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Python os.lchown()用法及代碼示例



os.lchown()Python中的方法用於將指定文件路徑的所有者和組ID更改為指定的數字所有者ID(UID)和組ID(GID)。此方法不遵循符號鏈接,等效於os.chown(path, uid, gid, follow_symlinks = False)方法。

注意: os.lchown()該方法僅在UNIX平台上可用,並且該方法的函數通常僅對超級用戶或特權用戶可用。

用法: os.lchown(pth, uid, gid) 



# Python program to explain os.lchown() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# File path 
path = "./file.txt"
# Print the current owner id 
# and group id of the file 
# os.stat() method will return a  
# 'stat_result’ object of 
# ‘os.stat_result’ class whose 
# 'st_uid' and 'st_gid' attributes 
# will represent owner id and group id 
# of the file respectively  
print("Owner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid)  
# Change the owner id and  
# the group id of the file 
# using os.lchown() method 
uid = 400
gid = 500
os.lchown(path, uid, gid) 
print("\nOwner and group id of the file changed") 
# Print the owner id 
# and group id of the file 
print("\nOwner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid) 

os.lchown() mwthod terminal output

# Python program to explain os.lchown() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# File path 
path = "./file.txt"
# Print the current owner id 
# and group id of the file 
# os.stat() method will return a  
# 'stat_result’ object of 
# ‘os.stat_result’ class whose 
# 'st_uid' and 'st_gid' attributes 
# will represent owner id and group id 
# of the file respectively  
print("Owner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid)  
# Change only group id of  
# the file and leave  
# owner id unchanged 
# set id as -1 to leave 
# it unchanged 
uid = 1000
gid = -1
os.lchown(path, uid, gid) 
print("\ngroup id of the file changed") 
# Print the owner id 
# and group id of the file 
print("\nOwner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid) 

os.lchown() method terminal output

# Python program to explain os.lchown() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# File path 
path = "./file.txt"
# Creating a symlink 
# of the above path   
# using os.symlink() method 
symlink = "file(symlink).txt"
os.symlink(path, symlink) 
# Print the current owner id 
# and group id of the file 
# as well as the symlink pointing 
# to the above specified file path  
print("Owner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid)  
print("Owner id of the symlink:", os.stat(symlink).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the symlink:", os.stat(symlink).st_gid)  
# Change the owenership  
# of the symlink pointing  
# to the above file 'file.txt' 
uid = 600
gid = 700
os.lchown(symlink, uid, gid) 
print("\nOwner id and group id changed") 
# Print the owner id 
# and group id of the file 
# as well as the symlink pointing 
# to the above specified file path 
print("\nOwner id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the file:", os.stat(path).st_gid)  
print("Owner id of the symlink:", os.stat(symlink).st_uid) 
print("Group id of the symlink:", os.stat(symlink).st_gid) 
# As os.lchown() method 
# does not follow symlinks 
# so, we can not change the 
# owner and group id  
# through a symlink 

os.lchown() method terminal output

參考: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自ihritik大神的英文原創作品 Python | os.lchown() method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。