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C++ OutputBuffer::printf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中OutputBuffer::printf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ OutputBuffer::printf方法的具体用法?C++ OutputBuffer::printf怎么用?C++ OutputBuffer::printf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在OutputBuffer的用法示例。


示例1: if

// Get the JSON status response for the web server (or later for the M105 command).
// Type 1 is the ordinary JSON status response.
// Type 2 is the same except that static parameters are also included.
// Type 3 is the same but instead of static parameters we report print estimation values.
OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetStatusResponse(uint8_t type, ResponseSource source)
	// Need something to write to...
	OutputBuffer *response;
	if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response))
		// Should never happen
		return nullptr;

	// Machine status
	char ch = GetStatusCharacter();
	response->printf("{\"status\":\"%c\",\"coords\":{", ch);

	// Coordinates
	const size_t numAxes = reprap.GetGCodes()->GetNumAxes();
		float liveCoordinates[DRIVES + 1];
		if (roland->Active())
			move->LiveCoordinates(liveCoordinates, GetCurrentXAxes());

		if (currentTool != nullptr)
			const float *offset = currentTool->GetOffset();
			for (size_t i = 0; i < numAxes; ++i)
				liveCoordinates[i] += offset[i];

		// Homed axes
		ch = '[';
		for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numAxes; ++axis)
			response->catf("%c%d", ch, (gCodes->GetAxisIsHomed(axis)) ? 1 : 0);
			ch = ',';

		// Actual and theoretical extruder positions since power up, last G92 or last M23
		response->catf("],\"extr\":");		// announce actual extruder positions
		ch = '[';
		for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < GetExtrudersInUse(); extruder++)
			response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, liveCoordinates[numAxes + extruder]);
			ch = ',';
		if (ch == '[')

		// XYZ positions
		if (!gCodes->AllAxesAreHomed() && move->IsDeltaMode())
			// If in Delta mode, skip these coordinates if some axes are not homed
			// On Cartesian printers, the live coordinates are (usually) valid
			ch = '[';
			for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numAxes; axis++)
				response->catf("%c%.3f", ch, liveCoordinates[axis]);
				ch = ',';

	// Current tool number
	const int toolNumber = (currentTool == nullptr) ? -1 : currentTool->Number();
	response->catf("]},\"currentTool\":%d", toolNumber);

	// Output - only reported once
		bool sendBeep = (beepDuration != 0 && beepFrequency != 0);
		bool sendMessage = (message[0] != 0);
		if (sendBeep || sendMessage)

			// Report beep values
			if (sendBeep)
				response->catf("\"beepDuration\":%d,\"beepFrequency\":%d", beepDuration, beepFrequency);
				if (sendMessage)

示例2: if

// Get the JSON status response for PanelDue or the old web server.
// Type 0 was the old-style webserver status response, but is no longer supported.
// Type 1 is the new-style webserver status response.
// Type 2 is the M105 S2 response, which is like the new-style status response but some fields are omitted.
// Type 3 is the M105 S3 response, which is like the M105 S2 response except that static values are also included.
// 'seq' is the response sequence number, if it is not -1 and we have a different sequence number then we send the gcode response
OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetLegacyStatusResponse(uint8_t type, int seq)
	// Need something to write to...
	OutputBuffer *response;
	if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response))
		// Should never happen
		return nullptr;

	// Send the status. Note that 'S' has always meant that the machine is halted in this version of the status response, so we use A for pAused.
	char ch = GetStatusCharacter();
	if (ch == 'S')			// if paused then send 'A'
		ch = 'A';
	else if (ch == 'H')		// if halted then send 'S'
		ch = 'S';
	response->printf("{\"status\":\"%c\",\"heaters\":", ch);

	// Send the heater actual temperatures
	const int8_t bedHeater = heat->GetBedHeater();
	if (bedHeater != -1)
		ch = ',';
		response->catf("[%.1f", heat->GetTemperature(bedHeater));
		ch = '[';
	for (size_t heater = E0_HEATER; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++)
		response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, heat->GetTemperature(heater));
		ch = ',';
	response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]");

