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C++ AStackString::FindLast方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AStackString::FindLast方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AStackString::FindLast方法的具体用法?C++ AStackString::FindLast怎么用?C++ AStackString::FindLast使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AStackString的用法示例。



// CreateThreadLocalTmpDir
/*static*/ void WorkerThread::CreateThreadLocalTmpDir()
	// create isolated subdir
	AStackString<> tmpFileName;
	CreateTempFilePath( ".tmp", tmpFileName );
	char * lastSlash = tmpFileName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
	tmpFileName.SetLength( (uint32_t)( lastSlash - tmpFileName.Get() ) );
	FileIO::EnsurePathExists( tmpFileName );

示例2: GetCacheFileName

// Publish
/*virtual*/ bool Cache::Publish( const AString & cacheId, const void * data, size_t dataSize )
    AStackString<> cacheFileName;
    GetCacheFileName( cacheId, cacheFileName );

    // make sure the cache output path exists
    char * lastSlash = cacheFileName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
    *lastSlash = 0;
    if ( !FileIO::EnsurePathExists( cacheFileName ) )
        return false;
    *lastSlash = NATIVE_SLASH;

    // open output cache (tmp) file
    AStackString<> cacheFileTmpName( cacheFileName );
    cacheFileTmpName += ".tmp";
    FileStream cacheTmpFile;
    if( !cacheTmpFile.Open( cacheFileTmpName.Get(), FileStream::WRITE_ONLY ) )
        return false;

    // write data
    bool cacheTmpWriteOk = ( cacheTmpFile.Write( data, dataSize ) == dataSize );

    if ( !cacheTmpWriteOk )
        // failed to write to cache tmp file
        FileIO::FileDelete( cacheFileTmpName.Get() ); // try to cleanup failure
        return false;

    // rename tmp file to real file
    if ( FileIO::FileMove( cacheFileTmpName, cacheFileName ) == false )
        // try to delete (possibly) existing file
        FileIO::FileDelete( cacheFileName.Get() );

        // try rename again
        if ( FileIO::FileMove( cacheFileTmpName, cacheFileName ) == false )
            // problem renaming file
            FileIO::FileDelete( cacheFileTmpName.Get() ); // try to cleanup tmp file
            return false;

    return true;

示例3: projectBasePath

// GenerateVCXProjFilters
const AString & VSProjectGenerator::GenerateVCXProjFilters( const AString & projectFile )
    // preallocate to avoid re-allocations
    m_Tmp.SetReserved( MEGABYTE );
    m_Tmp.SetLength( 0 );

    // determine folder for project
    const char * lastProjSlash = projectFile.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
    AStackString<> projectBasePath( projectFile.Get(), lastProjSlash ? lastProjSlash + 1 : projectFile.Get() );

    // header
    Write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" );
    Write( "<Project ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n" );

    // list of all folders
    Array< AString > folders( 1024, true );

    // files
        Write( "  <ItemGroup>\n" );
        const AString * const fEnd = m_Files.End();
        for ( const AString * fIt = m_Files.Begin(); fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt )
            // get folder part, relative to base dir
            AStackString<> folder;
            GetFolderPath( *fIt, folder );
            const char * fileName = fIt->BeginsWithI( projectBasePath ) ? fIt->Get() + projectBasePath.GetLength() : fIt->Get();
            Write( "    <CustomBuild Include=\"%s\">\n", fileName );
            if ( !folder.IsEmpty() )
                Write( "      <Filter>%s</Filter>\n", folder.Get() );
            Write( "    </CustomBuild>\n" );

            // add new folders
            if ( !folder.IsEmpty() )
                for (;;)
                    // add this folder if unique
                    bool found = false;
                    for ( const AString * it=folders.Begin(); it!=folders.End(); ++it )
                        if ( it->CompareI( folder ) == 0 )
                            found = true;
                    if ( !found )
                        folders.Append( folder );

                    // handle intermediate folders
                    const char * lastSlash = folder.FindLast( BACK_SLASH );
                    if ( lastSlash == nullptr )
                    folder.SetLength( (uint32_t)( lastSlash - folder.Get() ) );
        Write( "  </ItemGroup>\n" );

    // folders
        const AString * const fEnd = folders.End();
        for ( const AString * fIt = folders.Begin(); fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt )
            Write( "  <ItemGroup>\n" );
            Write( "    <Filter Include=\"%s\">\n", fIt->Get() );
            Write( "      <UniqueIdentifier>{%08x-6c94-4f93-bc2a-7f5284b7d434}</UniqueIdentifier>\n", CRC32::Calc( *fIt ) );
            Write( "    </Filter>\n" );
            Write( "  </ItemGroup>\n" );

    // footer
    Write( "</Project>" ); // no carriage return

    m_OutputVCXProjFilters = m_Tmp;
    return m_OutputVCXProjFilters;

示例4: ReceiveFileData

// ReceiveFileData
bool ToolManifest::ReceiveFileData( uint32_t fileId, const void * data, size_t & dataSize )
	MutexHolder mh( m_Mutex );

	File & f = m_Files[ fileId ];

	// gracefully handle multiple receipts of the same data
	if ( f.m_Content )
		ASSERT( f.m_SyncState == File::SYNCHRONIZED );
		return true;

	ASSERT( f.m_SyncState == File::SYNCHRONIZING );

	// prepare name for this file
	AStackString<> fileName;
	GetRemoteFilePath( fileId, fileName );

	// prepare destination
	AStackString<> pathOnly( fileName.Get(), fileName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH ) );
	if ( !FileIO::EnsurePathExists( pathOnly ) )
		return false; // FAILED

	// write to disk
	FileStream fs;
	if ( !fs.Open( fileName.Get(), FileStream::WRITE_ONLY ) )
		return false; // FAILED
	if ( fs.Write( data, dataSize ) != dataSize )
		return false; // FAILED

	// open read-only 
	AutoPtr< FileStream > fileStream( FNEW( FileStream ) );
	if ( fileStream.Get()->Open( fileName.Get(), FileStream::READ_ONLY ) == false )
		return false; // FAILED

	// This file is now synchronized
	f.m_FileLock = fileStream.Release(); // NOTE: Keep file open to prevent deletion
	f.m_SyncState = File::SYNCHRONIZED;

	// is completely synchronized?
	const File * const end = m_Files.End();
	for ( const File * it = m_Files.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		if ( it->m_SyncState != File::SYNCHRONIZED )
			// still some files to be received
			return true; // file stored ok

	// all files received
	m_Synchronized = true;
	return true; // file stored ok
