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C++ Array::Expand方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Array::Expand方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Array::Expand方法的具体用法?C++ Array::Expand怎么用?C++ Array::Expand使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Array的用法示例。


示例1: InsertRecord

inline void InsertRecord (const String& name, uint elements)
	Record& r = g_uniforms.Expand();
	r.name = name;
	r.elements = elements;

示例2: _CalculateNormalsAndTangents

void Mesh::_CalculateNormalsAndTangents()
	if (mT.IsValid() || mV.IsEmpty()) return;

	// Don't bother with points or lines
	if (mPrimitive == IGraphics::Primitive::Point	||
		mPrimitive == IGraphics::Primitive::Line	||
		mPrimitive == IGraphics::Primitive::LineStrip) return;

	// Allocate a temporary buffer to store binormals
	Array<Vector3f> binormals (mV.GetSize());

	// Remember whether we already have normals to work with
	bool calculateNormals  = (mV.GetSize() != mN.GetSize());

	// We can only calculate tangents if the texture coordinates are available
	bool calculateTangents = (mV.GetSize() == mTc0.GetSize());

	// If we should calculate normals, clear the existing normal array
	if (calculateNormals)

	// Expand the tangent array
	if (calculateTangents) mT.ExpandTo(mV.GetSize());

	// The number of indices
	uint size = mIndices.IsValid() ? mIndices.GetSize() : GetNumberOfVertices();

	// Triangles
	if (size > 2)
		bool even = true;
		uint i0, i1, i2;

		for (uint i = 0; i + 2 < size; )
			i0 = i;
			i1 = i+1;
			i2 = i+2;

			if (mIndices.IsValid())
				i0 = mIndices[i0];
				i1 = mIndices[i1];
				i2 = mIndices[i2];

			ASSERT(i0 < mV.GetSize(), "Index out of bounds!");
			ASSERT(i1 < mV.GetSize(), "Index out of bounds!");
			ASSERT(i2 < mV.GetSize(), "Index out of bounds!");

			const Vector3f& v0 ( mV[i0] );
			const Vector3f& v1 ( mV[i1] );
			const Vector3f& v2 ( mV[i2] );

			Vector3f v10 (v1 - v0);
			Vector3f v20 (v2 - v0);

			if (calculateNormals)
				Vector3f normal (Cross(v10, v20));

				mN[i0] += normal;
				mN[i1] += normal;
				mN[i2] += normal;

			if (calculateTangents)
				const Vector2f& t0 ( mTc0[i0] );
				const Vector2f& t1 ( mTc0[i1] );
				const Vector2f& t2 ( mTc0[i2] );

				Vector2f t10 (t1 - t0);
				Vector2f t20 (t2 - t0);

				float denominator = t10.x * t20.y - t20.x * t10.y;

				if ( Float::IsNotZero(denominator) )
					float scale = 1.0f / denominator;

					Vector3f tangent ((v10.x * t20.y - v20.x * t10.y) * scale,
									  (v10.y * t20.y - v20.y * t10.y) * scale,
									  (v10.z * t20.y - v20.z * t10.y) * scale);

					Vector3f binormal((v20.x * t10.x - v10.x * t20.x) * scale,
									  (v20.y * t10.x - v10.y * t20.x) * scale,
									  (v20.z * t10.x - v10.z * t20.x) * scale);

					mT[i0] += tangent;
					mT[i1] += tangent;
					mT[i2] += tangent;

					binormals[i0] += binormal;
					binormals[i1] += binormal;
					binormals[i2] += binormal;
