本文整理匯總了TypeScript中Immutable.Map.isMap方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript Map.isMap方法的具體用法?TypeScript Map.isMap怎麽用?TypeScript Map.isMap使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類Immutable.Map
示例1: to_key
export function to_key(s: any): string {
if (immutable.Map.isMap(s)) {
s = s.toJS();
// NOTE: s is not undefined.
return json_stable(s) as string;
示例2: function
protected call<T>(method, url, data: any = {}) {
if(Map.isMap(data)) {
data = data.toObject();
// Api prefix
url = "/api/" + url;
const options = {method: method, url, json: true, body: JSON.stringify(data)};
const observable = new Subject<T>();
console.log(`$$$Making a ${method} request to ${url}`);
console.log("$$$Data", data);
request<any>(options, function(err, response) {
if(err) {
} else {
return observable;
示例3: it
it('can compose Immutable::Map initial states', () => {
const state = compose(fromJS({a: 1}), fromJS({b: 1}), fromJS({c: 1}));
const plain = state.toJS();
expect(plain).to.deep.equal({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1});
var options = (function () {
if (_.isString(name)) {
return {app: name};
if (Immutable.Map.isMap(name)) {
return name.toJS();
return {};
value.forEach(function(value) {
if (_.isString(value)) {
} else {
if (Map.isMap(value)) {
示例6: addToFilesOption
export function addToFilesOption(incoming: BsTempOptions): TransformResult {
if (!incoming.get("watch")) {
return [incoming, []];
let serverPaths = [];
const fromServeStatic = incoming
.get("serveStatic", List([]))
const ssPaths = fromServeStatic
.reduce((acc, ss) => {
if (typeof ss === "string") {
return acc.concat(ss);
if (ss.dir && typeof ss.dir === "string") {
return acc.concat(ss);
return acc;
}, []);
ssPaths.forEach(p => serverPaths.push(p));
const server = incoming.get("server");
if (server) {
if (server === true) {
if (typeof server === "string") {
if (
List.isList(server) &&
server.every(x => typeof x === "string")
) {
server.forEach(s => serverPaths.push(s));
if (Map.isMap(server)) {
const baseDirProp = server.get("baseDir");
const baseDirs = List([]).concat(baseDirProp).filter(Boolean);
baseDirs.forEach(s => serverPaths.push(s));
const output = incoming.update("files", files => {
return List([])
.concat(files, serverPaths)
return [output, []];
示例7: TypeError
Object.keys(bundle).map(key => {
if (isJSONKey(key)) {
if (ImmutableMap.isMap(bundle[key])) {
bundle[key] = bundle[key].toJS();
return bundle;
const data = bundle[key];
if (typeof data === "string" || Array.isArray(data)) {
bundle[key] = remultiline(data);
return bundle;
throw new TypeError(
`Data for ${key} is expected to be a string or an Array of strings`
示例8: resolveOne
* @param {string|Immutable.Map} item
* @returns {Map}
function resolveOne (item) {
* If only a string was given, eg plugins: ['my-plugin']
* just use node's require to bring in the module with default args
if (isString(item)) {
return Imm.fromJS(resolvePluginFromString(item));
* If a function was given, simulate a module:init structure
if (typeof item === 'function') {
return new Plugin().mergeDeep({
module: {
init: item
* If an object is given, with a module property that's a string,
* use that string to resolve the module with default options
* and then merge from the top level. This is
* to ensure things such as options/active state are not missed
* eg: plugins: [{module: './lib/plugin', options: {name: 'shane}}}]
if (isString(item.get('module'))) {
return resolvePluginFromString(item.get('module')).mergeDeep(item.delete('module'));
if (Imm.Map.isMap(item.get('module'))) {
return new Plugin().mergeDeep(item);
* Final use-case is a plain object, with a module property
* that is an object. This is to allow plugins directly in the
* configuration, skipping the node require lookup
return new Plugin().mergeDeep({module: item});
示例9: handleServerOption
export function handleServerOption(incoming: BsTempOptions): TransformResult {
const value = incoming.get('server');
if (value === false) {
return [incoming, []];
// server: true
if (value === true) {
const obj: IServerOption = {
baseDir: ["./"]
return [incoming.set('server', fromJS(obj)), []];
// server: "./app"
if (typeof value === "string") {
const obj: IServerOption = {
baseDir: [value]
return [incoming.set('server', fromJS(obj)), []];
if (List.isList(value)) {
const obj: IServerOption = {
baseDir: value
return [incoming.set('server', fromJS(obj)), []];
if (Map.isMap(value)) {
const dirs = List([])
.concat(value.get("baseDir", "./"))
const merged = value.merge({baseDir: dirs});
return [incoming.set('server', merged), []];
return [incoming, []];
示例10: select
private select(where: WhereCondition): immutable.Set<number> {
if (immutable.Map.isMap(where)) {
// TODO: maybe do not allow?
where = where.toJS();
// Return immutable set with defined indexes the elts of @_records that
// satisfy the where condition.
const n: number = len(where);
let result: immutable.Set<number> | undefined = undefined;
for (let field in where) {
const value = where[field];
const index = this.indexes.get(field);
if (index == null) {
throw Error(`field '${field}' must be a primary key`);
const v: immutable.Set<number> | undefined = index.get(to_key(value));
// v may be undefined here
if (v == null) {
return immutable.Set(); // no matches for this field - done
if (n === 1) {
// no need to do further intersection
return v;
if (result != null) {
// intersect with what we've found so far via indexes.
result = result.intersect(v);
} else {
result = v;
if (result == null) {
// where condition must have been empty -- matches everything
return this.everything;
} else {
return result;