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C++ AST_Decl::defined_in方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AST_Decl::defined_in方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AST_Decl::defined_in方法的具体用法?C++ AST_Decl::defined_in怎么用?C++ AST_Decl::defined_in使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AST_Decl的用法示例。


示例1: isRecursive

unsigned long be_sequence::isRecursive ()
   UTL_Scope * scope = 0;
   be_Type * btype = 0;
   AST_Decl * adecl = (AST_Decl *)this->narrow((long) & AST_Decl::type_id);
   be_Type * base = (be_Type *)base_type()->narrow((long) & be_Type::type_id);
   unsigned long offset = 1;

   for (
      offset = 1;
      adecl &&
      (scope = adecl->defined_in()) &&
      (btype = (be_Type *)scope->narrow((long) & be_Type::type_id));
      adecl = (AST_Decl *)scope->narrow((long) & AST_Decl::type_id);

      if (btype->TypeCodeTypeName() == base->TypeCodeTypeName())

   if (scope && btype)
      return offset;

   return 0;


 * Add this AST_InterfaceFwd node (a forward declaration of an IDL
 * interface) to this scope
AST_InterfaceFwd * AST_Module::fe_add_interface_fwd (AST_InterfaceFwd * i)
   AST_Decl * d = lookup_for_add (i);
   AST_Interface * itf;

    * Already defined and cannot be redefined? Or already used?
   if (d)
      if (d->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_interface && d->defined_in() == this)
         itf = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl (d);

         if (itf == 0)
            return 0;

         i->set_full_definition (itf);
         return i;

      if (!can_be_redefined (d))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_REDEF, i, this, d);
         return NULL;

      if (referenced (d))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_DEF_USE, i, this, d);
         return NULL;

      if (i->has_ancestor (d))
         idl_global->err()->redefinition_in_scope(i, d);
         return NULL;

    * Add it to scope
   add_to_scope (i);

    * Add it to set of locally referenced symbols
   add_to_referenced (i, false);

   return i;


AST_ValueFwd *AST_Module::fe_add_valuetype_fwd(AST_ValueFwd *v)
   AST_Decl *d;
   AST_Value *val;

    * Already defined and cannot be redefined? Or already used?
   if ((d = lookup_for_add (v)) != NULL)
      if (d->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_value && d->defined_in() == this)
         val = AST_Value::narrow_from_decl(d);

         if (val == NULL)
            return NULL;


         return v;

      if (!can_be_redefined(d))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_REDEF, v, this, d);
         return NULL;

      if (referenced(d))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_DEF_USE, v, this, d);
         return NULL;

      if (v->has_ancestor(d))
         idl_global->err()->redefinition_in_scope(v, d);
         return NULL;

    * Add it to scope

    * Add it to set of locally referenced symbols
   add_to_referenced(v, I_FALSE);

   return v;

示例4: ScopeAsDecl

be_util::gen_nesting_close (TAO_OutStream &os, AST_Decl *node)
  AST_Decl *d = ScopeAsDecl (node->defined_in ());
  AST_Decl::NodeType nt = d->node_type ();

  while (nt != AST_Decl::NT_root)
      os << be_uidt_nl
         << "};";

      d = ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ());
      nt = d->node_type ();

示例5: while

AST_Template_Module *
FE_Utils::get_tm_container (AST_Decl *contained)
  AST_Decl *d = contained;

  while (d != 0)
      AST_Template_Module *tm =
        AST_Template_Module::narrow_from_decl (d);

      if (tm != 0)
          return tm;

      d = ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ());

  return 0;

示例6: name

UTL_ScopedName *
ast_visitor_reifying::template_module_rel_name (AST_Decl *d)
  AST_Decl *tmp = d;
  ACE_CString name (d->full_name ());

  while (tmp != 0)
      if (AST_Template_Module::narrow_from_decl (tmp) != 0)
          ACE_CString head (tmp->local_name ()->get_string ());

          ACE_CString::size_type start = name.find (head) + 2;

          ACE_CString tail (name.substr (start + head.length ()));

          return FE_Utils::string_to_scoped_name (tail.c_str ());

      tmp = ScopeAsDecl (tmp->defined_in ());

  return 0;

示例7: name

UTL_ScopedName *
be_visitor_xplicit_pre_proc::xplicit_iface_rel_name (AST_Decl *d)
  AST_Decl *tmp = d;
  ACE_CString name (d->full_name ());

  while (tmp != 0)
      if (be_home::narrow_from_decl (tmp) != 0)
          ACE_CString head (tmp->local_name ()->get_string ());

          ACE_CString::size_type start = name.find (head) + 2;

