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Ruby Numeric.step用法及代码示例

本文简要介绍ruby语言中 Numeric.step 的用法。


step(to = nil, by = 1) {|n| ... } → self
step(to = nil, by = 1) → enumerator
step(to = nil, by: 1) {|n| ... } → self
step(to = nil, by: 1) → enumerator
step(by: 1, to: ) {|n| ... } → self
step(by: 1, to: ) → enumerator
step(by: , to: nil) {|n| ... } → self
step(by: , to: nil) → enumerator
Generates a sequence of numbers; with a block given, traverses the sequence.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes,
Integer, Float, and Rational use this implementation.

A quick example:

  squares = []
  1.step(by: 2, to: 10) {|i| squares.push(i*i) }
  squares # => [1, 9, 25, 49, 81]

The generated sequence:

- Begins with +self+.
- Continues at intervals of +step+ (which may not be zero).
- Ends with the last number that is within or equal to +limit+;
  that is, less than or equal to +limit+ if +step+ is positive,
  greater than or equal to +limit+ if +step+ is negative.
  If +limit+ is not given, the sequence is of infinite length.

If a block is given, calls the block with each number in the sequence;
returns +self+.  If no block is given, returns an Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence.

<b>Keyword Arguments</b>

With keyword arguments +by+ and +to+,
their values (or defaults) determine the step and limit:

  # Both keywords given.
  squares = []
  4.step(by: 2, to: 10) {|i| squares.push(i*i) }    # => 4
  squares # => [16, 36, 64, 100]
  cubes = []
  3.step(by: -1.5, to: -3) {|i| cubes.push(i*i*i) } # => 3
  cubes   # => [27.0, 3.375, 0.0, -3.375, -27.0]
  squares = []
  1.2.step(by: 0.2, to: 2.0) {|f| squares.push(f*f) }
  squares # => [1.44, 1.9599999999999997, 2.5600000000000005, 3.24, 4.0]

  squares = []
  Rational(6/5).step(by: 0.2, to: 2.0) {|r| squares.push(r*r) }
  squares # => [1.0, 1.44, 1.9599999999999997, 2.5600000000000005, 3.24, 4.0]

  # Only keyword to given.
  squares = []
  4.step(to: 10) {|i| squares.push(i*i) }           # => 4
  squares # => [16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
  # Only by given.

  # Only keyword by given
  squares = []
  4.step(by:2) {|i| squares.push(i*i); break if i > 10 }
  squares # => [16, 36, 64, 100, 144]

  # No block given.
  e = 3.step(by: -1.5, to: -3) # => (3.step(by: -1.5, to: -3))
  e.class                      # => Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence

<b>Positional Arguments</b>

With optional positional arguments +limit+ and +step+,
their values (or defaults) determine the step and limit:

  squares = []
  4.step(10, 2) {|i| squares.push(i*i) }    # => 4
  squares # => [16, 36, 64, 100]
  squares = []
  4.step(10) {|i| squares.push(i*i) }
  squares # => [16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
  squares = []
  4.step {|i| squares.push(i*i); break if i > 10 }  # => nil
  squares # => [16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121]


If all the arguments are integers, the loop operates using an integer

If any of the arguments are floating point numbers, all are converted
to floats, and the loop is executed
<i>floor(n + n*Float::EPSILON) + 1</i> times,
where <i>n = (limit - self)/step</i>.


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自ruby-lang.org大神的英文原创作品 Numeric.step。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。