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C++ CBotVar::GetNext方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CBotVar::GetNext方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CBotVar::GetNext方法的具体用法?C++ CBotVar::GetNext怎么用?C++ CBotVar::GetNext使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CBotVar的用法示例。


示例1: SetInit

void CBotVar::SetInit(CBotVar::InitType initType)
    m_binit = initType;
    if (initType == CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER ) m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;                    // cas spécial

    if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && initType == CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER )
        CBotVarClass* instance = GetPointer();
        if ( instance == nullptr )
            instance = new CBotVarClass(CBotToken(), m_type);
//            instance->SetClass((static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(this))->m_classes);

    if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) || m_type.Eq(CBotTypIntrinsic) )
        CBotVar*    p = (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(this))->m_pVar;
        while( p != nullptr )
            p->m_pMyThis = static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(this);
            p = p->GetNext();

示例2: SetInit

void CBotVar::SetInit(int bInit)
    m_binit = bInit;
    if ( bInit == 2 ) m_binit = IS_DEF;                    // cas spécial

    if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && bInit == 2 )
        CBotVarClass* instance = GetPointer();
        if ( instance == NULL )
            instance = new CBotVarClass(NULL, m_type);
//            instance->SetClass((static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(this))->m_pClass);

    if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) || m_type.Eq(CBotTypIntrinsic) )
        CBotVar*    p = (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(this))->m_pVar;
        while( p != NULL )
            p->SetInit( bInit );
            p->m_pMyThis = static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(this);
            p = p->GetNext();

示例3: SaveStaticState

bool CBotClass::SaveStaticState(FILE* pf)
    if (!WriteWord( pf, CBOTVERSION*2)) return false;

    // saves the state of static variables in classes
    CBotClass*  p = m_ExClass;

    while ( p != NULL )
        if (!WriteWord( pf, 1)) return false;
        // save the name of the class
        if (!WriteString( pf, p->GetName() )) return false;

        CBotVar*    pv = p->GetVar();
        while( pv != NULL )
            if ( pv->IsStatic() )
                if (!WriteWord( pf, 1)) return false;
                if (!WriteString( pf, pv->GetName() )) return false;

                if ( !pv->Save0State(pf)) return false;             // common header
                if ( !pv->Save1State(pf) ) return false;                // saves as the child class
                if ( !WriteWord( pf, 0)) return false;
            pv = pv->GetNext();

        if (!WriteWord( pf, 0)) return false;
        p = p->m_ExNext;

    if (!WriteWord( pf, 0)) return false;
    return true;

示例4: GetItemRef

CBotVar* CBotClass::GetItemRef(int nIdent)
    CBotVar*    p = m_pVar;

    while ( p != NULL )
        if ( p->GetUniqNum() == nIdent ) return p;
        p = p->GetNext();
    if ( m_pParent != NULL ) return m_pParent->GetItemRef(nIdent);
    return NULL;

示例5: GetItem

CBotVar* CBotClass::GetItem(const char* name)
    CBotVar*    p = m_pVar;

    while ( p != NULL )
        if ( p->GetName() == name ) return p;
        p = p->GetNext();
    if ( m_pParent != NULL ) return m_pParent->GetItem(name);
    return NULL;

示例6: debug

void CBotVar::debug()
//    const char*    p = static_cast<const char*>( m_token->GetString());
    CBotString  s = static_cast<const char*>( GetValString());
//    const char* v = static_cast<const char*> (s);

    if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )
        CBotVar*    pv = (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(this))->m_pVar;
        while (pv != NULL)
            pv = pv->GetNext();

示例7: Compile

// compiles a new function
// bLocal allows of the declaration of parameters on the same level
// as the elements belonging to the class for methods
CBotFunction* CBotFunction::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotFunction* finput, bool bLocal)
    CBotToken*      pp;
    CBotFunction* func = finput;
    if ( func == NULL ) func = new CBotFunction();

