPath = parentPath + "." + propertyPath;

			resolveProperty(subHandle, *subHandle.getDefinition(definitionManager), parentPath.c_str(), o_Pa,

			if (o_Pa.isValid())

示例14: findFirstMetaData

	ObjectHandle MetaUtilities::findFirstMetaData(
		const TypeId& typeId, const PropertyAccessor& accessor,
		const IDefinitionManager & definitionManager) override
		auto && metaData = accessor.getMetaData();
		auto targetMetaData = findFirstMetaData(typeId, metaData, definitionManager);
		if (targetMetaData != nullptr)
			return targetMetaData;

		return nullptr;

示例15: invoke

	Variant invoke( const PropertyAccessor & pa, const ReflectedMethodParameters & parameters )
		Key key;
		if (!createKey( pa, key ))
			return pa.invoke( parameters );

		std::unique_ptr<ReflectedMethodCommandParameters> commandParameters( new ReflectedMethodCommandParameters() );
		commandParameters->setId( key.first );
		commandParameters->setPath( key.second.c_str() );
		commandParameters->setParameters( parameters );

		const auto itr = commands_.emplace( std::pair< Key, CommandInstancePtr >( key, commandManager_.queueCommand(
			getClassIdentifier<InvokeReflectedMethodCommand>(), ObjectHandle( std::move( commandParameters ),
			pa.getDefinitionManager()->getDefinition<ReflectedMethodCommandParameters>() ) ) ) );

		commandManager_.waitForInstance( itr->second );
		ObjectHandle returnValueObject = itr->second.get()->getReturnValue();
		commands_.erase( itr );
		Variant* returnValuePointer = returnValueObject.getBase<Variant>();
		assert( returnValuePointer != nullptr );
		return *returnValuePointer;
