本文整理匯總了TypeScript中Immutable.Map.has方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript Map.has方法的具體用法?TypeScript Map.has怎麽用?TypeScript Map.has使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類Immutable.Map
示例1: transform
* Brief format for references
transform(item: Map<string, any>): string {
let referenceHTML = '';
let hasRefUrl = false;
let title = '';
let author = '';
let arxivEprint = '';
let label = '';
let pubNote = '';
let reportNumber = '';
let misc = '';
hasRefUrl = item.hasIn(['record', '$ref']);
item = item.get('reference');
if (!item) {
return referenceHTML;
arxivEprint = item.get('arxiv_eprint', '');
reportNumber = item.getIn(['report_numbers', 0], '');
if (item.has('label')) {
label = `[${item.get('label')}] `;
if (item.has('titles')) {
title = item.getIn(['titles', 0, 'title'], '');
if (item.has('authors')) {
author = item.getIn(['authors', 0, 'full_name'], '') + ' ';
if (item.get('authors').size > 1) {
author += 'el al. ';
if (item.has('publication_info')) {
pubNote += item.getIn(['publication_info', 'journal_title'], '') + ' ';
pubNote += item.getIn(['publication_info', 'journal_volume'], '') + ' ';
pubNote += '(' + item.getIn(['publication_info', 'year'], '') + ') ';
pubNote += item.getIn(['publication_info', 'artid'], '') + ' ';
if (!author) {
if (item.has('collaborations')) {
author = item.getIn(['collaborations', 0]) + ' ';
if (!hasRefUrl) {
misc = item.getIn(['misc', 0], '');
referenceHTML = label + title + author + pubNote + arxivEprint + reportNumber + misc;
return referenceHTML;
示例2: binary
binary(n: ast.BinaryExpr): string {
// exponentiation isn't a builtin operator in JS, it
// is implemented as a function in the Math module.
if (n.op === '^') {
const l = n.l.walk(this);
const r = n.r.walk(this);
return `Math.pow(${l}, ${r})`;
} else if (n.op === '=' && n.l instanceof ast.Constant && isNaN(n.l.value)) {
const r = n.r.walk(this);
return `isNaN(${r})`;
} else if (n.op === '=' && n.r instanceof ast.Constant && isNaN(n.r.value)) {
const l = n.r.walk(this);
return `isNaN(${l})`;
let op = n.op;
// only need to convert some of them
if (JsOps.has(n.op)) {
op = defined(JsOps.get(n.op));
const l = n.l.walk(this);
const r = n.r.walk(this);
return `${l} ${op} ${r}`;
示例3: referencedModels
export function referencedModels(
project: Project,
mod: Module,
all?: Map<string, ModelDef>,
): Map<string, ModelDef> {
if (!all) {
all = Map();
const mdl = defined(project.model(mod.modelName));
const name = mdl.ident;
if (all.has(name)) {
const def = defined(all.get(name)).update('modules', (modules: Set<Module>) =>
all = all.set(name, def);
} else {
all = all.set(
new ModelDef({
model: mdl,
modules: Set<Module>([mod]),
for (const [name, module] of mdl.modules) {
all = referencedModels(project, module, all);
return all;
示例4: getDiskAllocation
public getDiskAllocation(disk: any) {
let allocation;
if (this.diskUsage.has('attached') && (this.diskUsage.get('attached').has(disk.path) || this.diskUsage.get('attached').has(disk.id))) {
allocation = {
name: this.diskUsage.get('attached').get(disk.path) || this.diskUsage.get('attached').get(disk.id),
type: 'VOLUME'
} else if (this.diskUsage.has('detached') && (this.diskUsage.get('detached').has(disk.path) || this.diskUsage.get('detached').has(disk.id))) {
allocation = {
name: this.diskUsage.get('detached').get(disk.path) || this.diskUsage.get('detached').get(disk.id),
} else if (this.diskUsage.has('boot') && (this.diskUsage.get('boot').has(disk.path) || this.diskUsage.get('boot').has(disk.id))) {
allocation = {
type: 'BOOT'
return allocation;
示例5: model
model(name?: string): type.Model | undefined {
if (!name) {
name = 'main';
if (this.models.has(name)) {
return this.models.get(name);
return this.models.get('stdlib¡' + name);
示例6: addFile
addFile(xmileDoc: XMLDocument, isMain = false): [Project, undefined] | [undefined, Error] {
const [file, err] = Project.parseFile(xmileDoc);
if (err) {
return [undefined, err];
const files = this.files.push(defined(file));
// FIXME: merge the other parts of the model into the project
const models = Map(
(xModel): [string, Model] => {
const model = new Model(this, xModel);
return [model.ident, model];
let dupErr: Error | undefined;
models.forEach((model, name) => {
if (this.models.has(name)) {
dupErr = new Error(`duplicate name ${name}`);
if (dupErr) {
return [undefined, dupErr];
const xMod = new xmile.Variable({
type: 'module',
name: 'main',
const main = new Module(xMod);
let newProject = this.mergeDeep({
models: this.models.merge(models),
if (models.has('main') && defined(file).header && defined(defined(file).header).name) {
newProject = newProject.set('name', defined(defined(file).header).name);
return [newProject, undefined];
示例7: lexIdentifier
private lexIdentifier(startPos: SourceLoc): Token {
const quoted = this.rpeek === '"';
const line = this.line;
const pos = this.pos;
if (quoted) {
let r: string | null;
while ((r = this.nextRune())) {
if (r === null) {
if ((isIdentifierStart(r) && r !== '"') || /\d/.test(r)) {
if (quoted) {
if (r === '"') {
// eat closing "
// any utf-8 chars are valid inside quotes
const len = this.pos - pos;
let ident = this.text.substring(pos, pos + len);
let type = TokenType.IDENT;
if (reserved.has(ident)) {
type = TokenType.RESERVED;
} else if (OP.has(ident)) {
type = TokenType.TOKEN;
ident = defined(OP.get(ident));
return new Token(ident, type, startPos, startPos.off(len));
_.forEachRight(uiObjects, uiObject => {
if (!state.has(uiObject.id) && (!objectType || objectType === uiObject._objectType)) {
uiObjects.splice(_.indexOf(uiObjects, uiObject), 1);
示例9: isDiskUsed
private isDiskUsed(disk: any, diskUsage: Map<string, string>) {
return diskUsage && (diskUsage.has(disk.get('path')) || diskUsage.has(disk.get('id')));
示例10: Error
models.forEach((model, name) => {
if (this.models.has(name)) {
dupErr = new Error(`duplicate name ${name}`);