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Python os.fchmod()用法及代码示例


os.fchmod()Python中的方法用于将指定文件描述符给定的文件模式更改为指定数字模式。此方法等效于os.chmod(fd, mode)


用法: os.fchmod(fd, mode)


  • stat.S_ISUID:在执行时设置用户ID
  • stat.S_ISGID:在执行时设置组ID
  • stat.S_ENFMT:强制执行记录锁定
  • stat.S_ISVTX:执行后保存文字图片
  • stat.S_IREAD:由所有者阅读。
  • stat.S_IWRITE:由所有者写。
  • stat.S_IEXEC:由所有者执行。
  • stat.S_IRWXU:由所有者读取,写入和执行
  • stat.S_IRUSR:由所有者阅读
  • stat.S_IWUSR:由所有者写。
  • stat.S_IXUSR:由所有者执行。
  • stat.S_IRWXG:按组读取,写入和执行
  • stat.S_IRGRP:按组阅读
  • stat.S_IWGRP:按组写
  • stat.S_IXGRP:按组执行
  • stat.S_IRWXO:由他人读取,写入和执行。
  • stat.S_IROTH:他人阅读
  • stat.S_IWOTH:别人写
  • stat.S_IXOTH:被他人执行



# Python program to explain os.fchmod() method 
# importing os module 
import os 
# importing stat module 
import stat 
# File name 
filename = "file.txt"
# Open the specified file and  
# get the file descriptor  
# associated with it using  
# os.open() method 
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR) 
# Print the current numeric mode 
# (octal notation ) of the file  
mode = oct(os.stat(fd).st_mode)[-3:] 
print("Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation):", mode) 
# Now change the mode  
# of the file 
# octal value 777 as mode means 
# read write and execute permission  
# for owner, group and others 
mode = 0o777
os.fchmod(fd, mode) 
print("\nFile mode changed successfully") 
# Print the changed numeric mode 
# (octal notation ) of the file  
mode = oct(os.stat(fd).st_mode)[-3:] 
print("Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation):", mode) 
# mode parameter can be also 
# given by flags defined in 
# stat module 
# Chnage mode 
mode = stat.S_IRWXU 
os.fchmod(fd, mode) 
print("\nFile mode changed successfully") 
print("Now, File can be read, write and executed by owner only") 
# Print the changed numeric mode 
# (octal notation ) of the file  
mode = oct(os.stat(fd).st_mode)[-3:] 
print("Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation):", mode) 
# change mode 
mode = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP  
os.fchmod(fd, mode) 
print("\nFile mode changed successfully") 
print("Now, File can be read, write and executed \ 
by owner but can be read by group") 
# Print the changed numeric mode 
# (octal notation ) of the file  
mode = oct(os.stat(fd).st_mode)[-3:] 
print("Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation):", mode) 
# Close the file descriptor 
Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation): 666

File mode changed successfully
Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation): 777

File mode changed successfully
Now, File can be read, write and executed by owner only
Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation): 700

File mode changed successfully
Now, File can be read, write and executed by owner but can be read by group
Current numeric mode of the file (octal notation): 740


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自ihritik大神的英文原创作品 Python | os.fchmod() method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。