          ACE_CString tail (name.substr (start + head.length ()));

          return FE_Utils::string_to_scoped_name (tail.c_str ());

      tmp = ScopeAsDecl (tmp->defined_in ());

  return 0;

示例8: while

          << "{" << be_idt_nl
          << "return false;" << be_uidt_nl
          << "}";

      *os << be_nl_2
          << "template<>" << be_nl
          << "::CORBA::Boolean" << be_nl
          << "Any_Impl_T<" << node->name ()
          << ">::demarshal_value (TAO_InputCDR &)" << be_nl
          << "{" << be_idt_nl
          << "return false;" << be_uidt_nl
          << "}" << be_uidt_nl
          << "}";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;

  be_module *module = 0;

  if (node->is_nested ())
      AST_Decl *d = node;
      AST_Decl::NodeType nt = d->node_type ();

      while (nt != AST_Decl::NT_root)
          if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_module)
              module = be_module::narrow_from_decl (d);
              d = ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ());
              nt = d->node_type ();

      if (module != 0)
          // Some compilers handle "any" operators in a namespace corresponding
          // to their module, others do not.
          *os << "\n\n#if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE)\n";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_begin (os, module);

          // emit  nested variation of any operators
          *os << be_nl_2
              << "/// Copying insertion." << be_nl
              << "void" << be_nl
              << "operator<<= (" << be_idt << be_idt_nl
              << "::CORBA::Any &_tao_any," << be_nl
              << node->local_name () << "_ptr _tao_elem)" << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
              << "{" << be_idt_nl
              << node->local_name () << "_ptr _tao_objptr =" << be_idt_nl
              << node->local_name () << "::_duplicate (_tao_elem);" << be_uidt_nl
              << "_tao_any <<= &_tao_objptr;" << be_uidt_nl
              << "}" << be_nl_2;

          *os << "/// Non-copying insertion." << be_nl
              << "void" << be_nl
              << "operator<<= (" << be_idt << be_idt_nl
              << "::CORBA::Any &_tao_any," << be_nl
              << node->local_name () << "_ptr *_tao_elem)" << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
              << "{" << be_idt_nl
              << "TAO::Any_Impl_T<" << node->local_name () << ">::insert ("

示例9: ctx

be_visitor_union_any_op_ch::visit_union (be_union *node)
  if (node->cli_hdr_any_op_gen ()
      || node->imported ())
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();
  const char *macro = this->ctx_->export_macro ();

  *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << be_nl_2;

  be_module *module = 0;

  AST_Decl *decl = node;
  if (decl->is_nested ())
      if (node->defined_in ()->scope_node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_interface)
          be_interface *intf = 0;
          intf = be_interface::narrow_from_scope (node->defined_in ());
          decl = intf;

      if (decl->defined_in ()->scope_node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_module)
          module = be_module::narrow_from_scope (decl->defined_in ());

          if (!module)
              ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
                                 "visit_union - "
                                 "Error parsing nested name\n"),

          // Some compilers handle "any" operators in a namespace
          // corresponding to their module, others do not.
          *os << "\n\n#if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE)\n";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_begin (os, module);

          *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, const ::" << node->name ()
              << " &); // copying version" << be_nl;
          *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, ::" << node->name ()
              << "*); // noncopying version" << be_nl;
          *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, ::"
              << node->name () << " *&); // deprecated\n";
          *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const ::"
              << node->name () << " *&);";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_end (os, module);

          // Emit #else.
          *os << be_nl_2
              << "#else\n\n";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_begin () << be_nl;

  *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, const " << node->name ()
      << " &); // copying version" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, " << node->name ()
      << "*); // noncopying version" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, "
      << node->name () << " *&); // deprecated\n";
  *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const "
      << node->name () << " *&);";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;

  if (module != 0)
      *os << "\n\n#endif";

  be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_);
  for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator si (node, UTL_Scope::IK_localtypes);
       !si.is_done ();
       si.next ())
      AST_Decl *d = si.item ();

      be_enum *e = be_enum::narrow_from_decl (d);
      if (e != 0)
          be_visitor_enum_any_op_ch visitor (&ctx);

          if (e->accept (&visitor) == -1)
              ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
                          "(%N:%l) be_visitor_union_any_op_ch::visit_union"
                          " - codegen for enum failed\n"));

示例10: if


      *os << be_nl_2
          << "template<>" << be_nl
          << "::CORBA::Boolean" << be_nl
          << "Any_Dual_Impl_T<" << node->name ()
          << ">::demarshal_value (TAO_InputCDR &)" << be_nl
          << "{" << be_idt_nl
          << "return false;" << be_uidt_nl
          << "}" << be_uidt_nl
          << "}" << be_nl;

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;

