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C++ Preferences::getLastSongFilename方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Preferences::getLastSongFilename方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Preferences::getLastSongFilename方法的具体用法?C++ Preferences::getLastSongFilename怎么用?C++ Preferences::getLastSongFilename使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Preferences的用法示例。


示例1: QMainWindow

MainForm::MainForm( QApplication *app, const QString& songFilename )
	: QMainWindow( 0, 0 )
	, Object( __class_name )
	setMinimumSize( QSize( 1000, 500 ) );
	setWindowIcon( QPixmap( Skin::getImagePath() + "/icon16.png" ) );

#ifndef WIN32
	if (::socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sigusr1Fd))
		qFatal("Couldn't create HUP socketpair");
	snUsr1 = new QSocketNotifier(sigusr1Fd[1], QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
	connect(snUsr1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( handleSigUsr1() ));

	m_pQApp = app;


	// Load default song
	Song *pSong = NULL;

	if ( !songFilename.isEmpty() ) {
		pSong = Song::load( songFilename );

		 * If the song could not be loaded, create
		 * a new one with the specified filename
		if (pSong == NULL) {
			pSong = Song::get_empty_song();
			pSong->set_filename( songFilename );
	else {
		Preferences *pref = Preferences::get_instance();
		bool restoreLastSong = pref->isRestoreLastSongEnabled();
		QString filename = pref->getLastSongFilename();
		if ( restoreLastSong && ( !filename.isEmpty() )) {
			pSong = Song::load( filename );
			if (pSong == NULL) {
				//QMessageBox::warning( this, "Hydrogen", trUtf8("Error restoring last song.") );
				pSong = Song::get_empty_song();
				pSong->set_filename( "" );
		else {
			pSong = Song::get_empty_song();
			pSong->set_filename( "" );

	h2app = new HydrogenApp( this, pSong );
	h2app->addEventListener( this );

	h2app->setStatusBarMessage( trUtf8("Hydrogen Ready."), 10000 );


	// we need to do all this to support the keyboard playing
	// for all the window modes
	h2app->getMixer()->installEventFilter (this);
	h2app->getPatternEditorPanel()->installEventFilter (this);
	h2app->getPatternEditorPanel()->getPianoRollEditor()->installEventFilter (this);
	h2app->getSongEditorPanel()->installEventFilter (this);
	//	h2app->getPlayListDialog()->installEventFilter(this);
	installEventFilter( this );


	connect( &m_autosaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onAutoSaveTimer()));
	m_autosaveTimer.start( 60 * 1000 );


	if ( Preferences::get_instance()->useLash() ){
		LashClient* lashClient = LashClient::get_instance();
		if (lashClient->isConnected())
			// send alsa client id now since it can only be sent
			// after the audio engine has been started.
			Preferences *pref = Preferences::get_instance();
			if ( pref->m_sMidiDriver == "ALSA" ) {
				//			infoLog("[LASH] Sending alsa seq id to LASH server");
			// start timer for polling lash events
			lashPollTimer = new QTimer(this);
			connect( lashPollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( onLashPollTimer() ) );


示例2: main

		 * for example if you start hydrogen from a local
		 * build directory.
//		QString path = pQApp->applicationFilePath();
//		preferences->setJackSessionApplicationPath ( path );
		Hydrogen *pHydrogen = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *pSong = NULL;
		Playlist *pPlaylist = NULL;

		// Load playlist
		if ( ! playlistFilename.isEmpty() ) {
			pPlaylist = Playlist::load ( playlistFilename );
			if ( ! pPlaylist ) {
				___ERRORLOG( "Error loading the playlist" );
				return 0;

			/* Load first song */
			preferences->setLastPlaylistFilename( playlistFilename );
			pPlaylist->loadSong( 0 );
			pSong = pHydrogen->getSong();
			show_playlist ( pHydrogen, pPlaylist->getActiveSongNumber() );

		// Load song - if wasn't already loaded with playlist
		if ( ! pSong ) {
			if ( !songFilename.isEmpty() ) {
				pSong = Song::load( songFilename );
			} else {
				/* Try load last song */
				bool restoreLastSong = preferences->isRestoreLastSongEnabled();
				QString filename = preferences->getLastSongFilename();
				if ( restoreLastSong && ( !filename.isEmpty() ))
					pSong = Song::load( filename );

			/* Still not loaded */
			if (! pSong) {
				___INFOLOG("Starting with empty song");
				pSong = Song::get_empty_song();
				pSong->set_filename( "" );

			pHydrogen->setSong( pSong );
			preferences->setLastSongFilename( songFilename );

		if ( ! drumkitToLoad.isEmpty() ){
			Drumkit* drumkitInfo = Drumkit::load_by_name( drumkitToLoad, true );
			if ( drumkitInfo ) {
				pHydrogen->loadDrumkit( drumkitInfo );
			} else {
				___ERRORLOG ( "Error loading the drumkit" );

		AudioEngine* AudioEngine = AudioEngine::get_instance();
		Sampler* sampler = AudioEngine->get_sampler();
		switch ( interpolation ) {
			case 1:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::COSINE );
			case 2:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::THIRD );
