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C++ AST_Decl::flat_name方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AST_Decl::flat_name方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AST_Decl::flat_name方法的具体用法?C++ AST_Decl::flat_name怎么用?C++ AST_Decl::flat_name使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AST_Decl的用法示例。


示例1: prefix

be_visitor_servant_svs::visit_provides (be_provides *node)
  if (node->provides_type ()->is_local ()) // @TODO || be_global->gen_lwccm ())
      return 0;

  ACE_CString prefix (this->ctx_->port_prefix ());
  prefix += node->local_name ()->get_string ();
  const char *port_name = prefix.c_str ();

  AST_Type *obj = node->provides_type ();
  const char *obj_name = obj->full_name ();
  AST_Decl *scope = ScopeAsDecl (obj->defined_in ());
  ACE_CString sname_str (scope->full_name ());
  const char *sname = sname_str.c_str ();

  // Avoid '_cxx_' prefix.
  const char *lname =
    obj->original_local_name ()->get_string ();

  const char *global = (sname_str == "" ? "" : "::");
  const char *prefix_connector = (sname_str == "" ? "" : "_");

  if (!be_global->gen_lwccm ())
      os_ << be_nl_2
          << "::" << obj_name << "_ptr" << be_nl
          << node_->local_name () << "_Servant::provide_"
          << port_name << " (void)" << be_nl
          << "{" << be_idt_nl;

      os_ << "return" << be_idt_nl
          <<  "::" << obj_name << "::_duplicate (this->provide_"
          << port_name << "_.in ());" << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
          << "}";

  os_ << be_nl_2
        << "void" << be_nl
        << node_->local_name () << "_Servant::setup_"
        << port_name << "_i (void)" << be_nl
        << "{" << be_idt_nl
        << "ACE_CString obj_id (this->ins_name_);" << be_nl
        << "obj_id += \"_" << port_name << "\";" << be_nl_2
        << "::CIAO::Container_var cnt_safe =" << be_idt_nl
        << "::CIAO::Container::_duplicate ("
        << "this->container_.in ());" << be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << "if (::CORBA::is_nil (cnt_safe.in ()))" << be_idt_nl
        << "{" << be_idt_nl << "throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF ();" << be_uidt_nl
        << "}" << be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << "PortableServer::POA_var POA = cnt_safe->the_port_POA ();" << be_nl
        << "::CORBA::Object_var tmp =" << be_idt_nl
        << "this->get_facet_executor (\"" << port_name << "\");"<< be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << global << sname << "::CCM_" << lname << "_var tmp_var = " << be_idt_nl
        << global << sname <<"::CCM_" << lname
        << "::_narrow (tmp.in());" << be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << "typedef " << global << "CIAO_FACET" << prefix_connector
        << scope->flat_name () << "::" << obj->local_name () << "_Servant_T <" << be_idt_nl
        << "POA_" << sname << global << obj->local_name ()
        << "," << be_nl << global << sname <<"::CCM_" << lname << "," << be_nl
        << global << "Components::" << be_global->ciao_container_type ()
        << "Context>" << be_idt_nl << lname
        << "_type;" << be_uidt_nl << be_uidt_nl
        << lname << "_type *" << port_name << "_servant_impl = 0;" << be_nl
        << "ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (" << be_idt_nl
        << port_name << "_servant_impl," << be_nl
        << lname << "_type (" << be_idt_nl
        << "tmp_var.in(), " << be_nl
        << "this->context_)," << be_uidt_nl
        << "CORBA::NO_MEMORY ());" << be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << "PortableServer::ServantBase_var safe_base_servant ("
        << port_name << "_servant_impl);" << be_nl << be_nl
        << "PortableServer::ObjectId_var " << port_name << "_servant_oid =" << be_idt_nl
        << "PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId (obj_id.c_str());" << be_uidt_nl << be_nl
        << "POA->activate_object_with_id(" << port_name << "_servant_oid.in(),"
        <<  port_name << "_servant_impl);" << be_nl
        << "::CORBA::Object_var " << port_name << "_servant_impl_obj = " << be_idt_nl
        << "cnt_safe->generate_reference ( " << be_idt_nl
        << "obj_id.c_str ()," << be_nl
        << "\"" << obj->repoID () << "\"," << be_nl
        << "::CIAO::Container_Types::FACET_CONSUMER_t);"
        << be_uidt_nl << be_uidt_nl
        << "this->add_facet (\"" << port_name << "\", " << port_name << "_servant_impl_obj.in ());"
        << be_uidt_nl
        << "}";

