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Python os.path.getatime()用法及代码示例

Python中的OS模块提供了与操作系统进行交互的函数。操作系统属于Python的标准实用程序模块。该模块提供了使用依赖于操作系统的函数的便携式方法。 os.path模块是Python中OS模块的子模块,用于通用路径名操作。



用法: os.path.getatime(path)

path:代表文件系统路径的path-like对象。 path-like对象是表示路径的字符串或字节对象。

返回类型:此方法返回“ float”类的浮点值,该值表示最后一次访问指定路径的时间(以秒为单位)。


# Python program to explain os.path.getatime() method  
# importing os and time module  
import os 
import time 
# Path 
path = '/home/User/Documents/file.txt'
# Get the time of last 
# access of the specified 
# path since the epoch 
access_time = os.path.getatime(path) 
print("Last access time since the epoch:", access_time) 
# convert the time in 
# seconds since epoch 
# to local time 
local_time = time.ctime(access_time) 
print("Last access time(Local time):", local_time)
Last access time since the epoch: 1558447897.0442736
Last access time (Local time): Tue May 21 19:41:37 2019


# Python program to explain os.path.getatime() method  
# importing os, time and sys module  
import os 
import sys 
import time 
# Path 
path = '/home/User/Documents/file2.txt'
# Get the time of last 
# access of the specified 
# path since the epoch 
    access_time = os.path.getatime(path) 
    print("Last access time since the epoch:", access_time) 
except OSError: 
    print("Path '%s' does not exists or is inaccessible" %path) 
# convert the time in 
# seconds since epoch 
# to local time 
local_time = time.ctime(access_time) 
print("Last access time(Local time):", local_time) 
# above code will print 
# 'File does not exists or is inaccessible' 
# if the specified path does not 
# exists or is inaccessible 
Path '/home/User/Documents/file2.txt' does not exists or is inaccessible

参考: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自ihritik大神的英文原创作品 Python | os.path.getatime() method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。