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C++ AStackString::Tokenize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AStackString::Tokenize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AStackString::Tokenize方法的具体用法?C++ AStackString::Tokenize怎么用?C++ AStackString::Tokenize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AStackString的用法示例。


示例1: Spawn

        // Make sure the first arg is the executable
        // We also need to make a copy, as CreateProcess can write back to this string
        AStackString< 1024 > fullArgs;
        fullArgs += '\"';
        fullArgs += executable;
        fullArgs += '\"';
		if ( args )
	        fullArgs += ' ';
	        fullArgs += args;
        //fullArgs.Format( "\"%s\" %s", executable, args );

        // create the child
        if ( !CreateProcess( nullptr, //executable,
                              (BOOL)m_RedirectHandles, // inherit handles
                              (void *)environment,
                              (LPPROCESS_INFORMATION)&m_ProcessInfo ) )
            return false;

        m_Started = true;
        return true;
	#elif defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
        // create StdOut and StdErr pipes to capture output of spawned process
        int stdOutPipeFDs[ 2 ]; 
        int stdErrPipeFDs[ 2 ];
        VERIFY( pipe( stdOutPipeFDs ) == 0 );
        VERIFY( pipe( stdErrPipeFDs ) == 0 );     
        // fork the process
        const pid_t childProcessPid = fork();
        if ( childProcessPid == -1 )
            // cleanup pipes
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            ASSERT( false ); // fork failed - should not happen in normal operation
            return false;
        const bool isChild = ( childProcessPid == 0 );        
        if ( isChild )
            VERIFY( dup2( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ], STDOUT_FILENO ) != -1 );
            VERIFY( dup2( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ], STDERR_FILENO ) != -1 );

            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );

            if ( workingDir )
                FileIO::SetCurrentDir( AStackString<>( workingDir ) );

            // split args
            AString fullArgs( args );
            Array< AString > splitArgs( 64, true );
            fullArgs.Tokenize( splitArgs );

            // prepare args
            const size_t numArgs = splitArgs.GetSize();
            char ** argv = FNEW( char *[ numArgs + 2 ] );
            argv[ 0 ] = const_cast< char * >( executable );
            for ( size_t i=0; i<numArgs; ++i )
                AString & thisArg = splitArgs[ i ];
				if ( thisArg.BeginsWith( '"' ) && thisArg.EndsWith( '"' ) )
					// strip quotes
					thisArg.SetLength( thisArg.GetLength() - 1 ); // trim end quote
	                argv[ i + 1 ] = thisArg.Get() + 1; // skip start quote
                argv[ i + 1 ] = thisArg.Get(); // leave arg as-is
            argv[ numArgs + 1 ] = nullptr;                      
            // transfer execution to new executable
            execv( executable, argv );
            exit( -1 ); // only get here if execv fails

示例2: GetOtherLibraries

// GetOtherLibraries
bool LinkerNode::GetOtherLibraries( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
                                    const BFFIterator & iter,
                                    const Function * function,
                                    const AString & args,
                                    Dependencies & otherLibraries,
                                    bool msvc ) const
    // split to individual tokens
    Array< AString > tokens;
    args.Tokenize( tokens );

    bool ignoreAllDefaultLibs = false;
    Array< AString > defaultLibsToIgnore( 8, true );
    Array< AString > defaultLibs( 16, true );
    Array< AString > libs( 16, true );
    Array< AString > dashlLibs( 16, true );
    Array< AString > libPaths( 16, true );
    Array< AString > envLibPaths( 32, true );

    // extract lib path from system if present
    AStackString< 1024 > libVar;
    if ( Env::GetEnvVariable( "LIB", libVar ) )
        libVar.Tokenize( envLibPaths, ';' );

    const AString * const end = tokens.End();
    for ( const AString * it = tokens.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
        const AString & token = *it;

        // MSVC style
        if ( msvc )
            // /NODEFAULTLIB
            if ( LinkerNode::IsLinkerArg_MSVC( token, "NODEFAULTLIB" ) )
                ignoreAllDefaultLibs = true;

            // /NODEFAULTLIB:
            if ( GetOtherLibsArg( "NODEFAULTLIB:", defaultLibsToIgnore, it, end, false, msvc ) )

            // /DEFAULTLIB:
            if ( GetOtherLibsArg( "DEFAULTLIB:", defaultLibs, it, end, false, msvc ) )

            // /LIBPATH:
            if ( GetOtherLibsArg( "LIBPATH:", libPaths, it, end, true, msvc ) ) // true = canonicalize path

            // some other linker argument?
            if ( token.BeginsWith( '/' ) || token.BeginsWith( '-' ) )

        // GCC/SNC style
        if ( !msvc )
            // We don't need to check for this, as there is no default lib passing on
            // the cmd line.
            // -nodefaultlibs
            //if ( token == "-nodefaultlibs" )
            //  ignoreAllDefaultLibs = true;
            //  continue;

            // -L (lib path)
            if ( GetOtherLibsArg( "L", libPaths, it, end, false, msvc ) )

            // -l (lib)
            if ( GetOtherLibsArg( "l", dashlLibs, it, end, false, msvc ) )

            // some other linker argument?
            if ( token.BeginsWith( '-' ) )

        // build time substitution?