  return 0;

示例2: arg_flat_name

be_visitor_arg_traits::visit_argument (be_argument *node)
  if (this->ctx_->alias () != 0 || this->generated (node))
      return 0;

  AST_Type *bt = node->field_type ();
  AST_Decl::NodeType nt = bt->node_type ();

  // We are interested here only in unaliased, bounded
  // (w)strings.

  if (nt != AST_Decl::NT_string && nt != AST_Decl::NT_wstring)
      return 0;

  be_string *st = be_string::narrow_from_decl (bt);
  ACE_CDR::ULong bound = st->max_size ()->ev ()->u.ulval;

  if (bound == 0)
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();

  *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__;

  std::string guard_suffix =
    std::string (this->S_) + std::string ("arg_traits");

  // The guard should be generated to prevent multiple declarations,
  // since a bounded (w)string of the same length may be used or typedef'd
  // more than once.

  os->gen_ifdef_macro (node->flat_name (), guard_suffix.c_str (), false);

  bool wide = (st->width () != 1);

  // It is legal IDL to declare a bounded (w)string as an operation
  // parameter type. There could be any number of identical
  // declarations in the same build, translation unit, or even in
  // the same operation, so we use the argument's flat name to
  // declare an empty struct, and use that struct as the template
  // parameter for Arg_Traits<>.
  *os << be_nl_2;

  AST_Decl *op = ScopeAsDecl (node->defined_in ());
  AST_Decl *intf = ScopeAsDecl (op->defined_in ());
  ACE_CString arg_flat_name (intf->flat_name ());
  arg_flat_name += '_';
  arg_flat_name += op->local_name ()->get_string ();
  arg_flat_name += '_';
  arg_flat_name += node->local_name ()->get_string ();

  // Avoid generating a duplicate structure in the skeleton.
  if (ACE_OS::strlen (this->S_) == 0)
      *os << "struct " << arg_flat_name.c_str () << " {};"
          << be_nl_2;

  *os << "template<>" << be_nl
      << "class "
      << this->S_ << "Arg_Traits<"
      << arg_flat_name.c_str ()
      << ">" << be_idt_nl
      << ": public" << be_idt << be_idt_nl
      << "BD_String_" << this->S_ << "Arg_Traits_T<" << be_nl
      << "CORBA::" << (wide ? "W" : "") << "String_var," << be_nl
      << bound << "," << be_nl
      << this->insert_policy()
      << be_uidt_nl
      << ">"
      << be_uidt << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
      << "{" << be_nl
      << "};";

  os->gen_endif ();

  this->generated (node, true);
  return 0;

示例3: switch

be_visitor_connector_dds_exs::visit_connector (be_connector *node)
  if (node->imported ())
      return 0;

  if (!this->begin (node))
      return -1;

