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C++ std::includes()用法及代码示例


语法1:使用运算符“ <”

  bool includes (initer1 beg1, initer1 end1,
                        initer2 beg2, initer2 end2,)
beg1:  Input iterator to initial position of first sorted sequence.
end1:  Input iterator to final position of first sorted sequence.

beg2:  Input iterator to initial position of second sorted sequence.
end2:  Input iterator to final position of second sorted sequence.

True if every element of 2nd container lies in 1st container.

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of  
// includes() implementation 1 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
    // initializing 1st container 
    vector<int> arr1 = { 1, 4, 6, 3, 2 }; 
    // initializing 2nd container 
    vector<int> arr2 = { 1, 2, 4 }; 
    // sorting initial containers 
    sort(arr1.begin(), arr1.end()); 
    sort(arr2.begin(), arr2.end()); 
    // using include() check if all elements  
    // of arr2 lie in arr1  
    if(includes(arr1.begin(), arr1.end(), arr2.begin(), arr2.end())) 
    cout << "All elements of 2nd container are in 1st container"; 
    cout << "All elements of 2nd container are not in 1st container"; 


All elements of 2nd container are in 1st container


  bool includes (initer1 beg1, initer1 end1,
                        initer2 beg2, initer2 end2, Compare comp)
beg1:  Input iterator to initial position of first sorted sequence.
end1:  Input iterator to final position of first sorted sequence.

beg2:  Input iterator to initial position of second sorted sequence.
end2:  Input iterator to final position of second sorted sequence.

comp: The comparator function that returns a boolean
true/false of the each elements compared. This function 
accepts two arguments. This can be function pointer or 
function object and cannot change values.

True if every element of 2nd container lies in 1st container.

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of  
// includes() implementation 2 
using namespace std; 
// comparator function 
bool comp (int i, int j) { return i<j; } 
int main() 
    // initializing 1st container 
    vector<int> arr1 = { 1, 4, 6, 3, 2 }; 
    // initializing 2nd container 
    vector<int> arr2 = { 1, 2, 4 }; 
    // sorting initial containers 
    sort(arr1.begin(), arr1.end()); 
    sort(arr2.begin(), arr2.end()); 
    // using include() check if all elements  
    // of arr2 lie in arr1  
    // using comparator function 
    if(includes(arr1.begin(), arr1.end(), arr2.begin(), arr2.end(), comp)) 
    cout << "All elements of 2nd container are in 1st container"; 
    cout << "All elements of 2nd container are not in 1st container"; 


All elements of 2nd container are in 1st container


// C++ code to demonstrate the application of  
// includes()  
using namespace std; 
int main() 
    // lottery numbers 
    vector<int> lottery = { 1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 54 , 32 }; 
    // Numbers in user's card 
    vector<int> user = { 1, 2, 4, 6 }; 
    // sorting initial containers 
    sort(lottery.begin(), lottery.end()); 
    sort(user.begin(), user.end()); 
    // using include() check if all elements  
    // of user are present as lottery numbers 
    if(includes(lottery.begin(), lottery.end(), user.begin(), user.end())) 
    cout << "User has won lottery ( all numbers are lottey numbers )"; 
    cout << "User has not won the lottery"; 


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自 std::includes() in C++ STL。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。