  // If this is non-zero, we want to call its tc_name()
  // for the TypeCode to pass to the Any operator impls.
  be_typedef *td = this->ctx_->tdef ();

  be_module *module = 0;
  if (node->is_nested ())
      AST_Decl *d = node;
      AST_Decl::NodeType nt = d->node_type ();

      while (nt != AST_Decl::NT_root)
          if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_module)
              module = be_module::narrow_from_decl (d);
              d = ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ());
              nt = d->node_type ();

      if (module != 0)
          // Some compilers handle "any" operators in a namespace
          // corresponding to their module, others do not.
          *os << "\n\n#if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE)\n";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_begin (os, module);

          // Copying insertion.
          *os << be_nl
              << "// Copying insertion." << be_nl
              << "void operator<<= (" << be_idt << be_idt_nl
              << "::CORBA::Any &_tao_any," << be_nl
              << "const ::" << node->name () << " &_tao_elem" << be_uidt_nl
              << ")" << be_uidt_nl
              << "{" << be_idt_nl

              << "TAO::Any_Dual_Impl_T< ::" << node->name () << ">::insert_copy ("
              << be_idt << be_idt_nl
              << "_tao_any," << be_nl
              << "::" << node->name () << "::_tao_any_destructor," << be_nl
              << "::" << (td != 0 ? td->tc_name () : node->tc_name ()) << "," << be_nl
              << "_tao_elem" << be_uidt_nl
              << ");" << be_uidt << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
              << "}" << be_nl_2;

          // Non-copying insertion.
          *os << "// Non-copying insertion." << be_nl


// Look up a branch in an enum which is the discriminator type for this
// union, based on the label value which must be an enumerator in that
// enum.
AST_UnionBranch *
AST_Union::lookup_enum (AST_UnionBranch *b)
  AST_UnionLabel *label = b->label();
  AST_Expression *lv = label->label_val ();
  AST_Enum *e = AST_Enum::narrow_from_decl (this->pd_disc_type);
  AST_Decl *d = 0;
  AST_UnionBranch       *fb = 0;

  if (e == 0)
      return 0;

  if (lv == 0)
      return b;

  // Expecting a symbol label.
  if (lv->ec () != AST_Expression::EC_symbol)
      idl_global->err ()->enum_val_expected (this,
      return b;

  // See if the symbol defines a constant in the discriminator enum.
  UTL_ScopedName *sn = lv->n ();
  d = e->lookup_by_name (sn,

  if (d == 0 || d->defined_in () != e)
      idl_global->err ()->enum_val_lookup_failure (this,
      return b;

  // OK, now see if this symbol is already used as the label of
  // some other branch.
  for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator i (this, UTL_Scope::IK_decls);
       i.next ())
      d = i.item ();

      if (d->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_union_branch)
          fb = AST_UnionBranch::narrow_from_decl (d);

          if (fb == 0)

          if (fb->label() != 0
              && fb->label ()->label_kind () == AST_UnionLabel::UL_label
              && fb->label ()->label_val ()->compare (lv))
              idl_global->err ()->error2 (UTL_Error::EIDL_MULTIPLE_BRANCH,
              return b;

  return 0;

示例12: arg_flat_name

be_visitor_arg_traits::visit_argument (be_argument *node)
  if (this->ctx_->alias () != 0 || this->generated (node))
      return 0;

  AST_Type *bt = node->field_type ();
  AST_Decl::NodeType nt = bt->node_type ();

  // We are interested here only in unaliased, bounded
  // (w)strings.

  if (nt != AST_Decl::NT_string && nt != AST_Decl::NT_wstring)
      return 0;

  be_string *st = be_string::narrow_from_decl (bt);
  ACE_CDR::ULong bound = st->max_size ()->ev ()->u.ulval;

  if (bound == 0)
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();

  *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__;

  std::string guard_suffix =
    std::string (this->S_) + std::string ("arg_traits");

  // The guard should be generated to prevent multiple declarations,
  // since a bounded (w)string of the same length may be used or typedef'd
  // more than once.

  os->gen_ifdef_macro (node->flat_name (), guard_suffix.c_str (), false);

  bool wide = (st->width () != 1);

  // It is legal IDL to declare a bounded (w)string as an operation
  // parameter type. There could be any number of identical
  // declarations in the same build, translation unit, or even in
  // the same operation, so we use the argument's flat name to
  // declare an empty struct, and use that struct as the template
  // parameter for Arg_Traits<>.
  *os << be_nl_2;

  AST_Decl *op = ScopeAsDecl (node->defined_in ());
  AST_Decl *intf = ScopeAsDecl (op->defined_in ());
  ACE_CString arg_flat_name (intf->flat_name ());
  arg_flat_name += '_';
  arg_flat_name += op->local_name ()->get_string ();
  arg_flat_name += '_';
  arg_flat_name += node->local_name ()->get_string ();

