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C++ Compound::setViewport方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Compound::setViewport方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Compound::setViewport方法的具体用法?C++ Compound::setViewport怎么用?C++ Compound::setViewport使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Compound的用法示例。


示例1: Compound

/** 2D decomposition based on precalculated grid */
static void _mode2D(       Config*        config,
                     const vector<float>& xMarks,
                     const vector<float>& yMarks  )
    Compound* compound =  config->getCompounds()[0];

    const size_t rows    = yMarks.size() - 1;
    const size_t columns = xMarks.size() - 1;

    size_t i = 0;
    for( size_t y = 0; y < rows; ++y )
    for( size_t x = 0; x < columns; ++x )
        Compound* child = new Compound( compound );
        std::ostringstream channelName;
        channelName << "channel" << i;

        Channel* childChannel = config->find< Channel >( channelName.str( ));
        child->setChannel( childChannel );

            eq::Viewport( xMarks[x  ],           yMarks[y  ],
                          xMarks[x+1]-xMarks[x], yMarks[y+1]-yMarks[y] ));

        if( i != 0 )
            std::ostringstream frameName;
            frameName << "frame.channel" << i;

            child->addOutputFrame(   ::Frame::create( frameName ));
            compound->addInputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));

示例2: _assign

void TreeEqualizer::_assign( Node* node, const Viewport& vp,
                             const Range& range )
    LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "assign " << vp << ", " << range << " time "
                     << node->time << " split " << node->split << std::endl;
    LBASSERTINFO( vp.isValid(), vp );
    LBASSERTINFO( range.isValid(), range );
    LBASSERTINFO( node->resources > 0.f || !vp.hasArea() || !range.hasData(),
                  "Assigning work to unused compound: " << vp << ", " << range);

    Compound* compound = node->compound;
    if( compound )
        LBASSERTINFO( vp == Viewport::FULL || range == Range::ALL,
                      "Mixed 2D/DB load-balancing not implemented" );

        compound->setViewport( vp );
        compound->setRange( range );
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << compound->getChannel()->getName() << " set " << vp
                         << ", " << range << std::endl;

    switch( node->mode )
        // Ensure minimum size
        const Compound* root = getCompound();
        const float pvpW = float( root->getInheritPixelViewport().w );
        const float end = vp.getXEnd();
        const float boundary = float( node->boundary2i.x( )) / pvpW;
        float absoluteSplit = vp.x + vp.w * node->split;

        if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = vp.x;
        else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = end;
        else if( boundary > 0 )
            const float right = vp.getXEnd() - absoluteSplit;
            const float left = absoluteSplit - vp.x;
            const float maxRight = float( node->right->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;
            const float maxLeft = float( node->left->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;

            if( right > maxRight )
                absoluteSplit = end - maxRight;
            else if( left > maxLeft )
                absoluteSplit = vp.x + maxLeft;
            if( (absoluteSplit - vp.x) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = vp.x + boundary;
            if( (end - absoluteSplit) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = end - boundary;
            const uint32_t ratio = uint32_t( absoluteSplit / boundary + .5f );
            absoluteSplit = ratio * boundary;

        absoluteSplit = LB_MAX( absoluteSplit, vp.x );
        absoluteSplit = LB_MIN( absoluteSplit, end);

        node->split = (absoluteSplit - vp.x ) / vp.w;
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << vp << " at X "
                         << node->split << std::endl;

        // traverse children
        Viewport childVP = vp;
        childVP.w = (absoluteSplit - vp.x);
        _assign( node->left, childVP, range );

        childVP.x = childVP.getXEnd();
        childVP.w = end - childVP.x;

        // Fix 2994111: Rounding errors with 2D LB and 16 sources
        //   Floating point rounding may create a width for the 'right'
        //   child which is slightly below the parent width. Correct it.
        while( childVP.getXEnd() < end )
            childVP.w += std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();

        _assign( node->right, childVP, range );

        // Ensure minimum size
        const Compound* root = getCompound();
        const float pvpH = float( root->getInheritPixelViewport().h );
        const float end = vp.getYEnd();
        const float boundary = float( node->boundary2i.y( )) / pvpH;
        float absoluteSplit = vp.y + vp.h * node->split;

        if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = vp.y;
        else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = end;
        else if( boundary > 0 )
            const float right = vp.getYEnd() - absoluteSplit;
