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C++ std::string::rfind用法及代码示例



#include < string >


rfind(char ch)
rfind(string str)




下面是说明string::rfind(char ch的程序:

// C++ program to demonstrate 
// rfind() method 
#include <cstddef> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to return last occurrence 
// of character in a string 
void findLastOccurernce(string str, char ch) 
    // To store the index of the result 
    size_t found; 
    // Function to find the last 
    // occurence of character ch 
    // in string str 
    found = str.rfind(ch); 
    // If string doesn't have 
    // character ch present in it 
    if (found == string::npos) { 
        cout << "Character " << ch 
             << " is not present in"
             << " the given string."; 
    // Else print the position 
    else { 
        cout << "The last occurence of '"
             << ch << "' is found at index:"
             << found << endl; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // Given String 
    string str("Welcome to GeeksforGeeks!"); 
    // Character to be found 
    char ch = 'e'; 
    findLastOccurernce(str, ch); 

The last occurence of ‘e’ is found at index:21


下面是说明string::rfind(string str的程序:

// C++ program to demonstrate 
// rfind() method 
#include <cstddef> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to return last occurrence 
// of string in a string 
void findLastOccurernce(string str, string s) 
    // To store the index of the result 
    size_t found; 
    // Function to find the first index 
    // of last occurence of string s in str 
    found = str.rfind(s); 
    // If string doesn't have 
    // string s present in it 
    if (found == string::npos) { 
        cout << "String '" << s 
             << "' is not present in"
             << " the given string."; 
    // Else print the position 
    else { 
        cout << "The first index of last "
             << "occurence of '" << s 
             << "' is found at index:"
             << found << endl; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // Given String 
    string str("Welcome to GeeksforGeeks!"); 
    // string to be found 
    string s = "to"; 
    findLastOccurernce(str, s); 

The first index of last occurence of ‘to’ is found at index:8


rfind(char ch, size_t position);
rfind(string s, size_t position); 


  • 给定字符或字符串作为参数,将找到其索引。
  • 直到执行搜索的位置。



下面是说明string::rfind(char ch,size_t位置的程序:

// C++ program to illustrate the function 
// string::rfind(char ch, size_t pos) 
#include <cstddef> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to return last occurrence 
// of character in a string 
void findLastOccurernce( 
    string str, char ch, size_t position) 
    // To store the index of the result 
    size_t found; 
    // Function to find the last occurence 
    // of character ch in str before pos 5 
    found = str.rfind(ch, position); 
    // If string doesn't have 
    // character ch present in it 
    if (found == string::npos) { 
        cout << "Character " << ch 
             << " is not present in"
             << " the given string."; 
    // Else print the position 
    else { 
        cout << "The last occurence of "
             << ch << " before position "
             << position 
             << " is found at index:"
             << found << endl; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // Given String 
    string str("Welcome to GeeksforGeeks!"); 
    // Character to be found 
    char ch = 'e'; 
    // Position till where 
    // the search is to be done 
    size_t position = 5; 
    findLastOccurernce(str, ch, position); 

The last occurence of e before position 5 is found at index:1


下面是说明string::rfind(string str,size_t位置的程序:

// C++ program to illustrate the function 
// string::rfind(string str, size_t pos) 
#include <cstddef> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to return last occurrence 
// of string in a string 
void findLastOccurernce( 
    string str, string s, size_t position) 
    // To store the index of result 
    size_t found; 
    // Function to find the last occurence of 
    // string s in str before given position 
    found = str.rfind(s, position); 
    // If string doesn't have 
    // string s present in it 
    // If string doesn't have 
    // string s present in it 
    if (found == string::npos) { 
        cout << "String " << s 
             << " is not present in"
             << " the given string."; 
    // Else print the position 
    else { 
        cout << "The last occurence of "
             << s << " before position "
             << position 
             << " is found at index:"
             << found << endl; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // Given String 
    string str("Welcome to GeeksforGeeks!"); 
    // string to be found 
    string s = "to"; 
    // Position till where 
    // the search is to be done 
    size_t position = 5; 
    findLastOccurernce(str, s, position); 

String to is not present in the given string.


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自pranjal_g99大神的英文原创作品 std::string::rfind in C++ with Examples。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。