  // Avoid generating a duplicate structure in the skeleton.
  if (ACE_OS::strlen (this->S_) == 0)
      *os << "struct " << arg_flat_name.c_str () << " {};"
          << be_nl_2;

  *os << "template<>" << be_nl
      << "class "
      << this->S_ << "Arg_Traits<"
      << arg_flat_name.c_str ()
      << ">" << be_idt_nl
      << ": public" << be_idt << be_idt_nl
      << "BD_String_" << this->S_ << "Arg_Traits_T<" << be_nl
      << "CORBA::" << (wide ? "W" : "") << "String_var," << be_nl
      << bound << "," << be_nl
      << this->insert_policy()
      << be_uidt_nl
      << ">"
      << be_uidt << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl
      << "{" << be_nl
      << "};";

  os->gen_endif ();

  this->generated (node, true);
  return 0;

示例13: ScopeAsDecl

 * Implements lookup by name for scoped names
AST_Decl *
UTL_Scope::lookup_by_name(UTL_ScopedName *e, idl_bool treat_as_ref, 
                          idl_bool in_parent)
   AST_Decl *d;
   UTL_Scope *t = NULL;

    * Empty name? error

   if (e == NULL)
      return NULL;

    * If name starts with "::" or "" start search up in global scope
   if (is_global_name(e->head()))
       * Get parent scope
      d = ScopeAsDecl(this);

      if (d == NULL)
         return NULL;

      t = d->defined_in();

       * If this is the global scope..
      if (t == NULL)
          * Look up tail of name starting here
         d = lookup_by_name((UTL_ScopedName *) e->tail(), treat_as_ref);
          * Now return whatever we have
         return d;

       * OK, not global scope yet, so simply iterate with parent scope
      d = t->lookup_by_name(e, treat_as_ref);

       * If treat_as_ref is true and d is not NULL, add d to
       * set of nodes referenced here
      if (treat_as_ref && d != NULL)
         add_to_referenced(d, I_FALSE);

       * Now return what we have
      return d;

    * The name does not start with "::"
    * Is name defined here?
   d = lookup_by_name_local (e->head ());

    * Special case for scope which is an interface. We have to look
    * in the inherited interfaces as well..
   if (d == NULL)
      if (pd_scope_node_type == AST_Decl::NT_interface)
         d = look_in_inherited(e, treat_as_ref);

         if (treat_as_ref && d != NULL)
            add_to_referenced(d, I_FALSE);
             * OK, now return whatever we found
            return d;

   /* Only traverse parent scope chain if not in inherited interface. */
   if (d == NULL && !in_parent)
       * OK, not found. Go down parent scope chain.

示例14: while

be_visitor_interface_any_op_ch::visit_interface (be_interface *node)
  if (node->cli_hdr_any_op_gen ()
      || node->imported ()
      || (node->is_local () && !be_global->gen_local_iface_anyops ()))
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();
  const char *macro = this->ctx_->export_macro ();

  *os << be_nl_2;

  *os << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__;

  *os << be_nl_2;

  be_module *module = 0;

  if (node->is_nested ())
      AST_Decl *d = node;
      AST_Decl::NodeType nt = d->node_type ();

      while (nt != AST_Decl::NT_root)
          if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_module)
              module = be_module::narrow_from_decl (d);
              d = ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ());
              nt = d->node_type ();

      if (module != 0)
          // Some compilers handle "any" operators in a namespace
          // corresponding to their module, others do not.
          *os << "\n\n#if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE)\n";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_begin (os, module);

          // emit  nested variation of any operators
          *os << macro << " void"
              << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->local_name ()
              << "_ptr); // copying" << be_nl;
          *os << macro << " void"
              << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->local_name ()
              << "_ptr *); // non-copying" << be_nl;
          *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean"
              << " operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, "
              << node->local_name () << "_ptr &);";

          be_util::gen_nested_namespace_end (os, module);

          // Emit #else.
          *os << be_nl_2
              << "#else\n\n";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_begin () << be_nl;

  *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, " << node->name ()
      << "_ptr); // copying" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, " << node->name ()
      << "_ptr *); // non-copying" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, "
      << node->name () << "_ptr &);";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;

  if (module != 0)
      *os << "\n\n#endif";

  // All we have to do is to visit the scope and generate code.
  if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1)
                         ACE_TEXT ("be_visitor_interface_any_op_ch::")
                         ACE_TEXT ("visit_interface - ")
                         ACE_TEXT ("codegen for scope failed\n")),

  node->cli_hdr_any_op_gen (1);
  return 0;