	// Send the heater active temperatures
	if (heat->GetBedHeater() != -1)
		ch = ',';
		response->catf("[%.1f", heat->GetActiveTemperature(heat->GetBedHeater()));
		ch = '[';
	for (size_t heater = E0_HEATER; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++)
		response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, heat->GetActiveTemperature(heater));
		ch = ',';
	response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]");

	// Send the heater standby temperatures
	if (bedHeater != -1)
		ch = ',';
		response->catf("[%.1f", heat->GetStandbyTemperature(bedHeater));
		ch = '[';
	for (size_t heater = E0_HEATER; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++)
		response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, heat->GetStandbyTemperature(heater));
		ch = ',';
	response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]");

	// Send the heater statuses (0=off, 1=standby, 2=active)
	if (bedHeater != -1)
		ch = ',';
		response->catf("[%d", static_cast<int>(heat->GetStatus(bedHeater)));
		ch = '[';
	for (size_t heater = E0_HEATER; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++)
		response->catf("%c%d", ch, static_cast<int>(heat->GetStatus(heater)));
		ch = ',';
	response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]");


示例3: ProcessFirstFragment

// Process the first fragment of input from the client.
// Return true if the session should be kept open.
bool Webserver::ProcessFirstFragment(HttpSession& session, const char* command, bool isOnlyFragment)
	// Process connect messages first
	if (StringEquals(command, "connect") && GetKeyValue("password") != nullptr)
		OutputBuffer *response;
		if (OutputBuffer::Allocate(response))
			if (session.isAuthenticated || reprap.CheckPassword(GetKeyValue("password")))
				// Password is OK, see if we can update the current RTC date and time
				const char *timeVal = GetKeyValue("time");
				if (timeVal != nullptr && !platform->IsDateTimeSet())
					struct tm timeInfo;
					memset(&timeInfo, 0, sizeof(timeInfo));
					if (strptime(timeVal, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &timeInfo) != nullptr)
						time_t newTime = mktime(&timeInfo);

				// Client has logged in
				session.isAuthenticated = true;
				response->printf("{\"err\":0,\"sessionTimeout\":%u,\"boardType\":\"%s\"}", httpSessionTimeout, platform->GetBoardString());
				// Wrong password
			network->SendReply(session.ip, 200 | rcJson, response);
			// If we failed to allocate an output buffer, send back an error string
			network->SendReply(session.ip, 200 | rcJson, "{\"err\":2}");
		return false;

	if (StringEquals(command, "disconnect"))
		network->SendReply(session.ip, 200 | rcJson, "{\"err\":0}");
		return false;

	// Try to authorise the user automatically to retain compatibility with the old web interface
	if (!session.isAuthenticated && reprap.NoPasswordSet())
		session.isAuthenticated = true;

	// If the client is still not authenticated, stop here
	if (!session.isAuthenticated)
		network->SendReply(session.ip, 500, "Not authorized");
		return false;

	if (StringEquals(command, "reply"))
		return false;

	// rr_configfile sends the config as plain text well
	if (StringEquals(command, "configfile"))
		const char *configPath = platform->GetMassStorage()->CombineName(platform->GetSysDir(), platform->GetConfigFile());
		char fileName[FILENAME_LENGTH];
		strncpy(fileName, configPath, FILENAME_LENGTH);

		SendFile(fileName, session);
		return false;

	if (StringEquals(command, "download") && GetKeyValue("name") != nullptr)
		SendFile(GetKeyValue("name"), session);
		return false;

	if (StringEquals(command, "upload"))
		const char* nameVal = GetKeyValue("name");
		const char* lengthVal = GetKeyValue("length");
		const char* timeVal = GetKeyValue("time");
		if (nameVal != nullptr && lengthVal != nullptr)
			// Try to obtain the last modified time
			time_t fileLastModified = 0;
			struct tm timeInfo;
			memset(&timeInfo, 0, sizeof(timeInfo));
			if (timeVal != nullptr && strptime(timeVal, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &timeInfo) != nullptr)