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p, bLocal);

//  func->m_nFuncIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();

    while (true)
        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_PUBLIC) )
            func->m_bPublic = true;
        pp = p;
        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_EXTERN) )
            func->m_extern = pp;        // for the position of the word "extern"
            func->m_bExtern = true;
//          func->m_bPublic = true;     // therefore also public!

    func->m_retToken = *p;
//  CBotClass*  pClass;
    func->m_retTyp = TypeParam(p, pStk);        // type of the result

    if (func->m_retTyp.GetType() >= 0)
        CBotToken*  pp = p;
        func->m_token = *p;

        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_NOT) )
            CBotToken d("~" + p->GetString());
            func->m_token = d;

        // un nom de fonction est-il là ?
        if (IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar))
            if ( IsOfType( p, ID_DBLDOTS ) )        // method for a class
                func->m_MasterClass = pp->GetString();
                CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(pp);
                if ( pClass == NULL ) goto bad;

//              pp = p;
                func->m_token = *p;
                if (!IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar)) goto bad;

            func->m_openpar = p;
            func->m_Param = CBotDefParam::Compile( p, pStk );
            func->m_closepar = p->GetPrev();
            if (pStk->IsOk())
                pStk->SetRetType(func->m_retTyp);   // for knowledge what type returns

                if (!func->m_MasterClass.IsEmpty())
                    // return "this" known
                    CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create("this", CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, func->m_MasterClass ));
//                  pThis->SetUniqNum(func->m_nThisIdent = -2); //CBotVar::NextUniqNum() will not

                    // initialize variables acording to This
                    // only saves the pointer to the first,
                    // the rest is chained
                    CBotVar* pv = pThis->GetItemList();
//                  int num = 1;
                    while (pv != NULL)
                        CBotVar* pcopy = CBotVar::Create(pv);
//                      pcopy->SetInit(2);
//                      pcopy->SetUniqNum(pv->GetUniqNum()); //num++);
                        pv = pv->GetNext();

                // and compiles the following instruction block 
                func->m_openblk = p;
                func->m_Block   = CBotBlock::Compile(p, pStk, false);
                func->m_closeblk = p->GetPrev();
                if ( pStk->IsOk() )
                    if ( func->m_bPublic )  // public function, return known for all

示例8: CompileDefItem

                        pf = pf->Next();

                    bool bConstructor = (pp->GetString() == GetName());
                    CBotCStack* pile = pStack->TokenStack(NULL, true);

                    // make "this" known
                    CBotToken TokenThis(CBotString("this"), CBotString());
                    CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create(&TokenThis, CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, this ) );

                    if ( m_pParent )
                        // makes "super" known
                        CBotToken TokenSuper(CBotString("super"), CBotString());
                        CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create(&TokenSuper, CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, m_pParent ) );

//                  int num = 1;
                    CBotClass*  my = this;
                    while (my != NULL)
                        // places a copy of variables of a class (this) on a stack
                        CBotVar* pv = my->m_pVar;
                        while (pv != NULL)
                            CBotVar* pcopy = CBotVar::Create(pv);
                            pcopy->SetInit(!bConstructor || pv->IsStatic());
                            pv = pv->GetNext();
                        my = my->m_pParent;

                    // compiles a method
                    p = pBase;
                    CBotFunction* f = 
                    CBotFunction::Compile(p, pile, NULL/*, false*/);

                    if ( f != NULL )
                        f->m_pProg = pStack->GetBotCall();
                        f->m_bSynchro = bSynchro;
                        // replaces the element in the chain
                        f->m_next = pf->m_next;
                        pf->m_next = NULL;
                        delete pf;
                        if (prev == NULL) m_pMethod = f;
                        else prev->m_next = f;
                    pStack->Return(NULL, pile);

                return pStack->IsOk();

            // definition of an element
            if (type.Eq(0))
                pStack->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p);
                return false;