  // If we have a connector within a templated module
  if (! this->t_args_.is_empty ())
      os_ << be_nl
          << this->node_->local_name () << "_exec_i::"
          << this->node_->local_name () << "_exec_i (void)"
          << be_idt_nl
          << ": " << this->base_tname_ << "_Connector_T";

      os_ << " <" << be_idt << be_idt_nl;

      os_ << "CCM_" << this->node_->flat_name ()
          << "_Traits," << be_nl;

      size_t slot = 1UL;

      for (FE_Utils::T_ARGLIST::CONST_ITERATOR i (this->t_args_);
          !i.done ();
          i.advance (), ++slot)
          AST_Decl **item = 0;
          i.next (item);
          AST_Decl *d = *item;

          if (this->is_dds_type (node, d))
              os_ << d->flat_name ()
                  << "_DDS_Traits";
              os_ << d->name ();

          bool needs_bool = false;
          bool is_fixed = false;
          FE_Utils::T_Param_Info *param = 0;

          if (this->t_params_->get (param, slot - 1) != 0)
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
                                 ACE_TEXT ("be_visitor_connector_dds_exh::")
                                 ACE_TEXT ("visit_connector - ")
                                 ACE_TEXT ("template param fetch failed\n ")),

          if (d->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
              /// Strip away all layers of typedef before narrowing.
              AST_Typedef *td = AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl (d);
              d = td->primitive_base_type ();

          /// No need to check if this is 0, but must narrow
          /// to call virtual function size_type() below.
          AST_Type *t = AST_Type::narrow_from_decl (d);

          switch (param->type_)
              case AST_Decl::NT_type:
              case AST_Decl::NT_struct:
              case AST_Decl::NT_union:
                needs_bool = true;
                is_fixed = (t->size_type () == AST_Type::FIXED);

          if (needs_bool)
              os_ << "," << be_nl
                  << (is_fixed ? "true" : "false");

          if (slot < this->t_args_.size ())
              os_ << "," << be_nl;

      os_ << "> ()"
          << be_uidt << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
          << "{" << be_nl
          << "}";


示例4: switch

be_visitor_connector_dds_exh::visit_connector (be_connector *node)
  if (node->imported ())
      return 0;

  if (!this->begin (node))
      return -1;

  // If we have a connector within a templated module
  if (! this->t_args_.is_empty ())
      // Generate all needed dds_traits
      for (FE_Utils::T_ARGLIST::CONST_ITERATOR i (this->t_args_);
          !i.done ();
          i.advance ())
          AST_Decl **item = 0;
          i.next (item);
          AST_Decl *d = *item;

          if (this->is_dds_type (node, d))
              this->gen_dds_traits (d);

      // Generate connector traits
      this->gen_connector_traits ();

      os_ << be_nl_2
          << "class " << this->export_macro_.c_str () << " "
          << this->node_->local_name () << "_exec_i" << be_idt_nl
          << ": public " << this->base_tname_ << "_Connector_T";

      os_ << " <" << be_idt << be_idt_nl;

      os_ << "CCM_" << this->node_->flat_name ()
          << "_Traits," << be_nl;

      size_t slot = 1UL;

      for (FE_Utils::T_ARGLIST::CONST_ITERATOR i (this->t_args_);
          !i.done ();
          i.advance (), ++slot)
          AST_Decl **item = 0;
          i.next (item);
          AST_Decl *d = *item;

          if (this->is_dds_type (node, d))
              os_ << d->flat_name ()
                  << "_DDS_Traits";
              os_ << d->name ();

          bool needs_bool = false;
          bool is_fixed = false;
          FE_Utils::T_Param_Info *param = 0;

          if (this->t_params_->get (param, slot - 1) != 0)
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
                                 ACE_TEXT ("be_visitor_connector_dds_exh::")
                                 ACE_TEXT ("visit_connector - ")
                                 ACE_TEXT ("template param fetch failed\n ")),

          if (d->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
              /// Strip away all layers of typedef before narrowing.
              AST_Typedef *td = AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl (d);
              d = td->primitive_base_type ();

          /// No need to check if this is 0, but must narrow
          /// to call virtual function size_type() below.
          AST_Type *t = AST_Type::narrow_from_decl (d);

          switch (param->type_)
              case AST_Decl::NT_type:
              case AST_Decl::NT_struct:
              case AST_Decl::NT_union:
                needs_bool = true;
                is_fixed = (t->size_type () == AST_Type::FIXED);

