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Python os.sysconf()用法及代碼示例




注意: os.sysconf()該方法僅在UNIX平台上可用。

用法: os.sysconf(name)



# Python program to explain os.sysconf() method 
# importing os module  
import os 
# System Configuration variable 
name = "SC_PAGE_SIZE"
# Get the integer-valued  
# configuration value corresponding 
# to the specified configuration  
# variable using os.sysconf() method 
value = os.sysconf(name) 
# Print the configuraton value 
print("% s:" % name, value)  
# System Configuration variable 
name1 = "SC_INT_MIN"
name2 = "SC_INT_MAX"
# Get the integer-valued  
# configuration value corresponding 
# to the specified configuration  
# variable using os.sysconf() method 
value1 = os.sysconf(name1) 
value2 = os.sysconf(name2) 
# Print the configuraton value 
print("% s:" % name1, value1)  
print("% s:" % name2, value2)  
# We can also pass an integer  
# value for name parameter. 
# integer value must be present in 
# os.sysconf_names dictionary as value 
# of any configuration variable 
# for example 
conf_var = "SC_INT_MIN"
name = os.sysconf_names[conf_var] 
print("\nInteger value corresponding to % s:" % conf_var, name) 
# Get the integer-valued  
# configuration value corresponding 
# to the specified integer value  
# using os.sysconf() method 
value = os.sysconf(name) 
# Print the configuraton value 
print("Configuration value corresponding to % s:" % name, value) 
# Note:-1 is returned if the 
# configuration variable is not defined 
# by the system 

Integer value corresponding to SC_INT_MIN:105
Configuration value corresponding to 105:-2147483648
# Python program to explain os.sysconf() method 
# importing os module  
import os 
# System Configuration variable 
name = "PAGE_SIZE"
# If the specified name  
# is not a configuration variable 
# then ValueError Exception  
# is raised 
value = os.sysconf(name) 
print("% s:" % name, value) 
# Similarly, if the a specific 
# value for name parameter is 
# not supported by host operating system 
# then OSError exception 
# is raised.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sysconf.py", line 15, in 
    value = os.sysconf(name)
ValueError:unrecognized configuration name
# Python program to explain os.sysconf() method 
# importing os module  
import os 
# System Configuration variable 
name = "PAGE_SIZE"
# we can handle exception 
# using try and except block 
# Try getting the system  
# configuration value corresponding  
# to specified configuration variable 
try :
    value = os.sysconf(name) 
    print("% s:" % name, value) 
# If the specified name is 
# not a configuration variable 
except ValueError:
    print("'% s' is not a configuration variable" % name) 
# If the specified name is 
# not supported by the  
# operating system  
except OSError:
    print("'% s' is not supported by Operating system" % name) 
'PAGE_SIZE' is not a configuration variable


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自ihritik大神的英文原創作品 Python | os.sysconf() method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。