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C++ BitSet::contains方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BitSet::contains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BitSet::contains方法的具体用法?C++ BitSet::contains怎么用?C++ BitSet::contains使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BitSet的用法示例。


示例1: worst

 * ??? This function really categorizes the lblock "line"... ???
 * In the case of FIRSTMISS, also annotate with the loop-header of the most inner loop.
void CATBuilder::worst(LBlock *line , ContextTree *node , LBlockSet *idset, int dec){
	int number = idset->count();
	BasicBlock *bb = line->bb();
	LBlock *cacheline;
	BitSet *in = new BitSet(number);

	in = IN(bb);

	//int count = 0;
	bool nonconflitdetected = false;
	bool continu = false;
	unsigned long tagcachline,tagline;

	//test if it's the lbloc which find in the same memory block

	 * If the IN(line) = {LB} and cacheblock(line)==cacheblock(LB), then
	 * nonconflict (Always Hit)
	if (in->count() == 1){
		for (int i=0;i < number;i++){
		if (in->contains(i)){
			cacheline = idset->lblock(i);
			tagcachline = ((unsigned long)cacheline->address()) >> dec;
			unsigned long tagline = ((unsigned long)line->address()) >> dec;
				if (tagcachline == tagline )
					nonconflitdetected = true;

示例2: postDominates

 * Test if the first basic block postdominates the second one.
 * @param bb1	Dominator BB.
 * @param bb2	Dominated BB.
 * @return		True if bb1 postdominates bb2.
bool PostDominance::postDominates(BasicBlock *bb1, BasicBlock *bb2) {
	ASSERTP(bb1, "null BB 1");
	ASSERTP(bb2, "null BB 2");
	ASSERTP(bb1->cfg() == bb2->cfg(), "both BB are not owned by the same CFG");
	int index = bb1->number();
	ASSERTP(index >= 0, "no index for BB 1");
	BitSet *set = REVERSE_POSTDOM(bb2);
	ASSERTP(set, "no index for BB 2");

	ASSERTP(bb1 == bb2
		||	!REVERSE_POSTDOM(bb1)->contains(bb2->number())
		||  !REVERSE_POSTDOM(bb2)->contains(bb1->number()),
			"CFG with disconnected nodes");

	return set->contains(index);


 * This function categorize the l-blocks in the ContextTree S (and its children)
 * @param lineset The l-block list
 * @param S The root context tree
 * @param dec In an address, the number of bits representing the offset in a cache block.
void CATBuilder::setCATEGORISATION(LBlockSet *lineset ,ContextTree *S ,int dec){
	int size = lineset->count();
	int ident;
	BitSet *u = new BitSet(size);
	LBlock *cachelin;

	 * Categorize first all the l-blocks in the children ContextTree
	for(ContextTree::ChildrenIterator fils(S); fils; fils++){

	/* Now categorize the l-blocks in this ContextTree */
	if(S->kind() == ContextTree::LOOP){
		 * Call worst() on each l-block of the loop.
		u = SET(S);
		for (int a = 0; a < size; a++){
			if (u->contains(a)){
				cachelin = lineset->lblock(a);
				worst(cachelin ,S,lineset,dec);
	else {
		 * Call worst() on each l-block of this ContextTree.
		for(ContextTree::BBIterator bk(S); bk; bk++){
			for(BasicBlock::InstIter inst(bk); inst; inst++) {
				address_t adlbloc = inst->address();
				for (LBlockSet::Iterator lbloc(*lineset); lbloc; lbloc++){
					if ((adlbloc == (lbloc->address()))&&(bk == lbloc->bb())){
						ident = lbloc->id();
						cachelin = lineset->lblock(ident);
						worst(cachelin ,S , lineset,dec);


示例4: reg

                            if (!ins->isCall() && safepoint)
                                AddRegisterToSafepoint(safepoint, reg, *vregs[use].def());
                        } else {
                            to = use->usedAtStart() ? inputOf(*ins) : outputOf(*ins);
                    } else {
                        to = (use->usedAtStart() || ins->isCall())
                           ? inputOf(*ins) : outputOf(*ins);
                        if (use->isFixedRegister()) {
                            LAllocation reg(AnyRegister::FromCode(use->registerCode()));
                            for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numDefs(); i++) {
                                LDefinition *def = ins->getDef(i);
                                if (def->policy() == LDefinition::PRESET && *def->output() == reg)
                                    to = inputOf(*ins);

                    LiveInterval *interval = vregs[use].getInterval(0);
                    if (!interval->addRangeAtHead(inputOf(block->firstId()), forLSRA ? to : to.next()))
                        return false;
                    interval->addUse(new(alloc()) UsePosition(use, to));


        // Phis have simultaneous assignment semantics at block begin, so at
        // the beginning of the block we can be sure that liveIn does not
        // contain any phi outputs.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block->numPhis(); i++) {
            LDefinition *def = block->getPhi(i)->getDef(0);
            if (live->contains(def->virtualRegister())) {
            } else {
                // This is a dead phi, so add a dummy range over all phis. This
                // can go away if we have an earlier dead code elimination pass.
                if (!vregs[def].getInterval(0)->addRangeAtHead(inputOf(block->firstId()),
                    return false;

        if (mblock->isLoopHeader()) {
            // A divergence from the published algorithm is required here, as
            // our block order does not guarantee that blocks of a loop are
            // contiguous. As a result, a single live interval spanning the
            // loop is not possible. Additionally, we require liveIn in a later
            // pass for resolution, so that must also be fixed up here.
            MBasicBlock *loopBlock = mblock->backedge();
            while (true) {
                // Blocks must already have been visited to have a liveIn set.
                JS_ASSERT(loopBlock->id() >= mblock->id());

                // Add an interval for this entire loop block
                CodePosition from = inputOf(loopBlock->lir()->firstId());
                CodePosition to = outputOf(loopBlock->lir()->lastId()).next();

                for (BitSet::Iterator liveRegId(*live); liveRegId; liveRegId++) {
                    if (!vregs[*liveRegId].getInterval(0)->addRange(from, to))
                        return false;
